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I can't help but wonder that if Hussien Obama actually had any kind of recognizable character to begin with, other than the inability to choose quality individuals to associate with, that there wouldn't have been so many of those Urban legends popping up like they did in the first place? When you associate with admitted terrorists and hatemongers and give people reason to believe that your not all that proud of your country to begin with then I can understand how it all came about.

Funny stuff.


Who would be the admitted terrorists he has associated with?

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Who would be the admitted terrorists he has associated with?

William Ayers, domestic terrorist. Of course, these associations that have the Right in a frenzy aren't nearly as serious as Obama's inexperience, his complete lack of understanding of business and capitalism, and his naive foreign policy.



Are you sure you want to judge people by their associates?

Green Mean said:
Coffee creates a lot of gas and fuel coming out of my butt
Coffee and TV said:
That whooshing sound you hear...
eulesseagle said:

scroll down for the fuel blogs................


MeanGreenEngineer said:


Do you read that site often euless?

Let us look at some of the thread title over there:


jews Murder White Babies in the Womb

Race and Brain size, black I.Q.'s raised in homes by middle class whites

Disturbing new trend-Whites adopting non-white kids

Want To See The Blacks Deported?

Mein Kampf Question

Zionism is the cause of the problems

The Klan has made a huge come back

What to do about wiggers?

Ridding the White Race of Cultural Impurity

JEWS explained...

Walt disney white power genious!

Who can rule our White Land


Inspiring, Powerful Commentary by 21 yr. old White Female Racialist!

How a Few Jews Overturned Western and US Culture

is this an unintended result of holocaust propaganda?

What the U.S. can learn from Cuba about miscegenation

Why would you post a link to that forum?!

JayDub said:
And this surprises you out of eulesseagle? Judging from past run-in's with him on here, I've determined that EE is the most hardcore conservative, Christian, right-wing, Republican, straight, white, American male (read: bigot) on this message board...or he at least plays one on the interwebs.

Ya know what I like? Pizza. Cheese pizza....with extra cheese. None of that "four cheese" crap. Just shit-tons of regular mozzarella.

Quoner said:
Eh, all Eulesses look alike to me.
UNTflyer said:
I met El Chupacabra for coffee the other day.
Eagle1855 said:
I think the important thing we realize in all this is that had George W not rigged the elections and we didn't go to Iraq, UNT would already be a tier 2 university, much to the chagrin of GO_UTA. Which of COURSE would grant easier access into the conference of our choice. Unfortunately, now we're saddled with rising gas prices making our souped up Camaros unrealistic daily drivers, which only means the future stadium is that much further away. Which brings me to the Jews and SMU, which both share equal responsibility for the sorry state of affairs in this rock we all inhabit, which was created by the big bang in just a hair under 7 days.

Meanwhile, the Unites States is climbing into bed with Mexico and Canada to share currency and create a North American Union- not sure how that will affect Denton beer prices, but I'm guessing it won't be for the better. I figure next we'll just take over Central America... then the rest of the world with a jingo jingo and two shakes of a lamb's tail.

The 12 Madhi and Jesus will return hand in hand on a starship made of guitar riffs and good intention to take us all to our scores of virgin grapes and cash that we'll use to live happily ever after on Southern-style plantations in high-demand real estate hot-spots on planets made of gold as we say our nightly prayers to Tom Cruise who will ultimately take UNT to it's rightful place as the leading University of the Milky Way (with ambitions of someday being the "universe").

I'd say the future looks green and good.

KingDL1 said:
Every time I see that map, and see that China is now in our backyard. By the why Cuba offered bidding rights to US companies but we would not let our companies bid.

Makes me want to beat the shit out a tree huger, EPA bastard==any will do.


pssshhhh people should BE so lucky as to be associated with me.

Sorry, Im just really amped to get quoted.

Let's go bomb some countries with exploitable natural resources! Freedom and democracy for all! Clever bumper stickers = good foreign policy! More t-shirts!



Are you sure you want to judge people by their associates?

We're a scary group aren't we? I say you gotta be a bit scary to love and support the Mean Green these day's. In the least you can't have both oars in the water at the same time, all the time, right?



William Ayers, domestic terrorist. Of course, these associations that have the Right in a frenzy aren't nearly as serious as Obama's inexperience, his complete lack of understanding of business and capitalism, and his naive foreign policy.

Ah, I had heard about that "connection", but I guess myself found it tenous (sp) at best. I do agree that I would classify Ayers past actions as those of terrorism. Although I may agree with issues he may support, I don't think actions that involve violence are the solution. As far as the connection - they both served on the same board of an anti-poverty organization in Chicago, it wasn't as if Obama appointed him to the board.



Ah, I had heard about that "connection", but I guess myself found it tenous (sp) at best. I do agree that I would classify Ayers past actions as those of terrorism. Although I may agree with issues he may support, I don't think actions that involve violence are the solution. As far as the connection - they both served on the same board of an anti-poverty organization in Chicago, it wasn't as if Obama appointed him to the board.


It's a non-issue for me. Along with the distinguished Senator's middle name.


quoner & cbl-

since you can not carry on a civilized conversation about a generic comment without feeling threatened i see that both of you have turned to the lowest denominator of rebutal....a slanderous racist comment that has nothing to do what was stated in my post. i really dont feel intimidated by your trite and meaningless comments as i feel sorry for your sophmorish posts that indicate to me and others that your credability is waning.


It's a non-issue for me. Along with the distinguished Senator's middle name.

Oh but it shouldn't be. If they can't appeal to people's irrational fears or conjur up a pseudo-crisis the right stands no chance come November.

Like it or not, regardless of the issues and which side you stand on, Obama's stance of "I'm not George Bush" is a winner.

Posted (edited)

tasty greek-

prove your allegation(s).

please keep up your adhominem diatribes with "facts" not "slander".... your baseless comments remind me of the clinton presidency when he would deny the facts and attack the person with baseless verbage. of course this is taken out of saul d alinsky's writings and other marxist writers. yep, i have read those books, too.....surprised?

Edited by eulesseagle

Like it or not, regardless of the issues and which side you stand on, Obama's stance of "I'm not George Bush" is a winner.

Bush isn't on the ballot. Obama is going to have to actually start laying out his positions on issues. He can't run on "Hope and Change" through November.


tasty greek-

prove your allegation(s).

please keep up your adhominem diatribes with "facts" not "slander".... your baseless comments remind me of the clinton presidency when he would deny the facts and attack the person with baseless verbage. of course this is taken out of saul d alinsky's writings and other marxist writers. yep, i have read those books, too.....surprised?

Prove his allegations?!? REALLY?!?!?

Chance of storms tonight... everyone take cover...



what the heck are you talking about?......another proofless allegation that i am suppose to believe along with your minions?.......

show me.....prove it.

if you want to state an opposing viewpoint on what i posted on this thread then do so and support prez mugabee. if you want to bring up old threads then post my direct quotes from the thread......other than what you "think" i said. that will also apply to cbl and quoner.



what the heck are you talking about?......another proofless allegation that i am suppose to believe along with your minions?.......

show me.....prove it.

HI believe he is referring to the link to Stormfront that you posted that I removed, and then I PM'ed you and asked you to never post a similar link again.



what the heck are you talking about?......another proofless allegation that i am suppose to believe along with your minions?.......

show me.....prove it.

if you want to state an opposing viewpoint on what i posted on this thread then do so and support prez mugabee. if you want to bring up old threads then post my direct quotes from the thread......other than what you "think" i said. that will also apply to cbl and quoner.

what the?? you can NOT be serious. This is WAAAAY too Iraqi Information Minister for me.... isn't there some ethnic cleansing strategy to read up on?


quoner & cbl-

since you can not carry on a civilized conversation about a generic comment without feeling threatened i see that both of you have turned to the lowest denominator of rebutal....a slanderous racist comment that has nothing to do what was stated in my post. i really dont feel intimidated by your trite and meaningless comments as i feel sorry for your sophmorish posts that indicate to me and others that your credability is waning.

Since the storm front has already been covered:

The framers were not pursuing the United States into a one state sponsored religion (Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Lutherian....) but were giving all us the choice of which Christian religion we so desired.

Without Chrisianity there is no soul for a country.


India may teach some about sitting around chanting, meditation and putting their souls in the hands of reincarnation, rocks, trees and animals but all great western civilized countries have based their consitutions, laws and morals on the Biblical priciples beginning with the Magna Carta.

India had its chance under the rule of England but Gandi changed that and look what happened. India devolved from civilized country to a third world power in constant conflict with hindus, muslims and other non-christian sects.

The closest India ever came was under British rule. Heck far, people still go down to the Gangee's River to drop dead in it thinking it will propel them into the next life of reincarnation......hopefully to come back as a cow, bird or something better than what they were.

South Africa was Christian under the Bohr rule and ending with the rule of Mandela who was an athiest and a devout Marxist. Under Mandela unemployment, crime and poverty skyrocketed. Mandela even asked the previous "white government" to return and straighten out the government and intrastructure. Besides the Marxist philosophy there are probably a dozen or so other tribes/cultures/languages that are your usual African pagan varieties. I am sure that there are Christians in S.A. but not as much as before.



Aparthied is much a myth as global cooling was in the 1970's as global warming is today.

The "white" South African government was trying to keep waring african tribes from killing each other and in turn white cops killed black african rioters.

Naturally when the "white" SA government was defeated in elections over ONE million Huttus and Tsuttsi ended up killing each other because there were no "white" law enforcement to protect them.

Nobody calls what is happening in Northern Ireland aparthied and it is exactly the same situation. You have two waring tribes (catholics and protestants) trying to kill each other over "differences" with "white" law enforcement trying to keep the bloodshed down in riots.


To claim that India is a bit better than a third world country because it has the A-Bomb is putting North Korea in the same category. N. Korea has hundereds of thousands of people die annually because of disease and starvation.

CMJ, you really need to listen to some conservative radio and pick up some conservative "rags" and find out what is really going on instead of getting your news from ABC, NBC and CBS.

and my favorite


aparthied in South Africa was contrived by the liberal press to discredit the white minority rule against the black populace.

if you look into the geopolitical situation, at the time, the white minority was intent on keeping the peace between the two main rioting groups of tribes....the hutus and tootsies. Of course when these tribes were shooting at the police, rioting, looting everyone (including themselves) the government could either let anarchy rule the government or let the police do their jobs. Unfortunately, people were killed and the press made it appear that the white minority government was indiscriminitaly killing africans. The press never mentioned that there were two main african factions trying to take control of the country. In fact the police was trying to restore order between the two and prevent anarchy. I previously stated that without a rule of law you have anarchy.

The result of the conflict happened when the white minority government departed leaving a "void" of police protection for both groups. Over 1,000,000 people were killed as a result of the void of law and order. In other words anarchy.

Now, it appears that aparthied is "only" applied to white vs. african and never against african on white or african on african or white on white. I can only think of one example where a white government tried to exterminate a people that was acceptable. The U.S. government against the American Indians. Naturally, all white victories were called victories and conversly Indian victories were called massacures.

When the left leaning press can give equality to their biased opinions instead of trying to drive a wedge between all groups of races/colors/creds of people around the world......then......IMHO much of this conflict will subside.

Thanks for playing...the dry cleaners closes in 10 minutes so you should be sure to pick up your nicely starched dress robe and hood for the regional Grand Dragon's reading on Nathan Forrest...followed of course with refreshments and a good ole fashion lynching. Should be aces!


Oh... My... God... CBL, that about covers it. Nice work.

That's sickening. Not remotely suprising, given ee's choice of message board (besides GMG, of course), but still a shock.

We joke and have our little spats on here, but usually in the end we're all "family" in NT... this, however, is a whole different deal.


After reading the Cliff Notes there...

I'm almost at the point where I wish I could say EE was just a troll, trying to get his kicks out of seeing if he could offend someone. Sadly, EE has been spewing the same garbage for years with no remorse or joking nature implied...and it is really scary when someone displays such blatant ignorance and tries to defend it.


My first reaction was... purge the board of these links!!!

But then I reconsidered. They should be kept to remind us of how we once were on GMG.com... like how the "Whites Only" water fountains are being turned into ghastly museum exhibits.


concerning my aparthied comments: i know what aparthied is and was playing devil's advocate. i personally abhor aparthied as i do slavery but could defend either position....now....that does not mean i support aparthied or slavery, which i do not, it only means in a civilized debate i could play devil's advocate and might support it better than what you could being against aparthied or slavery.

concerning my comments on nelson mandela: fact: he is a marxist by his own admission.

concerning the hutu's and tutsee killing each other: in the 70's and 80's television covered the south african conflict with a fine tooth comb as they do, today, with Isreal and Palestine. when the minority government (whites) handed over the country to the ruling party (black south africans) a void of police protection occured where about, conservatively, 1,000,000 tribesmen and their families were slaughtered by each other....mostly by machetes. these television images are still indelibly etched in my mind. fact.

conerning india and gandi: hindus, in india, consider the gangee's river a sacred river that gives them the opportunity for a greater reincarnated state than what they are living. my father was stationed in india from 1941 to 1945 and said he saw thousands upon thousands of indians go to the river and die. families would take their dead family members and toss them into the sacred river for their journey to the next reincarned life. unfortunately, they still do it today. a hindu's next life can be another person, animal or something. there is plenty of information on this subject on the internet and other scholarly writings. india is now getting out from becoming a third world country. we all know that and needs no explanation. facts.

concerning the Magna Carta and the Constitution and one nation under God: Both were created from Biblical precepts. One unique twist between the two is that in our Constitution we give thanks to the one true God of creation for the deliverance of our sacred nation. The Magna Carta, with its Biblical foundation of the human rights of man gives its thanks to the king. thoughout washington d.c. most all the monuments have inscriptions giving thanks to God for the founding of this nation in some form or another. God makes countries and blesses those countries that follow His precepts. God also condems countries as he did with Egypt and has placed disention upon the arab race (i paraphrase from the Bible). These are paraphrases from the Word of God, not mine. if you have any concerns on the Holy Scripture that has not changed in over three thousand years, i am only a conduit for what the word says. Man has changed not the Bible. i truely believe that without christianity there is no soul for a country. of course the counter point is that epicurian agnostism holds to no moral foundation and is based upon cynicism....a cancer of society. i believe in the 100 percent accuracy of the Bible from not only reading and studying the word but also reading Philo, Josephus, Eusebius, some Vatican writings and other works. We all live temporally on earth but where we live eternally is through our own free will. do you know for sure?

as for some post from the stormfront: it may have been a post on german synthetic fuel production near the end of the war using some form of ethenol to fuel their vehicles. among wwII historians a well known fact. that same information was brought up in a couple of history classes i had at NT years ago by some profs. is historical fact any less a fact if it gleaned from vogue magazine than it is from stormfront?

TastyGreek--i no more want to fight with you as you with me. accept my apology. however, i have always liked spirited civil debates stemming from too many speech classes in high school and three or four at NT. what i have always found amusing is how some individuals run out of arguments and end up slanderizing the other. one of the better debates on this board was with untphd and evolution. whoever untphd is i respect his perspective and congruent thought and he did have a well thought out arguement. unfortunately, in the end we had to agree to disagree.

cbl is correct in labeling me a christian conservative. i see life as only black and white (not racially intended). you are either on one side of the "line in the sand or the other" and you have either "crossed the Rubicon" or not.


concerning the Magna Carta and the Constitution and one nation under God: Both were created from Biblical precepts. One unique twist between the two is that in our Constitution we give thanks to the one true God of creation for the deliverance of our sacred nation.

Where? Never is God or a Creator or any kind mentioned in the Constitution.

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