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We Could Have Had A Smart President

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Guest GrayEagleOne

Yeah, I suppose that Jimmy Carter would have been liked better by the public if he had sent troups into Egypt instead of working to negotiate a peace during a very volatile time in the middle east.

He probably would have been better liked if he had spent more time clearing brush with a chainsaw on his family farm, instead of going out and helping to build houses for the poor.

Carter was at least a pacificist but he was a do-nothing. His stigma will forever be the Iran hostage crisis. He's more forceful now as an ex-president than he ever was while he was in office. I voted for him because I thought that he was the most moral, honest candidate to come along in my lifetime but I was disappointed. Maybe you have to be a little devious to get things accomplished in Washington.

I admire the fact that he did help build houses for the poor. I have been working with a group that repairs homes of people that have had catastrophes and can't afford to fix them up, so I can fully appreciate that dedication.

I guess I'm just a little peeved that he now wants to be the "mouth that roared". Why didn't he do that while he was in office?

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Jeez, guys! I didn't intend to get anything started here re: Gore. I just was having a sandwich at my desk while checking out my favorite site. The intent was to have a little lunchtime fun and misspell "peace" for effect (the spelling Nazis haven't called me on it yet). I even used an emoticon indicating my attempt at humor.

Apparently, our nerves are frayed...what we need is a WIN (Saturday, on the field; no ballot box references here). For the record, though, I am a free-market advocate and believe that God helps those who help themselves (no government intervention required, the free enterprise system works just fine). I also believe that the government that governs best governs LEAST. Having said that, I don't want to contribute to any political firestorm.

---The TRUTH really bothers me when it is not stated... The Gore comment... the Texas Rancher image...[besided he was born in Conn, went to HS in New England, and college at Yale.. He is a real Texan?? ] his claims about Iraq which has killed over 3000 Americans and 10,000's Iraq citizens... Saddam was a bad guy but the people of Iraq are much worse off now that they were before BUSH invaded on false claims.... At least they lived in relative peace and could walk their streets without being blown up or shot. They are are going through even a worse time than Europe went through during the 1500's as the result of religious warfare with their religion (Islam groups now, Catholic/Protestant then--ever hear of the 100 Year's War). This is far from over and we can't solve it, they have to, and you hope the Islamic crazies don't now take over with is highly possible because of what of our honest President did. Honest Abe he isn't.

There is nothing funny about the situation... our debt is increasing and American soldiers are dying in a foreign land for little or no reason.. definitely not for the original reasons given...

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Carter may have been great at foreign policy but what about domestic economics?

---This one has not been even good at either one....... The largest one day stock market crash (%-wise) happened after several years Carter left office under Reagan ( more losses than 1929, just did not contine as it did then) ... Carter did not do a GREAT job ecomomicly but he also the victim of OPEC and their actions... which caused a lot of our problems... Also the Shah in Iran was overthrown which cut off those oil supplies as well... Carter has been the best ex-President ever... the rest usually go inactive, play golf, collect money for speaking engagements, or die soon afterward..

--Clinton-- The ecomony boomed, the stock market soared, and the budget was balanced his final 6 years in office (never since) meanwhile this one will have doubled the national debt by the time he leaves and Reagan more than doubled it while in office. Read facts and truth.. not the claims that some crazy radio people ignore and distort. .

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Carter may have been great at foreign policy but what about domestic economics?

You mean you didn't enjoy 20% interest rates?

All of you will be happy if / when Hillary gets in offense. Just be prepared to open your wallets.

And for those of you blaming Bush on our entry into Irag, need I remind you that events leading up to 9/11 were all on "BJ" Bill's watch. Two embassies, World Trade Center, the U.S. Cole, and 9/11. What did I miss? And all of Washington, prior to Bush taking office, talked of "weapons of mass destruction".

Gentlemen, this country is in a mess. And it's not all because of Bush. Changes that I have seen over the past few years is very disheartening.

-No display of God at any Government building or complex.

-Erasing of "In God We Trust" from all currency

-Morality is at it's lowest. I enjoy a skin flick just like the next guy, but on prime time TV? C'mon. How long before you can watch XXX hardcore on standard cable TV channels? My guess is less than three years.

-Immigration? There is no such thing. Let's just feed and cloth the world with open borders. Why can't immigrants come to this country the correct way? Like my 96 year old Sicilian father did when he was 9.

-Whether you like the Rush's of the world or not, the fact that attempts are being made to eliminate anyone from free speech reeks of Nazism and Communism

I could go on and own but I'll say one more thing. If these changes in our country are solely for the political gain of beaurocrats and the elite few, God help all of us.

There is so much more but I'll stop now.

Edited by DeepGreen
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No worries once Queen Hillary and the Joker take office, they have at least $750 Billion in Tax Payer funded projects ready to blast off. Tax cuts will be gone and we will be taking care of the poor and illegal with our own paychecks, oh life is grand.

BTW Bush is a moron also, but lord help us if Queen Hillary makes into office. <_<

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Carter was at least a pacificist but he was a do-nothing. His stigma will forever be the Iran hostage crisis. He's more forceful now as an ex-president than he ever was while he was in office. I voted for him because I thought that he was the most moral, honest candidate to come along in my lifetime but I was disappointed. Maybe you have to be a little devious to get things accomplished in Washington.

I admire the fact that he did help build houses for the poor. I have been working with a group that repairs homes of people that have had catastrophes and can't afford to fix them up, so I can fully appreciate that dedication.

I guess I'm just a little peeved that he now wants to be the "mouth that roared". Why didn't he do that while he was in office?

Carter was at least a pacificist but he was a do-nothing. His stigma will forever be the Iran hostage crisis.

That crisis was a long time in arriving. But it was inevitable, since our CIA (during a Republican administration) toppled the legitimate government that the Iranians elected (in the mid-50's), and installed the Shah. The everyday Iranian never forgot, or forgave, the US for that. And it all unfortunately came to a crisis under Carter. I'd say that the ultimate body count on that crisis was pretty minimal, and the hostages eventually came home. It would have been much higher if we had had a dull-witted chest beater as a President.

Maybe you have to be a little devious to get things accomplished in Washington.

Look no further than the classic movie of your era "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" (1939) for the answer to that.

Edited by SilverEagle
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More importantly he serves as the best goodwill ambassador we have ever had in visiting countries and providing dialogue and the man gets stuff done. There has never been a more desperate time in where we need to have people serve our country abroad in good will.

Whoa, easy on the hyperbole, Playmaker.

I believe I have to favor a previous ambassador that was pretty good for America during a time of far more desperate need and much greater danger - fella named Ben Franklin.

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If you want to talk about devious. How about Sandy Berger stealing classified documents to cover his old pal Billy-Boy when the 9/11 commission came to town. BTW: Gore and Clinton were howling about WMD's as loud as anybody and about the danger Saddam posed to the world.

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Let's not let this get into a democrat vs. republican debate... Which is silly....Im a moderate Republican and I am going to vote Democrat because there are no good Republican candidates to chose from. Some examples of moderate republicans are Gerry Ford and Dwight Eisenhower, great great presidents. I would have cherished to have lived during these presidencies, except I've been living through Bush vs. Clinton, this shit has been going on for like 20 years.

Al Gore won the nobel peace prize, we should all be happy an American politician won, it's like rooting for an American in the Olympics, alright....Good for him, he did work his butt off with environmental issues...Im not even a Al Gore fan or Hillary Clinton fan.

War in Iraq, big mess, everyone agrees....Nobody knows why we are there? Actually it looks like the mess is getting even bigger, http://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/opkk ...... The United States is occupying Iraq, isn't an intrusion, if another country invades the U.S. occupied land.... Shouldn't the U.S. confront the intruders?......Who is running our country and military?

The Cowboys are about to embark on a huge and unprecedented game on Sunday, this is a real Super Bowl game being played in our own backyard without all of the hype that it should have.

So everyone should pay more attention to the Cowboys this season.... especially this Sunday. :D

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---This one has not been even good at either one....... The largest one day stock market crash (%-wise) happened after several years Carter left office under Reagan ( more losses than 1929, just did not contine as it did then) ... Carter did not do a GREAT job ecomomicly but he also the victim of OPEC and their actions... which caused a lot of our problems... Also the Shah in Iran was overthrown which cut off those oil supplies as well... Carter has been the best ex-President ever... the rest usually go inactive, play golf, collect money for speaking engagements, or die soon afterward..

I'll agree Carter has done great things since leaving office but while in office he let us spiral into double digit inflation which ultimately let to the stock market crash. Reagan had the fortitude to let Volcker raise interest rates to conquer the inflation even though it wasn't the popular thing to do and the country hasn't been over 3 to 4 or so percent inflation since.

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War in Iraq, big mess, everyone agrees....Nobody knows why we are there?

Don't you watch Chappelle's show? Black Bush said the reason we're there is "That [insert politically incorrect word here] tried to kill my father!"

We're all glad that Gore won the award but that doesn't make him the right president. Any president that would've been in office would've been marked for doom. 9/11 forces you to act and when 2 building with that many financial institutions and employees goes down in one day, it is going to hurt the economy no matter what you do. Could it have been handle better? Yes, but in today's world I doubt FDR could've made it through this presidency without major criticism. LBJ did great things domestically but he is never remembered for that, he is remembered for a war that he inherited. If JFK had lived, he would've had a tarnished reputation as well.

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Let's not let this get into a democrat vs. republican debate... Which is silly....Im a moderate Republican and I am going to vote Democrat because there are no good Republican candidates to chose from. Some examples of moderate republicans are Gerry Ford and Dwight Eisenhower, great great presidents.

So you think that Hillary Gore and Barack Obama are closer to your ideal "moderate republican" than any of the Republican candidates? I would think Guiliani would be right up your alley.

By the way, Albert Gore, Jr. is a bonehead. But he is an opportunist.

Edited by Mean Green 93-98
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Some of you may have read this already-

Subject: History Lesson A little history lesson. If you don't know the answer make your best guess.

Answer all the questions before looking at the answers.

Who said it?

1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

A. Karl Marx B. Adolph Hitler C. Joseph Stalin D. None of the above

2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few...... And to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity."

A. Lenin B. Mussolini C. Idi Amin D. None of the Above

3) "(We) ...can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."

A. Nikita Khrushev B. Josef Goebbels C. Boris Yeltsin D. None of the above

4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own ... in order to create this common ground."

A. Mao Tse Dung B. Hugo Chavez C. Kim Jong Il D. None of the above

5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed."

A. Karl Marx B. Lenin C. Molotov D. None of the above

6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched."

A. Pinochet B. Milosevic C. Saddam Hussein D. None of the above

Scroll down for answers


(1) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/29/2004

(2) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 5/29/2007

(3) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007

(4) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007

(5) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007

(6) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 9/2/2005

Whether you are Democrat or Republican, Be afraid, Be very afraid!!

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I quit paying attention to the Nobel Peace Prize when one was awarded to Arafat. That was confirmed when they later awarded one to Jimmy Carter.


On the global warming topic, volcano's spew out more greenhouse emissions in 1 year than humans do in 100 years, but its the humans causing the global warming... way to go Al Gore!

Also, I agree with you DeepGreen. I already have plans to move to Australia with my fiancee (she's Australian) if Hillary gets elected. If you thought she jacked up the economy the first time around wait until she is really president. The basics are once an economic policy is enacted by a president it takes roughly 3-4 years to fully impact the economy, so 94-98 best years, 4 years before Bush put in economic policies 4 years previous to 98 was when Clinton put his in. In 98 the economy starts its decline. '00 Bush Lite gets in office '04 is when the economy started to pull out of its recession. '07 has the stock markets breaking records.

Edited by MeanGreenBuzz
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---We have some people with very selective memories.....They remember the Iran situation which occurred after the Shah was overthrown but not the U.S.S. Pueblo which occurred while a different President of a different Party was involved. We had POWs in the Hanoi Hilton (including McCain) and Presidents of neither party went to get them. We had a marine barracks blow up in Lebanon when Reagan was in office but those involved got away. We did have some attacks during Clinton administration including World Trade Center and the U.S.S. Cole. He fired a cruise missile in an attempt to kill Ben Laden and the opposition party and much of the world became very unsupportive and agitated at him because it passed over Pakistan before exploding in Afghanistan.. which later became the real problem in 9-11.

---We have a lot of selective memories by some here. ....which brings back what I said.... read and learn the truth and not the "horse-manure and half-truths put out by those radio crazies.

---Interest rates.... They were high during the late Carter and early Reagan years ... mostly because of the OPEC actions and the inflation that occurred because of increased petroleum prices. . It was great for my parents who were retired and had a few CDs and had not a lot of income otherwise.. It wasn't so great for those trying to buy homes. (home mortgages were never 20% for anyone that was a decent risk, 12-14% did occur and I have heard of one person who had a 16% one. The answer there was don't buy or refinance when rates dropped). The Banks and savings and loans all failed during the Reagan years not the Carter. It depends on whose economy you are talking about. Credit Card rates were very bad and still are for a lot of people... which points out... don't buy what you can't afford.

---Just like Rush and group... some only state the bad side of what happens to the OPPOSITION, never what happened during the party they support is in power.. in short ... it may be somewhat the truth but it is not the WHOLE truth.

---My oppinion ... this collection of Presidential candidates is the worse group ever... either party..... hopefully whoever gets in will be more honest than the current one and will appoint people based on merit and not because he is a buddy or financial supporter.

---Some of the tax cuts make sense---inheritance tax for one, which sometimes forces a family to sell a business or ranch land to pay the tax --and puts people out of work. Cutting tax rates on stock sold at Wall Street only helps those who have the most most money, along with several other tax cuts which only benefit the ultra-wealthy if you have less than a several million --you aren't the ultra wealthy getting the meaningful tax cuts. Even Warren Buffet opposed some of the last ones... He said his moderately saleried employees needed tax relief more than he did... he would just buy more stock with his.

Carter a pacifist..???? Sort of ..maybe... He was the commander of nuclear submarine after graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy... He understand the danger and consequences of using nuclear weapons... He thought about them every day for a long time. He had some common sense about their use. The present one was never in that kind of position or in a combat zone as was Gore and Kerry. He just doesn't get it...

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Actually Jimmy Carter was one of our nation's best presidents


he brokered peace in a very volatile region

he has continued doing alot of good for our nation


risks his life each year to go to high risk places to oversee democracy taking place in third world countries.
He said the fat man above was fairly elected.

The entire world hates us

Drama Queen.

The war in IRAQ was a very bad idea, the enitre world was against it

Except for the people who were for it, particularly the people of Iraq who lived in fear of Saddam.

But hey, let's not the facts get in the way of a good rant.

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he did work his butt off with environmental issues...Im not even a Al Gore fan or Hillary Clinton fan.

By flying around in private jets and riding in caravans of SUVs, and getting slapped with polluting fines from his zinc mine that is leased to Occidental Petroleum??

The man who owns a home that uses more energy in one month than the average family uses in a year?

While at the same time he demands the African continent be refused any assistance to produce energy for themselves all in the name of his pet peeve project.

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Al Gore is a hypocrite, a joke, and so is the whole "global warming" debate.

How does the ex-Vice President giving a Power Point presentation about junk science and then lining his pockets with worthless carbon credits make him worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize?

Oh, and note that he didn't get an award for a scientific discipline. Hmmm.

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Al Gore is a hypocrite, a joke, and so is the whole "global warming" debate.

How does the ex-Vice President giving a Power Point presentation about junk science and then lining his pockets with worthless carbon credits make him worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize?

Oh, and note that he didn't get an award for a scientific discipline. Hmmm.

The only scientists who disagree with global warming are paid by big oil to do so.

Silver and Screaming,

Thank you so much for your insight and patriotism. It's nice to know that when these topics arise you guys are there as a voice of reason. I've avoided arguing politics on line since one of the right wingers on this board wished me physical harm in a PM. True class. I owe you guys a beer, or soda, or hamburger, whatever you want. Thank you.

GO MEAN GREEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The only scientists who disagree with global warming are paid by big oil to do so.

Lots of scientists disagree with man-made global warming who have nothing to do with "big oil".

Be very suspicious of those who speak in absolutes (i.e. "The only scientists who disagree...") People who make points like this are usually wrong.

The fact is that there is no "consensus" on global warming, despite the push to make us believe there is.

Think for yourself.

Edited by UNTflyer
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Guest JohnDenver

I moved this and purposely left it open... Somehow I had some optimism that the locals could actually discuss something without person insults, the mention of Bill Clinton or invoking Godwin's Law.

Guess I am proven wrong many times over.

Good job.

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