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ND athletic director job open

Everytime there is an opening for Athletic Director someplace, some on this board get bent out of shape if Rick's name is even mentioned. (Forget about if he actually applies for the job, interviews, etc)

How would you feel if RV actually applied for the job at Notre Dame? It's just a hypothetical question to fill the off season. I'm not saying he'd be a contender.

Personally, I can't fault a guy if he tries to improve his employment situation. He owes it to his family to look at opportunities like this. IF Rick went after this gig, I say GO FOR IT

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If you want the best for NT, then you would hope and pray that RV gets another job. He has done what he was brought in to do, Un F*ck the F-up that was Craig Helwig. He has done that, now it's time for NT to look past the Pizza Man and find someone who is forthcoming with the truth about the stadium and treats alums who donate large amounts of money with the respect that is due them.

NT needs an AD who understands what it takes to move this athletic program, not just football, to the next level.

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If you want the best for NT, then you would hope and pray that RV gets another job. He has done what he was brought in to do, Un F*ck the F-up that was Craig Helwig. He has done that, now it's time for NT to look past the Pizza Man and find someone who is forthcoming with the truth about the stadium and treats alums who donate large amounts of money with the respect that is due them.

NT needs an AD who understands what it takes to move this athletic program, not just football, to the next level.

Exactly why do you think the PROGRAM is not improving?

The mens basketball team was in the NCAA last year and had another 20 win season this year.

The Womans team just hired a coach who was an assistant at Clemson and by all accounts is a great hire for RV

The Womans softball team set a new school record for wins

The Womans soccer team made the NCAA's yet again and had the top rated recruiting class in the Belt

The Tennis teams are improving

The Swim team is improving

Not to mention the football program by all acounts is on its way up

What do you want the man to do? Has everything he touched turned to Gold? NO. But to say that he is just worried about one sport or that he isnt improving the Athletic Program as a whole is just plain ignorant.

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ND athletic director job open

Everytime there is an opening for Athletic Director someplace, some on this board get bent out of shape if Rick's name is even mentioned. (Forget about if he actually applies for the job, interviews, etc)

How would you feel if RV actually applied for the job at Notre Dame? It's just a hypothetical question to fill the off season. I'm not saying he'd be a contender.

Personally, I can't fault a guy if he tries to improve his employment situation. He owes it to his family to look at opportunities like this. IF Rick went after this gig, I say GO FOR IT

I don't really care for ND myself, so this would be a dream come true - RV to ND......WOW, just the thought of that is greatness.

Seriously though, don't worry, ND is not interested in RV. If they are, then it just shows you how far they have fallen. RV can't seem to work with our alumni, how much of a problem do you think he would have at ND in this area?

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Here we go again with the negative crap about UNT, its athletic dept., it's AD, etc., etc. And you wonder why UNT gets less respect than it should? It's on fans and alumni never seem to want to do much except complain. I am in the camp of those who think RV has done a pretty darn good job. I have been around the program long enough to see my share of AD's come and go, make promises (some kept, some not), do this and do that. But, like RV or not, the man has accomplished a good bit of positive for the university...you do remember Craig Helwig, right?

I will say it again...in most big time DI programs the AD would not even give you a second look if you did not donate at least $25,000 to the program on an annual basis and buy multiple season tickets to multiple sports. At UNT you have access to the AD and the coaches...the folks will know your name and actually speak to you in public!

A list of things accomplished recently by UNT athletics has been listed here, so I will not go into that...I will just say, like the guy or not...you should support the program...buy season tickets, join the Mean Green Club and while you are at it...jioin the Exes. It does not cost much, and will go a long way to building that stadium everyone seems so fixated on these days. Yes, it will be built, and by RV's athletic administration. You got to believe in the Mean Green!

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Actually, it could be much worse.

- Instead of our normal cricket infestation, we could have a locust plague

- We could lose all of our games ever WORSER!!!!

- We could drop down to 1AA

- RV could choose to continue his pizza empire.

- Riley dodge could get gangrene in his shoulder, requiring amputation.


- Debbie Downer.


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RV can't seem to work with our alumni, how much of a problem do you think he would have at ND in this area?

Let's see...

He'd ask for money and they would......give it to him.

He'd have world class facilities across the board already.

He'd never have to worry about selling out home games.

Yeah, he'd never survive at a hell hole like that.

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Let's see...

He'd ask for money and they would......give it to him.

He'd have world class facilities across the board already.

He'd never have to worry about selling out home games.

Yeah, he'd never survive at a hell hole like that.

I do believe that you can lose touch with the fan base based on your work. Obviously it wouldnt be like overnight but there is always that chance for that disconnect.

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Where does one get the idea that RV "can't work with our alumni"? And, if you think that could you put some facts or examples behind your comment please? I find this kind of comment "petty" for the most part and I hear "stuff" about RV from folks who have somehow personally been "wronged" by RV. I KNOW there are some cases where mistakes are certainly made...who on this board does not make mistakes?...I believe one of our great alums (Mr. SUMG himself) has a fairly legit bone to pick with RV, but that does not stop him from supporting the MEAN GREEN. Hope you don't mind me using you as a "case in point" SUMG...anyway, let's back the comments up with some "data or facts". It's easy to post such "stuff", but I wonder how one, in all honesty, makes such a comment? :huh:

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Where does one get the idea that RV "can't work with our alumni"? And, if you think that could you put some facts or examples behind your comment please? I find this kind of comment "petty" for the most part and I hear "stuff" about RV from folks who have somehow personally been "wronged" by RV. I KNOW there are some cases where mistakes are certainly made...who on this board does not make mistakes?...I believe one of our great alums (Mr. SUMG himself) has a fairly legit bone to pick with RV, but that does not stop him from supporting the MEAN GREEN. Hope you don't mind me using you as a "case in point" SUMG...anyway, let's back the comments up with some "data or facts". It's easy to post such "stuff", but I wonder how one, in all honesty, makes such a comment? :huh:

Well are you a grad who buys season tickets? If so, have you been asked to contibute to the new stadium project? Have you been contacted to make some other contacts of folks that might be interested. Granted it is a little different from this, but when our church went to build their new building, they didn't just ask those who were the "big donors". In fact, they casted the vision to not only members, but everyone. I am not an alumni of the University of Arkansas, nor did I buy season tickets, but when they added on to Razorback stadium, I did get something in the mail about it and asking for donations. If I didn't read this board and the DRC ever so often, I would have no idea they were even trying to raise money for a new stadium, and I buy season tickets AND I am an alum. At the end of the day, someone is in charge.

How does the saying go "You won't get, what you don't ask for?"

Edited by GoMeanGreen1999
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GoMeanGreen1999...Am I a grad????? You have not figured that out yet? Yes, I am a two-time UNT grad, I buy season football and basketball tickets, I am a Life Member of the UNT Exes, a member of the UNT President's Council and a member of the Mean Green Club.

I like you "church building analogy", but it is a bit "early" to ask for donations from all comers yet when you are talking about a stadium project. RV has said many times that he will definitely be calling on help from all alums, fans and Mean Green supporters at the "right" time. I agree, that this is not as yet the right time to do that. You cannot build a stadium on $100 donations alone very quickly now can you? You have to have some "big dog" money in hand before calling the troops to muster.

Come on folks...if you want to do your part to get the stadium going faster...BUY SEASON TICKETS THIS YEAR!!!!! And, get your rear and any other rear you can in the seats this year at Fouts. I am ready to see folks put their "rears where their mouths are" (come on Quoner...I know you are out there for that set-up! :rolleyes: ) when it comes to this stadium project...get yourself into the seats at Fouts and the stadium will follow a lot sooner....WHY? Well, the big dogs will see folks support UNT football, that's why. Just like the church building program...most have a good size doner or two in hand before they hit the congregation up for the $25-$1000 level donations. All are VERY important, but takes a bunch longer at $25 a pop!


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If you want the best for NT, then you would hope and pray that RV gets another job. He has done what he was brought in to do, Un F*ck the F-up that was Craig Helwig. He has done that, now it's time for NT to look past the Pizza Man and find someone who is forthcoming with the truth about the stadium and treats alums who donate large amounts of money with the respect that is due them.

NT needs an AD who understands what it takes to move this athletic program, not just football, to the next level.

Fantastic Post.... I take back everything I ever said about you being a Redskins Fan....

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On April 4, 2001, Rick Villaralleal was hired to the AD post among many other applicants based one major factor: FUNDRAISING

He and his cronies from Southern Miss have failed in what he was hired to accomplish, which was fundraising.

Stadium talk began the day he took over the AD post here at NT. This was to be his signature mark on the university. Back in 2002, he pushed for a student fee to be passed to renovate Fouts Field to be a two-tier stadium with box suites, and restaurant/lounge and it didnt pass. Since then we have been fed lies like little children during Christmas,

We hear nothing from the Athletic Dept and no one relays any information towards any progress, if there is any towards the stadium issue.

With all of this going on, Stadium debacle, turning down a baseball program after being offered in full by the Goldfields, being turned down by CUSA (TWICE), piss poor scheduling for Football

I wouldn't care of RV finds a job elsewhere and we get an AD who can get things done with our Athletic Program once and for all.......

Edited by UNT_playmaker
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On April 4, 2001, Rick Villaralleal was hired to the AD post among many other applicants based one major factor: FUNDRAISING

He and his cronies from Southern Miss have failed in what he was hired to accomplish, which was fundraising.

Stadium talk began the day he took over the AD post here at NT. This was to be his signature mark on the university. Back in 2002, he pushed for a student fee to be passed to renovate Fouts Field to be a two-tier stadium with box suites, and restaurant/lounge and it didnt pass. Since then we have been fed lies like little children during Christmas,

We hear nothing from the Athletic Dept and no one relays any information towards any progress, if there is any towards the stadium issue.

With all of this going on, Stadium debacle, turning down a baseball program after being offered in full by the Goldfields, being turned down by CUSA (TWICE), piss poor scheduling for Football

I wouldn't care of RV finds a job elsewhere and we get an AD who can get things done with our Athletic Program once and for all.......


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Back to the subject of the posting- From the pony's board-


and the private ND jet was seen in Dallas-


Looks like $mu's AD, Steve Orsini, is a leading candidate. Orsini is a ND alum, former

fullback and team captain, close ties to ND big wigs.

If we're being technical, that has nothing to do with whether or not RV will apply. Wonder what would happen if SMU opened up though... (setting up Tasty)

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