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So you base your assumption that global supply is flat, and the demand of the rest of the world is static,

Show me where I said any such thing...

that our driving habits and economy are the primary drivers of global market prices?

A huge factor in prices at home, yes. You think they don't? You think if we were all in Priuses and lived within 10 miles of our work gas would be $3.50 right now?


Detroit mayor (and Barack Obama Supporter) arrives at jail

...associations matter. When you lie with dogs, you're bound to get fleas.

It's typical not to actually address or deny the connections, but just pretend like they are irrelevant. ...I'm happy they are for you, but they aren't for many.

I hope you haven't graduated yet, because you still have a lot to learn. Not only does Obama not have any association with him, his name isn't even mentioned in the article. CBL has already made you look foolish with your right-wing talking point rhetoric that you probably pulled off of a chain letter in your inbox, so now you desperately try to link him with a mayor. Newsflash: George W Bush is not responsible for Larry Craig, Mark Foley, or Tom Delay's behavior either.










Its politics...by nature its dirty...Jimmy Stewart is both an actor...and dead. If you disagree with a man's convictions...fine. If you disagree with the convictions of people like Khalidi, Ayers and Marshall Davis...fine...but finding fault in one man's convictions b/c of the convictions of people whom he has had contact with in is life is just stupid...and seemingly desperate.

Based upon your known associations you must be a fan of Marx (me)...hate bulldogs (FFR) and pro sports (Kram1)...have weird sympathies for Nazis (EulessEagle)...obssess over oil and the new stadium (Flyer)...are homo-erotically aroused by the number 81 (Quoner)...offer to fight people online (Jesse Martin)...love starring at large boobed women (SUMG) while eating dolma and baklava (Tasty). And you're black (Emmitt).

Do we have another black poster? No wonder EE likes this board.


but finding fault in one man's convictions b/c of the convictions of people whom he has had contact with in is life is just stupid...and seemingly desperate.

It's also a horrible fallacy.

And as a political moderate, I'd like to see if members of the right wing on this board really thing McCain and his boys are as clean as they're trying to make Obama look dirty.


Just a few weeks ago there was a story about how Americans are driving a billion less miles at this time than they normally would. The more gas prices drop, the more consumers will revert back to their old driving habits and demand more gas. So I guess New Years isn't a great estimate, but certainly by next Spring when oil companies move back to their summer blends and refining capacity is overwhelmed prices will shoot back up.

There will not be, however any difference in the price of gas this time next year because of whoever is elected in November. If you believe that then you're only kidding yourself, unless you're talking about August of 2012.

There is a good chance that this "scare" has changed our driving habits for longer than just until the price goes down. Also, depending on who you talk to, or read about, there are discrepancies (sp?) on what shot oil up in the first place. Sure there are arguments that supply and demand are a factor, which it is, but the strength and weakness of the dollar is another....As the dollar goes down, more people invest in oil, particularly foreigners with strong currencies. As the dollar goes up, people pull out of those investments.

Lately, the dollar has been on a strong upswing, and likewise, oil has become a less attractive investment for foreigners, and Americans as a hedge against in flation. I think it may go back up eventually, but possibly not to those levels, looking at the possiblity of other parts of the world going into recession, which if we can pull out of ours, would put us in a relative strong position against the rest of the world.

Posted (edited)

$3.53 a gallon in Corinth, at the QT on the I-35 access road. That's $.46 less than it was on 4th of July weekend.

Weird reversal...when I moved here, it was like 30-40 cents cheaper than it was in TX and now it's 20-30 cents more...

Oh, and if you ever want to feel better about driving in TX, come visit me. People here are freaking insane.

Edited by JesseMartin

I hope you haven't graduated yet, because you still have a lot to learn.

That's all you've got huh? When you can't effectivlely argue the point away, you start calling people who disagree with you politically uneducated? That’s alright, I’ve been called worse. I graduated 9 years ago, and have been pretty successful since. I don’t think someone’s education level really has much to do with one’s political views. I’m sorry you feel the need to stoop to that level to try and make your point. I don’t think you’re stupid for having a different view; in fact I respect your passion.

Not only does Obama not have any association with him, his name isn't even mentioned in the article.


Right back at 'ya.


CBL has already made you look foolish with your right-wing talking point rhetoric that you probably pulled off of a chain letter in your inbox, so now you desperately try to link him with a mayor.

CBL hardly made me look like a fool (unless you simply support this guy and agree with CBL's opinion) as he didn't actually explain anything away. He just proved that the circumstances of the associations don’t disqualify Barak Obama for the office of President in his (and obviously your) mind. That’s cool, everyone is entitled to his or her opinion.

...and it isn't talking point rhetoric. I think for myself and spend time watching the mainstream media, listening to talk radio and reading articles and blogs from all sides. I’m a political junkie, and I don’t believe in talking points. …that’s not to say I may agree with something that is a talking point (and I’m sure you do to) but that doesn’t mean I’m just blindly spouting from RNC.org.

Based upon your known associations you must be a fan of Marx (me)...hate bulldogs (FFR) and pro sports (Kram1)...have weird sympathies for Nazis (EulessEagle)...obssess over oil and the new stadium (Flyer)...are homo-erotically aroused by the number 81 (Quoner)...offer to fight people online (Jesse Martin)...love starring at large boobed women (SUMG) while eating dolma and baklava (Tasty). And you're black (Emmitt).

and the Strawman of the Year award goes to...

Well, see, you’re not running for President.

…and nobody is saying the Obama is a carbon copy of the people who have been in his life, but HE has stated that many of these folks you dismiss as large influences in his life and considers them friends. FFR doesn’t like pit-bulls… …but he isn’t a convicted terrorist. You can’t see the difference? Flyer is obsessed with the stadium… …he doesn’t speak out against America, spew hate about other races or blames the country for 9/11. Still see no difference? Quoner likes MS Paint... ...he hasn't been indicted on charges he solicited kickbacks from companies seeking state pension business. Still not seeing the difference? ...if not, then I don't know what to tell ya'.

Obama has virtually zero experience. All we have to base our decision on is his statement of policy, as he doesn’t have any recorded due to his short history in the statehouse or congress, and his good judgment. The people who he has aligned himself with and state are influences in his life raise concerns for me, and others. It doesn’t make him evil. Doesn’t even make him a bad guy. But it disqualifies him to be the President of the United States in my opinion.

Posted (edited)

and the Strawman of the Year award goes to...

Well, see, you’re not running for President.

…and nobody is saying the Obama is a carbon copy of the people who have been in his life, but HE has stated that many of these folks you dismiss as large influences in his life and considers them friends. FFR doesn’t like pit-bulls… …but he isn’t a convicted terrorist. You can’t see the difference? Flyer is obsessed with the stadium… …he doesn’t speak out against America, spew hate about other races or blames the country for 9/11. Still see no difference? Quoner likes MS Paint... ...he hasn't been indicted on charges he solicited kickbacks from companies seeking state pension business. Still not seeing the difference? ...if not, then I don't know what to tell ya'.

Obama has virtually zero experience. All we have to base our decision on is his statement of policy, as he doesn’t have any recorded due to his short history in the statehouse or congress, and his good judgment. The people who he has aligned himself with and state are influences in his life raise concerns for me, and others. It doesn’t make him evil. Doesn’t even make him a bad guy. But it disqualifies him to be the President of the United States in my opinion.

I see that you're either choosing to miss the point of my posts or I'm not being clear enough.

First...politics is an incredibly dirty business and there hasn't been a politician since Jefferson Smith who's hands are clean...not Obama, not McCain, not the Bushes or the Clintons...none...dirt transcends political parties. You keep referencing Rezko...man raised funds for Obama, man raised funds for Bush. Wright and Falwell are cut from the exact same cloth...and McCain gave the commencment speech at Falwell's Liberty University. Its a dirty game and you often have to pander. And who is suppossed to be the known terroist? Auchi? The man who suppossedly sold ships to Iraq? If that makes him a terrorist I guess Ronald Reagan is his Osama.

Second...the point of the GMG board run down was that judging a person based on "associates" is flawed logic. I doubt George Bush balances his checkbook based on Ken Lay's accounting practices, much as I doubt you're going to appreciate Das Kapital b/c of our interactions...the job title as nothing to do with the reasoning behind your thinking. It basically says that a person is incapable of forming his own thoughts and ideologies.

Lastly...let it be known I'm not trying to champion Obama here...probably not even voting for the man...hell, probably not even voting (or I'm writing in my Noam Chomsky/ghost of Charles Bukowski ticket)...I just have a real problem with the logic yyz is using here.

Edited by Censored by Laurie

Wow. Talk about opposite ends of the spectrum.

Context, son...pick up on the contex.

I don't mean their political views are at all similar...both Wright and Falwell were fiery religious leaders/zealots who have both made comments that have been construed as anti-American by their foil on the opposite political side.


Context, son...pick up on the contex.

I don't mean their political views are at all similar...both Wright and Falwell were fiery religious leaders/zealots who have both made comments that have been construed as anti-American by their foil on the opposite political side.

I'm not familiar with any Falwell comments construed as anti-American, certainly not comparably so to Wright's "God d-n America."


First...politics is an incredibly dirty business and there hasn't been a politician since Jefferson Smith who's hands are clean...not Obama, not McCain, not the Bushes or the Clintons...none...dirt transcends political parties.

Never said otherwise... ...but I DO know what to expect from McCain, the Bushes, the Clintons and the like. ...and none of those you listed have the past associations of Obama.

Don't assume I'm in love with McCain or the Bushes, or any other politician.

You keep referencing Rezko...man raised funds for Obama, man raised funds for Bush.

I'm aware of that. However, he did not have the relationship with Bush that he did with Obama. I'm not going to restate the relationship as I have already enumerated it in this thread, but you can click here if you want to refresh your memory.

Wright and Falwell are cut from the exact same cloth...and McCain gave the commencment speech at Falwell's Liberty University. Its a dirty game and you often have to pander.

WHAT A LOAD!!! ROTFLMAO! Mean Green 93-98 said it best, so I don't need to say any more. I have never heard an anti-semtic thing from Falwell, and certianly never heard him ask God to damn our country. Get real...

And who is suppossed to be the known terroist?

I speak of your favorite professors, William Ayers & Bernadine Dohrn. ...not all terrorists are muslim.

Second...the point of the GMG board run down was that judging a person based on "associates" is flawed logic.

Bush isn't running for president, so let it go. Again, it is the shear volume of associates that raise the eyebrow, and the statements Obama himself have made that makes the associations a legitimate issue. It isn't flawed logic. I woudn't be friends with someone who attacks America the way Wright has and does, and I wouldn't be "friendly" with terrorists who have taken up arms against my country.

I just have a real problem with the logic yyz is using here.

Again, that's your right. I support it 100%. ...but who you are and who you associate with are vaild questions to be answered of anyone who wants to be President of the United States. I think, based on what political beliefs we have, that both of us would find flaws in each other's logic. Luckily we live in a place where we can have discussions like this, maybe learn something from each other, but still come together to support a common interest, like say, our school.

What a country!


Never said otherwise... ...but I DO know what to expect from McCain, the Bushes, the Clintons and the like. ...and none of those you listed have the past associations of Obama.

Don't assume I'm in love with McCain or the Bushes, or any other politician.

I'm aware of that. However, he did not have the relationship with Bush that he did with Obama. I'm not going to restate the relationship as I have already enumerated it in this thread, but you can click here if you want to refresh your memory.

WHAT A LOAD!!! ROTFLMAO! Mean Green 93-98 said it best, so I don't need to say any more. I have never heard an anti-semtic thing from Falwell, and certianly never heard him ask God to damn our country. Get real...

I speak of your favorite professors, William Ayers & Bernadine Dohrn. ...not all terrorists are muslim.

Bush isn't running for president, so let it go. Again, it is the shear volume of associates that raise the eyebrow, and the statements Obama himself have made that makes the associations a legitimate issue. It isn't flawed logic. I woudn't be friends with someone who attacks America the way Wright has and does, and I wouldn't be "friendly" with terrorists who have taken up arms against my country.

Again, that's your right. I support it 100%. ...but who you are and who you associate with are vaild questions to be answered of anyone who wants to be President of the United States. I think, based on what political beliefs we have, that both of us would find flaws in each other's logic. Luckily we live in a place where we can have discussions like this, maybe learn something from each other, but still come together to support a common interest, like say, our school.

What a country!

I might be getting them confused, but I could of sworn either Robertson or Falwell went on tv after 911 and blamed it on the homosexuality that America allows or something to that effect. I think many people tend to gloss over the views of religous leaders such as Falwell, because they are of the same relgion, but the can be pretty damn intolerant of people not of their same beliefs.


Heir Goebbles once said, and I paraphrase, if you tell a lie long enough people will believe it (please, no nazi pictures).

I want all Nazi references, quotations, links, sing alongs, (pure) blood drives and pamphlets to stop.

I am not kidding.

Next person to post anything Nazi related gets a two week ban.


I might be getting them confused, but I could of sworn either Robertson or Falwell went on tv after 911 and blamed it on the homosexuality that America allows or something to that effect. I think many people tend to gloss over the views of religous leaders such as Falwell, because they are of the same relgion, but the can be pretty damn intolerant of people not of their same beliefs.

It was Robertson.

...it is one thing to gloss over the view of religious leaders you don't associate with. It is another to sit in the pews for 20 years then act like your surprised and don't agree with the pastor who married you and baptised your kids and was your campagin's religious advisor when the public finds out and it might cost you an election.

...the ONLY reason Obama is still not a member of that church and a follower of his pastor's is because he's trying to get elected, not because he rejects the man's ideals.


Back on topic...

Oil plunged another $5 to $114.87, a 22% drop from its high in early July.

The dollar also had its biggest one-day rise in eight years:

The dollar hit a five-month high of $1.5055 against the euro and climbed 1.3 per cent to $1.9189 against the pound – its strongest since November 2006. The shift in sentiment was triggered by Jean-Claude Trichet, president of the European Central Bank, who warned on Thursday that third-quarter eurozone growth would be “particularly weak”. This sparked talk that the ECB would be forced to abandon its hawkish policy stance and start cutting interest rates, thereby weakening the euro.


Back on topic...

Oil plunged another $5 to $114.87, a 22% drop from its high in early July.

The dollar also had its biggest one-day rise in eight years:

The dollar hit a five-month high of $1.5055 against the euro and climbed 1.3 per cent to $1.9189 against the pound – its strongest since November 2006. The shift in sentiment was triggered by Jean-Claude Trichet, president of the European Central Bank, who warned on Thursday that third-quarter eurozone growth would be “particularly weak”. This sparked talk that the ECB would be forced to abandon its hawkish policy stance and start cutting interest rates, thereby weakening the euro.

Before we know it, gas will be under $3.25 a gallon.


Before we know it, gas will be under $3.25 a gallon.

Visited relatives in Orange, Tx the other evening and gas was selling for $3.599 a gallon at a couple of places. I'm talking Shell, Exxon, and Chevron type places. Not WalMart or Race Track(?).


I'm a firm believer that some of this ridiculousness was a numbing tactic pushed along by oil speculators. I think the logic was "if we can drive the prices to an average of about $4 a gallon, then $3.25 starts to sound like a bargain". More long-term profit for all.

As much as I would love to blame the Bush Administration entirely for the price of crude...I just can't put it all on them. Congress over the last 20 years has loosened the rules on speculation to the detriment of the country...allowing the rich to get richer at the expense of the average, everyday American. Rampant speculation coupled with some of the mess this administration has gotten us into is what is killing this country, economically.

Do something about it...

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