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Hog Fan Hospitality


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For all of those who went to the game, I would like to hear your opinion on how you were treated by the Arkansas fans. For myself the fans were great and did not show any animosity towards myself or my brother because we were wearing Mean Green shirts, we had more than one set of hog fans that were curteous and even offered us drinks and eats. That brings me to my next point, when my brother and I got to the Mean Green tents we were ignored like the plague, so we turned around and went back to hanging with the Hog fans. I thought it was pretty pathetic that nobody at the Mean Green tents would even speak to us. Not trying to bash us but that was pretty damn embarassing. I will say that I had the pleasure of sitting next to some parents of a couple of freshman and they were great. I just thought I would let everyone know how it made us feel having to go hang out with the Hog fans to be acknowleged during the pregame tailgate.

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Well I don't know who was at the UNT tents, but I know from the last home game, I know very little people on the board here, or for that matter, many people that go to the home games outside of my group, but myself, my wife and a friend went to the deal Emmitt and SoundMan put on at the last home game, and we did have to assert ourselves and make an effort to a degree to introduce ourselves. I think you have to do this in groups where you are coming in where people may not know who you are. Once we met some of the people in there they were very friendly. As for the Hog fans, we tend to be pretty inviting. Most of the fans up there are pretty friendly just as they are down here at UNT.

By the way, Thanks to Emmitt and Sound_Man for doing that. It was nice to finally put a face on some board members. We didn't stay for a long time, but did enjoy the food and people we met.

Edited by GoMeanGreen1999
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I was treated with respect and the hospitality was great. It's a weird place you know, there is an open container law. We found a shade tree to set under just in the tailgate area and proceeded to have a beer when a guy walked up with two cups. Even though they were red he suggested, since the police may frown on open containers, if we put the beer in these cups to prevent any issues. Everywhere I looked I saw red cups, no open containers any where. I took his advice, used the cups, and was very grateful.

I've always heard the less threat you are the more they like you! :D

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I have been to Little Rock a couple of times and now to Fayetteville. The fans are always friendly except a couple of kids who came up late in the game primarily to agitate one extra loud UNT fan.

I did go to the UNT tentd and everyone seemed to be in their on little groups. The free food I was emeaied about did not seem to be their. Their were a few trays - unopened - on one table which seemed to be "guarded" by those around it.

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The hog fans were great to us as it was a fun place to visit, and its such a beautiful campus and all. As for the folks at the tent, I didn't notice anyone who came up that didn't get greeted. But for me I may have seemed stand-offish because I've been sick all week, then the daughter got sick on Thursday and the wife and I spent the entire night up and down with her before I had to get up and leave the house at 5a.m. for the drive up. Then sitting there at the tents it hit me that I had a 7 hour drive back home. I just didn't feel well, and I still don't.

If I didn't say hello to anyone who walked up I apologize.


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For all of those who went to the game, I would like to hear your opinion on how you were treated by the Arkansas fans. For myself the fans were great and did not show any animosity towards myself or my brother because we were wearing Mean Green shirts, we had more than one set of hog fans that were curteous and even offered us drinks and eats. That brings me to my next point, when my brother and I got to the Mean Green tents we were ignored like the plague, so we turned around and went back to hanging with the Hog fans. I thought it was pretty pathetic that nobody at the Mean Green tents would even speak to us. Not trying to bash us but that was pretty damn embarassing. I will say that I had the pleasure of sitting next to some parents of a couple of freshman and they were great. I just thought I would let everyone know how it made us feel having to go hang out with the Hog fans to be acknowleged during the pregame tailgate.

The Hog fans we ran into were exactly the same way. When we first got to their tailgating scene, a Hog fan pulled our group of 7 over to their tent. He gave us all beers, Crown and Cokes, and food. They talked football with us, let us know about the open container situation (and hooked us all up with some red cups), and took pictures with us.

The second group of Hog fans we ran into had a big renovated school bus that was all Razorbacked out. They had a band playing and four tv's built into the outside of the bus showing games. They were also very welcoming...giving us beer and food, and allowing us to hang out with them for the pre-game/post-game festivites.

We even had several Hog fans tell us that they wished that we would win the game so that Nutt would be fired.

All in all, very cool atmosphere and passionate fans. As far as road trips go, probably the most hospitable fans I've encountered. ULL is probably a close second.

Edited by Green Lantern
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I thought the Hog fans were very hospitable. My wife and I were sitting in the endzone close to the Hog Band and the student section. We had a great time watching the band and the students. They were very animated. The atmosphere was great. When we left the game, a Hog fan wished us a safe trip home and another thanked us for coming to the game.

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I want to add to the posters that state that the Arky fans were great. Their campus was amazing in its set up. Frat row was right next door to the stadium overlooking it.

Emmitt and I went into UA's bball gym. What a place.

Also...............Anyone that I didn't say anything to it is because I don't like you.

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Everyone in Fayetteville was very hospitable. A policeman even stopped traffic to let us turn into the Baum parking lot when we asked for some directions. We had several fans thank us for coming and told us to have a safe trip home. One gentleman apologizedto us because we lost! I agree it is a beautiful campus from what little we saw and a great football atmosphere. Didn't make it to the tailgate. We decided it was best to park and take the shuttle.


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I thought the Arkansas fans were fantastic. They seemed to be the most hospitable and friendly group of fans that I have met yet.

I have been to every game this year so far. I will say this, I will not be at another away game this year, maybe ever. I may even choose to go the general admission instead of the season ticket/mean green club route after the way my friend and I were treated by one athletic department employee.

Here is the story: My friend and I arrived early (about 10:30) and decided to go ahead and find a good parking spot and find where the Mean Green were. After having several nice chats with very kind Hog fans, we were directed to the 3 green tents. One of the tents was falling down so we made our way over and helped the two nice young women there fix it up a bit. We had a nice conversation with these two about the Mean Green, MGC, the Razorbacks(one grad. from UA) and so on. Then, another group of Mean Greeners showed up, including their boss. She seemed to be the least hospitable person I met. She asked why we didn't bring anything to the tailgate as if it was a requirement to sit with the Mean Green faithful. Something about we weren't going to eat her food, sit in her chairs, or drink "her beer". She said "Are you season ticket holders?" My friend said we are student so we kind of are. She said, so you're not season ticket holders, not MGC members, and you didn't bring anything, you're nothing. This is where I lost it and we went and walked around. I do not like being looked at as a mooch. Our only intention was to sit in a chair under the mean green tent socializing with other mean green faithful. Is there a problem with that?

Why would you alienate future donors like that? Don't donations come from MGC members, who are season ticketholders, which mostly come from the alumni base, which come from former students? I've been to every Mean Green game this year. I have Mean Green license plates, car emblem, stickers and flag on my car. I fly a full size mean green flag in front of my house for the entire football season. Anytime I see Mean Green merchandise at Academy, the grocery store, etc. I buy it in the hopes that the vendor will notice and keep the items on the shelf. I make it a point to wear green everyday to class and in public as I feel it will encourage closet fans to come out and show their colors. I'm about as avid a supporter as you can find from our student base and the way one woman treated my friend and I almost had me say f' the mean green. Fortunately, my love for the green is stronger than her bitterness. I just thought I would share my little story and hope that she doesn't treat others like that in the future.

Edited by Cr1028
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North Texas 'fans' are really good at ostracizing each other to prove they're the best fan. The core group who everyone centers around on this board is an absolute disaster, for example.

My suspicions have now been confirmed to the true identity of this poster.... How's it been going Man?

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Nice Jaydub... and with you're other two guesses... you get to choose the reason and time of death for Ms. Britney Spears*....

* Due to the loss of her kids... not JUST cause I am an ass...

December 12, 2007.

K-Fed ..in the Billiard Room...with the gun.

Edited by JayDub
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I thought the Arkansas fans were fantastic. They seemed to be the most hospitable and friendly group of fans that I have met yet.

I have been to every game this year so far. I will say this, I will not be at another away game this year, maybe ever. I may even choose to go the general admission instead of the season ticket/mean green club route after the way my friend and I were treated by one athletic department employee.

Here is the story: My friend and I arrived early (about 10:30) and decided to go ahead and find a good parking spot and find where the Mean Green were. After having several nice chats with very kind Hog fans, we were directed to the 3 green tents. One of the tents was falling down so we made our way over and helped the two nice young women there fix it up a bit. We had a nice conversation with these two about the Mean Green, MGC, the Razorbacks(one grad. from UA) and so on. Then, another group of Mean Greeners showed up, including their boss. She seemed to be the least hospitable person I met. She asked why we didn't bring anything to the tailgate as if it was a requirement to sit with the Mean Green faithful. Something about we weren't going to eat her food, sit in her chairs, or drink "her beer". She said "Are you season ticket holders?" My friend said we are student so we kind of are. She said, so you're not season ticket holders, not MGC members, and you didn't bring anything, you're nothing. This is where I lost it and we went and walked around. I do not like being looked at as a mooch. Our only intention was to sit in a chair under the mean green tent socializing with other mean green faithful. Is there a problem with that?

Why would you alienate future donors like that? Don't donations come from MGC members, who are season ticketholders, which mostly come from the alumni base, which come from former students? I've been to every Mean Green game this year. I have Mean Green license plates, car emblem, stickers and flag on my car. I fly a full size mean green flag in front of my house for the entire football season. Anytime I see Mean Green merchandise at Academy, the grocery store, etc. I buy it in the hopes that the vendor will notice and keep the items on the shelf. I make it a point to wear green everyday to class and in public as I feel it will encourage closet fans to come out and show their colors. I'm about as avid a supporter as you can find from our student base and the way one woman treated my friend and I almost had me say f' the mean green. Fortunately, my love for the green is stronger than her bitterness. I just thought I would share my little story and hope that she doesn't treat others like that in the future.

If this is true, and I have absolutely no reason to doubt you, I would email this story to RV. That is unacceptable and this staff person should be fired. If it is who I think it is, she is the same one that doesn't return phone calls, etc... I know many, that are alumni of NT, that would love to have her position and would do a much better job. Email RV

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If this is true, and I have absolutely no reason to doubt you, I would email this story to RV. That is unacceptable and this staff person should be fired. If it is who I think it is, she is the same one that doesn't return phone calls, etc... I know many, that are alumni of NT, that would love to have her position and would do a much better job. Email RV

If ti is her she is free to do as she pleases... she is better than us...

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North Texas 'fans' are really good at ostracizing each other to prove they're the best fan. The core group who everyone centers around on this board is an absolute disaster, for example.

ColoradoEagle, if I was ever rude to you, its only because I don't know what Quoner looks like, and I think he's trying to kill me. :ph34r:

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Folks lets quit pussy footing around. It sounds like Mandy McKinley is at her best. She's not only pissing off current donors. She's pissing off potential donors. She has proven on more than one occasion she's nothing but a worthless human being.

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It sounds like Mandy McKinley is at her best. She's not only pissing off current donors. She's pissing off potential donors.

She pissed me off enough to not renew my season tickets a few years ago (back when I could still afford them..I probably could have still afforded them...but chose not to renew on principle). Long story short...she essentially ripped me for not being a MGC member when I tried to explain to her that it just wasn't in my budget. She stuck her nose up and walked away like I was a horrible fan and a lesser human...nevermind the fact that I had tailgated all night helping Sound_Man and Emmitt cook up a ton of brisket for the tailgate the next day...not sure I've ever told that story.

Mandy McKinley sucks.

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