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This is something you should be

aware of so you don't get blind-sided.

This is really going to catch a lot

of families off guard. It should

make you worry.

Proposed changes in taxes after 2008 General election:



0% on home sales up to $500,000

per home (couples) McCain does not

propose any change in existing

home sales income tax.


28% on profit from ALL home sales

How does this affect you?

If you sell your home and make a profit, you

will pay 28% of your gain on taxes.

If you are heading toward retirement

and would like to down-size your

home or move into a retirement

community, 28% of the money you

make from your home will go to taxes. This

proposal will adversely affect the

elderly who are counting on the income

from their homes as part of their retirement income.


MCCAIN 15% (no change)

OBAMA 39.6%

How will this affect you?

If you have any money invested in stock

market, IRA, mutual funds,

college funds, life insurance, retirement

accounts, or anything that pays

or reinvests dividends, you will now

be paying nearly 40% of the money

earned on taxes if Obama become president.

The experts predict that 'higher

tax rates on dividends and capital gains

would crash the stock market yet

do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit.


MCCAIN (no changes)

Single making 30K - tax $4,500

Single making 50K - tax $12,500

Single making 75K - tax $18,750

Married making 60K- tax $9,000

Married making 75K - tax $18,750

Married making 125K - tax $31,250


(reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)

Single making 30K - tax $8,400

Single making 50K - tax $14,000

Single making 75K - tax $23,250

Married making 60K - tax $16,800

Married making 75K - tax $21,000

Married making 125K - tax $38,750

Under Obama your taxes will

more than double!

How does this affect you? No explanation

needed. This is pretty

straight forward.


MCCAIN 0% (No change, Bush repealed this tax)

OBAMA Restore the inheritance tax

How does this affect you? Many families

have lost businesses, farms and ranches, and homes

that have been in their families for generations because they could not

afford the inheritance tax. Those willing their assets to loved

ones will not only lose them to< BR>these taxes.


* New government taxes proposed on homes that are more than 2400 square feet

* New gasoline taxes (as if gas weren't high enough already)

* New taxes on natural resources consumption (heating, gas, water, electricity)

* New taxes on retirement accounts and last but not least....

* New taxes to pay for socialized medicine so we can receive the same level of medical care as other third-world countries!!!

Edited by DeepGreen
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This is something you should be

aware of so you don't get blind-sided.

This is really going to catch a lot

of families off guard. It should

make you worry.

Proposed changes in taxes after 2008 General election:



0% on home sales up to $500,000

per home (couples) McCain does not

propose any change in existing

home sales income tax.


28% on profit from ALL home sales

How does this affect you?

If you sell your home and make a profit, you

will pay 28% of your gain on taxes.

If you are heading toward retirement

and would like to down-size your

home or move into a retirement

community, 28% of the money you

make from your home will go to taxes. This

proposal will adversely affect the

elderly who are counting on the income

from their homes as part of their retirement income.


MCCAIN 15% (no change)

OBAMA 39.6%

How will this affect you?

If you have any money invested in stock

market, IRA, mutual funds,

college funds, life insurance, retirement

accounts, or anything that pays

or reinvests dividends, you will now

be paying nearly 40% of the money

earned on taxes if Obama become president.

The experts predict that 'higher

tax rates on dividends and capital gains

would crash the stock market yet

do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit.


MCCAIN (no changes)

Single making 30K - tax $4,500

Single making 50K - tax $12,500

Single making 75K - tax $18,750

Married making 60K- tax $9,000

Married making 75K - tax $18,750

Married making 125K - tax $31,250


(reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)

Single making 30K - tax $8,400

Single making 50K - tax $14,000

Single making 75K - tax $23,250

Married making 60K - tax $16,800

Married making 75K - tax $21,000

Married making 125K - tax $38,750

Under Obama your taxes will

more than double!

How does this affect you? No explanation

needed. This is pretty

straight forward.


MCCAIN 0% (No change, Bush repealed this tax)

OBAMA Restore the inheritance tax

How does this affect you? Many families

have lost businesses, farms and ranches, and homes

that have been in their families for generations because they could not

afford the inheritance tax. Those willing their assets to loved

ones will not only lose them to< BR>these taxes.


* New government taxes proposed on homes that are more than 2400 square feet

* New gasoline taxes (as if gas weren't high enough already)

* New taxes on natural resources consumption (heating, gas, water, electricity)

* New taxes on retirement accounts and last but not least....

* New taxes to pay for socialized medicine so we can receive the same level of medical care as other third-world countries!!!

--Where did this data come from.... Rush Limbough... ??

---These look as credible as 1."Obama is as Islamic. 2. He took the oath of office using the Koran. 3. He won't say the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. He won't wear a Flag pin..... and more.... all of which is pure horse-manure... What happened to family values...?? I guess honesty isn't one of them.

PS: The inheritance tax still exists ... it just has higher limits than it once did. It should be raised even more because a lot of family businesses are destroyed because of this tax and people are put out of work when it has to be sold or partially sold to pay the tax. The tax hurts not just the wealthy (who often don't have a lot of cash.... ranches, large scale farmers, and family owned busineses such as plumbing companies) but also their employees.

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This is something you should be

aware of so you don't get blind-sided.

This is really going to catch a lot

of families off guard. It should

make you worry.

Proposed changes in taxes after 2008 General election:



0% on home sales up to $500,000

per home (couples) McCain does not

propose any change in existing

home sales income tax.


28% on profit from ALL home sales

How does this affect you?

If you sell your home and make a profit, you

will pay 28% of your gain on taxes.

If you are heading toward retirement

and would like to down-size your

home or move into a retirement

community, 28% of the money you

make from your home will go to taxes. This

proposal will adversely affect the

elderly who are counting on the income

from their homes as part of their retirement income.


MCCAIN 15% (no change)

OBAMA 39.6%

How will this affect you?

If you have any money invested in stock

market, IRA, mutual funds,

college funds, life insurance, retirement

accounts, or anything that pays

or reinvests dividends, you will now

be paying nearly 40% of the money

earned on taxes if Obama become president.

The experts predict that 'higher

tax rates on dividends and capital gains

would crash the stock market yet

do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit.


MCCAIN (no changes)

Single making 30K - tax $4,500

Single making 50K - tax $12,500

Single making 75K - tax $18,750

Married making 60K- tax $9,000

Married making 75K - tax $18,750

Married making 125K - tax $31,250


(reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)

Single making 30K - tax $8,400

Single making 50K - tax $14,000

Single making 75K - tax $23,250

Married making 60K - tax $16,800

Married making 75K - tax $21,000

Married making 125K - tax $38,750

Under Obama your taxes will

more than double!

How does this affect you? No explanation

needed. This is pretty

straight forward.


MCCAIN 0% (No change, Bush repealed this tax)

OBAMA Restore the inheritance tax

How does this affect you? Many families

have lost businesses, farms and ranches, and homes

that have been in their families for generations because they could not

afford the inheritance tax. Those willing their assets to loved

ones will not only lose them to< BR>these taxes.


* New government taxes proposed on homes that are more than 2400 square feet

* New gasoline taxes (as if gas weren't high enough already)

* New taxes on natural resources consumption (heating, gas, water, electricity)

* New taxes on retirement accounts and last but not least....

* New taxes to pay for socialized medicine so we can receive the same level of medical care as other third-world countries!!!

Pretty dang scarey isn't it. Yet so many never really do enough research to find out how they will be affected.

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Guest JohnDenver

Pretty dang scarey isn't it. Yet so many never really do enough research to find out how they will be affected.

Pretty dang scary that we, the internet generation, can't use the internet to check these claims.

You post this out like my grandmother emails me about how the government is trying to crush Christians.

NOT Obama's policy: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/594/

More: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/ar...k-chain-e-mail/

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Yikes...gotta love the fact that 99.9% of it is not based on anything Obama has said or proposed!

Well, I wouldn't say that.

Obama Pushes for Higher Investment Taxes


Of course, it doesn't matter... Presidents on their own cannot set the tax rates. The question is what will this Do-Nothing Congress do about taxes if they have a Democratic President in office?

Edited by UNTflyer
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Whether or not these figures are true, what is true that the democratic agenda is (1) increase taxes, (2) decrease military funding, (3) implement socialized medicine. No thanks to any of these - ever. I'd vote for Bugs Bunny for president (or Congress) than a democrat.

Edited by chrisfisher
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Whether or not these figures are true, what is true that the democratic agenda is (1) increase taxes, (2) decrease military funding, (3) implement socialized medicine. No thanks to any of these - ever. I'd vote for Bugs Bunny for president (or Congress) than a democrat.

He has made it pretty clear that he wants to give ALL high school students free college education, and that he wants to implement a National Heathcare system, both of these would mean MUCH higher taxes. He also has a plan for a Global Welfare system that he feels that we should be leaders in implementing.

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This is funny.....but sad at the same time because so many have bought into this guy's empty message.


The "Obama" Prayer

Our Obama, who art from heaven, or Hawaii, or possibly Chicago,

Liberal be thy name,

Thy presidency come,

Thy will be done,

On Earth, as it is in San Francisco.

Give us this day our daily handouts.

And forgive us our individualism,

As we forgive those who don't properly inflate their tires.

And lead us not into the Clintons,

But deliver us from McCain

For thine is the kingdom,

and the power, and the glory,

for two full terms.

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It is interesting. And ridiculous. He was pointing out passages that would not fit in with American "values", and then the narrator decided to talk about completely different pasages. The point seemed to be that we shouldn't be taking every little thing that fit with Levitican law and the like and turning it into policy...and they want to twist it into making it seem like he's against the Ten Commandments.

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2) decrease military funding

You sure?

This is from OB's campaign website, on this page: http://www.barackobama.com/issues/defense/

Expand to Meet Military Needs on the Ground: Barack Obama supports plans to increase the size of the Army by 65,000 soldiers and the Marines by 27,000 troops. Increasing our end strength will help units retrain and re-equip properly between deployments and decrease the strain on military families.


Barack Obama believes we must get vitally needed equipment to our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines before lives are lost. We cannot repeat such failures as the delays in deployment of armored vehicles, body armor and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles that save lives on the frontlines.

as well as

We must preserve our unparalleled airpower capabilities to deter and defeat any conventional competitors, swiftly respond to crises across the globe, and support our ground forces. We need greater investment in advanced technology ranging from the revolutionary, like Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and electronic warfare capabilities, to essential systems like the C-17 cargo and KC-X air refueling aircraft, which provide the backbone of our ability to extend global power.
You can't do that on pocket change. Honestly, looking at both candidates' stands, they're both moving to the center and becoming more moderate, which is honestly a pretty good idea. We really do need a president that can handle affairs at home and abroad with at least somewhat equal prowess.

This is funny.....but sad at the same time because so many have bought into this guy's empty message.


The "Obama" Prayer

This doesn't pass for political discussion, this is some random chain letter. Really, some McCain and Obama supporters on this board are doing it right - point by point, showing actual evidence or citing something credible, or at least arguing points and issues. This comes off the same way as an Obama supporter running around calling McCain a warhawk and a babykiller.

lol at that video... I needed a good laugh, that narrator was about the funniest person on the face of the earth.. lol wow conservatives are really grasping for anything to try to gain a little leverage in the election.. lol

Wow, that video is pretty much grasping at straws. Okay, now I'm not really a religious person - while I do believe religion has a place in people's lives, and it does, it has no place in government. It can influence their decisions as anything else may. Religion, at least in this nation, can't have a place in government in a nation with so many people of different religions. If for no other reason than the simple fact that the representative government won't be representing the people it's supposed to. If for no other reason than that faiths used in government have a horrible tendency to divide people. Want proof? History's got it all over the globe in countless instances. We don't need that here.

Edited by meangreendork
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This doesn't pass for political discussion, this is some random chain letter. Really, some McCain and Obama supporters on this board are doing it right - point by point, showing actual evidence or citing something credible, or at least arguing points and issues. This comes off the same way as an Obama supporter running around calling McCain a warhawk and a babykiller.

I wasn't passing it off as political discussion. It's humor, plus it's the impression the guy has from his talking points and the sickening love fest the media has had with him. He can move to becoming moderate all he wants but his history speaks for itself. McCain certainly isn't the best candidate from all the choices we had at the beginning of this race. But Hussien Obama was by far the one of the worst. When 38,000 replublicans statewide cross party lines to vote for that witch Hillary, that should tell you something where B.O. stands in the eyes of Texas?


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Okay, now I'm not really a religious person - while I do believe religion has a place in people's lives, and it does, it has no place in government. It can influence their decisions as anything else may. Religion, at least in this nation, can't have a place in government in a nation with so many people of different religions. If for no other reason than the simple fact that the representative government won't be representing the people it's supposed to. If for no other reason than that faiths used in government have a horrible tendency to divide people. Want proof? History's got it all over the globe in countless instances. We don't need that here.

Eh...keep in mind that most of the main principles of law, etc. are also attached to many religions. There's always going to be a little bit of a crossover when it comes to right and wrong. I don't think you could ever keep religion completely out of politics for that reason-even if the politician isn't religious, lots of religions still go against murder, theft, etc. But if somebody shows up trying to base all of their policy ideas on Leviticus, I'm definitely not voting for them!

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Eh...keep in mind that most of the main principles of law, etc. are also attached to many religions. There's always going to be a little bit of a crossover when it comes to right and wrong. I don't think you could ever keep religion completely out of politics for that reason-even if the politician isn't religious, lots of religions still go against murder, theft, etc. But if somebody shows up trying to base all of their policy ideas on Leviticus, I'm definitely not voting for them!

Yeah, I know. That's why I put that part in there about it influencing decision-making and whatnot. The crossover is always fine and that's actually encouraged because religions help determine right and wrong with many people, even myself, and I'm no longer a practicing baptist. But yeah, people don't need to be drawing policy ideas straight out of the Bible or Qu'ran or anything else.

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...But Hussien Obama was by far the one of the worst. When 38,000 replublicans statewide cross party lines to vote for that witch Hillary, that should tell you something where B.O. stands in the eyes of Texas?


"I'll use his middle name because it means he's a Muslim terrorist (and we all know that all Muslims are terrorists, but I will enforce it in case they don't) and I'll use his initials because they also mean "body odor" because I think he stinks. I'm so clever."

Surely you can discuss politics in a somewhat educated manner as other are doing instead of resorting to snide wordplay, right?

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Surely you can discuss politics in a somewhat educated manner as other are doing instead of resorting to snide wordplay, right?

FFR isn't new to the board...if you scroll back through some of his other posts I think you'll find your answer to be a resounding no.

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