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XP deathwatch, T minus 5 weeks

Just unbelievabe!

The newest data from Web metrics vendor Net Applications Inc., for example, pegs XP as driving 73% of the personal computers that went online last month, five times the nearest competitor, Microsoft Corp.'s own Windows Vista.
But yet

Technology: Dell Offers Windows XP Beyond Deadline

The announcement comes after CEO Steve Ballmer suggested earlier this week that Microsoft might change its mind and extend Windows XP if customers asked for it. Even so, he said most new systems ship with Vista, and to date they haven't seen customers asking for Windows XP.

What drugs has Steve Ballmer been taking, and how long until he has to step down?

Whatever drugs Steve Ballmer is on they must be very, very good.

But he can flat out lie!!!

Vista selling really well, says Ballmer

What an ass clown:

Steve Ballmer is in no way disappointed with Windows Vista. It is selling “incredibly well”, he told a press conference in Herzeliya, Israel today.

"Vista sells on almost 100 per cent of all the new consumer PCs around the world," the Microsoft CEO proclaimed. He added that the operating system was also selling on, "45 percent of all of new business PCs". Which is enlightening, since business users are about the ony buyers of new PCs that get a choice.

Now I know that is not true, I am IT director at my company and I keep track of crap like this.

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ROTFLMAO!!! I love Microsoft haters.

Then use Linux or buy and Apple and STFU!!!

"Man I hate this Chevy, it is such a piece of s%$t, but I guess I have to buy the new version because that's just the way it is... so I'll go ahead and buy it and then bitch..." ...that is what some of you sound like...

...though that's better than...

..."Man I hate Chevy. They build crappy cars. What? No I don't own nor have I ever owned one..."

Quick show of hands - how many of you have actually used Vista? I find (and I'm in the business) that most people with a negative opinion of Vista don't use it, they have only read that it sucks.

I've been running the OS since it was in Beta phase. I ran RC2 on my PRODUCTION MACHINE and it ran flawlessly. SP1 resolved a good number of issues. Driver support is almost universial. I'm running it across my network today on various Dell and home built machines, and runng the 64bit version at home. The OS is perfectly fine.

...and those of you who think MS is a Monopoly needs an education in simple economics.

The funny part about all of this is when the next OS comes around, people will be bitching when they pull Vista off the market. ROTFLMAO!

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How sad is it when you miss the good ole days of Bill Gates running the monopoly?

What Monopoly? I suppose you're running this board on Microsoft Products? I bet not... ...bet it's on a Linux distribution, running with a mysql back end probably running squirlmail and sporting an ip board front end...

...but Microsoft has a stranglehold on the computer world. :rolleyes:

Now, enjoy this motivational poster..


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What Monopoly?

Agreed. Monopolies are where you have no choice, like when you can only get TXU electric or Time-Warner cable. There are so many OS alternatives out there, but they are used mostly by geeks because your average American still has difficulties with this whole computer thing.

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I have tried vista three times, plus we keep one very nice machine with Vista as a test and it does suck, not only is it slow as hell and flaky. It does not work with our Novell server, the aerial software we own, half our printers, three custom retail real estate software packages and only 10-15 of the 80+ PCs in my office could even run vista. The expense to change over cost my small firm well over $100,000 at a time when we are not sure what the economy is doing. XP works great for us everyone is comfortable with it and so on. We buy new licenses for XP pro all the time, we purchase full blown office all the time. Microsoft is making money.

Microsoft's Vista is a pile of crap, if it was so great people would be lining up to buy it. But the sales have been so poor Microsoft is going to try and strong arm everyone into changing.

You bet we have already started to test Ubuntu.

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Then use Linux or buy and Apple and STFU!!!

Discontinuing XP for new fab PCs is a serious concern for businesses. Where I work, we'd have to test countless Windows apps to make sure they are compatible for Vista's architecture. I don't know how long it would take, but it would drown our front end developers and we'd have to hire an army of contractors to help with any changes that would be needed for the deployment of Vista.

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I'm looking for an Operating System that will work with my programs.

I will not use VISTA. I'll switch to Mac, which I should have done a long time ago anyway.

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When I got my new computer to use at work, I had the IT department take Vista off and put XP back on due to ESRI Product Key not compatible with Vista at the time, maybe 9.3 will be better.

I did not like Vista at all though in the short time I used it. Feel it was to flashy, for lack of a better term.

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Sounds like all the same stuff I heard when XP was released...

...applications don't work...

...rollout is going to be a huge investment...

...no driver support...

...slower than Win 2000...

...screw this, I'm going to Linux/Apple...

ROTFLMAO!!! Classic.

...typing this on a VERY stable Vista Machine. Enjoy!

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Sounds like all the same stuff I heard when XP was released...

...applications don't work...

...rollout is going to be a huge investment...

...no driver support...

...slower than Win 2000...

...screw this, I'm going to Linux/Apple...

ROTFLMAO!!! Classic.

...typing this on a VERY stable Vista Machine. Enjoy!

I guessing you work for Microsoft, because if you are in the business you would be the first IT professional not related to Microsoft that has had such an good opinion Vista. XP solved most of my problems with 98se. I was one who waited in line for XP pro, and by the way people needed something better then 98se at the time. Networking was a pain, and proper integration of products were tough to pull off. But XP has been good and for what Vista is offing there is absolutely no reason to move to it.

The fact is several of the IT directors or the senior admins have also started testing Ubuntu, but what I posted was about the CEO of Microsoft flat out lying!

I repeat Vista sucks! And there is no technical reason or advantage I should move to it but there was for XP.

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I guessing you work for Microsoft, because if you are in the business you would be the first IT professional not related to Microsoft that has had such an good opinion Vista. XP solved most of my problems with 98se. I was one who waited in line for XP pro, and by the way people needed something better then 98se at the time. Networking was a pain, and proper integration of products were tough to pull off. But XP has been good and for what Vista is offing there is absolutely no reason to move to it.

The fact is several of the IT directors or the senior admins have also started testing Ubuntu, but what I posted was about the CEO of Microsoft flat out lying!

I repeat Vista sucks! And there is no technical reason or advantage I should move to it but there was for XP.

Nice, but bad guess. I don't work for MS. But I'm in the business...

Hey, Vista has its issues, don't get me wrong - but my point is that the OS is stable, and driver support is catching up, and SP1 has resolved good amount of issues - these rants are almost EXACTLY like the ones I heard during that transition... People were going crazy when Win 2K was going to be end of lifed. Sounds like the same stuff I heard during the NT4 to 2000 transition.

...and who in the name of god (who has a clue) was using 98se in a business environment when XP came out? XP is LIGHTYEARS better (it was day one) than 98se - but it was the replacement for Windows 2000, not really 98se. ...and XP sufferend MANY of the same problems early on, especially with driver support.

No technical advantage or reason? How about 64 bit processing? Folks, that is the whole point of this. That is where this is all going. Support for more than 3.5MB Ram? Gee, who needs that? Support for 64 bit processing (and don't point at XP64 - that was an abortion of an operating system and had virtually ZERO driver support) is what Vista is all about, even though most are using the 32 bit version. Vista is the first step into this new architecture, and EVERYONE is going to have to go that way as the hardware moves that direction as well - the next OS released from MS will have NO 32 bit support - mark it down, you heard it here.

My home machine benchmarks faster under Vista 64 than it did under XP 32.

Nothing wrong with Ubuntu - I've got the GUI version of Ubuntu on a computer running in my office and I have a MAC in my office as well. But Linux is NEVER going to be a replacement for Windows in the end user environoment - it'll take some of the server market away, but only a few nerds are actually going to run Linux exclusively - most will use it where it is strong and keep going back to the Windows crutch to get their jobs done.

As far as me being the only person with a good opinion of Vista, you should do a little reading. Lots of industry press is coming around after SP1.

Like it or not, your applications vendors have to keep up with Microsoft - Microsoft doesn't (and shouldn't) try to keep down with them. Vista is designed to take advantage of more ram and better processing, and it does so quite well - no, all legacy apps won't work, but most mainstream hardware and software vendors are catching up with driver and Vista compatibility patches. I'm going to save this thread and copy it into the "Windows 2012 sucks, I can't belive they are killing Vista" threads that are sure to pop up here in a few years...


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What Monopoly? I suppose you're running this board on Microsoft Products? I bet not... ...bet it's on a Linux distribution, running with a mysql back end probably running squirlmail and sporting an ip board front end...

...but Microsoft has a stranglehold on the computer world. :rolleyes:

Now, enjoy this motivational poster..

I know what I am talking about here.

Microsoft has a long, long history of anti trust actions being brought against it successfully all over the world. Anyone remember the "secret appendix" deal between IBM and MS? How about the OEM deals that charged manufacturers for every machine built, regardless of whether or not that machine had an MS OS? How about OEM refunds for not offering other OS's? How about the conclusions of law in D.C. District Court that microsoft had committed monopolization in violation of sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Act. What about Microsofts failed appeal in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals where once again the judge ruled that:

Microsoft executives had "proved, time and time again, to be inaccurate, misleading, evasive, and transparently false. ... Microsoft is a company with an institutional disdain for both the truth and for rules of law that lesser entities must respect. It is also a company whose senior management is not averse to offering specious testimony to support spurious defenses to claims of its wrongdoing."

How about the 2004 fine of €497 million for anti trust practices handed down by the EU commission?

How about the 2008 fine of €899 million for failing to open up windows API's like MS had promised the EU in 2005?

How about the settlement MS had to reach with Apple (developing office for the mac, buying $150 million in non voting apple stock, a payment of at least 500 million dollars, possibly as much a 2 billion) in order for Apple to drop the case it was about to win against MS for stealing Quick Time code?

How about Eolas winning over 500 million dollars when US courts found MS quilty of stealing code to use in IE?

How about the out of court settlement MS had to reach with Caldera for this re engineering of MS DOS code to explicitly lock out thier DR DOS product?

How about the 10 million Spyglass won for the deceptive practices used by MS after thier licenses the Spyglass browser and turned it into IE?

How about the compression code MS stole from Stac Electronics, for which they had to pay a 120 million dollar settlement?

How about the fact that MS can't ship a Java VM with windows because they where found to have broken their agreement with Sun?

Is that enough for you? Over and OVER AND OVER, MS has been proven to be anti competitive.

Do you work for Microsoft?

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Guest JohnDenver

I concur with yz...

Every time a new OS comes out it can never live up the hype created by the creator.

I remember my friend and I going to Microcenter and buying a new PC. It came with Win95. He removed 95 and put 3.11 back on it... but the modem was a Win95 modem and same for the ACER soundcard. So he was forced to move to Win95. I had uninstalled 95 from my PC and put 3.11 on it until games started using the features of 32bit programs... when I was forced to switch.

Then came 98. I'd be damned if I was going to switch. So I installed NT4.0 because I was using it at my school on-campus job. I liked it... for what it was. ME came out.. No way was I going to switch off NT.. but Win2k came out.. and I switched.

Then XP came out. Wow. People hated it. Then all of a sudden people liked it. I switched.

Now Vista. Same cycle. I have no reason to move off XP. Eventually programs will be 64bits and shareware will force me to upgrade.

I used Ubuntu and XP on my work machines. At home, I won't use any flavor of Linux though. Trying to find software to support DLNA, printer bridges, whatever.. is tricky. Easier on windows.

And a MAC? Too pricey. Too limited in software. Also, all the OSX features are either in Ubuntu or Vista.. no need to switch hardware too.

The opinion of Cerebus is moot. He hates every company that was the lion's share of the market. He hates Sony.. but he bought a PS3. Oh noEz!

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The opinion of Cerebus is moot. He hates every company that was the lion's share of the market. He hates Sony.. but he bought a PS3. Oh noEz!

You sir are a damn Okie, so I would ask you to refrain from participating in the discussions of civilized people.

Also, market share has nothing to do with it.

I don't like Sony because of the many anti competitive suits it has lost, and how badly they massacred MiniDisc.

I don't like MS mainly because of their MANY MANY MANY anti competitive cases. Did you read that list I posted?

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Guest JohnDenver

You sir are a damn Okie, so I would ask you to refrain from the discussions of civilized people.

Also, market share has nothing to do with it.

I don't like Sony because of the many anti competitive suits it has lost, and how badly they massacred MiniDisc.

I don't like MS mainly because of their MANY MANY MANY anti competitive cases. Did you read that list I posted?

Sure, I read the post.

How about Apple? They like to play the innocent role in this whole anti-trust matter... They are the bullies on the block lately.

Music DRM? iPOD incompatibility with the rest of the free world? Overpriced downloads? Hardware restrictions on OS.. Backdooring the agreement with Cisco on the use of Cisco's iPhone name/product.

Same can be said for almost any company.

Business is teh suck.

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Sure, I read the post.

How about Apple? They like to play the innocent role in this whole anti-trust matter... They are the bullies on the block lately.

Music DRM? iPOD incompatibility with the rest of the free world? Overpriced downloads? Hardware restrictions on OS.. Backdooring the agreement with Cisco on the use of Cisco's iPhone name/product.

Same can be said for almost any company.

Business is teh suck.

Steve Jobs is the devil. The actual devil.

I am not a fan of Apple either.

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Guest JohnDenver

Steve Jobs is the devil. The actual devil.

I am not a fan of Apple either.

Point proven. You hate everything mainstream.

Apple takes Free BSD Unix and makes a nice GUI for it.. and calls it OSX... and people think it is revolutionary.

MS takes Xerox/DOS and put a GUI on it... and people call them thieves.

Cerebus wants everyone to use BeOS and OS/2 Warp while playing our Dreamcast and Turbographix16.

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Do you work for Microsoft?

Wow... ... already been asked that one already... ...and answered it in the negative.

Now, is Microsoft anti-competitive? Hell yeah. Didn't say otherwise.

...have they been nailed on anti-trust? Yup. Again, didn't say otherwise.

Is MS a ruthless company, run by ruthless people? Yeah.

...are they a monopoly? Nope... by definition. Having lost Anti-Trust suits and being run by a bunch of assholes and having lost some anti-trust lawsuits don't change the fact that Linux, Apple and Novell are in the desktop Operating system business, and Apple has CHOSEN to stay small by making the decision to lock to specific hardware. Microsoft has about 90% of that market, but not 100%. When you step back a little and look at the server market they have ANYTHING but a Monopoly. Microsoft has 39% of the server OS market, Unix has 38%, Linux has 12% and mainframe platforms round out the group with the remaining 11%.

They aren't the only office suite on the market. They aren't the only internet browser on the market. They don't control any single software market by themselves. They may steal code. They may engage in attempts to destroy their competition... but they are NOT a Monopoly.

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Nice, but bad guess. I don't work for MS. But I'm in the business...

Hey, Vista has its issues, don't get me wrong - but my point is that the OS is stable, and driver support is catching up, and SP1 has resolved good amount of issues - these rants are almost EXACTLY like the ones I heard during that transition... People were going crazy when Win 2K was going to be end of lifed. Sounds like the same stuff I heard during the NT4 to 2000 transition.

...and who in the name of god (who has a clue) was using 98se in a business environment when XP came out? XP is LIGHTYEARS better (it was day one) than 98se - but it was the replacement for Windows 2000, not really 98se. ...and XP sufferend MANY of the same problems early on, especially with driver support.

No technical advantage or reason? How about 64 bit processing? Folks, that is the whole point of this. That is where this is all going. Support for more than 3.5MB Ram? Gee, who needs that? Support for 64 bit processing (and don't point at XP64 - that was an abortion of an operating system and had virtually ZERO driver support) is what Vista is all about, even though most are using the 32 bit version. Vista is the first step into this new architecture, and EVERYONE is going to have to go that way as the hardware moves that direction as well - the next OS released from MS will have NO 32 bit support - mark it down, you heard it here.

My home machine benchmarks faster under Vista 64 than it did under XP 32.

Nothing wrong with Ubuntu - I've got the GUI version of Ubuntu on a computer running in my office and I have a MAC in my office as well. But Linux is NEVER going to be a replacement for Windows in the end user environoment - it'll take some of the server market away, but only a few nerds are actually going to run Linux exclusively - most will use it where it is strong and keep going back to the Windows crutch to get their jobs done.

As far as me being the only person with a good opinion of Vista, you should do a little reading. Lots of industry press is coming around after SP1.

Like it or not, your applications vendors have to keep up with Microsoft - Microsoft doesn't (and shouldn't) try to keep down with them. Vista is designed to take advantage of more ram and better processing, and it does so quite well - no, all legacy apps won't work, but most mainstream hardware and software vendors are catching up with driver and Vista compatibility patches. I'm going to save this thread and copy it into the "Windows 2012 sucks, I can't belive they are killing Vista" threads that are sure to pop up here in a few years...


Other then you seem to over look the out right lying that I attempted to point out by the Microsoft CEO, crap like that makes people MS haters. Apple is working it.

I am still betting Vista tanks and "windows 7" turns out to be the one.

But for an office 32 bit is more then enough to run, email, spread sheets, word, and all the specialized software we use at the same time. If I was 3D graphics rendering maybe, or gaming. Photoshop and some of the other Creative Suite products may be interesting with full support in a 64 bit architecture. Adobe has yet to produce such an animal. But do office needs really benefit from 64 bit processing? Not that I can see in my office, I had more effeicency produced by moving to a Giga lan network.

I remember the people whining about XP migration, but most of the IT pros I knew and still know today could not wait. This time the IT community is not screaming for change, especially one that is as an intense resource hog as Vista. If anything they need to slim it down, get rid of the goofy glitter, and free the resources. Yes I know xp was a hog at the time and even grew from 64 mg min - 128 mg recommended to the current version that I recommend 512mg min - 1 gig recommended, but Vista did not need to be much different then XP resource wise. Hell SP3 cleaned up XP even more.

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