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You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

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Don't get me wrong, they're a good team, but I tend to think they (they're fan base) are getting inflated heads. Yes, they are undefeated so far, but they haven't really gotten into the meat of their schedule. They're ranked above us right now, but given that we play in the better conference, I believe we will trump then soon.

My best friend is a UTA student and hardcore basketball fan (it is, after all, their only REAL sport), and he will not stop bragging about UNT's loss at their hands. I can only hope that they lose to Oklahoma State so I can at least have the consolation of knowing that we defeated a larger opponent.

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Not me.

I take it one game at a time and also realize the season has a long way to go.

I am enthusiastic, however. 8-0 and having just knocked-off Wichita State at their place in front of a sold-out crowd of 10,400+ are not small accomplishments.

We won't win them all. And, Sam Houston and SFA are also tearing up the place.

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Props to UTA...they deserve some recognition. Let them enjoy their run. The better they do, the better we look, and vice versa. We don't play them again, so as far as I'm concerned more power to them if they should run the table. As Buddy Guy says, "It's your time now...but it'll be my time after while!".

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Someone correct me if I am wrong but haven't they beat us the last 4 times we have played? It's not bad having lost our 2 games against 2 schools who remain undefeated. Actually, going on the road and defeating Wichita State was a bigger feat than beating us on the stage. (albeit without Collin Dennis)

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---Let them brag.... They view us much as view the Big-XII schools..

The Southland often has several good basketball teams and often just don't get the credit they deserve... They are playing and taking out some bigger names this year. It may help us to linform places that some pretty good basketball is played in Texas.

--- The Southland looks very interesting with Sam Houston, S.F.Austin and UT-Arlington having a combined 21-1 record... SFA lost to Tx Texh but SH defeated Tech plus they have defeated OU, us, and Wichita State. There are often a lot of good basketball teams outside the Big-name conferences.

--I wish them all the luck in the world. and hope they will support us as well.

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I wish we played UTA, SMU, and TCU twice each every season much like NMSU plays UTEP and UNM in nonconference games twice each season.

It would be great for the fans, would sell tickets for the athletic departments, would ease the travel burden on student athletes, and would garner some metroplex media attention for the schools involved.

That said, which schools do you think would fear such an arrangement?

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Screaming Eagle, I look at UNT and UTA as peer institutions, which they are. I don't think we at UTA view UNT in the way you describe. We may respect you; I would say "yes" to that.

Peer institutions should not be confused with identical institutions. We are not. While there is some overlap, our profiles (academic offerings, etc.) are different. Your student body is bigger, but our research presence is roughtly twice as large. UT Dallas, San Antonio, El Paso, can also be regarded as our in-state peers. An in-state aspirational peer for both of us might be the University of Houston.

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UTA's success can only be good for us. I hope they go undefeated the whole year.

Completely agree.

Our only 2 losses have come at the hands of 2 solid teams. We've won the games we were supposed to win, and played competitively in the ones we might not have won (barring the first 10 minutes of the game in Austin). Im excited.

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UTA's success can only be good for us. I hope they go undefeated the whole year.

That's very kind, and of course, very pragmatic. If we win more than 20 games and get some banners (like UNT has) to put in our rafters, it will be a very good season. We have two other very good teams in the western division of the SLC, plus that sleeper in TAMU-CC, so nobody is taking success for granted. :)

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