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Alumni Side

Green Nightmare

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Yes, for the most part it is the norm. You still have your rowdies, but for the most part it is a bunch of people that get mad at you for standing too long and will tell you to sit down.

I sit on the alumni side, but will go back to student section every so often for a little bit of the fun and rowdy stuff

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It always has been a little quiter then the student side. 3rd and 4th downs it takes some real effort to get them to yell.

The alumni were probably tired from chanting with the cheerleaders all night when we were on offense.

Which brings me to my next point - Nooortth Teexaas, won't ever happen well when we have the ball. There are too many educated fans out there to outnumber the large number of fans that don't know when to cheer.

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As someone who has resided on the student side for the last couple years I was shocked when on the alumni side how quiet it was?

Nothing going on 4th downs or finishing the north! Texas! chants

is this the norm?

My 2'nd 30 plus year problem with Fouts as an NT student/then NT Ex (with the 1'st being its seats way too far from the action due to the track) is that Fouts Field is a very, very, very accoustically dead stadium. If we are to make a cheering impact, we have to cheer in unision. The Green Brigade (as fine a band as they can be) start playing on too many pre-3'rd down defensive situations when our Alumnus Side Cheerleaders and the Fouts PA guy are trying to get the fans into a 3'rd down defense chant.

The UNT cheerleaders on the Alumnus Side need a PA System (with a proper volume) to get the "Reserved Section" into unified chants. They have not mastered that problem yet, but who the heck can even hear the cheerleaders (who seem to really be trying)? I saw Emmett and his group in the lower level trying to get the fans into it and we even had Brad Olsen in the upper section doing pretty good at times getting the DE-FENSE (clap! clap!) DE-FENSE (clap! clap!) chant going. BTW, that can be the most effective unified yell going for the Alumnus Side and I defer to an exciting SBC matchup with NMSU game a few years ago as a prime example.

Peavey, Yamaha and a few others have very nice portable PA systems on sale at the Guitar Center in FW and Arlington. As a single income guy, I'm $trapped (who isn't these days) or I would buy the Alumnus Side cheerleaders one of those myself BUT........I will donate a very high quality AKG microphone and a microphone stand if someone/some group would purchase a portable system for our Press Box Side cheerleaders--all this only with NT officials approving for its usage, of course.

Yet a PA system such as Yamaha's The Passport which IMO is the best portable PA on the market for the price; that is, one which has more power and clarity and would go a long ways in helping our Alumnus Side cheerleaders get heard as to lead out with more unified cheers going IMHO.

YET.............there is nothing we can do about the accoustics at Fouts Field other tear the darn thing down, let TxDOT have their interstate expansion land and build a new 35,000 seat...........oh well, you all know the rest of that one. :rolleyes:

Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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i was in section f and was asked to sit down by some folks behind me.....ya....I DIDN'T!!!!!!

that is so annoying to me!! It's a FOOTBALL GAME!!!! there should be cheering and jumping up and down and standing and whatever you need to do to show support. If you want to sit down the whole time, go watch bowling.

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RV needs to make a list of Instructions on how to cheer for the fans. Place them in seats, put them in the programs, show it on the jumbo-tron.

He also needs to talk with all cheerleaders coach, the band and the other spirit groups on the field and get them on the same page.

The cheerleaders seemed to get tuned in as the game went on last night, the band played through a entire offensive down in the second half. Even as Meager was trying to yell the adjustments to the O-line.

Edited by KingDL1
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from the alumni side, the student side was much louder but unfortunately, about 1/2 empty.

Very disappointed in the student turnout. They may know more about verbal support and being rowdy, but there were far too few, and they need to learn when the game starts rather than dragging in before halftime. I still say if you get it for free, you perceive it's worth nothing. We have the most spoiled student body in D-1. Note what happens when you have effective student fees as do the FL based schools who are both building new stadiums. Why are we so timid? Even $70. per semester is less than they spend on beer , but would be a great boost to our Athletic Dept. Where will they find the quality of education for the price they have paid for it? Let them try elsewhere if they object to the fee, they'll be back once they see how posh they have it here!!

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I too sit in section F and on row 29. On third down and short or trying to hold FAU on third down, I found myself being the only one standing orher than one couple at the end of my row. I may be forced to continue offending some folks by standing and cheering.

By the way, some female professor sitting behind me was asked by her guest if she knew the words to the alma mater. Her reply, "I suppose I should learn it. I have working here for 15 years." DISGUSTING!!

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RV needs to make a list of Instructions on how to cheer for the fans. Place them in seats, put them in the programs, show it on the jumbo-tron.

He also needs to talk with all cheerleaders coach, the band and the other spirit groups on the field and get them on the same page.

The cheerleaders seemed to get tuned in as the game went on last night, the band played through a entire offensive down in the second half. Even as Meager was trying to yell the adjustments to the O-line.

That happened several times, like the band is in their own world...again. <_<

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You should be quite when we have the ball, you scream and make noise when they have the ball (not the other way around). There were a few around me that knew this and made noise at critical times. Not everyone around me stood up, but at least no one asked me to sit down. I'll keep doing the right way until eventually everyone around me picks it up! I think one thing we need to remember is last night there were probably a lot of new faces that don't know the organized cheers. They'll learn, lets just hope everyone returns and doesn't just ship because we're 0-3!

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that is so annoying to me!! It's a FOOTBALL GAME!!!! there should be cheering and jumping up and down and standing and whatever you need to do to show support. If you want to sit down the whole time, go watch bowling.

Our tickets are on the last row at the top so that I can stand and not have to hear people yell at me. I stood nearly the entire game. It would 3rd down and whatever, and it was like few people on the west side even knew it was 3rd down. Very disappointing.

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I too sit in section F and on row 29. On third down and short or trying to hold FAU on third down, I found myself being the only one standing orher than one couple at the end of my row. I may be forced to continue offending some folks by standing and cheering.

By the way, some female professor sitting behind me was asked by her guest if she knew the words to the alma mater. Her reply, "I suppose I should learn it. I have working here for 15 years." DISGUSTING!!

hope i wasn't in your way!!!! row 27 first 4 seats!!! GLAD YOU WERE STANDING BRO....WE NEED TO GET THEM ALL UP!!!!!!

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What needs to be done is give the 2 cheerleading crews a cheap set of Walkie-Talkies so they can unify whatever chant they're trying to get us to do. The students yelling "North" 3 times, then the home side squad realizing they should hold up the "Texas" sign doesn't work. Neither does the student's continuous "North" yelling. Do it 3, maybe 4 times then stop.

The band needs to realize when to play, when to not play, and when to cut it off!

You can say the student side is better, but at least we don't have the sun our eyes for the first hour.

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that is so annoying to me!! It's a FOOTBALL GAME!!!! there should be cheering and jumping up and down and standing and whatever you need to do to show support. If you want to sit down the whole time, go watch bowling.

I think you don't really understant the impact of what you are saying here. I wasn't there this week but will be back for future games. I am 72 years old and so is my wife. We come to NT to see the football games. However, when you get this old a lot of people have physical disabilities. My wife had knee replacement several years ago which didn't take...she can't stand for very long because of this problem, I don't that same problem but also can't stand very long...yet if everyone has your opinion we might as well stay home...because we would not be able to see the game because of people like you.

There are two sides to this issue that need to be considered. Respectfully submitted.

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I think you don't really understant the impact of what you are saying here. I wasn't there this week but will be back for future games. I am 72 years old and so is my wife. We come to NT to see the football games. However, when you get this old a lot of people have physical disabilities. My wife had knee replacement several years ago which didn't take...she can't stand for very long because of this problem, I don't that same problem but also can't stand very long...yet if everyone has your opinion we might as well stay home...because we would not be able to see the game because of people like you.

There are two sides to this issue that need to be considered. Respectfully submitted.

good point. thank you for reminding me about the other side of the story. However, I don't think this applies to the entire section or stadium so if someone is in an area where standing would not be a problem - go for it! If there is a case like yours, I would hope people would have respect for you and your situation. I certainly did not mean to imply you should stay home and I don't want anyone to stay home. I think you're right. I think many of us younger and able bodied folks do tend to forget what it's like to get older and we will be there one day ourselves. It's just that our attendees have such a history of being apathetic that I don't want to see people sitting because they don't believe in us. Show support when you can and be respectful when you need to be. I guess that is the balance to work towrds.

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I understand that some people cannot stand. I won't stand for the whole game, but I do jump up and cheer on big plays and when our opponent lines up for third down...

But I refuse to argue with the dude behind me for the entire season. If you want a clear view of the field for the whole game while sitting on your butt, watch it at home on your computer.

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So I will throw in my .02 cents on this (and pardon the Plummer-esque length of this email):

I sit in the family section H. I like to yell at the games, sometimes loudly. Some GA friends joined me so we moved over to the relatively empty Section I (I never sat in my seats). To my right, sitting across the aisle in Section H, was a nice looking 30-ish alum with her husband. She was laughing out loud at everything our crew was doing. Her "other" was smiling, as I probably would as my schtick is never out loud funny, but occasionally worthy of a guffaw. All this is to say that he was going along. Below me, past an empty row, was a couple, he with a monk haircut (hair all the way around, with a huge shiny bald spot in the middle), she a bit large for her own good. An older man was with them, sitting a row below them. His idea of fan participation was standing up for the kickoff with claws up, but he made no noise other than the occasional clap. A family with two small children was to our left, against the rails that represent the end of the stadium seating. There were about 4 seats between me and them. They were not overly excited with the yelling, but showed no visible expression that they were anti-crowd noise.

I was doing most of the loud yelling amongst my friends, but they also joined in occasionally. There was no cussing, just yelling loud enough that my kids could hear me when I called them as they sat on the first row rail of Section H. Again, the funny thing is that whenever anyone yells, it is almost a surprise. People from lower rows in other sections look up to see who is actually participating.

It didn't take long to sense mild irritation toward the fan with the big mouth. More facial expressions and body language than anything verbal...remember, these people don't talk.

When I went to take my kids down to the field at halftime, one of my smart aleck friends yelled out, "don't worry folks...he won't be back until the 4th quarter."

The fa...er, woman who chooses to live outiside medically designated weight and height guidelines, yelled out..."THANK YOU!" I heard her but chose to ignore it, as I believe those who dish must be able to handle the occasional retort.

I was amazingly efficient at getting the five kids in my group to the field, off the field, to the bathroom (big props to the new bathrooms, btw) and to the concessions, so I got back to my seat with about 10 minutes left in the 3rd quarter.

The woman of size yelled out to me, "It's not the fourth quarter!"

I replied back, "You know lady, you are right. Let's just hope that the team gives us nothing to be excited about so you can have your peace and quiet and we can all sit and enjoy the beautifull weather."

I then made an effort to give polite golf clap, make a few comments (only loud enough for her to hear) about how you would think the student side would be absolutely full as this is the quietest place on campus to study and, for the most part, sat quietly through the beating that was the second half.

She kharma'd us to a loss, in my mind. It is her fault. She sucked the life out of an entire section of the stadium.

I can't blame her completely. One other possible reason: it may be that this is Fouts Field fault. The football field is so far from the stands, I have to assume these "fans" just can't see the game, think they are at a track meet and are waiting for the first race to start.

Yes, I know I am in the wrong because I choose to buy tickets in the family section, then get loud. I thought that the family section was for cheap-ass dads, not for library patrons. I also am in the wrong because I love loudly supporting my team, loud enough that I have (at games when the crowd is smaller) gotten players to turn around and laugh (like when I was asking if the new urinals under the North endzone during the multi-OT game last year were reserved for players only).

Proposed solution: Designate ticket sales to include sections of people that want to come to live their last days in peace; for fans that like to yell when their is good reason to; and to fans that want to live it up and fully embrace the fricking five days of home football we get in an entire year. I do find that if a few people get going, it is often infectious and a whole section can get rowdy, encouraging the section next to it to get rowdy, etc etc.

But please...show some passion, cadavers. I do understand that a fan is a fan, that I should love all who spend their hard earned dollars on NT football. Just move me to some section where a pulse is not frowned upon.

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Untcampbell, I too sit in section H and I enjoy your comments they are always funny and I don't take offense to any of them and the other guys I come with don't mind it either. I wondered what happened in the 2nd half why you got quite and you quit yelling. Now I know why, because of one or two people. That's no fun, it's like we are watching a tennis match. You can only make noise when nothing is going on.

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UNTcampbell says "The woman who chooses to live outiside medically designated weight and height guidelines, yelled out. "THANK YOU!" I heard her but chose to ignore it, as I believe those who dish must be able to handle the occasional retort."

The only thing I can say is to yell on and they can move. My 300 lb butt is outside the designated weight and height guidelines but was yelling very loud, so I really do not see how size comes into play.


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What needs to be done is give the 2 cheerleading crews a cheap set of Walkie-Talkies so they can unify whatever chant they're trying to get us to do. The students yelling "North" 3 times, then the home side squad realizing they should hold up the "Texas" sign doesn't work. Neither does the student's continuous "North" yelling. Do it 3, maybe 4 times then stop.


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