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We are the richest most powerful country in the world. Why do the populations of 37 countries live longer?

Probably because we are the richest, most powerful country in the world. (i.e., We're fat, lazy, and happy)

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I really like Obama and also Ron Paul...

I think they could help our country to be in th eright direction and the rest of the world. That is who we need to elect. Either one is just fine.

Hillary= Bill Clinton all over again....

Huckabee= Will chose Chuck Norris as the head of the a Dept of Defense, seems funny but not smart

Obama= great speaker, and really smart and would be a great leader

Ron Paul= would make a great prez, and is a medical doctor who can help with healthcare

Guilani- tough on crime, but is 15 mins of fame is running out

Thompson- seems nice, but will not win because he has a super young and hot wife.

Romney= The religion thing by the media is killing him

Edwards- needs more money to win support


Let's not do things half-assed...

Let's all support Flyer for President. He'll do things fully-assed.


"I've always been a Yankees fan."

I can't stand her strictly because of the smug look on her face and the air of entitlement she carries...but this is quote makes it personal. LOL


"Hillary= Bill Clinton all over again.... "

Exactly why she's getting my vote...anything that puts Bill and his influence in Washington is a good thing. Clinton did more good for this country than any president since FDR and in a class of candidates this weak and mundane Hillary gets my Bill vote.


"Hillary= Bill Clinton all over again.... "

Exactly why she's getting my vote...anything that puts Bill and his influence in Washington is a good thing. Clinton did more good for this country than any president since FDR and in a class of candidates this weak and mundane Hillary gets my Bill vote.

Effin' Hippie... you can go find a fat intern and smoke a cigar for all i care....


"Hillary= Bill Clinton all over again.... "

Exactly why she's getting my vote...anything that puts Bill and his influence in Washington is a good thing. Clinton did more good for this country than any president since FDR and in a class of candidates this weak and mundane Hillary gets my Bill vote.

Bill was the most crooked, self interested Pile of Crap we have ever had in the White House.

Wow, I would really like to know specificlly what good ole Bill did? What program are you talking about? I mean really name some great things he was responcible for?

Teaching the young about Oral sex?

That the collapse of the Russia gave us (USA) new business, less expense, combinded with a computer/internet/comuntications boom for a great economy cycle. That would be Reagan & Bush.

The guy sucked, and his BS Al-Queda soft nature got us where we are today.


I'm glad Nixon never got elected then.

oh wait...

What did Nixon do?

He had a great foreign affairs policy, got us talking with China again. He got handed a mess in Vietnam. As a president minus Watergate he did lots of good.

And when faced with scandal he resigned instead of taking the the country through an impeachment process. That he was never proved to have first hand knowledge of.

Bill could have learned from that.


Iowa is in Obama's back yard. Let's see how he does in Hillary's back yard. I know the polls. Wait for the ACTUAL vote.

If Clinton finishes a distent second or third in New Hampshire...then she has problems.

Posted (edited)

Iowa is in Obama's back yard. Let's see how he does in Hillary's back yard. I know the polls. Wait for the ACTUAL vote.

If Clinton finishes a distent second or third in New Hampshire...then she has problems.

Hillary is from Illinois as well. And the latest poll shows her down by 12 points. Another 3rd place finish will severely hurt her. After almost losing her temper last night, I don't expect she'll make a big comeback. The woman is a shrill. I don't say that to be mean... she's just got a temper that is boiling under the surface and it is so obvious that she struggles to keep it under control.

Regardless, Edwards has made it clear that he is aligning himself with Obama. The two of them smell blood and they want Hillary out of this race by the end of February. I expect after South Carolina, Obama will ask Edwards to be his running mate. And then she will be toast.

Edited by UNTflyer

Hillery may be from Illinois, but Obama has the recent history as a public servent.

I heard Obama was pretty flat in the debates yesterday. Again, let's see how the ACTUAL VOTES come out of New Hampshire.

Posted (edited)



1. stated he would invade Pakistan to get Bin Laden........200 million people.....a bunch a nukes...

2. stated he wants universal health care.....more money out of my pocket for another govt. program.

3. amnisty for all illegals......more money out of my pocket again for continued social services and an invitation for more to walk across the border and strain more money out of my pocket.


1. jail time for any american citizen who refuses all inclusive government health care.....

2. supports amnisty for all illegal aliens....see #3 for Obama.

3. reduce / eliminate large profits that corporation's make.........wouldn't that almost eliminate research/development, worker's incentives, gas/oil exploration and just about everything else corporations sponsor? sounds orwelian.


1. more social(ist) programs....such as:

a) $2,000 for every baby born in the US (mexican anchor babies included) for college..........just take more of my paycheck.

x) $2,000 for every family for retirement..........................................................................my wallet is getting lighter, again.

c) Hillary care....do I need to say more.

2. amnisty for all illegals.....do I need to say more?

3. reduction of the military expenditures (again....from BC's 1st/2nd terms). Carter almost destroyed the military as did Clinton leaving the military with no spare parts and after he blasted just about all our cruise missles in Africa, Bosnia & Afganistan.



(IMHO) a right leaning democrat.....in republican clothing.

1. supports illegals in the US......in Arkansas, illegals received "in state tuition" and other free social services.

2. supports other big ticket social services and wants to expand services for all.......more of the same.

3. he does support the military.


1. (IMHO) another right leaning democrat....in republican clothing.

2. Look at his expanded government in Mass.

a) Boston a sancuary city for illegals.

x) Big tax increases for the state......people call it Taxatucess....looks like more $$ in failed govt. programs.

3. Supports the military.

4. more of the same of Bush II.

Guiliany (sp)

1. see Romney's bio.

2. wants to fine illegals for being here illegally.....a slap on the wrist.


1. Eliminate the IRS and use a consumpion tax or flat tax.

2. Reduce the power of the federal government and give more power back to the states...State's Rights....hummm....Jeffersonian and wasn't that one of the primary issues of the anti bellum south.

3. Supports the military...wants the US to keep strong tabs on rouge nuclear nations.

4. Reduce or eliminate most govt. social programs.

5. you ought to listen to Fred he is more specific about his issues than "any" of the candidates.

6. get rid of all illegals.....including anchor babies.......FT slammed Rudy on this issue several times.



1. Eliminate the IRS.

2. Troops out of Iraq and Afganistan....an isolationist so to speak on military matters....guess he wants to fight terrorists in America.

3. Eliminate the Federal Reserve System.....which is neither federal or a reserve.....just a private banking system like citi bank......well the last time that was seriously considered the President was shot in Dallas.....yes, J.F. Kennedy wanted the US back on the Gold Standard.

The one I like is Fred Thompson.

The democrats have not backed down on expanding government....all of them feel the government will solve all our ills through more govt. control.

The republicans..... exept for Thompson and Paul... is more of the same and that is a government that continues to lean toward the left, little by little.

-------this is just a thumb nail synopsis--------

Edited by eulesseagle

If some of you look into it a bit...most of the Bin-Laden & co. crap started with Reagan and Bush, until Ollie North set them straight but by then it was too late.

Because of the differing opinions of economists, it is impossible to know for sure whether the economy did well during Clinton's administration due to his own actions, or if it was a delayed reaction from Reagan. It may have even been because of policy shifts.

A "rouge" nation is red. A "rogue" nation is rebellious. I'm assuming euless meant the latter but hey, we had plenty of "red nation" issues in the past, so who knows...?

Still crossing my fingers for Ron Paul. His long-term policies would be good for both the right and the left. The best part is that the outcome of many of those would take politics completely out of the equation yet still be sensible an pro-citizen, pro-American, and pro-voter! Freddie looks like the 2nd best Republican, though I'm not entirely certain that he's unlikely to kick the bucket before finishing a term.

Posted (edited)


Clinton rode Reganomics into the ground.....and what is left of Reganomics Bush II is driving the nails in the coffin.

Regan's policies took us out of resession under Carter. Most of you do not remember but a good interest rate on credit cards were at 25%. Mortgage rates ran up to 12-15% if you had excellent credit. Carter down sized the military so much all that the United States had was almost a coastal defense force. The military had virtually no spare parts for our equipment.

Regan revitalized the country through his "trickle down economics." Tax cuts for business.....drove down interest rates, revitalized our almost depression, got our prisoners back from Iran, rebuilt the military, hunted down terrorists (the ones who supported aircraft highjackings), shot down several Libian aircraft of Kadafi and bombed Kadafi's house outside of Tripoli....would have gotten the dirtbag in his bedroom but he was sleeping in a tent outside. Kadafi never stayed in the same place for more than 12 hours after that until Regan left office. Regan restored democracy from the communist Sandanistas in Nicaragua by arming the Contras (that is where Ollie North was called to testify about the Iranian-Contra deal). He made the Russians believe we had super space weapons that could shoot down Soviet Missles which made the Soviets spend "billions upon billions" on a fabricated program that eventually bankrupted the Soviets on defense expenditures. Invaded Granada to keep the Russians and Cubans from building a 12,000 - 15,000 foot runway. Just thought it up and massed a secret plan to invade and did it without telling anyone. The press was livid about that.....but Regan never confided in the press much anyway and because of that the press always maligned Regan at every opportunity.

Regan restored American Pride.

Edited by eulesseagle

See, that's the problem all over again...

Depending on whether you listen to liberal or conservative economists, policy analysts, pundits, etc., the analysis is entirely different. Because so much is grounded in theory, and the difficulty of tracking which dollars went where after any given policy or economy change, and all of the factors that are involved in figuring out such a complex economy (especially when you figure in both domestic and international money as well as how tax money - both in and out - figures into the whole thing), you can basically make a case for it either way. It's either, "look, our policy worked!", or "well, it was a spillover from the things done X years ago that took a while to work their way through our economy". That's a huge simplification of it all, but when we were doing policy analysis, we had to do studies of both sides and then discuss...and the discussion was basically the lesson, because the point was that you can make a case for or against either side because of the whole "was this our doing, or is it a development that came from so-and-so?" debate.


Unfortunately, you aren't far from the truth.

Part of the problem is that political scientists are still debating over which is the correct model to use in pretty much every area of analysis, with the answer being that maybe none of them is quite right yet and things have to be tweaked before a truly proper model can come into vogue. Though there is a much greater percentage of liberal professors and authors than would fit with national averages of politicians, voters, educators, you name it, there has yet to be a clear-cut model that "takes the cake" and is generally accepted. I only point out the abundance of liberalism to show that the lack of consensus has nothing to do with a partisan discussion, only a scholarly one.

And when I say "authors", I'm referring to scholarly works, not punditry. Pundits are probably about equal on both sides, but all you need to publish is a decent working knowledge, some facts, and people who want to read what you say, so be careful putting too much stock into any of it...any political work is certainly more than deserving of a grain of salt.


I think being acouple of generations removed let's people actually judge the Presidency, rather than let their own political viewpoints or emotions color their analysis. You almost have to be at a point where you weren't alive - or at least fairly young - to not let your personal memories/political viewpoints influence your criticism(good or bad). That's why I hought 50 years or so would be a good number. Most scholars are probably in their 50's or 60's - so they can clinically look at history before they were born, or while they were kids. Anything later than that...not as much.



Clinton rode Reganomics into the ground.....and what is left of Reganomics Bush II is driving the nails in the coffin.

Regan's policies took us out of resession under Carter. Most of you do not remember but a good interest rate on credit cards were at 25%. Mortgage rates ran up to 12-15% if you had excellent credit. Carter down sized the military so much all that the United States had was almost a coastal defense force. The military had virtually no spare parts for our equipment.

Regan revitalized the country through his "trickle down economics." Tax cuts for business.....drove down interest rates, revitalized our almost depression, got our prisoners back from Iran, rebuilt the military, hunted down terrorists (the ones who supported aircraft highjackings), shot down several Libian aircraft of Kadafi and bombed Kadafi's house outside of Tripoli....would have gotten the dirtbag in his bedroom but he was sleeping in a tent outside. Kadafi never stayed in the same place for more than 12 hours after that until Regan left office. Regan restored democracy from the communist Sandanistas in Nicaragua by arming the Contras (that is where Ollie North was called to testify about the Iranian-Contra deal). He made the Russians believe we had super space weapons that could shoot down Soviet Missles which made the Soviets spend "billions upon billions" on a fabricated program that eventually bankrupted the Soviets on defense expenditures. Invaded Granada to keep the Russians and Cubans from building a 12,000 - 15,000 foot runway. Just thought it up and massed a secret plan to invade and did it without telling anyone. The press was livid about that.....but Regan never confided in the press much anyway and because of that the press always maligned Regan at every opportunity.

Regan restored American Pride.

That's totally absurd. Carter inherited the recession and the inflation from Nixon/Ford, or have you forgotten Nixon's attempts at "price controls", the double-digit inflation EVERY single year of Nixon and Ford's reign. Or have you forgotten how Reagan turned Hamas into a force by "turning tail" in Beirut when Hamas bombed the Marine barracks there. He did more to prove "terrorism" works than anyone.

Opps....sorry. I forgot EVERYTHING is the Democrats fault. Thank God we had 10 years of Republican rule in both houses and a Republican president for the past 7 years. The past 10 years have been REALLY good for the USA and the economy. Things have never been better. We should elect Bush for life and just put the Republicans back in charge of everything again. They did such a great job.

Posted (edited)

The past 10 years have been REALLY good for the USA and the economy.

Your attempt at sarcasm actually hits the nail on the head. The past 10 years have been very good economically for the US. Here are the Gross Domestic Product by year:

1997 +6.2% 1998 +5.3% 1999 +6.0% 2000 +5.9% 2001 +3.2% 2002 +3.4% 2003 +4.7% 2004 +6.6% 2005 +6.4% 2006 +6.1%

In that span, we had a two quarter recession in late 2000/early 2001, but the revised numbers showed that we actually flirted back and forth across that zero-growth line for a few quarters, so we were technically never in recession.

Using the traditional definition of a recession (two or more straight quarters of negative GDP) we have had two mild recessions since Reaganomics started. Late 1981/early 1982, and then again in late 1990/early 1991. These numbers are available at http://www.bea.gov/national/index.htm#gdp

Once again... facts trump hyperbole.

Even today with high energy prices and a shaky housing market, our economy is diverse enough to weather these mild bumps. That is the best benefit of Reagonomics.

And actually, if you were born after the 1950s you pretty much don't know what a bad economy is. The late 70s were our last big economic slump.

Edited by UNTflyer

The Record


Reagan-Bush-About 25% cut for all;business incentives;estate and marriage taxes reduced.

Carter-Mondale-Nearly doubled in five years before Reagan-Bush.


Reagan-Bush-3.9% in 1982, 3.8% in 1983, 4.2% so far in 1984.

Carter-Mondale-13.3% in 1979, 12.4% in 1980.

Prime Rate

Reagan-Bush-Down eight points to 13%.

Carter-Mondale-More than tripled in four years to 21%.

Economic Growth

Reagan-Bush-GNP up seven straight quarters, 7.1% rate, 2nd quarter 1984.

Carter-Mondale-GNP down .3% in 1980.

Workers’ Real Earnings

Reagan-Bush-Up every year.

Carter-Mondale-Down every year.

Housing Starts

Reagan-Bush-Nearly double the 1981 rate so far in 1984.

Carter-Mondale-Down to 1.3 million in 1980 and falling to a low of under 1 million in 1981.

Reducing Crime

Reagan-Bush-1983-biggest drop in a generation; two years of decline for the first time since records kept.

Carter-Mondale-Violent crimes rose 31% over four years.

Stregthened Social Programs

Reagan-Bush-Benefits redirected to needy and overall spending levels increased for child nutrition, food stamps, AFDC, Medicare, Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income and Subsidized housing.

Carter-Mondale-42% of income-tested benefits went to persons with incomes 150% of poverty.

Restoring Respect

Reagan-Bush-No hostile takeovers in four years as America is stregthened and stands by friends around the globe.

Carter-Mondale-Hostile takeovers in Angola, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iran, Ethiopa, Nicaragua as U.S. stood by.

©2000-2007 by the 4President Corporation

Carter also:

1. armed the sunni islamic radicals to overthrow the Iranian government. in return the ayatollah captured our Iranian embassy & 53 American for over a year. Oh yea, one failed attempt to get the American's back. Let me see if I remember......Regan told the Ayatollah to give back the Americans or he would bomb them into the stone age.....the second day of Reagan's presidency the 53 hostages were freed.

2. Carter supported Arafat because he felt that Isreal was the root cause of all the problems in the middle east........

3. Carter gave away the Panama Canal.....now the canal is run by the Chinese.

4. Did nothing to support the Democatic government of Nicaragua against the communist takeover by the Sandinistas......hummmm.....seems like Reagan had to clean up that mess too by arming the Contras to take over their government again.

5. Did I mention gas prices going up from about 40 cents a gallon to over a buck.......how would you like to see our gas prices go up over 7 dollars a gallon today?

6. Carter took away various price controls set by the Nixon/Ford era and guess what.......zooooooom.......inflation.......

7. dude....nothing personal but you better ask you parents what it was financially like living uner Nixon.......then Carter........then Reagan. I can tell you this once Reagan got price controls under better management it was like getting an impacted turd removed.

8. IMHO, Carter is one of Americas 5 worst presidents......&......in no particular order: Carter, FDR, Clinton, Truman & Wilson.

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