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Biggest Reason Why We Lost,


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Did the defense play well? Lets take a step back and look at the situation

MTSU had a starting field position of THEIR 41 yard line, witch included drives that started at OUR 32, 10, 32, 5, and 36 yard lines.

Those five drives accounted for 21 of their 48 points, and two other touchdowns came on drives that started at their 49 and 47 yard lines respectivaly

So that is 35 points that were accounted for with an average starting field position of OUR 31 yard line. Not to mention that 4 more points came on the two safties were they had us pinned inside our 1 yard line. We also cant put those safties on our defense becuase if you look at it the first one happend after MTSU got the ball at OUR 36 yard line after an interception and our defense made them lose 3 yards over 3 plays and punt. The second one came after the safty kick where MTSU got the ball on their 46 yard line and our defense held them to only 12 yards on 5 plays and forcing them to punt again.

In camparison our starting field position was OUR own 21 yard line, and all of our scoring drives were over 64 yards long.

It doesnt take a rocket science to figure out that our defense was put behind the 8 ball all night long, and for the most part held up quite well.

Edited by GreenN'walinsVet
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The reason we lost is THE PUNTING TEAMS!!!!!! The punt team allowed a kick to be blocked and it resulted in a score. Then THREE times the punt return team let the ball go dead inside the 1-yard line.

If it happens once, chalk it up to luck. Twice, it might be something to be concerned about. Three times is inexcusable.

Coach Drake needs to pull his head out of his butt and tell Evyn Roman, or whoever is back to receive punts. DO NOT LET THE BALL BOUNCE INSIDE the 5-yard line.

I'll let the one pass, but when the same thing happens three times, it's coaching. Two of those safeties resulted in 11 points. Then throw in the score on the blocked punt and it's up to 18 points.

The special teams were special ed teams against MTSU.


So Coach Drake and everyone else can put a face with the post.

Edited by GreenBat
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Special teams were horrible and have been bad all year. I am scared each time Roman is back to return a punt. He actually had a couple of fair catches last night, but all season he has had a tendency of letting the ball hit and roll and that is unacceptable. It's nice to have someone back there who can make a play, but it's crucial to have someone you know will make the right decision. Not to mention I am terrified he is going to muff the reception.

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Stubborness to adjust and extremely poor special teams is where you can lay this loss at.

Ball on the 1 inch line for the 2nd time in 10 minutes, and you hand off on a draw play from the shotgun, 4 yards deep in the endzone that results in another safety.

This was possibly the worst offensive decision and play I have ever seen by a North Texas coaching staff. That beats Parker forgetting the down on homecoming against ULM back in '91? and Dickey's 3rd and forever draw plays by leaps and bounds in my oppinion. Before the snap the Muts had both safety's up and showed that they were bringing everyone and yet someone still thought we were going to succeed on a handoff from 4 yards deep in the endzone? Had it happened at OU or SMU, ok, I could forget it and just write it off as a new staff learning the ropes etc. But to see it in the 8th game of the year against the best defense in the belt makes me realize how much of a massive learning curve this staff truly is at.

In the very least we got to see where the hearts of these players are. They got down 23-7 and fought back.

Hang on tight because it could very well get worse before it gets better. MTSU's only conference(doesn't count however) loss came at the hands of Western Kentucky who's here on November 24th. The Toppers are playing pretty good defense.


Edited by FirefightnRick
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But to see it in the 8th game of the year against the best defense in the belt makes me realize how much of a massive learning curve this staff truly is at.

I have plenty of time as I have been rooting for the eagles all of my life and I am not going anywhere, but there are many people on this board that need to understand, that without any staff changes, these first 3-4 years could very well be as bad as DD's first 3-4 years. There are some on this staff that are doing well, but there are others that do have a massive learning curve ahead of themselves.

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Stubborness to adjust and extremely poor special teams is where you can lay this loss at.

Ball on the 1 inch line for the 2nd time in 10 minutes, and you hand off on a draw play from the shotgun, 4 yards deep in the endzone that results in another safety.

The was possibly the worst offensive decision and play I have ever seen by a North Texas coaching staff. That beats Parker forgetting the down on homecoming against ULM back in '91? and Dickey's 3rd and forever draw plays by leaps and bounds in my oppinion. Before the snap the Muts had both safety's up and showed that they were bringing everyone and yet someone still thought we were going to succeed on a handoff from 4 yards deep in the endzone? Had it happened at OU or SMU, ok, I could forget it and just write it off as a new staff learning the ropes etc. But to see it in the 8th game of the year against the best defense in the belt makes me realize how much of a massive learning curve this staff truly is at.

In the very least we got to see where the hearts of these players are. They got down 23-7 and fought back.

Hang on tight because it could very well get worse before it gets better. MTSU's only conference(doesn't count however) loss came at the hands of Western Kentucky who's here on November 24th. The Toppers are playing pretty good defense.


Rick, I agree. It is hard to bite my tongue seeing what we see out there. My glasses are greener than anyone's, but this is getting ridiculous. Fans can put all the spin on it they want, but the problems are clear for those not entirely intoxicated with their enthusiasm.

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I have plenty of time as I have been rooting for the eagles all of my life and I am not going anywhere, but there are many people on this board that need to understand, that without any staff changes, these first 3-4 years could very well be as bad as DD's first 3-4 years. There are some on this staff that are doing well, but there are others that do have a massive learning curve ahead of themselves.

That's the thing. Like myself, I think most are very excited for the future. With the great turnout in now three straight home games, can we now say that TD has already REBUILT our fanbase? In some way's I think so. Of course the AD and the university gets some credit as well for making game day such a great experience for everyone. Together this university has greatly improved things in 6 short years and TD's exciting brand of football and attitude has people excited for the most part. The BOR now needs to step up and finish what needs done to finalize the stadium campaign. In a year or two it will be that much sweeter for all of us when the dividends pay off for staying positive even though many see the problems and concerns that currently plague this team.



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I have plenty of time as I have been rooting for the eagles all of my life and I am not going anywhere, but there are many people on this board that need to understand, that without any staff changes, these first 3-4 years could very well be as bad as DD's first 3-4 years. There are some on this staff that are doing well, but there are others that do have a massive learning curve ahead of themselves.

ITS NOT ABOUT STAFF CHANGES....it's about recruits. You DONT throw out the staff after their first 8 games, you wait and pull in talent. IF the staff fails to do this after a few seasons....then you talk about staff changes. PLEASE understand this people.

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ITS NOT ABOUT STAFF CHANGES....it's about recruits. You DONT throw out the staff after their first 8 games, you wait and pull in talent. IF the staff fails to do this after a few seasons....then you talk about staff changes. PLEASE understand this people.

No one is throwing out the "staff" at this point. But there is PLENTY of talent on the Defensive side of the ball.

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ITS NOT ABOUT STAFF CHANGES....it's about recruits. You DONT throw out the staff after their first 8 games, you wait and pull in talent. IF the staff fails to do this after a few seasons....then you talk about staff changes. PLEASE understand this people.

He didn't say that they were needing to toss out any staff. He's thinking the same thing many of us are: that the staff is learning and the curve might be steep for some. The good thing is that almost all of us agree that things will get better...

...and the best thing about it is that the upside to this new coach after his "retool" time is a lot more than that of the previous coach.

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I have plenty of time as I have been rooting for the eagles all of my life and I am not going anywhere, but there are many people on this board that need to understand, that without any staff changes, these first 3-4 years could very well be as bad as DD's first 3-4 years. There are some on this staff that are doing well, but there are others that do have a massive learning curve ahead of themselves.

I have to disagree if there is no improvement in the win column by the end of Year 3 TD and staff should be gone. I guarantee RV did not hire TD to rebuild for 3 years or even 2 years. Year is may be justified but by Year 2 TD should have this team competing, especially considering all the praise everyone has been throwing at him.

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ITS NOT ABOUT STAFF CHANGES....it's about recruits. You DONT throw out the staff after their first 8 games, you wait and pull in talent. IF the staff fails to do this after a few seasons....then you talk about staff changes. PLEASE understand this people.

Daddy, some of the decisions made by our coaching staff, particularly the running plays from the shotgun at our 1/4" line on two occasions, are mistakes not even found in middle school football coaching. Are you telling me we don't have one play where the QB takes the snap from under center? Do we not even have a QB sneak?

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3 punts inside the 1-yd line, 1 blocked punt, 4 INTs, Jamario carrying 9 times for 12 yds after his 77-yd TD.

There's lots of reasons why we lost.

I am curious about something I am noticing. Why are the corners playing so far off the WRs, it seems that on may occasions the corner would be up at the line or 3-4 yards off it, then just before the snap he's gone back to 10-12 yards off the line. This leaves the WRs open for the short 5-7 yard toss which we have seen against us by ULM and again by MTSU. Same can be said for hte slot receiver. If I'm the opposing OC I'm loving it and will take those all night long especially on 1st down making it 2nd/3rd and short the rest of the game.

Is it lack of confidence in coverage? Is it something to do with a possible over confidence on the corners? It has been said on other posts that we lack speed. And is evident when this outside pass play opens up there is no speed to cut off the pass, or speed enough to get into position for a tackle. It's unnerving to see this continue.

Which bring up another item noted by a few in the past, our tackling... it was bad the begining of the year, and has gotten better, but it's the open field tackles on punt/kick coverage that needs work as well. MTSU ripped off an average of 19.4 yards on kick returns to our 17.5, granted it's a difference in two yards, but when you're battling for field position every yard counts.

I'm not calling for heads or singling out players, just curious as to whether or not this is just me seeing this as obvious.

I will give the D credit they played a solid game considering the field position they were given to work with.

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Hang on tight because it could very well get worse before it gets better. MTSU's only conference(doesn't count however) loss came at the hands of Western Kentucky who's here on November 24th. The Toppers are playing pretty good defense.


We (MT) lost to FAU to start the season.

And Western is a good running team...our defense couldn't stop them.

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I have to disagree if there is no improvement in the win column by the end of Year 3 TD and staff should be gone. I guarantee RV did not hire TD to rebuild for 3 years or even 2 years. Year is may be justified but by Year 2 TD should have this team competing, especially considering all the praise everyone has been throwing at him.

Well judging by what is going on in the rest of the University and it's staff, RV won't have to make a move at the end of year three if there are very few wins, Dr. Bataille will beat him to it.

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Well judging by what is going on in the rest of the University and it's staff, RV won't have to make a move at the end of year three if there are very few wins, Dr. Bataille will beat him to it.

I would hate to lose Dodge. Assume he loses every game for the rest of this season, I still want to give him another year. I think he's got the right recruiting draw and a laundry list of other qualities that can do great things for the university. Heck, he's already done some great things in just the few months he's been here.

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I would hate to lose Dodge. Assume he loses every game for the rest of this season, I still want to give him another year. I think he's got the right recruiting draw and a laundry list of other qualities that can do great things for the university. Heck, he's already done some great things in just the few months he's been here.

Everybody needs to quit crying on here and show some support for their coaches and players. As long as they are improving in each game just have a little faith in them. I know you are disappointed in how this year has been, but remember that Dodge had one of the shortest time to recruit than other coaches and also had to keep the ones that were already on the team.

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Guest Aquila_Viridis

If the University of North Texas wanted to elevate itself, it should have hired a staff that could produce better results against Sunbelt teams THIS YEAR. We are losing to the worst teams in Division 1. For the dozen or so of you willing to put up with this for 3 or 4 years, you can huddle together in Fouts by yourselves in 2009. There will be plenty of seats to choose from. If your goal is just to be competitive with Sunbelt teams in 2010, you and your mindset are bad for the program.

I think some people on here REALLY like the familial aspect of the current NT program and its tiny fanbase, and they would choose having this over a true Division 1 program. For me, personal relationships with other fans and even the administration are great, but I would gladly trade that for having a nationally respected program that reflects well on the university. Unfortunately, the hiring decision last year is proving itself to be more in line with a continuation of our small-time roots. I find that to be very uninteresting, and if there are not some signs soon that things are IN FACT heading in the right direction, as some here say, then I will lose interest altogether, and I don't think I'm going to be alone.

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