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Did you go to the game? I can't say that I'd blame anyone for wanting to sit at home for that game. It was miserable.

Yes I was there, I have to rank that game in my top 5 coldest games I have ever attended. At least it was not snowing and the wind was not howling.

And I am not basing our need for a new stadium on one cold, wet, November game, however I think it does show our (City, Alumni, Students) lack of support for the University. We need to support in Good (Bowls and Conference titles) and Bad (1-9, 40 degree) times.

GO MEAN GREEN! Lets end this season on a high ....Beat FIU

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I had to work yesterday until 4 PM (I work for UNT and we have a computer upgrade going on this weekend) and I arrived home to find my 9 year old daughter fully dressed and ready to go to game.

We arrived at half time to find no staff in the parking lot (can't blame them for that) and dozens of people leaving the stadium. The ticket takers did not have their scanner any more and barely took notice of us as we entered the stadium. My daughter said something to effect about all the "sissys" that didn't show up as she took her place with the small number of Jr Mean Green Club members.

We sat there soaking wet through the second half as she SMILED the rest of the game.

I wonder what kind of football nut I have raised!!! I am so proud. *sniff*

Edited by GreenTiger
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For me it's like this,


I told RV as he walked up the stands yesterday "look around, this is your true fan base" and I meant it. Years from now I will be able to tell my children about the monsoon against Nevada...because I was there! I'll be able to talk about the miracle in the desert...because I was there! The SBC championship game in basketball? Yep...cuz I was there! And last night's miserable conditions and WIN....yeah, I'll be able to tell that one too. I don't think anyone else should have the right to tell these stories or say that they appreciate them if they can't be bothered to come out and watch THEIR alma mater, on senior night, in a little cold weather.

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It was definitely one of the most miserable games I've ever sat through weather wise...and this includes some very cold games at Soldier Filed growing up. I didn't sit in my seats for the game, instead choosing to stay under the tent on the deck area.

I'm glad I went though (and have a girlfriend cool enough to stick it out in that crappy weather) because getting to see Jamario's greatness one last time was worth it. What a great performance on Senior day from a guy that's given some truly memorable performances in a Mean Green uniform.

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For me it's like this,


I told RV as he walked up the stands yesterday "look around, this is your true fan base" and I meant it. Years from now I will be able to tell my children about the monsoon against Nevada...because I was there! I'll be able to talk about the miracle in the desert...because I was there! The SBC championship game in basketball? Yep...cuz I was there! And last night's miserable conditions and WIN....yeah, I'll be able to tell that one too. I don't think anyone else should have the right to tell these stories or say that they appreciate them if they can't be bothered to come out and watch THEIR alma mater, on senior night, in a little cold weather.

This is absurd. We get it. You are the greatest fan ever. I wonder though, why do we have to hear about it?? Why do we have to hear about you going to the SBC Championship game? Why do we have to hear about you being in New Mexico for the "miracle in the desert"? Why do we have to hear about you attending the game yesterday in the cold and rain? Why is there not a post on here from the other 400, 1,000, 5,000 or whatever the attendance number was telling us how great they are for being at the game?? What about the SBC champtionship game?? I know of two people that were there. Now, I could be wrong but let me go out on a limb here... you weren't the only two at the game. Where are all of those folks to tell us stories of their greatness? Please stop it. Some of us have bought season tickets, donated to the Mean Green Club, traveled to several out of town games and even volunteered for the athletic department doing promotions and working at basketball games that has about 100 people in the stands. However, we don't all wear it on our sleeves. Stop coming on here and trying to make people feel inferior because they didn't sit by you during a monsoon.

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As many people have mentioned, a lot of people travel out of town for the Thanksgiving holiday. I'm still in Arkansas and won't get back until tonight. The C-USA board says that Memphis had terrible attendance for their game against SMU. We're not the only ones.

Exactly, good grief folks, we were playing a school that NOONE has heard of. Most folks were out of town, and no I am not going to break my plans and leave my family that I rarely get to spend time with on a Saturday in order to drive 3 hours back to Denton to sit in the cold rain and watch a 1-9 team play on Thanksgiving weekend! And, I will not accept the accusations from some on this board who want to paint everyone like me as slackers. ANY other midmajor school in a sorry conference with our record and playing a team like we were playing, in weather conditions like we had, would have experienced the SAME thing! We just need to get over it. It was ONE sorry football weekend. It does not reflect the whole program or our bright future. If you were able to make it to the game without risking life and limb and without neglecting your family on an important holiday weekend, then good for you...I'm happy that it all worked out for you.

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For me it's like this,


I told RV as he walked up the stands yesterday "look around, this is your true fan base" and I meant it. Years from now I will be able to tell my children about the monsoon against Nevada...because I was there! I'll be able to talk about the miracle in the desert...because I was there! The SBC championship game in basketball? Yep...cuz I was there! And last night's miserable conditions and WIN....yeah, I'll be able to tell that one too. I don't think anyone else should have the right to tell these stories or say that they appreciate them if they can't be bothered to come out and watch THEIR alma mater, on senior night, in a little cold weather.

Well Geez I guess the rest of us should just pack up and say FU to UNT. If I was RV I would be firing the marketing person, who has not managed to grab more fans.

Like other tired of the this Black or white fan issue. Not everybody can make every guy like super fans can, especially on a weekend typically reserved for family time to see a football team/university who marketing wise has done nothing to attract new fans or recent alumni to come back.

Yeah for you freezing your ass off. You Rock!!

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I was at the game, but I don't blame people for not going, 35 degrees in the pouring rain, for a 1-9 team, while more than half of the students were still gone for the holiday.. come on people were you guys really expecting a sell out!? Please get rid of these "better than thou" attitudes because you were able to sit thru what has to be one of the most miserable games (weather wise) I have ever attended, those drive away fans and recruits more then the low attendance did..

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I was at the game, but I don't blame people for not going, 35 degrees in the pouring rain, for a 1-9 team, while more than half of the students were still gone for the holiday.. come on people were you guys really expecting a sell out!? Please get rid of these "better than thou" attitudes because you were able to sit thru what has to be one of the most miserable games (weather wise) I have ever attended, those drive away fans and recruits more then the low attendance did..

Thats Right after winning and seing the players, coaches and fans that were there wooping it up was awsome. You would have thaught that there was 20,000. Mabey after people here how the game went in that kind of weather they might just not want to be left out next time!

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Memphis had over 20,000, I don't know what they average, but they had alot more than we did.

I was there in Memphis with the Pony faithful yesterday. It was miserably cold as well; however, the rain held off until the game was over. I don't know how many people were there, but definitely not 20,000.

All of you who braved the elements for your game, I know how you feel. Even though we lost, no way would I have missed the game. Its easy to be a fan when when its sunny and 70 degrees!

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UNT should never ever ever play at home on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

It is a piss poor bad choice of a date for a team not appearing in the top 25.

That is a my and many of my group's hunting trip, I know many more that plan to hunt yearly that weekend.

Several others leave town to visit relatives or have relatives in town, a thanksgiving saturday home game is not a tradition at UNT.

Just have an off weekend or play away period.

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With all due respect, and having two boys myself, the above says a lot about the majority of our alumni. You choose to sit through 3 high school games on a cold Friday, but choose to stay home and not attend your university's game.

I've been to the majority of home games at Fouts Field since 1975. Additionally, half of the basketball games over the same period at the Super Pit. You can't find many alums in the metroplex with a similar attendance record! I also love High School football, especially the playoffs. My 2 sons are students at UNT, met my wife at UNT, My wife's deceased mother also graduated from NT. Not only do I continue to support the teams, I'm still writing checks.

Were you at the game? If not, Why?

Edited by Cooley
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This is absurd. We get it. You are the greatest fan ever. I wonder though, why do we have to hear about it?? Why do we have to hear about you going to the SBC Championship game? Why do we have to hear about you being in New Mexico for the "miracle in the desert"? Why do we have to hear about you attending the game yesterday in the cold and rain? Why is there not a post on here from the other 400, 1,000, 5,000 or whatever the attendance number was telling us how great they are for being at the game?? What about the SBC champtionship game?? I know of two people that were there. Now, I could be wrong but let me go out on a limb here... you weren't the only two at the game. Where are all of those folks to tell us stories of their greatness? Please stop it. Some of us have bought season tickets, donated to the Mean Green Club, traveled to several out of town games and even volunteered for the athletic department doing promotions and working at basketball games that has about 100 people in the stands. However, we don't all wear it on our sleeves. Stop coming on here and trying to make people feel inferior because they didn't sit by you during a monsoon.

Step away from the keyboard and grab some Vagisil. Never, in any form or fashion, did the words "I am the greatest fan ever" appear in my post. I wonder, though, why this is how you took it....

My point, since you have never had reading comprehension as one of your strong points, is that yesterday was not an isolated occurence. I'll spell it out and use very small words...you can thank me later.

There have been many games that our "fans" found every excuse possible not to attend. Hell, before we even knew of the bad weather, we had people saying they were going hunting or whatever. Some chose to make several high school football games on Friday but couldn't make it Saturday? We piss and moan (some of us...I won't paint everyone with the same brush) about how we need to be somewhere better than the lowly Sun Belt yet we can never be bothered to show up when it counts. True, the weather was H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E. Yes, it was Thanksgiving weekend. But it was also senior night. We're not talking about Nichols State on a random night...we're talking about the last time 17 players who got up and lifted, ran, practiced, regardless of the weather, were gonna take the field at home in a North Texas jersey. And, no, I'm not just talking about yesterday. Banner raising for our basketball team? The other big games in our history that I mentioned? True, not everyone can make every one of them...I am blessed to have a schedule that allows it. But so many can't make it to any of them?

And I still have to wonder why my mentioning these games brought forth such vitriole from you...even after several other replies in this thread that didn't seem to feel the need to show their utter disdain for my, what's the word you would use, arrogance perhaps? If arrogance isn't the correct word feel free to fill in the blank. Did I type "UNTSig you are horrible and should leave the fanbase immediately"? I'll re-read my original post and try to find where I typed that but I'm gonna go out on an equally long limb and say it's not there.

Perhaps in the future when I feel the need to point out in big bold letters how comical it is that we aspire to be respected with the big boys...yet turn around and lay the same bullshit excuse of "those schools are big time and can expect a loyal following" out there as if the blatant hypocrisy of it isn't staring us in the face...I'll think better and realize that it will be taken as a personal affront to some of our more sensitive posters (again, sensitive was the best word I could come up with on short notice...feel free to interchange it with "reactionary", "delicate", "touchy" or "high-strung").

Bottom line for me is my alma mater was playing a football game yesterday. All else was secondary. This is the attitude that has UT where they are, has OU where they are, hell even has Boise State where they are...since we love to tout ourselves as the next Boise State.

(This is the part in this post where I want to say, in no uncertain terms, that I'm not trying to personally attack those of you who were out of state and couldn't possibly be there...please go back and re-read what I just said before taking the UNTSig route and going off half-cocked)

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Step away from the keyboard and grab some Vagisil. Never, in any form or fashion, did the words "I am the greatest fan ever" appear in my post. I wonder, though, why this is how you took it....

My point, since you have never had reading comprehension as one of your strong points, is that yesterday was not an isolated occurence. I'll spell it out and use very small words...you can thank me later.

There have been many games that our "fans" found every excuse possible not to attend. Hell, before we even knew of the bad weather, we had people saying they were going hunting or whatever. Some chose to make several high school football games on Friday but couldn't make it Saturday? We piss and moan (some of us...I won't paint everyone with the same brush) about how we need to be somewhere better than the lowly Sun Belt yet we can never be bothered to show up when it counts. True, the weather was H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E. Yes, it was Thanksgiving weekend. But it was also senior night. We're not talking about Nichols State on a random night...we're talking about the last time 17 players who got up and lifted, ran, practiced, regardless of the weather, were gonna take the field at home in a North Texas jersey. And, no, I'm not just talking about yesterday. Banner raising for our basketball team? The other big games in our history that I mentioned? True, not everyone can make every one of them...I am blessed to have a schedule that allows it. But so many can't make it to any of them?

And I still have to wonder why my mentioning these games brought forth such vitriole from you...even after several other replies in this thread that didn't seem to feel the need to show their utter disdain for my, what's the word you would use, arrogance perhaps? If arrogance isn't the correct word feel free to fill in the blank. Did I type "UNTSig you are horrible and should leave the fanbase immediately"? I'll re-read my original post and try to find where I typed that but I'm gonna go out on an equally long limb and say it's not there.

Perhaps in the future when I feel the need to point out in big bold letters how comical it is that we aspire to be respected with the big boys...yet turn around and lay the same bullshit excuse of "those schools are big time and can expect a loyal following" out there as if the blatant hypocrisy of it isn't staring us in the face...I'll think better and realize that it will be taken as a personal affront to some of our more sensitive posters (again, sensitive was the best word I could come up with on short notice...feel free to interchange it with "reactionary", "delicate", "touchy" or "high-strung").

Bottom line for me is my alma mater was playing a football game yesterday. All else was secondary. This is the attitude that has UT where they are, has OU where they are, hell even has Boise State where they are...since we love to tout ourselves as the next Boise State.

(This is the part in this post where I want to say, in no uncertain terms, that I'm not trying to personally attack those of you who were out of state and couldn't possibly be there...please go back and re-read what I just said before taking the UNTSig route and going off half-cocked)

Why the harshness Emmitt? When I read your post I had the same reaction. You told those guys to step away from their keyboard, you should do the same. Re-read what you wrote before this clarification. We don't know your intent and it came across as your the greatest ever because you've been to all of those games and braved the weather yesterday. Sorry if that upsets you, but that's the way it comes across. So no need to get defensive. BTW, it's later, thanks for the small words so I could understand better.

Also, I guess I'm the worst fan ever since I haven't been back to a game since we demolished Baylor.

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Emmitt you crack me up man. Grab some vagisil? Wow... That was great. Then you try to attack my intelligence. Yeah you got me there man. I mean a "reading comprehension" joke... You can do better than that. All I am saying Emmitt, without writing a novel, is that it gets old hearing it from some of you, all the time. You can go ahead and get mad at me because I am the one that said it to you and I am ok with that. This message board doesn't keep me up at night.

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Unfortunately, the reality is that you have to WIN FIRST to get the random fans that the big boys have.

If you REALLY, REALLY thought anyone was gonna go to a game on Thanksgiving weekend to watch a 1-win team take on Western Kentucky, you need a reality check. Most of the influx of fans this year have been because we've got a new, popular head coach and a new, more exciting offense, but these aren't the type of fans who will make it out to such a game. If this team doesn't start winning, we'll be right back where we were before.

The football team is a product. You won't get people to pay money for a bad product, unless it's been a good product for a long time before or there aren't other options.

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