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You know last year after posting the below I thought maybe the new unifoms were not in or that something that I did not know about may of happened, and I had a little regret. Well now any regret went away yesterday on Lindsey Ave in Norman.

We were standing there having a grand old time discussing how much more media coverage we have recived since Coach Dodge came on board and how it feels like a new attitude has moved in to Denton, when we hear the very distinct march of "The Pride of North Texas" So as we all line up along Lindsey and the OU fans join us, through the sea of red, we see white. White freaking t-shirts. Then the black shoes and socks. Then the rainbow shorts.

After being asked what the two fingers and thumbs being held up mean, I am asked when our band is going to get in to uniform.

As I hang my head and explain that what you see is the uniform for our band today, the laughter starts followed by " you have got to be kidding me".

There is a distinct change this year, from last. The band actually sounded great and the on field perfomance was very good.

After the game we went back to Lindsey to watch the end of the K-State game when the band came straggling out in pieces. Then one of the Tuba players comes running out screaming like an idiot.

Green Brigade suporters are going to be pissed and say that we always bash the Band. WELL HERE IS THE WAY TO KEEP UP FROM BASHING THE BAND;

1) Support the Team on the Field

2) At least act like your intrested in the game

3) Look like a team (in Uniform)

4) Realize that you are on stage from the time you get off the bus with the team till you get back on the bus

5) Have Fun

Act like your part of the school and take pride in your team and maybe just maybe the rest of us can get behind you as well.

OK now I will step off of my soap box and go back to just observing and reading the board.

"Did anyone who went to Austin notice the following about our band?

"The pride of North Texas"

1. Were in t-shirts

2. The t-shirt had a bull on the back (we were playing the longhorns)

3. All wore black socks and shoes

4. All wore a diffrent color and style of shorts.

5. Played music that is unknown to the common football fan.

6. Did not sound all that great.

I am by no means a band expert or fan for that matter so it may have just been the heat that had me in a foul mood by halftime. But overall apperance of the band was crappy and the sounded horrible.

Next time if they are going look and sound like that I wish they would not travel. I am not saying that in 100+ heat that they should not be in shorts but at least get the same shorts for the band, it is called a uniform.

By the way UT was wearing the same shorts and a polo styled shirt with their white socks pulled all the way up so they looked silly as well but at least they matched."


  ipd054 said:
You know last year after posting the below I thought maybe the new unifoms were not in or that something that I did not know about may of happened, and I had a little regret. Well now any regret went away yesterday on Lindsey Ave in Norman.

We were standing there having a grand old time discussing how much more media coverage we have recived since Coach Dodge came on board and how it feels like a new attitude has moved in to Denton, when we hear the very distinct march of "The Pride of North Texas" So as we all line up along Lindsey and the OU fans join us, through the sea of red, we see white. White freaking t-shirts. Then the black shoes and socks. Then the rainbow shorts.

After being asked what the two fingers and thumbs being held up mean, I am asked when our band is going to get in to uniform.

As I hang my head and explain that what you see is the uniform for our band today, the laughter starts followed by " you have got to be kidding me".

There is a distinct change this year, from last. The band actually sounded great and the on field perfomance was very good.

After the game we went back to Lindsey to watch the end of the K-State game when the band came straggling out in pieces. Then one of the Tuba players comes running out screaming like an idiot.

Green Brigade suporters are going to be pissed and say that we always bash the Band. WELL HERE IS THE WAY TO KEEP UP FROM BASHING THE BAND;

1) Support the Team on the Field

2) At least act like your intrested in the game

3) Look like a team (in Uniform)

4) Realize that you are on stage from the time you get off the bus with the team till you get back on the bus

5) Have Fun

Act like your part of the school and take pride in your team and maybe just maybe the rest of us can get behind you as well.

OK now I will step off of my soap box and go back to just observing and reading the board.

"Did anyone who went to Austin notice the following about our band?

"The pride of North Texas"

1. Were in t-shirts

2. The t-shirt had a bull on the back (we were playing the longhorns)

3. All wore black socks and shoes

4. All wore a diffrent color and style of shorts.

5. Played music that is unknown to the common football fan.

6. Did not sound all that great.

I am by no means a band expert or fan for that matter so it may have just been the heat that had me in a foul mood by halftime. But overall apperance of the band was crappy and the sounded horrible.

Next time if they are going look and sound like that I wish they would not travel. I am not saying that in 100+ heat that they should not be in shorts but at least get the same shorts for the band, it is called a uniform.

By the way UT was wearing the same shorts and a polo styled shirt with their white socks pulled all the way up so they looked silly as well but at least they matched."

This brands you as the biggest jerk on this board.


I guess if we are going to B**ch then we might as well go all the way..... but come on the band? seriously? the band? wow..... that is taking this whole complaining thing to a new place.

But honestly, as a musician myself, when you are in a band and you look like a group, you play like a group. But we all know that NT is a jazz school, jazz makes for some very individualistic people

Posted (edited)

  Green to the Bone said:
This brands you as the biggest jerk on this board.

Ummm...why? I kinda agree with him...and I'm only the 5th bigest jerk on this board.

Edited by JayDub

I think he's dead on. Every "team" we put out there, from the football team to the band, is a representation of our school and its pride or lack thereof. I know it was hot but that didn't seem to bother OU. Why? Because showmanship, pride and being a part of the gameday experience mean something around Norman. If we wanna play with the big boys we need to act accordingly...across the board.


  emmitt01 said:
I think he's dead on. Every "team" we put out there, from the football team to the band, is a representation of our school and its pride or lack thereof. I know it was hot but that didn't seem to bother OU. Why? Because showmanship, pride and being a part of the gameday experience mean something around Norman. If we wanna play with the big boys we need to act accordingly...across the board.

Amen, we looked like a West Texas 1A high school that could afford band uniforms.

Posted (edited)

  ipd054 said:
We were standing there having a grand old time discussing how much more media coverage we have recived since Coach Dodge came on board and how it feels like a new attitude has moved in to Denton, when we hear the very distinct march of "The Pride of North Texas" So as we all line up along Lindsey and the OU fans join us, through the sea of red, we see white. White freaking t-shirts. Then the black shoes and socks. Then the rainbow shorts.

After being asked what the two fingers and thumbs being held up mean, I am asked when our band is going to get in to uniform.

As I hang my head and explain that what you see is the uniform for our band today, the laughter starts followed by " you have got to be kidding me".

Gosh that is soooooooooo funny. You know, I didn't think I would say this, and this is certainly not said to start a "green color" debate, but give me a band dressed in that ugly green over the above mentioned uniform - what a JOKE.

Someone needs to be called out on that. What a horrible presentation that was. Did they march at halftime? Gretchen B. needs to be emailed on this one.

Edited by GoMeanGreen1999

  ipd054 said:
1) Support the Team on the Field

2) At least act like your intrested in the game

3) Look like a team (in Uniform)

4) Realize that you are on stage from the time you get off the bus with the team till you get back on the bus

5) Have Fun

1) I did and still do

2) I love the game, and the band's attitude is miles better than what it had 8 years ago.

3) Find out why before you put this in a negative post. We took uniforms in '01 (I think that was the year I was GB and we went to Norman), so maybe there's a reason they didn't have them.

4) Check. Duh, of course.

5) see re: #2

Since you are in a position to be so critical of the band, as if you experienced what it was like 8 years ago and what Mr. Williams has done in the last 3 to better it, I suggest you go to him and get something constructive said, and a constructive response...rather than making shell accusations on a board Nick Williams has posted on maybe 3 times the last 3 years. I wouldn't put money on him seeing this tonight and responding but, hey, maybe he'll pleasantly surprise us.


I'm sure it must have been a concession to the heat. A cautionary thing. They did look $hitty. And we're back to the flag thing of a couple of years ago. I know it was supposed to be a Saturday-morning, whimsical number but those multi-colored flags need to be torched.


As a current member of the band, I have to say that I am extremely offended to see this out of our North Texas fans.

Do you all not understand that the members of the Green Brigade have been out in the Texas heat for the past two weeks, putting in DOZENS of hours rehearsing and performing, supporting our team when most of the student population wants no part of our football program? How can you bash on Mr. Williams; marching band is a strenuous activity. To some of the students in the GB, marching band is the only physical activity that they will do all year! Williams said weeks ago that the performance attire for Oklahoma would be what we wore because of what the temperature usually is at this time of year. The safety of his students is paramount to everything else; last year at UT was the first time anyone passed out in I don't even KNOW how many years! You're going to complain about the color of the khaki shorts??? Really? Are you serious??? So what do you want him to do? Say, "hey band, I want you all to go to Kohls and get *this* brand of shorts only." Give me a break!

The members of the Green Brigade are some of the best student fans that this school has had in the past 3 years. Sometimes, I swear our 300+ equal or exceed those in the stands. That tuba player that you're bashing is one of the best supporters and has some of the most pride I've seen. Rick V. comes out every year and thanks us for what we do every single game. And that's add to the college atmosphere with top-notch musical performance. We enjoy what we do, and we have fun with it.

You all probably didn't notice, but the Green Brigade completely smoked OU's band out of the water musically and visually. Their fans gave us standing ovations to stand music and danced around to our tunes. On my way back to the buses, a woman (an OU fan) ran up to me and talked to me for about 5 minutes to tell me how much she enjoyed our show and our performance in the stands. Would I personally have liked to have worn uniforms? Yes; I don't want to give people any reason to believe we were trumped in any way, shape, or fashion. But when I got to OU and met with some OU friends I have from high school, I was asked about our attire as well. What did I say? Just wait till halftime.

I just wish some of our fans could have done so as well.


I guess what most people are wondering is why OU could wear uniforms and we could not. If it is hot for us, it is hot for them, too. Unless there was some other reason that I'm grossly overlooking (which certainy could be the case), I just don't understand why we did the khaki thing.


  EagleChick03 said:
If OU could wear uniforms in the HEAT then we should have too. Come on.

If we have to send a band that can't show up in uniform and play a football game type performance, the money should not be spent to send them. If they plan this same attire and stupid performance for SMU then leave 'em at home! About the heat and the practices, the football team had the same and in full gear, but they did not show up in kahki. When OU can dress out, UNT could too. This was bush league during the game and at halftime. We are the laughing stock of the country both as a football team and an extremely overrated School of Music that thinks it operates in a vacum from the rest of UNT.


Reminds me of the two ignorant drunks from UNT who I sat near at the first NO Bowl. They were profanely yelling that the Green Brigade sucked and that the team was losing because the band wasn't playing enough, or loud enough, or the right songs, or whatever.

The cops finally threw them out of the Superdome. Made me one happy guy.

Posted (edited)

  hickoryhouse said:
I guess if we are going to B**ch then we might as well go all the way..... but come on the band? seriously? the band? wow..... that is taking this whole complaining thing to a new place.

But honestly, as a musician myself, when you are in a band and you look like a group, you play like a group. But we all know that NT is a jazz school, jazz makes for some very individualistic people

Just curious, but just how many of the Green Brigade are actually music majors? For years it seems most members of our marching band were not. The 1'st Voice of the Mean Green, Bill Mercer, used to say on the MGRN that the Green Brigade never lost a half time show, but as much as I hate to say it, we lost more than our share of half time shows.

A national televised game you say? No, Mr. Dean of the UNT College of Music, you don't have your marching band wearing khakis and T-shirts, but what the heck, this is the same school that built an olympic-sized swimming pool that was actually 1 foot shy of being an olympic-sized swimming pool (which turned into a pretty expensive boo-boo). And some of you wonder why some of us get a bit testy with what we fear we may end up with for our new football stadium now? Just brush up on your North Texas history, Young Gun Alums, and then you'd see. :blink::huh::(

PS: For those of us not at the game, we wouldn't have known that our band even showed up period. I checked a replay of the game and not one time do I recall seeing the Fox Sports Network cameras panning one shot of our UNT marching band; this time around, maybe that was a blessing in disguise?

Edited by PlummMeanGreen

  JayDub said:
Ummm...why? I kinda agree with him...and I'm only the 5th bigest jerk on this board.

I also agree. I was in section 35, right next to where the band was staging for halftime. I looked over the wall and my jaw dropped.

White t-shirts and khaki shorts??? My God! The OU marching band put ours to shame in terms of appearance and style. I loved the OU drum major doing his goose-step limbo walk from midfield to the end zone.


  PlummMeanGreen said:
PS: For those of us not at the game, we wouldn't have known that our band even showed up period. I checked a replay of the game and not one time do I recall seeing the Fox Sports Network cameras panning one shot of our UNT marching band; this time around, maybe that was a blessing in disguise?

Well, that's probably because the OUAD seated them so high in the south end zone seats that the Oklahoma Air National Guard could have reached down and scooped them up.

Posted (edited)

  MeanGreenBrigader said:
As a current member of the band, I have to say that I am extremely offended to see this out of our North Texas fans.

Do you all not understand that the members of the Green Brigade have been out in the Texas heat for the past two weeks, putting in DOZENS of hours rehearsing and performing, supporting our team when most of the student population wants no part of our football program? How can you bash on Mr. Williams; marching band is a strenuous activity. To some of the students in the GB, marching band is the only physical activity that they will do all year! Williams said weeks ago that the performance attire for Oklahoma would be what we wore because of what the temperature usually is at this time of year. The safety of his students is paramount to everything else; last year at UT was the first time anyone passed out in I don't even KNOW how many years! You're going to complain about the color of the khaki shorts??? Really? Are you serious??? So what do you want him to do? Say, "hey band, I want you all to go to Kohls and get *this* brand of shorts only." Give me a break!

I thought the band sounded and performed fine. But excellence is found in the attention to details. UT managed to perform in t-shirts last AND matching shorts. I have seen high schools do it. I am not questioning the Green Brigade dedication or skill - but I think this detail should be addressed. I know the older fans (read that as dedicated donors) were sure paying attention to it.

BTW - I firmly believe now that OU's student body plays a large role in their team's success. If a school 2/3 the size of ours can take that much pride in their institution and school, it makes me believe that the only thing holding back UNT's overall sucess, in sports, academics, and national recognition, is the attitude and behavior of our students. OU had students tailgating a mile from the stadium in their yards - students that could not get tickets to the game. Its the attitude of the students that are making OU a national name.

Edited by GreenTiger

  UNTflyer said:
Well, that's probably because the OUAD seated them so high in the south end zone seats that the Oklahoma Air National Guard could have reached down and scooped them up.

Not only were they up high, in the top of the south endzone section, but they and everyone in their section were in the direct sun the longest as well. The ou band was in the shade for over an hour or more before it finally hit the NT band.



Some of ya'll I think are confusing style with quality. The Oklahoma band is there to put on a show that blends in with their traditional game day activities. That will never change. UNT has always been sort of renegade that we are not going to conform to any game-day traditionalism. Simply put: we're their to play some damn hard music and do it well, with some respects to the fan.

I had to learn in high school band that there are those that want to please the fans, and those that want to out play everyone else. It probably doesn't make sense to many of you why we wouldn't go the crowd-pleaser route and run onto the field a la OU and play the same ol' stuff. I can understand that. The only thing I can say is try to learn to appreciate that UNT has some darn good musicians, and want to show it. No matter how you feel about the style, you can bet that the OU band knows who the better musicians were that day.

I wonder if OU would be wearing unis if one of their band members passed out in last year's opener? I also wonder who's band sat in the shade most of the night.

Those uniforms add 20+ degrees to the outside temperature. I don't think that's an exaggeration.

FWIW: I really don't like the shorts/shirt thing either and wish we'd be seen in unis. What's done is done. This isn't us moving towards abandoning unis. It's a one-time thing. If we don't wear unis in Denton, then I would be worried.

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