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Proud Of Our Team, Coaches And Fans


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I was really proud of our kids last night. The second game in a row.....where they didn't quit.

And, btw....I totally don't get the bashing of Danny and Evyn. Geez.

Danny had a RECORD SETTING NIGHT. 601 freaking yards.

And guess what people.......when you throw MORE........statistically, you're going to have more picks. Danny averaged 1 pick every 21 passes. Yes, the last two were inopportune, but that young man played great.

601 freaking yards and people still bitch.

BTW......if you want to go back to DickeyBall, his vaunted offense at USU put up 280 yds. of offense against Wyoming.

601 freaking yards.

And, let me add it is such a pleasure to have an offense that can come back in games.

Anyway, proud of our kids.....EVERY ONE OF THEM.

And I love a head coach who's quoted as saying, "We aren't near as good as we're gonna be."

And to the fans that were there....thanks for showing up. You all made me proud, too.


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100% agree. I went into that game expecting to lose and the team really put on a great show for me. It is going to take awhile to get things just right but if you look at the adjustments from Game 1 to Game 2, WOW. Also, I was on the first row and the whole coaching clinic continued. Evertyime the kids would come off the field the coach in charge of that unit would pull them to the side and telt hem what they did great and wha they need to work on. So refreshing. We have defensive problems but we will be able to recruit to solve those. The false starts ar really getting annoying as well. Again, that can be coached (and was being coached) during the game and over the next two weeks. I went into the game thinking that we had a chance to win 2 games this year - WKU and FIU.. I came out thinking that we have a realistic chance of winning the Belt and going back to New Orleans. Hopefully we will be playing SMU and we can show them how much better we are from Week 2 to Week 13. That would be sweet and perfect justice.

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I don't have a lot of bad things to say about last night...mostly because I think...wait, no...I know Dodge and his staff and the players probably already know what mistakes were made and how to overcome them.

601 yards in passing, the overall score, and the comeback are definitely something to be proud of.

I was extremely happy about the game last night, despite the loss. I'm also just shocked at how incredible DM looked last night. I know, I know that SMU is weak against passing, so if anything that means he'll put up at least a few hundred yards against any decent team.

And judging from the radio broadcast...it sounded almost like home game.

Lay off Evyn, he made good decisions and played with HEART. Our defense was good, the offense looked great, and only after a few weeks of real practice. I'm looking forward to see what happens in the next few weeks which I think are bye weeks.

Edited by meangreendork
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100% agree. I went into that game expecting to lose and the team really put on a great show for me. It is going to take awhile to get things just right but if you look at the adjustments from Game 1 to Game 2, WOW. Also, I was on the first row and the whole coaching clinic continued. Evertyime the kids would come off the field the coach in charge of that unit would pull them to the side and telt hem what they did great and wha they need to work on. So refreshing. We have defensive problems but we will be able to recruit to solve those. The false starts ar really getting annoying as well. Again, that can be coached (and was being coached) during the game and over the next two weeks. I went into the game thinking that we had a chance to win 2 games this year - WKU and FIU.. I came out thinking that we have a realistic chance of winning the Belt and going back to New Orleans. Hopefully we will be playing SMU and we can show them how much better we are from Week 2 to Week 13. That would be sweet and perfect justice.

My sentiments exactly. Very impressive play on offense, though defense needs more work.

New Orleans seems very realistic.

On a side note, I got free tickets from a buddy whose friend is a conditioning coach for SMU (unfortunately, we sat on the stanky side, er... 'stang side). We met up with him after the game and he just kept saying how glad that game was over and how tense his side was when they realized they were'nt gonna run up the score like they thought they would.

Oh, and it was beautiful seeing all those green shirts from across the field, and the noise they made and... ok I'm rambling... but I hope ya'll get the point...

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I was really proud of our kids last night. The second game in a row.....where they didn't quit.

And, btw....I totally don't get the bashing of Danny and Evyn. Geez.

Danny had a RECORD SETTING NIGHT. 601 freaking yards.

And guess what people.......when you throw MORE........statistically, you're going to have more picks. Danny averaged 1 pick every 21 passes. Yes, the last two were inopportune, but that young man played great.

601 freaking yards and people still bitch.

BTW......if you want to go back to DickeyBall, his vaunted offense at USU put up 280 yds. of offense against Wyoming.

601 freaking yards.

And, let me add it is such a pleasure to have an offense that can come back in games.

Anyway, proud of our kids.....EVERY ONE OF THEM.

And I love a head coach who's quoted as saying, "We aren't near as good as we're gonna be."

And to the fans that were there....thanks for showing up. You all made me proud, too.


Thank you for saying this because I was going to post this myself. I don't think most realize what we witness last night. That was a record breaking game! Does losing suck - yes, but I'm really excited about where this thing is going. The ability to come from behind, put together long drives, to never be out of a game and the progress the "O" made was fantastic.

Also, I a lot of people are jumping on the D. Int's setup 2 of SMU's touchdowns and a bone head penalty (that I question - the facemask) gave SMU a first down when we had them 3rd and 20 that lead to another TD when it should have been a punt. Then there was the missed call on the reception by SMU where his knee was on the ground. He gets six yds on the play and instead of 3rd and 10 it was 3 and 4 and they throw a 5yd out for the first. That lead to another score instead of a punt. Finally, the mistake of all mistakes using a prevent defense, which prevents you from winning, at the end of the 1st half. That's roughly 28 points that are either correctable or not the direct result of bad defense. I believe they can and will get better on D.

Edited by GMoney
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And I love a head coach who's quoted as saying, "We aren't near as good as we're gonna be."

And to the fans that were there....thanks for showing up. You all made me proud, too.


Love that Todge quote!..I missed it, was it post-game radio?

please address the defense, Todge! I know they can do better :)

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I believe they can and will get better on D.

From your keyboard to God's eyes.

I believe that if the team improves just 1/4 as much for the FAU game as it improved from from the OU to the SMU game. NT will beat FAU.

Keep the faith, the journey has just begun.

Go Mean Green!

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SUE! First, I am sad I didn't get to see you before the game. I hope to meet up with you some game this year to deliver that Scotch I promised you back in '02. Second, great post.

I was really proud of our kids last night. The second game in a row.....where they didn't quit.

Yep. After so many years of Dickeyball, even though we lost on Saturday - I had more fun at the game than I have had in years... shoot, decades! Our offense is fun to watch, and we certainly proved capable of moving the ball. I was sitting with some friends from SMU, and watching us go up 14-3 was pretty sweet. I know SMU fans respect Todd Dodge. Even though so many of their internet posting fans are jerks - I thought all of the SMU fans I interacted with to be especially pleasant even though I was wearing green.

One thing is certain: as a "traveling" fan base, we proved to be worthy of scheduling as often as possible in the future. (Did you hear that TCU?) I was very impressed with our showing, both in the stands and on the field. To use a SUE-ism, we have got a lot of Pollyannas amongst us. As far as I am concerned, lower your expectations regarding this year's team regarding wins-and-losses. All of this is lagniappe, as far as I'm concerned. I never expected to see that kind of offensive prowess as a Mean Green fan (our offense, that is).

And, btw....I totally don't get the bashing of Danny and Evyn. Geez. Danny had a RECORD SETTING NIGHT. 601 freaking yards.

And guess what people.......when you throw MORE........statistically, you're going to have more picks. Danny averaged 1 pick every 21 passes. Yes, the last two were inopportune, but that young man played great. 601 freaking yards and people still bitch. BTW......if you want to go back to DickeyBall, his vaunted offense at USU put up 280 yds. of offense against Wyoming. 601 freaking yards. And, let me add it is such a pleasure to have an offense that can come back in games.

Damn Skippy. As said by the great SUE, "601 freaking yeards", people!

Anyway, proud of our kids.....EVERY ONE OF THEM. And I love a head coach who's quoted as saying, "We aren't near as good as we're gonna be." And to the fans that were there....thanks for showing up. You all made me proud, too. GO MEAN GREEN!

Great post. GO MEAN GREEN!

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sat on the Mustang side with my SMU coaching daughter, NT daughter and boyfriend, NT wife and must say what a great ballgame to watch. Being on the west side, we got to enjoy the music and watch the great NT crowd. Sure hope this game finds a way to continue. We did want to hear fly like an eagle more often earlier, but they came through in the fourth quarter. The precision on offense will only get better for the home opener and I've got two weeks to get the RV ready. Meager made a lot of great reads and we played tons of people. Nothing better than college football.

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I was really proud of our kids last night. The second game in a row.....where they didn't quit.

And, btw....I totally don't get the bashing of Danny and Evyn. Geez.

Danny had a RECORD SETTING NIGHT. 601 freaking yards.

And guess what people.......when you throw MORE........statistically, you're going to have more picks. Danny averaged 1 pick every 21 passes. Yes, the last two were inopportune, but that young man played great.

601 freaking yards and people still bitch.

BTW......if you want to go back to DickeyBall, his vaunted offense at USU put up 280 yds. of offense against Wyoming.

601 freaking yards.

And, let me add it is such a pleasure to have an offense that can come back in games.

Anyway, proud of our kids.....EVERY ONE OF THEM.

And I love a head coach who's quoted as saying, "We aren't near as good as we're gonna be."

And to the fans that were there....thanks for showing up. You all made me proud, too.


I just drove a thousand miles (round trip) to see this game and would do it again knowing the result. While we have a lot of things to work out we at least have hope for the future.

It’s nice to know that we were still in this game until the very end and I expect that Coach Dodge will see to it that we improve over the course of the year.

Many thanks to Coach Dodge and the rest of the team.

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