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Why We Hate Smu

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So...I have been very adamant that SMU is not our rival and our insistance upon making them so is a bit embarrassing. While I still believe this to be true, reading Ponyfans and having to watch that ridiculous "Pony Up" music video...I have felt a growing distain for the financial institute of Dallas...and it brought back a painful memory that I had repressed deep in my mind...and I'm curious if anyone else has similar specific stories for their abhorring of the Phonies.

March 2005 - Quarterfinals of the ACIS Regional Intramural Basketball Tourney held at TCU...my intramural basketball team has made it to the round of 8 out of 40 some odd teams (another UNT team finished second this year) from all over Texas and the Southwest...our quarterfinal game is against a team from SMU and it is one hell of a basketball game. We lead by 1 with about 10 seconds to play, SMU ball...the SMU player makes his drive on the left hand side and with exactly 5.5 seconds remaining in the game (etched painfully in my mind) I hear a whistle...and an official named Jamaica (white girl...not sure how the parents ever arrived at that name) calls our defender for a hand check. Now, I used to have a bit of a temper and a sarcastic tongue with officials in my younger days...and I was rendered speechless. 1 and 1. SMU player knocks down both free throws...a last ditch effort on our part falls short.

I would love a neighbor rival...I still don't think SMU is it...but that doesn't mean I cant hate the Phonies. Pony, Up Yours!

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I've refrained from sharing this story for the past year, but in light of our butt whippin' this past weekend, I need to release some anger :angry:

I had NT season tickets for the 3 seasons before I moved up to CO this winter, and I always parked at the Wesley Foundation (Methodist student center) next to maple because I was involved there as a student and walked to the stadium. For the SMU game, I parked in my usual spot next to a Lexus SUV with a SMU sticker on the back. I had never seen this vehicle and figured it was the vehicle of an older SMU alum from the looks of the vehicle but didn't think much else about it otherwise.

Well, after we beat the Ponies proper, my soon to be wife and I went to Willis library because she had to check out a book and when we got back to my SUV, there were beer bottles strewn about on both sides of where this SMU SUV was parked. The was also a plastic bag laying right behind my back right tire. At first I sarcastically think, "Isn't that awesome...someone had some brews in the parking lot of the Methodist center!" So I picked up the plastic back behind my tire to use it to collect the bottles, when I was surprised and angered to find two empty bottles in the plastic bag lined up just perfectly so that my tire would have busted them (and probably put a hole in the tire). Needless to say, I was quite infuriated and wanted to kick someone's ass for this attempted high-schoolish prank.

Anyways, I got over it...but my opinion of SMU fans has been tarnished for good, although I don't hold it personally against SMU fans that are friends of mine.

Ahh...now I feel better!

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why do you insist on another "why i hate smu" post???

don't you think this gets a little old after a while trying to stir up some sort of class envy?

grow up!

if you really think they are better than you then they are and that makes you with an inferiority complex. my suggestion.....go see dr. phil.

Edited by eulesseagle
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why do you insist on another "why i hate smu" post???

don't you think this gets a little old after a while trying to stir up some sort of class envy?

grow up!

if you really think they are better than you then they are and that makes you with an inferiority complex. my suggestion.....go see dr. phil.

I don't think either post or the thought behind this thread is that we feel inferior to SMU. It is why we hate SMU.

I hate them for there historical comments about North Texas, the smuggness of the majority of their students and alums and the fact that they have blackballed us, a known fact, in the past from moving up conference wise. In no way, shape or form do I feel they are superior to us.

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I don't think either post or the thought behind this thread is that we feel inferior to SMU. It is why we hate SMU.

I hate them for there historical comments about North Texas, the smuggness of the majority of their students and alums and the fact that they have blackballed us, a known fact, in the past from moving up conference wise. In no way, shape or form do I feel they are superior to us.

SMUg and SMUt started a long time ago for me. If you don't know how they treated Hayden Fry, and why, when you know, you'll just love our celebs to the south. Go Kenny Washington!!!

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I don't think either post or the thought behind this thread is that we feel inferior to SMU. It is why we hate SMU.

I hate them for there historical comments about North Texas, the smuggness of the majority of their students and alums and the fact that they have blackballed us, a known fact, in the past from moving up conference wise. In no way, shape or form do I feel they are superior to us.


If anything, I've felt sorry for some of my past SMU (and Baylor and TCU for that matter) co-workers who went there, paid 4-6 times (or more) for there education, and came out of school with 60K plus of debt and the same job that I got.

Some things will just never make sense to me :blink:

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I have one Friend who just graduated from SMU and is know a manager in training at Hertz rent a car. I have a another Friend who graduated from UNT and has must of his law school paid for by University of Texas.

I think when talking about “why we hate SMU” we have to look back and see that its not about book smarts but in the 1980’s SMU was what Boise State is to the 2000’s and Marshall was to the 1990’s. Leave it on the field.

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If anything, I've felt sorry for some of my past SMU (and Baylor and TCU for that matter) co-workers who went there, paid 4-6 times (or more) for there education, and came out of school with 60K plus of debt and the same job that I got.

Some things will just never make sense to me :blink:

Do we all have to hate SMU?

Because I don't care enough to hate and it seems kind of small, I just want to kick their teeth down their throats in a football game. I want bragging rights again in my office plus a 1 & 1 record for the season.

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I have one Friend who just graduated from SMU and is know a manager in training at Hertz rent a car. I have a another Friend who graduated from UNT and has must of his law school paid for by University of Texas.

I think when talking about “why we hate SMU” we have to look back and see that its not about book smarts but in the 1980’s SMU was what Boise State is to the 2000’s and Marshall was to the 1990’s. Leave it on the field.

:blink::huh: what did you just say???

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i respect your comments but at the same time these types of comments, "IMHO," religate nothing more than envy and distain.

this post is trite as continued DD bashing and being smug enough to go on the USU board and bash the man again. This borders on being invited on the Jerry Springer Show for your 15 minutes of trailer trash fame.

as far as HF and how SMU treated the man ..... dude ..... that was over 30 years ago ..... heck 90% of the posters on this board were not even born when HF got fired.....if that is one reason you hate smu then you should have a love - hate relationship with them. personally, i disliked how ntsu booted out prez jitter nolan, how ntsu left the fate of the ntsu football program in the hands of the students which took us down to d-1aa and various other athletic blunders which amount to a great deal more distain of why i hate ntsu/unt more than i hate smu.

i know that this is only a friendly little blog to kill some time until saturday night.

Read SMU's posts on their board and notice there is really no difference in their university pride and unt's except that most of them have a better command of the english language than some of our posters.

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i think that i've personally manufactured anger towards smu just so we can have a fun rivalry, but i don't really have a reason to dislike them. i did hear some guy on the todd dodge show monday step up to the open mike and then ramble off this "question" that was no more than a "why we hate smu" post and never posed a question for coach dodge. it had something to do with working with jerks from smu but can't we all agree that NT has a bunch of jerks also?

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I don't understand why you insist they are not a rival... as for number of repeat contests with other schools, they are ranked #3. The other two are Texas State and New Mexico State.

Well...would you consider TSU and NMST rivals? NMST was when they were in the SBC and there were some classic games between us but when will we see them again? When will we get the chance to re-live the miracle in the desert (or live it this time...still mad I missed that one.)? And certainly not TSU any more...though I would love them to move up and join the Belt. After this year when will we see SMU again...and before last year when was the last time we played them? A rival to me is an opponent you deal with and see atleast yearly in most sports and your hatred grows with each passing game. I think the closest we have now is MTSU but theyre 1000 miles away.

why do you insist on another "why i hate smu" post???

don't you think this gets a little old after a while trying to stir up some sort of class envy?

grow up!

if you really think they are better than you then they are and that makes you with an inferiority complex. my suggestion.....go see dr. phil.

I was simply curious to understand the angst that so many people on here hold toward SMU...I've never really felt it and so I decided to share a story in hopes of getting other stories as to why people consider SMU a rival. It has nothing to do with class envy or a feeling of inferiority.

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I will one up you all. I hate the whole Park Cities area. I went to a 4A HS and played Highland Park on a regular basis. Let's just say the Greyhound buses they use to go to games and the "cash beats trash" signs they displayed during games was not something that endeared one to them. It was also kind of troubling to us as we were an upper middle class High School.

Anyways, I despise the whole attitude of old money that rules that area. Not that I do not have friends and associates from there and who live there, but the culture of the area bothers me.

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We don't have a monopoly on it... Most TCU students/alyums have about the same opinion of them--- as well as al ot of alums of other schools. It is all about their disrespect and thier attitude toward others and their arrogance (never have figured that one out, most I know aren't any smarter or richer than most of us). In fact some of them seem to act that way hoping that others will perceive them as "superior people" when they know they aren't.

The ones with a poor attitude seem to outnumber those who seem rather "normal".

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Read SMU's posts on their board and notice there is really no difference in their university pride and unt's except that most of them have a better command of the english language than some of our posters.

Having taught undergrad courses at SMU and undergrad and graduate courses at UNT, I will make a $100 bar bet with anyone willing to argue that most of SMU's people have a better command of English.

An SMU law grad I know tells the story of the international law class in which a student gave an oral report on a legal issue that had come up in the courts of that well-known Mexican state, Chih-hooah-hooah.

Edited by Green to the Bone
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take a peek over that the pony board every now and then, and then tell me if SMU doesn't give two craps about us.

Exactly. They loathe us, they hate that they lost to us last year, and they consider themselves superior to UNT in every way.

I looked over there today and they have a photo of Fouts with the caption "(Commuter University of North Texas)"


SMU Residence hall capacity: 1994 (18%)

UNT Residence hall capacity: 5163 (17%)

That's not counting the UNT students who live within a few blocks of the campus vs. the trust fund babies who still live with Daddy.

Edited by UNTflyer
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Exactly. They loathe us, they hate that they lost to us last year, and they consider themselves superior to UNT in every way.

I looked over there today and they have a photo of Fouts with the caption "(Commuter University of North Texas)"


SMU Residence hall capacity: 1994 (18%)

UNT Residence hall capacity: 5163 (17%)

That's not counting the UNT students who live within a few blocks of the campus vs. the trust fund babies who still live with Daddy.

What is the argument here? That they have a larger percentage of students in dorms?

Their enrollment is roughly 11,000 and we are at around 35,000. If we could find the stat I would bet they have more students percentage wise living in apartments, Sorority and fraternity houses on and near campus then we do. I know when I went to UNT almost half commuted, meaning did not live in Denton.

Funny thing is most of the SMU students I meet these days are not from Dallas or the Park Cities. The Park Cities kids tend to go out of town to school.

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Exactly. They loathe us, they hate that they lost to us last year, and they consider themselves superior to UNT in every way.

I looked over there today and they have a photo of Fouts with the caption "(Commuter University of North Texas)"


SMU Residence hall capacity: 1994 (18%)

UNT Residence hall capacity: 5163 (17%)

That's not counting the UNT students who live within a few blocks of the campus vs. the trust fund babies who still live with Daddy.

Good post. That "commuter school" crap means absolutely nothing anymore. Other than the obvious outpost exceptions of College Station and Lubbock, all of the large schools in Texas both public and private have a very large percentage of their students classified as commuters. That includes the relatively new (compared to us) little private school located in Dallas County which is the subject of this thread. BTW, maybe they should change their name to "Something Midwest University" since most of their students are now from elsewhere, and the Methodist Church no longer has much of a connection to the school.

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