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At The End Of The Game

Charlie NT 73

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It just seems to me that if you hate something so much that you wouldn't take time to support it. I don't feel stupid or misled because I support the AD, coach and Pres. Maybe we never will have a big time athletic program. I don't know. What I do know is that I'm going to support North Texas. Obviously, I am frustrated with the 0-5 start. However, spending huge amounts of time writing dissertations on how stupid and gullible people are because they believe what someone says it pointless. I chose to be positive because at the end of the day I am happier because of it. If I focused on all the things that I would do different in every part of life then I would shoot myself. We may always be the state step child, but it's my school. Rant and rave away. In the end, it doesn't mean a thing. Nor should it.

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All good and well, except I don't hate it. I just don't accept the b.s. coming from the athletic department anymore. I still give money to the department from which I earned my degree. I know those professors aren't wasting the money or blowing sunshine up my arse.

Having a good athletic department would be fine. But, if I disagree with the direction of a entity to whom I've given money and time, I have the right to express my disappointment. Surely, you can see that.

Or, maybe you can't. Maybe you're like Dodge and Mendoza with the defense - if things aren't quite right, you simply hum along in life just hoping they'll get better. That's fine, too. Not me. This isn't some five game thing. I've been involved with UNT as a student or contributor since 1990.

Your perspective is different than mine. At my law school alma mater, they had things much worse football-wise than we did just a few short years ago - a crappier stadium (Skelly), fewer wins (2000-2002), a more clueless coach (Keith Burns). Now five years later, their stadium is renovated, they've been to multiple bowl games, they've hired in real college coaches, they got a real athletic director, etc.

They did, we didn't. My perspective is simply from having seen a similar situation at a much smaller place...and from one of our fellow former Missouri Valley Conference mates.

Somewhere along the way five years ago, people at TU decided to hustle and get things done. I just don't see it here. And, believe me, if Tulsa could go from 1-10 in 2001 and 1-11 in 2002 - and one of those wins being against I-AA Indiana State - to 8-5 in 2003 with Steve Kragthrope at the helm, it could happen here.

I say it could, but it isn't. Tulsa was a much more downtrodden football program than we were just five years ago - 2 and 21 with only one win versus a I-A school over two season! Tulsa didn't wait for "rebuilding" or "getting Kragthorpe's recruiting classes into place." He just stepped in and started winning with the roster he was dealt in the crappy stadium his school had for his team.

There's no excuse for us not to do the same. There never has been.

Sorry, I've given for years. I don't hate my alma mater. I just know when to quit throwing money and time at a bad thing.

Edited by The Fake Lonnie Finch
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TTG is right. You may disagree with TFLF, but at least his posts are well thought out, well written, and don't take cheap shots or hurl recess-quality insults.

Disagree your rocks off, people. This is a discussion board, it's what it's here for.... but let's not roll in the mud and take cheap shots just because someone shares a different viewpoint than you. We all want the same thing here - success for NT.

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TFLF is saying those things that deep down inside of us, we are all praying would not be true. Unfortunately if no changes are made on the defensive side of the ball, our nightmares could become our reality, and soon.

I'll still disagree with TFLF still as the Athletics department has grown by leaps and bounds compared to 2000 when Helwig was still keeping everyone down. RV is far from perfect but he has made some good hires in B-Ball, Tennis, Swimming.

He also made the decision to fire DD, albeight in my opinion 5 years to late. We do need to give Dodge time, but to blame the AD and President for this mess is IMO ludicrous. We as alumni, the university staff, and especially the students should be just as accountable. RV had a huge mess placed in front of him when he was hired in Spring 2001, Dr. Batielle has a similar mess when she came in. It is hard to break through to apathetic alumni, students, and staff who have been fed an even worse bill of good for at least the past 20 years, compared to what we have now. No problem with complaining about stuff, but it is somewhat rediculous to call Dodge a failure after only 5 games. I think even though we are losing Dodge has at least brougt back excitement to the football stadium and fans with his public personality, which was not common the past 9 years.

I am also sick of giving more time but apparently we will have to keep on waiting until we all start giving more to put UNT on a more level playing field compared to teams that have passed us by in the DD/Helwig years.

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TTG is right. You may disagree with TFLF, but at least his posts are well thought out, well written, and don't take cheap shots or hurl recess-quality insults.

Disagree your rocks off, people. This is a discussion board, it's what it's here for.... but let's not roll in the mud and take cheap shots just because someone shares a different viewpoint than you. We all want the same thing here - success for NT.

Good Post!


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TFLF, I admire you for your opinions, but I think you have to give people a fair shake.

Dr. B hasn't even here a full year, TD has been her roughly 10 months and RV had a mess to clean up when he arrived and worked under a restrictive system for the last 6 years. They can't undo over a half a decade's worth of mistakes in a couple of months. Give these people a chance to right the ship. Dr. B and TD haven't been here long enough to make noticable changes, so let's look at a few of RV's:

New AC

New Softball field

New turf, scoreboard and yearly improvements to Fouts while working on fundraising for a new stadium.

New tennis facility

New soccer facility

New volleyball facility

New floor in the Super Pit

More large single donations than NT has ever seen.

Purchase and conversion of Liberty Christian Campus

Allowing tailgating on campus

Is he perfect? No, but who is? Trying to overcome years and years of neglect is difficult. Trying to overcome years and years of not reaching out to the alumni is difficult. Don't gripe about them asking us to give. Alumni giving is what makes the world go round in collegiate athletics.

Telling us that they've sold us out and they don't know what they are doing is ridiculous at this point.

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