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The Exes Meeting Place


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Some freinds and I met at the Irish pub that I heard was the Exes meeting place. Who picked a bar where they dont show football? we walked in and saw quite a few NT fans, but there was soccer on TV. needless to say we turned around and went to another bar. I have to know what MENSA memeber choose a place like that for a football game pre-party?

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Guest JohnDenver

Some freinds and I met at the Irish pub that I heard was the Exes meeting place. Who picked a bar where they dont show football? we walked in and saw quite a few NT fans, but there was soccer on TV. needless to say we turned around and went to another bar. I have to know what MENSA memeber choose a place like that for a football game pre-party?

We went in there since it was close to Ford and right off the DART stop. We stumbled upon the Exes gathering and went in.. I commented to the people with Exes that we didn't know they were there and just happened to find them (my attempt to strike up conversation). I got blank stares..

Anyhow, they eventually turned two TVs to football and turned the main TV to the Notre Dame game (Irish).

It was a fun time.. I would have rather done the Time Out Tavern or something, but it wasn't off the rail.

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That event was hosted by the Dallas Chapter of the Exes Association. My wife and I fond it on the web and went before the game. We are Denton Chapter Exes members and wanted to support the Dallas Chapter. We enjoyed the gathering...but, we are soccer fans too, so we loved the spot. Did not see too many Mean Green fans, but those we did see were seemingly enjoying themselves.

Seems like every time someone tries to do something positive that there will always be some folks who want to find fault with it. Fine...that's your right, but instead of complaining why don't you use your MENSA skills and volunteer your free time to help make the situation "better"? I'm not "fussing" at anyone in particular, but my wife and I went to support the Dallas Exes, had some good cold beer, talked to some Mean Green fans and headed off to the tailgate area...what's not to like??? We even went back to Trinty Hall for a cool down pint before heading back to Denton after the game. A great Irish band was playing, the place was lively and several other Mean Green fans were there having a great time...and, there was some late night football on one tv, but, hey, the band was more fun!

You can either choose to enjoy yourself or you can choose to find fault. You pick...it's your choice and your right! Me...I choose to look at the bright side! It was FUN!

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So there was a separate Exes gathering other than the main one on campus prior to the game?


Yes. I think the one at the Irish Pub was put on by the Dallas Exes and the "main" tent tailgate was mostly done by Athletics (MGC) with help from Exes and another group. Although I heard about the Pub event from another Exes member I never actually got info about it from Exes. Intent is good, but communication is many times lacking, thus they wonder why we don't support their events. <_<

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That's one of the main problems with some of our efforts is that we splinter ourselves up too much. That's one reason why we have had such a poor showing at anything we tried to do in Fort Worth. Why should I drive 40 minutes to get to downtown fort worth for a "gathering", when I would much rather go another 15 minutes and make it to Denton where Mean Green events of interest are going on, such as the Denton Exes last event the AC center that had Tod Dodge and Johnny Quinn and other folks of interest there. Fort Worth and Dallas Chapters cannot offer that up, and we wouldn't expect those folks of interest in Denton, to drive down and show up either. I know they would if we asked them to, but I wouldn't ask them because I know not that many people would show up with the current structure of the Exes that is in place. Gotta fix some things such as give people something for the money they are putting in. This post game event drex is putting on, giving us all a place to gel after the game, that to me is getting something in return for my dues. The bus trip, that was another. But there is much more room for improvement.

To me, the Dallas and Fort Worth Chapters should join in with the Denton and make up the Metroplex chapter. And when we have something major have it on a weekend night, or at least around 7 on a work night. I had an extremely difficult time trying to get to Fort Worth for a board meeting by 6 p.m. on a work night. I can't imagine people from Dallas getting to Denton by 6 with any kind of ease?

Just my two cents.


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