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Here's something else that works against the "give the DC as break" crew. ULL's coaching staff, noting its defensive troubles in their 0-5 start, swtiched to 3-4 blitz package during last week's practice from its regular 4-3 alignment. And...it worked. They had pressure on us all night.

Same players they had from the first five weeks. They just asked them to do something different, in a different alignment, and to learn how to do it in one week, and they did it!

So, don't try to sell me, the "we've got bad players from the former coaches and we've got new coaches and schemes." B.S. We've got upwards of 20 returning defensive lettermen who practiced this scheme in the spring and fall, and have played in it against big bad BCS teams and crappy bottom-feeding non-BCS schools. If ULL can change with positive results over a few day span, why can't we?

If Jim Harbaugh's defensive coordinator can stop USC after giving up gobs and gobs of points and yards in a 1-4 start, why can't we?

The answer continues to be one half the people here understand, but the other half won't admit - the coaching staff isn't capable of doing it. They're just not.

We've played two of the worst football teams in America and lost. If ULL wasn't so bad, they'd have beaten us like a drum. We turned the ball over four times in the first half and they only cashed in for one score.

Yes, they played without both starting tackles. Yes, two of their other OL played hurt. But, it seems we just gave them the ball too close to the goal line for their own good. I will gaurantee you that if we turn the ball over four times in the first half against Troy or MTSU, they won't be farting around with a two point lead. They have us down by 20 or more.

It's a poor excuse to say these players aren't good enough to learn some half-assed high school defensive scheme. Coaches coach, not players. And, having Dodge say he's porud of those defensive coaches last week and wouldn't change his decision to bring them...that may be a window on how his career will play out. In the end, he may be as stubborn about being wrong as Darrell Dickey was.

Edited by The Fake Lonnie Finch
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Excuse me, I meant to ask: "What makes you think we DON'T have enough talent on this defense to be any better?".

But then again, I see the answer to my question in your response so never mind. And in fact, you did see some good things in the first half which looked to me like the first defensive adjustments with the LB's that were made this year. And then we got out of it after the 1st quarter? Who made that decision?

There isn't much left to say if we are ready to accept an 0-12 season. Some fans see problems with the defense and will continue question why the same 17 players from a 64th ranked defense has become the laughing stock a year later. Others will simply write it off as a lack of talent and a casualty of changing head coaches, cheapening the efforts of good players such as the likes of Aaron Weathers who was the 2nd highest ranked DB in the nation in tackles in '05. We accepted the results of that group finishing off 101st nationally because they were the nations 3rd youngest defense that year. Then it seemed experience was paying off as they improved to 64th a year later. Now, for no explainable reason that same group has gotten much more worse than when they first got here but none of that seems to matter to some folks because we have a new head coach, so we will just write them off and start over for next year? Let's just keep those same lack of concerns in mind if out of nowhere our offense follows suit in '08?


Rick, I completely agree. I have been saying that I don't buy the "no talent" excuse. They (these same players) have already proven that they have what it takes to be better than they are now. There are no excuses for being this bad on defense.

As for the LaLa game, I wasn't able to notice who the CB's were. Did Dominique Green play? I know Roman played a little (whole game?) and had a couple pass break ups and overall I think he did a nice job. Miller played a good 1st quarter. So, maybe someone who has a little more defensive football knowledge than I do, or paid more attention to that side of the ball can explain where our weaknesses are on defense. Are we just that slow across the board? Lacking an entire team speed factor? Are we still missing tackles when we are in position to make plays? It then, makes sense that we ran with 4 lbs last year, and only had 3 down.

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So...has anyone other than Coach (who started a great thread on the VIP board) actually sat down to break-down the plays that went for big yardage in the LaLa game? I definitely fall under the 'armchair qb' category, but I've watched the game as far as the 2nd big TD run (put them up 21-12) and on both plays the Dline gets completely blown out of the play...so much so that the oline was allowed to get to all THREE LBers. On the first TD run, Monroe seemed to overcommit to the outside and then got caught up in the oline. This seems to happen (not just Monroe) on all of the big runs that go against us. My question is, is that on the LBer/the call by the DC/or just the DLinemen getting killed...or all 3? Also, where are the safeties on these plays? Most of the time they appear to be out of position and are non-factors once the play has gone past 5 yards.

I remember watching DeLoach's defense and used to always think about how little chasing our players had to do....like he ALWAYS knew where the offense was going with the ball and our guys just had to get to the spot first. This defense bites on fakes too often and seems to be running themselves out trying to chase the ball. Is that usually caused by bad playcalling or just flat out having to make up for mistakes around you??

I'm firmly in the "Free first year pass" camp (heck, maybe the first 2 years) while we rebuild our lines, but am definitely discouraged at how easy it seems to overload our defensive front to take half the field out of play.

Edited by TIgreen01
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Unfortunately, I think this team is well on it's way to 0 - 12 with this defensive play. I can't figure it out other than it being the defensive coaching. Makes no sense why this group of players isn't ranked higher than #64 with another year under their belts. I am like you, I am tired of the "lack of talent" excuse. This defense is not getting better that I can tell through 5 games, and if we finish 0 - 12 with very little changes, write it off as a new coaching staff and lack of talent - then it WILL be a very, very loooooooooooooong season next year again.

If we follow the advise of the "give it a whole year" crowd, this is exactly what we are in for. ...and if there was ANY sign of improvement, I'd be all for waiting a year too, but the truth is that there has been ZERO improvement or adjustment game to game. So far, the Defensive schemes and basic mistakes that were made during the OU game are still the problem in week 5. ...and I fully expect them to be again this week.

...how many weeks do we put 30 points on the board and lose before our head coach says "ENOUGH" and starts shaking something up? How many scoring drives under 1 minute does the opponet shove down our throats before we recognize there is a problem and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?!?! Until the end of this season? Really? Ya'll (so many, it appears...) are ok with that? Wow. 64th defense in the nation last year, with largely the same group of guys.

Folks, we'd be 3 and 2 right now with this offense and the #64 defense, and the 2 losses wouldn't have been amoung our schools WORST EVER. Instead, we've just lost to ULaLa and are about to get throttled by ULaMo, and we're probably going to do so with another record offensive performance.

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...how many weeks do we put 30 points on the board and lose before our head coach says "ENOUGH" and starts shaking something up? How many scoring drives under 1 minute does the opponet shove down our throats before we recognize there is a problem and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?!?! Until the end of this season? Really? Ya'll (so many, it appears...) are ok with that? Wow. 64th defense in the nation last year, with largely the same group of guys.

See this is what confuses me....WHY there seems to be no apparent changes in the defense. I don't want to go 0 - 12, and I will not be happy about it since this offense is light years ahead of where it was last year, but if this defense doesn't do something, anything different, we won't win a game this year.

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See this is what confuses me....WHY there seems to be no apparent changes in the defense. I don't want to go 0 - 12, and I will not be happy about it since this offense is light years ahead of where it was last year, but if this defense doesn't do something, anything different, we won't win a game this year.

As politely as I can, I'd like to mention something that confuses me too. When the offense comes off the field either after a series or during a time out Coach Dodge interfaces with them completely. He's obviously running the show. However, it couldn't be more different when the defense does the same. Coach Dodge doesn't appear to be anywhere to be found. It's not as though he is pre-occupied talking with the offense or other coaches, he is just know where to be found. Now, I understand he wants to leave the job up to the DC, but he doesn't appears to be concerned at all, which am sure is not the case. He's the head coach and I know he is interested. It's just an observation.

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I believe that KingDL1 must be Mendoza in disguise. This is the worse DC and scheme in college football...not the worse players.

I just wish I was as all knowing as you, To sum up a brand new coach with a team that has an entirely new staff after 5 games. You are a much more talented then me. Our defense was not good last year. This whole ranking thing first I can't find it in my searches, but more importantly even if we finished the year statically with our defense in 65 it still does not mean much.

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I just wish I was as all knowing as you, To sum up a brand new coach with a team that has an entirely new staff after 5 games. You are a much more talented then me. Our defense was not good last year. This whole ranking thing first I can't find it in my searches, but more importantly even if we finished the year statically with our defense in 65 it still does not mean much.

All I can say...watch other COLLEGE defensive schemes and then start another post. DL... do not go to the local YMCA and watch flag football...compare our defense to other D1 teams.

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I just wish I was as all knowing as you, To sum up a brand new coach with a team that has an entirely new staff after 5 games. You are a much more talented then me. Our defense was not good last year. This whole ranking thing first I can't find it in my searches, but more importantly even if we finished the year statically with our defense in 65 it still does not mean much.

Tony, I'm afraid we just have some of the "Happy With Un-Ranked DD Ball Bowl Teams Who Got Wallopped In The Big Easy Which Really Showed Just How Far Most Our Bowl Teams Were From The True D1-A Big Time" crowd here who feel some false sense of vindication for their fella's style of football and all the low profile disguised "success?" that seemed to come with it that seems to have kept a hardy handful of these posters happy as fans.

I'd rather have a winless DodgeBall team in 2007 that has an upbeat, positive-thinkin' (and positive talkin') HFC and who offers us a true upside we haven't had for almost 2 1/2 decades in Mean Green Country rather than............

................ a SBC unranked football champion that goes & gets its head handed to itself on a silver platter by some CUSA team and a program whose leader gave us nothing but "downside", ie, bad karma, non-stop negative radio comments about our school and its alums/fans and black jerseys at the end of his own under .500 in W's/L's nine year career in Denton and while allowing his players to wear those black jerseys as he was trying to make some semblance of a statement--idiotic and bush league as it all unfolded; anyway, I'd rather have the underlined former than the latter any day of the year or decade................... and from reading this board, I think that could very well be the preference of many others, too--present defensive problems and all (which BTW, can eventually be corrected).

Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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Game 5

Game 5, 2008...we will have the same conversation with the same DC!!! unless he changes the D-schemes. Hopefully, the D-players will continue to play hard and stay positive. BTW...I believe we will win some games because of the talent of the Defense...inspite of the DC!

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Here's something else that works against the "give the DC as break" crew. ULL's coaching staff, noting its defensive troubles in their 0-5 start, swtiched to 3-4 blitz package during last week's practice from its regular 4-3 alignment. And...it worked. They had pressure on us all night.

That is amazing, but not surprising to me. I believe Bustle installed ULL's read option last year midway through the season in a similar response to a lack of offensive production and it led to his first win against North Texas.


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Game 5, 2008...we will have the same conversation with the same DC!!! unless he changes the D-schemes. Hopefully, the D-players will continue to play hard and stay positive. BTW...I believe we will win some games because of the talent of the Defense...inspite of the DC!

If that is the case with no improvement very evident My attitude on the subject will be completely different.

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Game 5


How can we still use the argument of 5 Games into a season, when it is known now that ULL switched schemes in 1 WEEK.

We have 5 games of little adjustment, my question is WHY??? Does Mendoza not know any other defenses? The players obviously do not fit the 4-3 mold, so why not try something different? Is it being stubborn or lack of knowledge? Try to play to the strengths of the team.

Edited by untbowler
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How can we still use the argument of 5 Games into a season, when it is known now that ULL switched schemes in 1 WEEK.

We have 5 games of little adjustment, my question is WHY??? Does Mendoza not know any other defenses? The players obviously do not fit the 4-3 mold, so why not try something different? Is it being stubborn or lack of knowledge? Try to play to the strengths of the team.

One of the criticisms of the former coach was that he didn't adjust to fit his players. Lets hope we are not going that route again.

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How can we still use the argument of 5 Games into a season, when it is known now that ULL switched schemes in 1 WEEK.

We have 5 games of little adjustment, my question is WHY??? Does Mendoza not know any other defenses? The players obviously do not fit the 4-3 mold, so why not try something different? Is it being stubborn or lack of knowledge? Try to play to the strengths of the team.

Well first off you guys are going for the throat too fast, a brand new staff with a brand new philosophy from the ground up is being implemented. And I don't just mean on the field, I mean with new discipline rules, new energy, new everything. SO on defense you are teaching your brand of Defense, do you throw it out with the bathwater before it is even finished being taught. Well damn guys that didn't work lets pick the flavor of the week defense. No I think the first year you stick with your game plan then once you are settled in and all personal and players are comfortable then you can make big adjustments if needed. But at game 5 the first half of the first season of an entirely brand new staff, come on you all.

I think there will be a gel-factor that happens, I saw some good defense in the first half against Lafayette, hell they kept us in the game while Vizza was getting his feet underneath him.

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Well first off you guys are going for the throat too fast, a brand new staff with a brand new philosophy from the ground up is being implemented. And I don't just mean on the field, I mean with new discipline rules, new energy, new everything. SO on defense you are teaching your brand of Defense, do you throw it out with the bathwater before it is even finished being taught. Well damn guys that didn't work lets pick the flavor of the week defense. No I think the first year you stick with your game plan then once you are settled in and all personal and players are comfortable then you can make big adjustments if needed. But at game 5 the first half of the first season of an entirely brand new staff, come on you all.

I think there will be a gel-factor that happens, I saw some good defense in the first half against Lafayette, hell they kept us in the game while Vizza was getting his feet underneath him.

I guess we can agree to disagree ;)

I would think the sign of a good coach would be to make adjustments to the team your playing and stand firm with a philosophy that for some reason is not working as expected. Maybe many were expecting Mint Chocolate Chip and instead we have been given a gallon of Vanilla.

Hopefully things will improve.

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A few weeks ago, Dodge said something to the effect of, "When you blitz, somebody's fight song is about to be played."

Not unlike how Dickey used to live by the old "Three things can happen when you throw the ball, and two of them are bad."

I fear that Dodge coaches D the way that Dickey coached O.

Let's hope not.

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Well...I finally finished watching the rest of the second half of the LaLa game....and I came out of it thinking that the scheme wasn't the problem on most of the big plays. What was most surprising was how well the younger guys seemed to do in comparison to several of the seniors. Just throwin ideas out here, but could it be that the big problem is that our veterans are failing to fully buy in to the new D? To often we have 1-2 players just completely out of sync with the rest of the D....and it mostly seems to be happening with our LBers and safeties. Further, I wonder what this D looks like with a field general out there like a Justin Padron. Our great defenses didn't stand around between plays like this D does. Nobody is out there on the field directing things (as far as I can tell)....just hands on hips waiting for the offense to get set.

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A few weeks ago, Dodge said something to the effect of, "When you blitz, somebody's fight song is about to be played."

Not unlike how Dickey used to live by the old "Three things can happen when you throw the ball, and two of them are bad."

I fear that Dodge coaches D the way that Dickey coached O.

Let's hope not.

Yes, let us hope not. You would think some changes would be made, but they don't appear to be making any.

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How can we still use the argument of 5 Games into a season, when it is known now that ULL switched schemes in 1 WEEK.

We have 5 games of little adjustment, my question is WHY??? Does Mendoza not know any other defenses? The players obviously do not fit the 4-3 mold, so why not try something different? Is it being stubborn or lack of knowledge? Try to play to the strengths of the team.

Actually, we played the 3-3-5 stack last week against UCF, so really it's more like 2 weeks.

And let me say this, that Vizza is one tuff dude. He's going to be a force for ya'll for a long time.

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