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Response To Eulesseagle Post


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QUOTE(eulesseagle @ Dec 2 2007, 07:54 AM)

like i have been saying just about all year......we have a good offensive line but really bad defensive backs......and.......that is where just about all the teams we have played have been attacking us.

do you think that has anything to do with the DB that quit at the beginning of the season and the two DB's that have been suspended for the rest of this year, none of these 3 played in this game. But I believe our problem was over the entire team...holding calls on the offensive line cost us a 7 point TD and killed several drives. Two interceptions on offense didn't help, a fumbled kick off catch by NT that gave the ball on special teams to FIU on our 20 something yd line or the 85 yard kickoff return on special teams...................yet most of what I heard was bad DB's and fire the DB coach...time...after.time.

In spite of the comments I still believe fire coaches posts hurts us recruiting. It certaintly doesn't help our coaches in recruiting. DD was in his 5th year before he had a winning record so we go after a coach in his first year.

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In spite of the comments I still believe fire coaches posts hurts us recruiting. It certaintly doesn't help our coaches in recruiting. DD was in his 5th year before he had a winning record so we go after a coach in his first year.

The idea that we were patient with Dickey and are not being patient with Dodge is not true. Dickey was on the verge of being fired when the Mean Green began their conference win streak. He saved his job with on-field success. Weird concept, eh?

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The idea that we were patient with Dickey and are not being patient with Dodge is not true. Dickey was on the verge of being fired when the Mean Green began their conference win streak. He saved his job with on-field success. Weird concept, eh?

And how many years was he here before that streak happened? Three?

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You hit the nail on the head and evidently we have the same perspective about the defensive corners and safeties. You are correct again in your perspective about the suspension of some of the defense. Some of it "may" have been personality conflicts with Coach Mendoza, some of it may had been the poor performance of the players and who knows what else that "only" the coaches & players know but will not disclose.

Special teams did, in fact, fail in some of the games. Golly, when was the last time we saw two punts blocked (FAU game) near our endzone that led to two touchdowns.....other than that the Coach Mendoza defense played very well ...... we could have won that game.

Interceptions by both quarterbacks, Meager and Vizza......OldTimer, when was the last time you saw that many interceptions in one year since you have been attending games??? for me this was a record number going back to the last year that Coach Otis Mitchell was at the helm. But, given that Meager was transitioning from a run oriented offense to a pass oriented offense it may have been difficult and Vizza, 18 years old, transitioning from high school to college where the pace of the game is increased may have accounted for the "abnormal amount of INT's. Back in the day college teams had a Freshman team to get them ready for their sophmore year when they were really eligible to play college ball. I believe in 1966 or 1967 NTSU beat Oklahoma's freshman team and everyone who paid attention to NTSU football was really pretty excited about the new players.

It is my further observation that some of the members who post who have seen games for 20+ years usually have a better concept of patients and the need for rebuilding & what it takes than some of the members who have watched UNT football for just a few years. This attitude of, "I want it now at any expense" only indicates the immaturity of the younger posters and not the general feeling of the majority.

It is also my observation that Coach Todd Dodge has some of the highest accolades amongst all his peers in the nation. If, as some of the younger posters alude, UNT is so bad defensively why would anyone come to UNT?? The answer is Todd Dodge. Why did Vizza come to UNT?? answer: Todd Dodge. The same with our freshman running back and receivers.....Todd Dodge. Why are we getting more commitments from top players this year than any other year??? answer: Todd Dodge.

Todd Dodge and ALL his staff have been beating the bushes for the best players to commit to UNT and now they want to be part of the rebuilding process and one recent high school qb who is going to play on defense........yep, that is Coach Mendoza's defense......Todd Dodge.

Offense, Defense and Special teams have to take their fair share of responsibility .... not just one piece of the pie takes 100% of the blame.

This knee jerk reaction from the "lynch mob" is just from a small handfull of younger posters, with no starting point for a reference from the past (say 5 years) and in my humble opinion DO NOT represent the vast majority views of this university, staff and those who support 100% what it actually takes to rebuild a program. It is NOT the "tail" that wags this dog rather it is this dog that wags the tail. Hopefully, anonymous readers will be able to discern the difference between the minoriy views of the "lynch mob" and the the vast majority who 100% support Todd Dodge!

thanks OT.

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This knee jerk reaction from the "lynch mob" is just from a small handfull of younger posters, with no starting point for a reference from the past (say 5 years) and in my humble opinion DO NOT represent the vast majority views of this university, staff and those who support 100% what it actually takes to rebuild a program.

I've been supporting this program since 1988. Do you think that if you insult people here long enough, the last season will magically stop sucking and we'll pick up a couple of wins retroactively?

Edited by rcade
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I've been supporting this program since 1988. Do you think that if you insult people here long enough, the last season will magically stop sucking and we'll pick up a couple of wins retroactively?

Do you think your constant complaining that NT "pick up a couple of wins retroactively?"

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This knee jerk reaction from the "lynch mob" is just from a small handfull of younger posters, with no starting point for a reference from the past (say 5 years) and in my humble opinion DO NOT represent the vast majority views of this university, staff and those who support 100% what it actually takes to rebuild a program. I

Guess since I'm only 29...though born and raised in Denton...I don't have a reference point. And if you want to know what the "majority" view of NT is I'll give you a glimpse. I have to respond to about 10 different friends of mine, with no association to NT, who ask me weekly "Wow, you guys put up a lot of points! How come you give up so many more? Hahahahaha"

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This knee jerk reaction from the "lynch mob" is just from a small handfull of younger posters, with no starting point for a reference from the past (say 5 years) and in my humble opinion DO NOT represent the vast majority views of this university, staff and those who support 100% what it actually takes to rebuild a program. It is NOT the "tail" that wags this dog rather it is this dog that wags the tail. Hopefully, anonymous readers will be able to discern the difference between the minoriy views of the "lynch mob" and the the vast majority who 100% support Todd Dodge!

thanks OT.

Apparently if someone has a differing opinion from yours then we do not "100% support Todd Dodge"? Wow, thats mildly narrow minded.

You have good points in regards to the special teams and interceptions, those are not Mendoza's fault, but he has to deal with them just like every other coach. Yes there was an abnormal amount of them but that in no way makes up for a 40+ points against average, that is disgraceful. I, like most of the people here have no problem with Dodge and Co. getting that first year as a mulligan, but that doesn't mean that there should not be adjustments. Our defense made very few adjustments all year hopefully we can learn from their mistakes. If our corners and safetys are slow, then we need to find a way to keep them a bit deeper and utilize more zone looks to keep recievers in front of the defense. Just one idea.

I have to agree with Emmitt on this one to, I am but 25 years old and have been following NT football for about a decade now, maybe i don't know what 100% of what it takes to rebuild a program is, because i apparently haven't been around long enough, but I have the ability to observe things and say if it looks like S and smells like S then in pobably is..... I will let you finish that last one.

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I to think Dodge is making a mistake in bring back Mendoza as DC, but complaining about it constantly is not going to give NT any more wins. I wish the football team had gone 12-0, but it went 2-10. Am I happy about it? No, but let's let our coach make the coaching decisions and not threaten to withhold support (I know you did not do this rcade, but others have) if the Defensive coordinator is not changed.

I would like to hear Coach Archie & GMoney's take on the Defensive problems.

This is for the entre "lynch mob" not rcade.

Unless you can fund the buyout of Mendoza's contract, shut the F up and let the man have one more year.

So I can't be accused of hiding behind an internet screen name,

Brett Tulloss

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I to think Dodge is making a mistake in bring back Mendoza as DC, but complaining about it constantly is not going to give NT any more wins. I wish the football team had gone 12-0, but it went 2-10. Am I happy about it? No, but let's let our coach make the coaching decisions and not threaten to withhold support (I know you did not do this rcade, but others have) if the Defensive coordinator is not changed.

I would like to hear Coach Archie & GMoney's take on the Defensive problems.

This is for the entre "lynch mob" not rcade.

Unless you can fund the buyout of Mendoza's contract, shut the F up and let the man have one more year.

So I can't be accused of hiding behind an internet screen name,

Brett Tulloss

Most assistants are on year to year contracts. I don't think there is anything to "buyout" now that the season is over. Having said that, I hear what you are saying. Dodge has made his decision. His fate will likely be tied to this decision. Let's hope he is right.

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Most assistants are on year to year contracts. I don't think there is anything to "buyout" now that the season is over. Having said that, I hear what you are saying. Dodge has made his decision. His fate will likely be tied to this decision. Let's hope he is right.

Mendoza could spare TD a lot of anguish by "falling on his sword" & just resigning.

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There are other posters here that have been supporting the program just as long as you have and, with their patience, they do not share your opinion.

Kinda tired of reading about the interceptions. They certainly snowball the problem, but they don't explain the countless times opponents scored with ease in the first half, or first quarter. I have no quarral if the defense is put in a bad situation, say a short field after an interception inside OUR endzone. I think the basis here is the long, easy drives that are 70+ yards in less than 2 minutes (and less than 5 plays lol)

No one is saying that special teams and offense are perfect, or cannot contribute to the defensive woes. But if the 3 phases of the game make up to 100 percent of the problems, I'd rate the defense at weighing in at around 65 - 70% of all this. That's no exact science, but it might be a way to gauge how every one else thinks of all this. Thoughts?

Edited by greenminer
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Maybe TFLF has the best idea of why this defense didn't make it this year, and maybe Mendoza can get his new recruits (all 3 of them at this point) to buy into what he is trying to do, but aren't there many defensive players still left from the DD era that will still need to buy into it next year along with the new players? I just don't see anything that makes me think this defense is going to get that much better by next season. Frankly in order for this team to win 5 or 6 games next season this defense is going to have to have had big improvements from this year. If Mendoza does it, fine, I am all on board with him, it's just I don't or haven't seen anything that leads me to believe this will happen.

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