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Beer At Tailgate Events


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Here's a question for you. For those of you who attend the Tailgate events before UNT games I am sure you have "discivered" that free beer is no longer available, and you cannot purchase beer either. But, if you are a "member" of some group like the President's Council, the Lettermans' Assoc., etc., you can have beer at your tents/tailgate areas.

Well, lucky me...I mentioned this to our new Prez...Ms B at the President's Council tent...she indicated that it wasn't her idea, but that she agreed with it. Said there was an "incident or two" last season and we need to provide a safe and healthy environment for our students...said some folks came for the free beer and food and not the game...this while she was enjoying a nice Margarita provided at the President's Council tent. Was she even here last season????? I attended events last year and saw no such problems...And, dear me...have you been to Ole Miss, OU, Okla. State, LSU, Texas, TX A&M, TT, before any games?????? Lots' of alcohal at their tailgate areas and they seem to handle it just fine....at least when I have attended games at some of those schools.

What's with UNT? I think this is "thinking small" and told her so...I don't think she agreed.....but, what say you? Do you recall any "incidents" with alcohol before games last season? I thought it was handled very well and ID were checked each time...I am nearing 60 years old and my ID was checked!

I am not wanting to bash the Prez over this, I am just wondering if something happened I missed. Anyone know who cut of the free beer? :blink:

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unfortunately it only takes one idiot to screw it up for anyone. there may have only been a few incidents, but unfortunately for some that tends to be a few to many in their narrow-mindedness. Really is a shame, I am not a beer drinker but have no problem with those who are responsible.

Hell here in Faulkner County we are dry as bone due to the uber-conservative thumpers.

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I'm a little confused... Are we talking about on the practice field?

...there was PLENTY of beer in the parking lot where most were tailgating. (in fact the lot was a total mess after the game - that's my only complaint - take your mess home...)

I think you are perfectly free to take a cooler of beer and cook out and drink a cold one or two.

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Guest JohnDenver

I'm a little confused... Are we talking about on the practice field?

...there was PLENTY of beer in the parking lot where most were tailgating. (in fact the lot was a total mess after the game - that's my only complaint - take your mess home...)

I think you are perfectly free to take a cooler of beer and cook out and drink a cold one or two.

I think he is talking about the Miller girls or Bud girls .. maybe?

I don't ever go into the village unless I am looking to buy a new shirt from Voertmans trailer.

It always seems really tame within the fences, even with the free beer.

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...there was PLENTY of beer in the parking lot where most were tailgating. (in fact the lot was a total mess after the game - that's my only complaint - take your mess home...)

The orange lot was terrible! The parking lot was trashed after the game. There was trash all around and underneath my vehicle. Some upstanding citizen even thought it would be nice to put a beer bottle in front of my tire. It's a good thing I went to look around it before I left. It makes me wish I had stayed in the parking lot to protect my property instead of going in the game.

I truly wish they had the police sweep the parking lot 15 minutes into the game like they were talking about. It gets rid of the garbage that just wants to be drunk and stupid and create the largest trash can in Denton.

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I truly wish they had the police sweep the parking lot 15 minutes into the game like they were talking about. It gets rid of the garbage that just wants to be drunk and stupid and create the largest trash can in Denton.

I'm with you on that... I'm glad you checked your car before you left!

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Here's a question for you. For those of you who attend the Tailgate events before UNT games I am sure you have "discivered" that free beer is no longer available, and you cannot purchase beer either. But, if you are a "member" of some group like the President's Council, the Lettermans' Assoc., etc., you can have beer at your tents/tailgate areas.

Well, lucky me...I mentioned this to our new Prez...Ms B at the President's Council tent...she indicated that it wasn't her idea, but that she agreed with it. Said there was an "incident or two" last season and we need to provide a safe and healthy environment for our students...said some folks came for the free beer and food and not the game...this while she was enjoying a nice Margarita provided at the President's Council tent. Was she even here last season????? I attended events last year and saw no such problems...And, dear me...have you been to Ole Miss, OU, Okla. State, LSU, Texas, TX A&M, TT, before any games?????? Lots' of alcohal at their tailgate areas and they seem to handle it just fine....at least when I have attended games at some of those schools.

What's with UNT? I think this is "thinking small" and told her so...I don't think she agreed.....but, what say you? Do you recall any "incidents" with alcohol before games last season? I thought it was handled very well and ID were checked each time...I am nearing 60 years old and my ID was checked!

I am not wanting to bash the Prez over this, I am just wondering if something happened I missed. Anyone know who cut of the free beer? :blink:

I don't know about this situation, but I do know that there were WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too many people out in the parking lot during the games. I really don't understand it frankly, when you consider that most of them would get in for free.

Why is the large parking lot next to the stadium mostly empty leading up to the game?

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Why is the large parking lot next to the stadium mostly empty leading up to the game?

They have reserved spaces for the game. They know they'll have a space to park without hooligans vandalizing the area near their car. They fully intend to enter the game whether they get there early enough to tailgate or not.

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Yes, in the Village, and yes, the free beer from Bud and Miller. Why stop? It wasn't the free beer cans and bottles that were all over the parking lot....the free beer last year was in plastic bottles I believe. We seem to have no problem with everyone bringing their own "free beer" in coolers and in groups giving free beer to their members...so why the double standard???? Let's see you join the President's Council for a min. of $1000/year and you can have a drink with the Prez who doesn't want anyone to enjoy a free beer...you give, what $500 to the Mean Green Club and you can spend the whole game in what has been described to me as the "drunk tank" at the game itself and buy beer for $3 a pop. So, if I am correct...it's not a problem if you can donate money at a certain level...it's just a problem if a couple of the companies UNT takes donantion $$$$$ and advertising $$$$$ from want to give away beer free to the "regular folks"? O.K., I get it...it's a class thing. The "haves" get to have either free beer or buy beer, but the "regular folks" have to bring their own or do without. I get it now! That certainly makes sure everyone is a responsible drinker.

O.K., sarcasm over...I just thought it a bit ironic that free beer was gone and the Prez was explaining to me why that was a "ggod thing" while she sipped on a "free margarita" at the President's Council tent.

And, for want of "full disclosure", I am a President's Council member (maybe not for long if the Prez finds out who that guy was giving her a hrad time about the missing free beer :lol: ), and I did enjoy a "free beer" at the President's Council tent. Hey, free beer is free beer...only a few more and I'll have my qualifying donation back! :rolleyes:

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KRAM1, you have a great point.

I was surprised that Budweiser was gone, and I too don't understand the issue.

...though I have to ask the following question - why don't we sell beer at the games?

I know, I know, the NCAA would "rather you don't". ...but when we are needing revenue for our program (and a new stadium) doesn't this seem like an appropriate time to follow the lead of a few other DI teams and ignore what the NCAA would rather us do? Beer reveunes could really go a long way to getting the stadium fund jumpstarted.

If the school is concerned with students drinking too much, they could require a ticket stub to buy beer, which would keep those who came in on a student ID from buying. ...but if they were really concerned, they would follow through on their "sweep" of the parking lot during gametime.

Just a thought.

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YEP! The NCAA does not ban beer sales at games...there are still a couple of schools in D-1 selling beer in the stands...while I am not 100% for that, if it happened, I'd certaily be buying a cold one or two. ID can be checked, but it's the before game stuff that gets me...and the double standard UNT seems to be showing when it comes to this thing...you know...those energy drinks they give away are not the best things in the world for you, and those $1.00 hot dogs...I wonder what was in them? Maybe we should ban those "bad boys" in case someone gets a clogged artery...and, hey...those peanuts we sell at the game...doesn't the school realize that some folks are allergic to peanuts??????

O.K., sarcasm is not dead...but, do er really need the "I know better than you what;'s good for you" police out all the time? Just wondering...can we not just grow up and have some fun on game days? Ole Miss, Ou, etc. seem to have ti down O.K., let's stop acting and thinking small...can't be big time unless you think BIG TIME...and, before you say it...free beer is not what makes you Big Time and that is not what I am trying to say...if you don't get it...well, you just don't get it...and that O.K. too! :D

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Just wait until the Nanny State takes over health care.

You see, according to Cocteau's plan I'm the enemy, 'cause I like to think; I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech and freedom of choice. I'm the kind of guy likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder - "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecued ribs with the side order of gravy fries?" I WANT high cholesterol. I wanna eat bacon and butter and BUCKETS of cheese, okay? I want to smoke Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in the non-smoking section. I want to run through the streets naked with green Jell-o all over my body reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly might feel the need to, okay, pal? I've SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing "I'm an Oscar Meyer Wiener".

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YEP! The NCAA does not ban beer sales at games...there are still a couple of schools in D-1 selling beer in the stands...while I am not 100% for that, if it happened, I'd certaily be buying a cold one or two. ID can be checked, but it's the before game stuff that gets me...and the double standard UNT seems to be showing when it comes to this thing...you know...those energy drinks they give away are not the best things in the world for you, and those $1.00 hot dogs...I wonder what was in them? Maybe we should ban those "bad boys" in case someone gets a clogged artery...and, hey...those peanuts we sell at the game...doesn't the school realize that some folks are allergic to peanuts??????

O.K., sarcasm is not dead...but, do er really need the "I know better than you what;'s good for you" police out all the time? Just wondering...can we not just grow up and have some fun on game days? Ole Miss, Ou, etc. seem to have ti down O.K., let's stop acting and thinking small...can't be big time unless you think BIG TIME...and, before you say it...free beer is not what makes you Big Time and that is not what I am trying to say...if you don't get it...well, you just don't get it...and that O.K. too! :D

Do OU, Ole Miss, etc... offer free alcohol to the tailgaters or do the tailgaters bring their own? I've never attended a game expecting free drinks while tailgating. My goodness, spend a few bucks and bring your own.

It is obvious that some moron that was responsible had a few too many, or some underaged person was served that shouldn't have been.

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Lifer...no problem bringing my own....it's just that some "goofball" had to cut off a good thing and paly the PC cop role. It's just my favorite beer has always been "whatever you are buying for me"...and this was FREE! Free beer, a great Saturday afternoon, college football with the Mean Green nation...it just doesn't get much better than that! :P

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Lifer...no problem bringing my own....it's just that some "goofball" had to cut off a good thing and paly the PC cop role. It's just my favorite beer has always been "whatever you are buying for me"...and this was FREE! Free beer, a great Saturday afternoon, college football with the Mean Green nation...it just doesn't get much better than that! :P

I understand. I had my share of Bud Light and Zeigen Bocks, but I also understand the liability that is involved in giving away beer. Again, all it takes in one moron to get hammered on free beer, drive off, have a wreck and have his/her parents sue the university for allowing free beer to be given away on university property.

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as for bud light, they still haave their area with beerman it is over by murchison.

What is the deal with this though? I wasn't able to go to the game this past weekend but the first home game, we didn't see the normal set up by beerman. So they are still giving out beer by him?

And also, what happened to the people inside the fence on the practice field that gave out the sausage wraps?? I miss them!

I'm with KRAM, there was nothing like the free beer and free food at tailgating last year.

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I have to put in my 2 cents worth here. If I were president or provost, I would either come up with some kind of proactive plan to entice/force people to pick up after themselves or move to do away with the tailgating on the parking lot, altogether. If I want to see what I saw when I left the stadium Saturday night, all I have to do is drive out to the dumpyard. I shouldn't have to look at all that garbage as I walk back to my car. It's an embarrassment to the university community.

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What is the deal with this though? I wasn't able to go to the game this past weekend but the first home game, we didn't see the normal set up by beerman. So they are still giving out beer by him?

And also, what happened to the people inside the fence on the practice field that gave out the sausage wraps?? I miss them!

I'm with KRAM, there was nothing like the free beer and free food at tailgating last year.

they still have beer, but you have to be invited in by a "friend"...then your "friend" can offer you a beverage. now the secret is too making sure that you always have a "friend" there.

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OK Dudes...get ready to fire back at ParksAndRecRick. A Presidents Council Member and Mean Green Club Member. I don't go to the Presidents Council Tent and I very rarely go to the Ben E. Keith Deck.

I do something totally different: I BRING BEER!

KRAM, this next comment is NOT meant at you. But, I am ranting. We are the most spoiled fans in football. I can't believe what I get from Athletics for many annual donation. If we were at a bigger school, it wouldn't even get me a parking pass!

We are petty! We are cheap (and that has nothing to due with income level)! We are spoiled! Rant Completed!

XXXOOO (really)


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Yes, in the Village, and yes, the free beer from Bud and Miller. Why stop? It wasn't the free beer cans and bottles that were all over the parking lot....the free beer last year was in plastic bottles I believe. We seem to have no problem with everyone bringing their own "free beer" in coolers and in groups giving free beer to their members...so why the double standard???? Let's see you join the President's Council for a min. of $1000/year and you can have a drink with the Prez who doesn't want anyone to enjoy a free beer...you give, what $500 to the Mean Green Club and you can spend the whole game in what has been described to me as the "drunk tank" at the game itself and buy beer for $3 a pop. So, if I am correct...it's not a problem if you can donate money at a certain level...it's just a problem if a couple of the companies UNT takes donantion $$$$$ and advertising $$$$$ from want to give away beer free to the "regular folks"? O.K., I get it...it's a class thing. The "haves" get to have either free beer or buy beer, but the "regular folks" have to bring their own or do without. I get it now! That certainly makes sure everyone is a responsible drinker.

Exactly. I thought this same thing when I was told that the Prez xed the beer companies from giving out free beer. I don't really care either way, as there was plenty there saturday, but I do have an issue of the notion of refusing to let them give away beer, but then taking their money for all of the advertising they have around the stadium.

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