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The A-11 Offense---the Offense Of The Future?


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I know the whole thing seems weird, but North Texas probably comes closer to having the personnel to benefit from this than almost any school in Texas. My prediction is that we will be the first to D1 school to run this offense, eventually using it for 10 or 12 plays a game. The deciding factor as to when we would do so may be the rate of progress in developing interior linemen. A potential benefit for a pass first offense would be to use it for running plays and screen passes to pick up intermediate yardage and eat up the clock, giving our defense a break.

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I know the whole thing seems weird, but North Texas probably comes closer to having the personnel to benefit from this than almost any school in Texas. My prediction is that we will be the first to D1 school to run this offense, eventually using it for 10 or 12 plays a game. The deciding factor as to when we would do so may be the rate of progress in developing interior linemen. A potential benefit for a pass first offense would be to use it for running plays and screen passes to pick up intermediate yardage and eat up the clock, giving our defense a break.

You're not lying. On the offensive side of the ball, I think our speed and athleticism will surpass everyone in conference.

I was told to expect Riley to redshirt, but now I am not so sure...

On one hand, you have to expect him to. Red shirting gives him the best chance to make the NFL. It gives him that much sought after extra year to gain experience, go to school for free, and add some muscles. And, more importantly, the offense is in great hands with Vizza. Good for Riley. Not for Papa.

On the other, it certainly would help out papa Todd to have Riley on the field. He knows the system, and if used as a receiver (like I was told to expect him to play the first couple of years after he red shirted anyway) He would definitely give us the option of having 2 QBs in the backfield.... plus a very capable running back in Mosley. Fitz is still on the field too, could you imagine having 2 QBs trying to get Fitz the ball? Dibrell, Stickler.... the options are endless. If there were one thin place on the offense it would be the most important of them all... the line. If we were running this it would definitely take the focus off of the line and open the field for more play makers to make plays.

My one reservation is how much of a gimmick would this be? The video shows them going deep just about every play, which really doesn't make sense, since this would exploit the underneath and short game the most. If you ran into a team with some good cover lbs it would be very tough to make this happen. But for a little while it might be successful, until teams figured you out.

You can just about bet on us getting a new stadium by 2010.

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It's the same idea as the spread - take speedy players and spread them out to create lanes/space to run in, except on steroids.

It's a fun idea, but an A-11 probably wouldn't work at the college level for the same reason the true option doesn't work at the NFL level: the defenses are just too fast. We might have some fun and spotty wins in the Belt, but times will catch up and defenses will adjust their schemes.

Want to know what would happen if you lined that up in college? Ask Mizzou how their spread has worked against the Sooners. That might be a start.

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I wonder if Mike Leach has seen this offense? If anyone in colege football

would use this offense, he would be the one to try it.

Maybe Jerry Glanville would give it a try also.

Could this offese work at the college level, sure why not.

I like this offense much better than the swinging gate!

Anytime I saw a team line up in the swing gate, I knew

right then and there, that team will lose the game.

I can see the possibilities of this offense becoming popular.

Look how the spread offense has grown in just the last

few years.

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I wonder if Mike Leach has seen this offense? If anyone in colege football

would use this offense, he would be the one to try it.

Maybe Jerry Glanville would give it a try also.

Could this offese work at the college level, sure why not.

I like this offense much better than the swinging gate!

Anytime I saw a team line up in the swing gate, I knew

right then and there, that team will lose the game.

I can see the possibilities of this offense becoming popular.

Look how the spread offense has grown in just the last

few years.

Come to think of it, I think Hal Mumme would be more applicable.

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. . . I was told to expect Riley to redshirt, but now I am not so sure...

. . . if used as a receiver (like I was told to expect him to play the first couple of years after he red shirted anyway)

Just out of curiosity, was the one(s) who told you to expect these things someone involved in making these decisions?

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  • 6 months later...

I watched some A-11 ball in California this fall, and it was very fun to watch. ...the people who want to ban it are short-sighted, and don't want to take the time and effort to figure out how to defend it.

I think this offense would be fun to watch at the College level, and would fit some teams very well if used sparingly. (us and Texas Tech come to mind)

...hope the efforts to ban it fail.

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Was checking out the Big West board, and the A-11 offense came up. Inevitably, the spread came up and I expressed my dislike for it. The response...

The claim that the spread is a matter of chucking the ball deep is a misconception. It's actually an effective running offense. Corona Centennial won the Division I state title running the spread, and they had more rushing yards than passing yards, even with Taylor Martinez at QB.

Huh. I guess it works in California high schools too!

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You know what? You're a criminal. 'Cause you rob these kids of their creativity and their passion. That's the real crime! Well, what about you parents? Did -did the system really work out for you? Did it teach you to follow your heart, or to just play it safe, roll over? What about you guys? Did you always want to be school administrators? Dr. Alexander, was that your dream? Or maybe no, maybe you wanted to be a poet. Maybe you wanted to be a magician or an artist. Maybe you just wanted to travel the world. Something happened that was so amazing. Life was full of possibilities. And isn't that what you ultimately want for us? As parents, I mean, is - is that, is possibilities. Well, we came here today to ask for your approval, and something just occurred to me. I don't give a shit. Who cares about your approval? We don't need your approval to tell us that what we did was real. 'Cause there are so few truths in this world, that when you see one, you just know it. And I know that it is a truth that real learning took place with A-11. Whether you like it or not, it did. 'Cause you don't need teachers or classrooms or - or fancy highbrow traditions or money to really learn. You just need people with a desire to better themselves, and we got that with the A-11. So you can go ahead, sign your forms, reject us and shoot us down, and do whatever you gotta do. It doesn't really matter at this point. Because we'll never stop learning, and we'll never stop growing, and we'll never forget the ideals what were instilled in us at our place.
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You know what? You're a criminal. 'Cause you rob these kids of their creativity and their passion. That's the real crime! Well, what about you parents? Did -did the system really work out for you? Did it teach you to follow your heart, or to just play it safe, roll over? What about you guys? Did you always want to be school administrators? Dr. Alexander, was that your dream? Or maybe no, maybe you wanted to be a poet. Maybe you wanted to be a magician or an artist. Maybe you just wanted to travel the world. Something happened that was so amazing. Life was full of possibilities. And isn't that what you ultimately want for us? As parents, I mean, is - is that, is possibilities. Well, we came here today to ask for your approval, and something just occurred to me. I don't give a shit. Who cares about your approval? We don't need your approval to tell us that what we did was real. 'Cause there are so few truths in this world, that when you see one, you just know it. And I know that it is a truth that real learning took place with A-11. Whether you like it or not, it did. 'Cause you don't need teachers or classrooms or - or fancy highbrow traditions or money to really learn. You just need people with a desire to better themselves, and we got that with the A-11. So you can go ahead, sign your forms, reject us and shoot us down, and do whatever you gotta do. It doesn't really matter at this point. Because we'll never stop learning, and we'll never stop growing, and we'll never forget the ideals what were instilled in us at our place.


I wanted to play jazz trombone.

Don't be so quick to judge us either.

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