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A Few Things We Desperately Need To Change


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1)Shut up after the final buzzer!!!!!!!! I've noticed this for about 2 years now and it's really starting to annoy me. Our alma mater gets played when almost the entire super pit has been vacated. Why? Because after the game ends and we play the fight song, then we have about a minute of announcements which could easily be done AFTER the alma mater. Last night I pulled out a stop watch and timed it...from final buzzer to start of the alma mater 2:07. People are tired and rambling on about how the "Sun Belt conference and UNT thank you for your attendance...blah, blah, blah" signals to them that the night's over. Hell, the fight song could be played after the alma mater but I understand it's placement as is. I think having the students and alums stay there and sing it with claws up is a tradition that could and should be started...but you'll never teach people from their cars!

2)We don't need piped in music during every timeout! First of all it's high schoolish. There are times when we go on a run and force the other team to call a timeout. This is the perfect time for the crowd to come to their feet and get into the game...or at least the students because let's be honest the alums wouldn't stand if their seats were on fire. (And by the way students, nice try with the "stand up" cheer. It's like the Dickey Draw though, just because it worked once doesn't meant it'll work every time) Last night the "Welcome to the Pit!" chant would have been perfect after we went up 10 just before the half. Instead we got Darude's "Sandstorm". Great music for before the game, not so great for momentum changing runs. Let the crowd, especially the pit crew, do what they're there for.

3)Move the Talons off the front row. I know, I know, the poor Talons get picked on so much. This time though it's deserved. All season long the Pit Crew crazies have been great at getting loud and heckling the other team. Two games ago I noticed the front row had been snatched up by a group of Talons. I thought, "Cool the Talons are gonna really get into it". Wrong. I figured it was a one game anomaly. It wasn't. Last night not only were the Talons back there front row center, they had even put their banner where the pit crew banner goes. And they were still deadly silent. We're crowding everyone's favorite wig clad, rowdy, chant starting ruffians into a corner for the sake of, what? I know it's a student section but I think the prime real estate should be reserved...and for good reason. But Emmitt, why do you care? Because I actually do care. I know what the student section could and should be. The potential is there. But not if our student spirit organization plants themselves on the front row to have a tea party.

4)Could we get some intro music for the team? I don't know if there's a time constraint on how quickly you've gotta get the national anthem, opposing team starting lineup and our starting lineup in, so I may be complaining about a "problem" that can't be addressed. It would, though, add some showmanship if after we announced the opposing team we had some kind of music that played (not the fight song or the tired "fly like and eagle") quietly in the background. I've always wanted to hear the intro to "Right Now" by Van Halen during our starting lineup intros. It would also allow our basketball team to do their "slow clap" without being drowned out by the band. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCkQZOnCN3k

All of these suggestions should be taken with the realization that I know full well how far our game "production" has come in the past 5 or so years. We are leaps and bounds ahead of where we were. Still, even the best of things can use fine tuning.

Edited by emmitt01
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I agree with you Emmitt on the Talons being the front row.... we really need the rowdy Pit Crew to be there to maximize the home court advantage.... To be truthful, this is a good problem to have... students arguing over sections... in fact, as student attendance continues to grow, you can expect even more in-fighting for seat space....

Edited by chrisfisher
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I also have noticed the lackluster Talons in the front row. One way the Pit Crew could get their prime real estate back is show up for the women's games, the Talons were there and set up way before the Pit Crew.

It would also be nice if everybody in the Student Section got into what was going on. There are isolated pockets of action that are surrounded by people standing around like zombies.

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I agree regarding the Talons. Don't be a bunch of Jonny-Come-Latelys and then sit around in stoney silence, especially when ESPN is in the house! And the back 20 rows are just as bad.

Wear green!


Bounce and yell "Ohhhhhhhh!" when the enemy has the ball.

Learn some good chants. (BTW, The NORTH-TEXAS yell is really good for basketball. The action is quick enough to naturally end the chant.)

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I agree with Emmitt.

But on one thing....the "Welcome To The Pit!" which you all are trying to bring back. I love that. But, please note, that originally that chant was only yelled toward the end of the game, when we had the game in hand. It was never yelled during the first half...only when we had the game won.....


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"Welcome to the Pit" seems more appropriate in the following situations:

Pre-game warmups

Opening lineup of the enemy

When the enemy calls a timeout after a run by the Mean Green.

Chanting it at the end of the game when they are about to leave seems odd.

From what I'd heard the pregame warmups and after TO's were done in the past, but everyone seems to have a different memory of that. :)

Chanting at the end is more like our version of "Start the bus"

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2)We don't need piped in music during every timeout! First of all it's high schoolish. There are times when we go on a run and force the other team to call a timeout. This is the perfect time for the crowd to come to their feet and get into the game...or at least the students because let's be honest the alums wouldn't stand if their seats were on fire.

All of these suggestions should be taken with the realization that I know full well how far our game "production" has come in the past 5 or so years. We are leaps and bounds ahead of where we were. Still, even the best of things can use fine tuning.

I always love the intense Mavs playoffs game where the Mavs blow open a game and then the music cuts out and everyone chants their approval.


The crowd can cheer during the music. I think cuting it will just make it more awkward than anything. And if you to any pro or college game and listen to what other schools play, you'd be amazed how few songs they use. The family friendly stuff is rough to find sometimes. It's hard to teach 10 year olds to Super Man That Ho sometimes. The sheets aren't meant to stick yet.

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