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Has Anyone Seen These Helmets Before?


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How much do these new helmets look like the SLC helmets, with the logo change from "SC" to "North Texas"? It'd be interesting to see the two side by side. I wonder if T.Dodge has a bias towards WHITE helmets as opposed to the previous years GREEN.

I do like hte helmets, although it'll take some getting used to.

Someone previously posted that Dodge at SLC liked the white helmets because it was easier for his QB to spot a downfield receiver. Not sure if that's really the reason we're changing to white; it could be an Under Armour deal, but T.Tech does not have white helmets. I'll have to see the "live action" version in a game before deciding but it has a 50's style look to me.

Southlake helmets: http://texasfootball.com/image_lib/6Rcarroll.jpg

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I don't like the white helmet at all. Our all-green uniforms were the best combo.

As for the other Under Armor teams.... Auburn has cool uniforms. Tech, Maryland, and Carolina are horrible.

I just don't want to see some overstriped crap like so many other teams. Keep it simple.

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I don't like the white helmet at all. Our all-green uniforms were the best combo.

As for the other Under Armor teams.... Auburn has cool uniforms. Tech, Maryland, and Carolina are horrible.

I just don't want to see some overstriped crap like so many other teams. Keep it simple.

I for one am definately a fan of the green helmet. I suppose I will warm up to a white one, but I do get tired head from all of the changes. We say we want to be "big time" yet when was the last time you saw UT change the helmet color, or Michigan. Most of the big time schools change very little when it comes to their "symbol" - I realize some of the big timers change things from time to time.

I don't however care for our team to mimic SLC in their uniforms. We are North Texas, not SLC. And I refuse to buy any of the new merchandise with the "kelly" green, or whatever that new green is. I will stick with the darker green items.

Edited by GoMeanGreen1999
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Well whether we like it or not we better get used to it. We can, however, now start talking about how badly we need ONLY the diving eagle on our helmets like most other nationally recognizable universities, and ditch the North Texas.

Let's get the general public used to even thinking of UNT as a football power. If having NORTH TEXAS helps people to more easily recognize us when we have a play make an ESPN highlight or something so be it... IMHO -- AFTER we are more well known nationally -- then we can switch to SOW on the helmet with unis that folks are used to seeing and no one, I say NO ONE will mistake who we are, where we come from or what we bring to the show!! :thumbsup:

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Well whether we like it or not we better get used to it. We can, however, now start talking about how badly we need ONLY the diving eagle on our helmets like most other nationally recognizable universities, and ditch the North Texas.

Then you probably need to get used to the "North Texas" on the helmets, whether you like it or not, because that is not leaving anytime soon.

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Then you probably need to get used to the "North Texas" on the helmets, whether you like it or not, because that is not leaving anytime soon.

I heard that todge was wanting to remove that from the helmets and replace it with something more similar to South Carolina, Auburn, etc. With just some style of UNT. Now I dont know how much power he has to do this.

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I'm warming ot the white helmet. If there was no precedent in the past of NT wearing a white helmet, I might be more attached to the Green helmet, but that's not the case. I think the new one looks sharp but I really wish they wouldn't just write out the name on the helmet. It's just so lazy. The new eagle logo would look perfect on this helmet...sadly we'll probably never see that happen no matter how much we complain about it. Boggles my mind that we've been hoping for years for NT to develop a strong, simple logo/symbol and then when we actually do it, we don't use it on one of the most visible mediums we have (the football helmet).

All that being said...I like this helmet much better than the last two years helmets.

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How much do these new helmets look like the SLC helmets, with the logo change from "SC" to "North Texas"? It'd be interesting to see the two side by side.

Did anyone else notice that the North Texas helmet has "Mean Green" written on the tab at the front of the face mask? The two helmets look very similar. The only differences I see are that the colors of the stripe are reversed, the SLC helmet has a green face mask and the SLC star stickers (I certainly hope TD doesn't bring that with him from SLC).


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Maybe we could have little SOW stickers instead of stars :)

I would prefer any SOW on the helmet over North Texas. I know admins think it is "advertising for the media photo ops", but it screams: "nobody knows who we are so we have to spell it out". Too "Southern Miss" for me. <_<

Edited by NT80
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Caliunt, I enjoy your posts so far. Good to have you on the board.

Cool posters Adler. I'd like to see Lombardi's "What it takes to be #1" on the same layout. Even just a part of it. One of my favorite sports quotes.

Winning is not a sometime thing; it's an all the time thing. You don't win once in a while; you don't do things right once in a while; you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.

There is no room for second place. There is only one place in my game, and that's first place. I have finished second twice in my time at Green Bay, and I don't ever want to finish second again. There is a second place bowl game, but it is a game for losers played by losers. It is and always has been an American zeal to be first in anything we do, and to win, and to win.

Every time a football player goes to ply his trade he's got to play from the ground up—from the soles of his feet right up to his head. Every inch of him has to play. Some guys play with their head. That's O.K. You've got to be smart to be number one in any business. But more importantly, you've got to play with your heart, with every fiber of your body. If you're lucky enough to find a guy with a lot of head and a lot of heart, he's never going to come off the field second.

Running a football team is no different than running any other kind of organization—an army, a political party or a business. The principles are the same. The object is to win—to beat the other guy. Maybe that sounds hard or cruel. I don't think it is.

It is a reality of life that men are competitive and the most competitive games draw the most competitive men. That's why they are there—to compete. To know the rules and objectives when they get in the game. The object is to win fairly, squarely, by the rules—but to win.

And in truth, I've never known a man worth his salt who in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn't appreciate the grind, the discipline. There is something in good men that really yearns for discipline and the harsh reality of head to head combat.

I don't say these things because I believe in the "brute" nature of man or that men must be brutalized to be combative. I believe in God, and I believe in human decency. But I firmly believe that any man's finest hour—his greatest fulfillment to all he holds dear—is that moment when he has to work his heart out in a good cause and he's exhausted on the field of battle—victorious.

Edited by greenminer
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Thanks for the qoutes Miner. That last one has always been my favorite.

I've had a night to think it over after seeing the first images of what appears to be our new helmet and I realize that it is a near replica of SLC's. However I can't forget all the crabbing I did back from '95 and on whenever the subject came up about our new Burnt Orange and Blue colors. I complained to anyone who would listen, I wrote letters to the Daily and DRC and every chance I got to bend Helwigs ear I would bitch about it, reminding him that you just don't do that, you don't shit on "MY UNIVERSITY'S TRADITIONS" and insert another school's colors into your own to simply try and boost merchandise sales. I'd say, "You want to sell more hats and T shirts, fine then, stop whoring our team out, schedule better and most of all, WIN MORE GAMES". However, each time I got to say it I would mention SLC's uni's and color schemes and point to them as an example for having it together in using "accent" colors/shades to compliment their school colors. They have used BLACK for so long and their stuff has alway's looked outstanding, showing us up in how they use our ORIGINAL shade of green, KELLY GREEN. I never understood why in hell we couldn't do the very same thing?

With that said, I have to admit that even though I'm excited about our contract with UA and what will surely be an improved look on our team, I'm still a tiny bit let down that we would use a scheme so close to SLC's(If that's even the helmet, and we don't know for sure if it is yet or not?). I was expecting something a little more unique? What gets me the most excited however, is the mere fact that we finally have athletic leadership that understands what looks good and what stands out using BLACK accents to help it stand out much better. In return, helping better to sell NORTH TEXAS. And I know in time I'll warm up to all of it as I expect the rest of the Mean Green Nation to do as well.

It's All Good, and All Green!


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I dont think of it as us copying SLC. If you think about it, SLC was one of the last to get a contract with UA (2006) and I think more that their uni's were modeled off of the colleges. I dont look at it as us copying SLC but rather us getting on board with the new look of college football and some national powerhouses. Hopefully we will become part of the few who are supplied by UA and can make a list when people are talking about the likes of Auburn, Usc, and Tech and their uni's.

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I dont think of it as us copying SLC. If you think about it, SLC was one of the last to get a contract with UA (2006) and I think more that their uni's were modeled off of the colleges. I dont look at it as us copying SLC but rather us getting on board with the new look of college football and some national powerhouses. Hopefully we will become part of the few who are supplied by UA and can make a list when people are talking about the likes of Auburn, Usc, and Tech and their uni's.

Exactly. This is the uniform style that UA provides and I don't think a kelly green helmet would look good with this uniform. Other than the first few years of my life, all I have known is a green helmet for NT, so I'll have to get used to the white. Whatever it ends up being, I hope it stays that way for years except we need SOW on the helmet and not "North Texas."

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I dont think of it as us copying SLC. If you think about it, SLC was one of the last to get a contract with UA (2006) and I think more that their uni's were modeled off of the colleges. I dont look at it as us copying SLC but rather us getting on board with the new look of college football and some national powerhouses. Hopefully we will become part of the few who are supplied by UA and can make a list when people are talking about the likes of Auburn, Usc, and Tech and their uni's.

Stop being so logical, it will only get you in trouble! After all, if it makes sense, what would we have to bitch about? :rolleyes:

I imagine with all the people on this board, you could find 3500 different uniform combinations based on differing preferences. While it isn't my personal favorite, I do like it and I hope we stick with this for a long, long time. Start winning a bunch of games and nobody will care what uniform we are wearing or whose it resembles.

Again, not everyone in the nation knows- OR EVER CARES- who Southlake Carroll HIGH SCHOOL is... but they are familiar with Auburn... and Under Armour... and they will be familiar with UNT by the time Dodge leaves- bank on it!

Edited by Eagle1855
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Just to point out, not to argue, but SLC has used that exact same helmet since...I don't know how far back? Other than the side logo, which they have had since at least the 80's, the new Mean Green scheme showed is an exact copy.


Not true. The stripes are reversed. The new helmet is sharp and clean.

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Not true. The stripes are reversed.

yeah, and the face mask is a different color. and the logo on the side looks nothing like the North Texas writing.

But other than that, it's an exact copy. :rolleyes: Nevermind the fact that we havent even seen what the full uni's look like...

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