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Ok guys, that's enough about this racial stuff. Seriously, just let the staff handle it. CAN WE PLEASE....MOVE ON TO NORTH TEXAS FOOTBALL! I'm sick and tired of this.

Agreed, there's nothing we can do in front of a keyboard that would make this topic/news go away or change. This whole week was a waste reading all these posts about the same topic. Let's move on now and talk some football, granted there's no game this weekend, but we have NAVY coming to Denton in 8 days. Let's give the "active" MEAN GREEN players some support and respect, rather then focusing on those no longer with the team, and struggling with their own issues.


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Starting threads to end the talk about racism is just puring fuel on the fire. If you're tired of reading about it. Then don't read it. If you're tired of discussing it then don't discuss it. If you want to post about something else, then post about something else. Folks, this is news. Albeit, bad news. But this is something that people are talking about, even non-NT football fans.

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Starting threads to end the talk about racism is just puring fuel on the fire. If you're tired of reading about it. Then don't read it. If you're tired of discussing it then don't discuss it. If you want to post about something else, then post about something else. Folks, this is news. Albeit, bad news. But this is something that people are talking about, even non-NT football fans.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I defend your right to say it. Resolution of this issue needs to come as soon as possible. Until it is resolved it will continue to be newsworthy and have a far more lasting effect on this program than one football game even though that game is with Navy.

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Agreed, there's nothing we can do in front of a keyboard that would make this topic/news go away or change. This whole week was a waste reading all these posts about the same topic. Let's move on now and talk some football, granted there's no game this weekend, but we have NAVY coming to Denton in 8 days. Let's give the "active" MEAN GREEN players some support and respect, rather then focusing on those no longer with the team, and struggling with their own issues.


Let's talk about it then. Do you know why Dodge beat the crap out of most other metroplex teams? Because he ran a disciplined program with class, that's why. When he brought his team against a team of hip-hoper, show-boaters, he destroyed them, that's why. That's the kind of program Dodge wants to create here at UNT. When Navy comes to town, we will see some real class, I can assure you. The problem is that hiphoppers don't recognize it as class. They see it as nerdy, wierd, and something to laugh at. That's what we are talking about here. The sooner we can get rid of all of those kinds of players, the better.

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Let's talk about it then. Do you know why Dodge beat the crap out of most other metroplex teams? Because he ran a disciplined program with class, that's why. When he brought his team against a team of hip-hoper, show-boaters, he destroyed them, that's why. That's the kind of program Dodge wants to create here at UNT. When Navy comes to town, we will see some real class, I can assure you. The problem is that hiphoppers don't recognize it as class. They see it as nerdy, wierd, and something to laugh at. That's what we are talking about here. The sooner we can get rid of all of those kinds of players, the better.

hmm, interesting points 88. I think it sheds a little more light as the the source of all of this and I think you've accurately described TD's reasoning behind this and why he runs such a tight ship with his players.

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