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Muts Hurtin' For Numbers


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MTSU football hurting for numbers By Nate Rau, Sports Correspondent

MTSU coach Rick Stockstill only has 60 scholarship players heading into this season.

It’s the strangest thing – Middle Tennessee is coming off its best season since making the jump to Division I-A. It was a season that included a first-ever bowl berth, and yet coach Rick Stockstill said his program is still three or four years away from being competitive with teams outside the Sun Belt Conference.

Yes, Stockstill applauds his team’s effort and intensity during training camp, which concludes on Saturday. But the reality for MTSU football is the fact that on Tuesday, there were only 60 scholarship players taking part in practice. That’s 25 less than coaches want to have.

The scholarship level is down anyway because of academic restrictions that came from the previous staff. Couple that with the loss of six players from a combination of injuries, dismissals and leaving for personal reasons, and MTSU is down to the number 60, according to Stockstill.

Three starters have been subtracted during training camp, including starting defensive end Sean Mosley, who surprisingly quit last week.

“You’ve got to laugh to keep from crying,” Stockstill said of the depleted numbers. “We didn’t start with that many to begin with because of where we’re at with this program. Then you throw in the amount of injuries we’ve had, it’s just compounded the problem.”

But while the Blue Raider roster is watered down, expectations are at an all-time high. MTSU went 7-1 in the Sun Belt and then advanced to its first ever bowl – the Motor City – at the Division I-A level.

“We live in a microwave world,” Stockstill said of the increased expectations. “Everybody wants it now. But I said it last year, we’re at least three to four years away from building this program to where it needs to be so it can compete on a weekly basis with other conference teams.

“I understand that and I’ve been in the business long enough to understand what people on the outside expect. But when you look at it, we’ve had one winning season in five years so that means you’ve got a long way to go in building your program.”

But the players who are healthy and in camp aren’t about to write off this season. Much as the Blue Raiders snuck up on the SBC last year, they’re hoping to do the same this year.

“The guys that we have here can make plays,” senior cornerback Bradley Robinson said. “We’ve got to go into the season with what we have and I’m feeling confident with what we have.”

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Sounds like their coach is making excuses to keep his job already before the season even starts. 3-4 years to compete? :P

I don't think thats saying too much. I think we're a couple years away from competing week in and week out with teams outside of the Sun Belt. It's one thing to win the Belt and it's another to compete with the big boys.

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Another shot at the The Belt - amazing!

Who needs CUSA, MWC enemies when we cheapen our league ourselves. I promise you that Troy does not think it will be years before they can compete with "The Big Boys," and oh yeah didn't out less than stellar squad beat CUSA last year? In fact, several of our inferior programs stepped up and "competed" against CUSA. Rice is waiting for our league to mature so that we can hope to compete one day. Sorry for the Rant but get tired of the defeatist poor is us attitude I sometimes see on this board.

We are a couple of years away from competing for the title, but I somehow think Dodge does not let that feeling enter his team's mind. Heck, if the team doesn't think it can compete it has already lost the edge heading into battle - not Dodge's style from my early observations.

Dickey's brainwashing mentality was potent.

I think the blue raiders come into Fouts at the end of October and get a mean arse payback!

GO MEAN GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This all depends on what you consider competing with the big boys. Yes Troy has won some big games but they beat a Missouri team that at the time was ranked #17 in the nation but ended up 5-6 that season. That same year they beat a Marshall team that went 6-6 those are both a long way from beating the #8 team in the nation. Last year Troy did only lose to Florida State 24-17 but they also lost to Nebraska 56-0 so do I have hoe for the Sun Belt to compete with top notch programs yes but are we there yet no it's going to take time for us to get to that level.

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See the point.

I just have been around NT too long and remember "the game" in Austin, the Wins in Lubbock, the win over OSU, and didn't Troy play LSU tough or was that SJSU or someone else?

In my opinion the league is tied with CUSA now, behind upper WAC, near MAC and notches below MWC. The LEAGUE just needs to keep taking steps forward.



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Another shot at the The Belt - amazing!

Who needs CUSA, MWC enemies when we cheapen our league ourselves. I promise you that Troy does not think it will be years before they can compete with "The Big Boys," and oh yeah didn't out less than stellar squad beat CUSA last year? In fact, several of our inferior programs stepped up and "competed" against CUSA. Rice is waiting for our league to mature so that we can hope to compete one day. Sorry for the Rant but get tired of the defeatist poor is us attitude I sometimes see on this board.

We are a couple of years away from competing for the title, but I somehow think Dodge does not let that feeling enter his team's mind. Heck, if the team doesn't think it can compete it has already lost the edge heading into battle - not Dodge's style from my early observations.

Dickey's brainwashing mentality was potent.

I think the blue raiders come into Fouts at the end of October and get a mean arse payback!

GO MEAN GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course, this is the same coach who publicly poor-mouthed Mosley, in my view a cardinal violation of professional and personal ethics.

This guy is already moping about getting beat this year because of numbers. What if instead of "Win one for the Gipper!" it was "We've already written off this season in August, but try to be competitive for the Gipper in, say, four years!" Problem is, the Gipper will be long dead by then.

How about something more like this:

"The numbers are what they are, but they can't measure what's inside. Our linemen know that they're going to be outweighed and outmuscled on many plays, but they will never give up the idea that on this play, I win. Our WRs know they'll get beat on some patterns, but they will never stop assuming that they will prevail.

"There's always somebody bigger and stronger and faster. There's always a program that's more attractive to the top prospects. But no player ever finished a college career thankful for the program's great recruiting or its big, cushy budget. They finish thankful that they were part of something that let them believe they could be bigger and better than the world thought they could be.

"Between every snap and every whistle, our expectation will be to out-run, out-think, out-block, and out-hit every opponent on the field. If fate favors us, so much the better. But we will not step aside."

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Does it make you want to go hurry and buy Muts season tickets when their own coach says wait 3-4 years? A real fan-PR killer.

Thing is we never really competed with the so called big boys and still won the conference 4 years in a row. Is what he said a negative statement about the program yes but is it a surrender no they tied for the Conference Championship last year and I’m sure the staff expects to be in the running this year as well.

Edited by NTPhiKap99
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Thing is we never really competed with the so called big boys and still won the conference 4 years in a row. Is what he said a negative statement about the program yes but is it a surrender no they tied for the Conference Championship last year and I’m sure the staff expects to be in the running this year as well.

It may be true, but as a coach you don't say it in the media if you want to sell tickets. You let fans figure that out later by the scores, unless you're trying to save your job with excuses already!

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Very Dickey-like moaning and groaning, but I'm not surprised. Before coming to MUTS, this guy coached in the high-rent district (FSU, others I think) and now he's having one of those Murphy's Law preseasons that pretty much kills your ability to stay upbeat. Must admit, 60 scholies is D-IAA and D-II type numbers. How did the school/program let it come to that? Injuries/quitters didn't suddenly dump the roster that low.

Makes me think we're pretty lucky with our fan base, albeit not the largest around, in a major population center. After going to Arky State last year, I was pretty appalled that Jonesboro could support (does it?) a D-I football program. That entire Northeast Arkansas area on the drive up from Little Rock was Godforsaken. Seriously, I think I drove through a town called Weiner. Is the MUTS problem symptomatic of trying to stage D-I football in a place like Murfreesboro? I mean, look at the hellish burgs where several Belt schools are located. Troy? Monroe? Lafayette (food's good)? Bowling Green? Jonesboro? These places freakin' redefine "small market."

It makes me wonder why we don't clean up in more sports than we do. Just a way better area from which to operate/draw.

Edited by flyeater
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Makes me think we're pretty lucky with our fan base, albeit not the largest around, in a major population center. After going to Arky State last year, I was pretty appalled that Jonesboro could support (does it?) a D-I football program. That entire Northeast Arkansas area on the drive up from Little Rock was Godforsaken. Seriously, I think I drove through a town called Weiner.

Hilarious! It must be where the Oscar Mayer corporate headquarters is located.

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Very Dickey-like moaning and groaning, but I'm not surprised. Before coming to MUTS, this guy coached in the high-rent district (FSU, others I think) and now he's having one of those Murphy's Law preseasons that pretty much kills your ability to stay upbeat. Must admit, 60 scholies is D-IAA and D-II type numbers. How did the school/program let it come to that? Injuries/quitters didn't suddenly dump the roster that low.

Makes me think we're pretty lucky with our fan base, albeit not the largest around, in a major population center. After going to Arky State last year, I was pretty appalled that Jonesboro could support (does it?) a D-I football program. That entire Northeast Arkansas area on the drive up from Little Rock was Godforsaken. Seriously, I think I drove through a town called Weiner. Is the MUTS problem symptomatic of trying to stage D-I football in a place like Murfreesboro? I mean, look at the hellish burgs where several Belt schools are located. Troy? Monroe? Lafayette (food's good)? Bowling Green? Jonesboro? These places freakin' redefine "small market."

It makes me wonder why we don't clean up in more sports than we do. Just a way better area from which to operate/draw.

How did it come to that? Part of the reason MUTS consistently got high rated Sun Belt recruiting classes is that they continually signed prospects who either couldn't qualify or couldn't stay in school if they did. That's not the only reason, but when you throw that factor in with the periodic round of back luck that all programs had, it left their cupboard pretty bare.

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Yep, you drove through Weiner (home of the Rice Festival) on the way to Jonesboro.

A small community can keep a Division I program afloat because we don't compete as much for the sports dollar. Within 150 miles of Jonesboro there are two professional football teams, both in AF2. There are two professional baseball teams, a Class AA team and a Class AAA. There is one hockey team (CHL). There is now only one pro basketball team (NBA's Grizzlies in Memphis, the NBADL team in Little Rock has suspended operations).

We raise around $1.3 million a year for athletics with most of it coming from within 30 minutes of the stadium.

Any location has positives and negatives. Success comes from taking advantage of your positives and minimizing your negatives.

With some exceptions urban schools have struggled to find a base in I-A football and yet have often done quite well developing a base for basketball.

I wouldn't market ASU like UNT any more than I'd market a large enrollment school like UNT the same way I'd market SMU.

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How did it come to that? Part of the reason MUTS consistently got high rated Sun Belt recruiting classes is that they continually signed prospects who either couldn't qualify or couldn't stay in school if they did. That's not the only reason, but when you throw that factor in with the periodic round of back luck that all programs had, it left their cupboard pretty bare.

The margin of error for a Sun Belt school is thin.

Once Larry Fedora left MT as offensive coordinator they were never the same under Andy Mac.

ASU had recruited a hot shot high school QB who was expected to take over the offense as a red-shirt freshman, he got hurt in Spring and couldn't get medical clearance to play again. We were stuck with a lousy QB. We signed a juco QB as a filler expecting a juco transfer who had played at Wisconsin to be the man. He had eligibility issues and the filler became the starter.

Most of us have the depth to survive surprises at a few positions but not at all positions.

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