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Linking To Drc Content

Brett Vito

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After a little debate today in our offices at the Denton Record-Chronicle, the paper has come to the conclusion that it would be in the best interest of the paper and our readers to strike up a relationship with the Mean Green fans that frequent this site. As some of you know, I have always kept up with what is said here and respect the opinions of the regulars or anyone who is willing to say what they are thinking. What the DRC would like to do in the future is to post links to the content on our sites -- the DRC and the Mean Green Blog -- using my name. That way, I don't have to try to run down Harry or another friend to get a link up to steer readers to our site if something breaks or wonder if someone will happen upon it in a timely fashion. It's a little more honest that way, or at least that is the theory. I have already talked to Harry about it.

I won't post on this site. This is a forum for fans. I have my own site to express my opinion on the Mean Green Blog.

Anyway, I hope that this approach will pay off for everyone involved. I probably won’t get a chance to post a link to everything right away, so it’s not a bad idea to check the blog and the www.dentonrc.com on a regular basis late at night, when we typically put the next day’s content up.

To kick things off, here is a link to the Mean Green Blog and an entry that looks back at the changing nature of the Sun Belt's 2008 recruiting class now that UNT has lost two key recruits while Troy and Middle Tennessee each picked up one.

Mean Green Blog

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Brett, first off welcome aboard! I think that this is a great idea to link the gap between to two sources. I have enjoyed the blogging that you do in keeping us updated on the happenings in the world of the Mean Green. We all kind of assumed you crept around on the board, and for sure have seen a few positive and negative things said about you in the past. Either way we all appreciate the info that you provide for us green kool-aid drinkers.

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Excellent idea. I check this site far more often than I do the DRC or the Mean Green Blog, so putting a link to your stories here will ensure that I won't miss any "breaking news". ;) Looks like a win for the DRC/Brett Vito and a win for all Mean Green fans.

Welcome aboard. I know that you've already stated you won't post here, but maybe you can make a comment every now and then?

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So is this a tit-for-tat situation? I don't think I saw a link to GoMeanGreen on the DRC Mean Green Blog. If you get free advertising here, then shouldn't you scratch our backs too?

Unless Harry puts a MGBlog link permanently at the top of this board, I don't think this is tit-for-tat. Right now, he's just a poster linking to stories.

If you like, you can comment on his blog and link to gmg.com. ;)

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So Brett had to get DRC permission to post here? And, he can't make comments beyond linking to a website most of us linked to normally anyway? Do they own, or attempt to own, every typed word that Bretts little fingers finish?

Sorry, but if all Brett's post will ever consist of is a link to newspaper content, I don't know how much of an addition to this board he is making. I read and like his columns/information but will probably come to only find his posts as a convenient way to find a website I would visit anyhow. Just hoping Brett would add to the specific conversation beyond his column that the editor doesn't feel is needed. Or even personal comments about others' posts that add perspective or may clarify a point.

Though, Hooray for Newspapers and media outlets realizing that to keep up with things these days, they need to seep into the greatest version of media. This decision will probably have the intended effect of increasing traffic on their website, which no one can fault them for.

This is definitely a strange and crazy time for media types that like to get paid for work.

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After a little debate today in our offices at the Denton Record-Chronicle, the paper has come to the conclusion that it would be in the best interest of the paper and our readers to strike up a relationship with the Mean Green fans that frequent this site. As some of you know, I have always kept up with what is said here and respect the opinions of the regulars or anyone who is willing to say what they are thinking. What the DRC would like to do in the future is to post links to the content on our sites -- the DRC and the Mean Green Blog -- using my name. That way, I don't have to try to run down Harry or another friend to get a link up to steer readers to our site if something breaks or wonder if someone will happen upon it in a timely fashion. It's a little more honest that way, or at least that is the theory. I have already talked to Harry about it.

I won't post on this site. This is a forum for fans. I have my own site to express my opinion on the Mean Green Blog.

Anyway, I hope that this approach will pay off for everyone involved. I probably won’t get a chance to post a link to everything right away, so it’s not a bad idea to check the blog and the www.dentonrc.com on a regular basis late at night, when we typically put the next day’s content up.

To kick things off, here is a link to the Mean Green Blog and an entry that looks back at the changing nature of the Sun Belt's 2008 recruiting class now that UNT has lost two key recruits while Troy and Middle Tennessee each picked up one.

Mean Green Blog

I think the front page blog here is WordPress, very easy to add the Mean Green Blog RSS feed there. We do that with ArkansasSports360 and official ASU releases.

Hope you'll give Harry and the gang some pimpin' on the blog.

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