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Posted (edited)

Isaac Newton referred to it as his Third Law of Physics, which states that every action in this universe brings an equal and opposite reaction

We should never try to force the tailgaters to enter the stadium on our schedule. That is our agenda, not theirs.

If the stadium starts getting more packed in the next few seasons, the laws of supply and demand will take hold. The students will want to enter early before all the good seats are gone.

Let's look at it from their point of view. You're 21 or 22 years old, it's 40 minutes till kickoff, there's a long-ass line qued at the student entrance, you're flirting with Sally Sweetknees, it's 100 degrees outside, and there's a cold beer sitting there calling your name. What are you going to do? You probably will only enter then if you are convinced that you are going to get stuck with seats hat suck if you wait.

So true, ADLER, but if you tell em' the (female) UNT cheerleaders will be doing their award-winning pyramid buck nekid' 15 minutes before kick-off, then Sally Sweetknees and that frosty Coors Light will lose their priority real fast. (Harry, can I say nekid' on this board)? :blink:

Yes, your are right, we are kinda' being like that Boy Scout who is trying to help the little ol' lady cross the inter-section (who doesn't want to cross that inter-section, now aren't we)? :unsure:

BUT...............when you have that record-breaking 2007 UNT freshmen class out there tail-gating, they don't know they are supposed to be inside the stadium early (until we kindly "suggest" to them that it is a good idea to do so because they will miss something pretty special if they aren't, right)? So many things that a freshmen starts doing out of habit may continue when they become older nestors like some on this board.

Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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Free Beer - 30 minute window in stadium only

Pregame Guest Singers/Bands - New Young and Popular

Exotic Dancers


I have the solution, but nobody will like it....


As long as you have tailgating, there will always be the straggler's and those who won't come into the game at all. This is true at every school. Even schools with great tradition and game day atmospheres. There are still those people who stay outside the stadium to either a) continue the party, B) watch the game or other games on tv, c) keep watch on their and other tailgater's stuff. (There have been incidents of stolen and damaged property at Fout's) There will always be people who come just for the tailgate party. I don't see what the big deal about it is. At Tx/OU there are thousands that just go to Fair Park to tailgate and hang out at the Fair, Go to a Penn State game and you'll see parking lots full of RV's occupied and partying during the game. Same at Michigan, Nortre Dame, etc... So when we get 15k to a game, let's not sweat the 10% or 1500 outside the stadium. If we had 30k, there would be 3000 outside the stadium. Just as long as there are more INSIDE than OUTSIDE.


I have the solution, but nobody will like it....


As long as you have tailgating, there will always be the straggler's and those who won't come into the game at all. This is true at every school. Even schools with great tradition and game day atmospheres. There are still those people who stay outside the stadium to either a) continue the party, B) watch the game or other games on tv, c) keep watch on their and other tailgater's stuff. (There have been incidents of stolen and damaged property at Fout's) There will always be people who come just for the tailgate party. I don't see what the big deal about it is. At Tx/OU there are thousands that just go to Fair Park to tailgate and hang out at the Fair, Go to a Penn State game and you'll see parking lots full of RV's occupied and partying during the game. Same at Michigan, Nortre Dame, etc... So when we get 15k to a game, let's not sweat the 10% or 1500 outside the stadium. If we had 30k, there would be 3000 outside the stadium. Just as long as there are more INSIDE than OUTSIDE.


Folks....We have a WINNER!


Sell beer inside.

A USA TODAY survey of the 119 schools in the NCAA's major football-playing Division I-A found that nearly half (54) allow the sale of alcohol — through public concessions, in private suites or both — at one or more playing venues. Eighty-five of those schools have designated tailgating areas, and barely one in 10 keeps those zones alcohol-free.

The Notre Dame band marches through the campus on the way to the stadium; as they pass dorms, students fall in behind the band and walk to the stadium. Would some variation of this work here, with the band marching in from the tailgating area (to cut down on the distance) and encouraging tailgaters to get to the stadium? Would security get their drawers in a wad seeing a marching band and a couple of thousand people coming to the gate?

Posted (edited)

The only way to make people come into the games is to make it more fun than getting drunk in the parking lot. And sadly, it hasn't been. And even more sadly :blink: I dont think TD is going to change that too much.

For a sure fire way to get fans into the games click HERE

But those genius ideas were rejected. Apathy has set in and the improvement rollercoaster is coming to a halt. :cry:

Did u recently lose a girlfriend or a pet or something? You haven't said a positive thing in weeks... Step back from the ledge man...it can only get better...

Lets win and see what happens. You cant honestly think posting all these ideas on a message board is gonna make them automatically traditions. This school has tradition...just no participation....but who would wanna participate in shit after what we saw last year.... i know this thread is about getting people into the stadium and winning will od that too... but this is also responding to the tradiitions thread also.... JUST WIN BABY

New Day new Era....

Step back from the ledge...

Edited by UNT_92_Fan

A 2-step process:

1 - Incentive for entry - All SCANNED student ID's will be entered into a drawing for something worth having. No scan, no win. Drawing at end of 1st quarter. This won't stop a student from comng in, getting scanned, and going right back out, but they count as a butt-in-seat, so the joke's on them.

2. - Disincentive for loitering - Police sobriety patrols through the tailgating area beginning about 15 minutes after kickoff. High visibility, someone getting jacked up for being too drunk will send a good message: Don't be in the tailgate area drinking during game time. Most will learn to come in, the leeches will leave.


The only way to make people come into the games is to make it more fun than getting drunk in the parking lot. And sadly, it hasn't been. And even more sadly :blink: I dont think TD is going to change that too much.

For a sure fire way to get fans into the games click HERE

But those genius ideas were rejected. Apathy has set in and the improvement rollercoaster is coming to a halt. :cry:

Good Lord! Change your name to DaddyDumbS%!t.

Quoner Posted Yesterday, 07:11 PM

Randomly inject outside stragglers with AIDS

Funny....Dark, but funny, and I can think of some that don't have to be randomly selected.


Alcohol is probably the biggest deterant from people going into the game...even a good game for the bigger lushes. Selling beer inside would not be a terrible idea...I was under the impression it was against NCAA regulations, but if not lets get us a nice contract with Miller and get them inside selling / giving away beer inside as well as outside pre-game. Like a fish to a worm...you tell a drunk theres free beer just indie those walls and he may try to run through them.

This post has me thinking of our new stadium...and an idea...so I'm going to hyjack the thread for just a moment. How about this: a horseshoe-like shape to the stadium with an open, grassy area in one endzone (ala Lafayette)...then extend the grassy area up a hill outside the gates as well and set up Mean Green Village there...with a view of the field. Sell grass seats at the game for 3-5 bucks...charge the same to get into Mean Green Village after a certain time...sell beer in the stadium and have people tailgating and drinking just outside the stadium as well...it would create such a great party atmosphere in that endzone. Student section remains the same...season tickets the same so your still filling the regular seats as well but now your getting those who would just sit in the parking lot involved as well.

Just throwing it out there...if you don't like it, throw it right back


Alcohol is probably the biggest deterant from people going into the game...even a good game for the bigger lushes. Selling beer inside would not be a terrible idea...I was under the impression it was against NCAA regulations, but if not lets get us a nice contract with Miller and get them inside selling / giving away beer inside as well as outside pre-game. Like a fish to a worm...you tell a drunk theres free beer just indie those walls and he may try to run through them.

This post has me thinking of our new stadium...and an idea...so I'm going to hyjack the thread for just a moment. How about this: a horseshoe-like shape to the stadium with an open, grassy area in one endzone (ala Lafayette)...then extend the grassy area up a hill outside the gates as well and set up Mean Green Village there...with a view of the field. Sell grass seats at the game for 3-5 bucks...charge the same to get into Mean Green Village after a certain time...sell beer in the stadium and have people tailgating and drinking just outside the stadium as well...it would create such a great party atmosphere in that endzone. Student section remains the same...season tickets the same so your still filling the regular seats as well but now your getting those who would just sit in the parking lot involved as well.

Just throwing it out there...if you don't like it, throw it right back

Excellent idea, CbL, especially the "grassy knoll" :blink: part for our new stadium.

Getting through to the freshmen at Frosh' Orientation can be a key in getting them started out right with all this being inside the stadium early business.


1 - Incentive for entry - All SCANNED student ID's will be entered into a drawing for something worth having. No scan, no win. Drawing at end of 1st quarter. This won't stop a student from comng in, getting scanned, and going right back out, but they count as a butt-in-seat, so the joke's on them.

Don't they re-scan (out) the fans when they leave before halftime? And would this hold true for the students? Have the drawing right after the halftime show instead of students kicking field goals. Give away an iPod, iPhone, or some other trendy toy.


Not that I'm against selling beer at the new stadium, but how would the Denia residents react?


Phil, most of the Denia group (and the ducks near our eventual new stadium's pond) will probably have all moved out by then? :rolleyes:

Seriously, whats the difference of drinking (a Okie' style watered down beer) than they going to the Beer Barn and drinking a strong brewskie? Of course, they have to drive out of that Beer Barn and those customers might be tempted to drink and drive.

I have no problem with beer sales inside our stadium as long as (like any other time any other place) its kept in moderation. One might want to keep in mind that some students will have already had a few once they enter the stadium "30 minutes before kick-off, of course." :)


Excellent idea, CbL, especially the "grassy knoll" :blink: part for our new stadium.

Getting through to the freshmen at Frosh' Orientation can be a key in getting them started out right with all this being inside the stadium early business.

All of my ideas are excellent... ;)

I was a freshman orientation leader...and athletics is no where near the focus that it should be. The 3 days of orientation are absolutly packed with things the youngins need...but the only real info they get about UNT athletics comes in the form of a five to ten minute speech from RV...and as much as I love what he's done here...his speeches leave a lot to be desired in terms of really firing up the incoming with school spirit. A couple of us took it upon ourselves to make athletics a focus within our individual groups, but that only reaches 150-200 kids each for the whole summer.

The OL staff is very receptive to changes / improvements to their program each year...and I still know most of the people in the office. It would be too late for this summer...but if we as a forum can come up with some ideas, programs, motivators ect that would improve athletic attendance (this is opening a whole new can of worms)...I'd be more than happy to write up a proposal...send it to one of you guys with Athletic Department connnections to get RV to back it and sign off on it...then I'll start trying to work some of my connections within OL.

We all have good ideas for improving the athletic atmosphere on our campus...lets do more than type about it...its going to take more than the 50 of us on here all the time to improve what we bitch about constantly...time to go to work.


All of my ideas are excellent... ;)

I was a freshman orientation leader...and athletics is no where near the focus that it should be. The 3 days of orientation are absolutly packed with things the youngins need...but the only real info they get about UNT athletics comes in the form of a five to ten minute speech from RV...and as much as I love what he's done here...his speeches leave a lot to be desired in terms of really firing up the incoming with school spirit. A couple of us took it upon ourselves to make athletics a focus within our individual groups, but that only reaches 150-200 kids each for the whole summer.

The OL staff is very receptive to changes / improvements to their program each year...and I still know most of the people in the office. It would be too late for this summer...but if we as a forum can come up with some ideas, programs, motivators ect that would improve athletic attendance (this is opening a whole new can of worms)...I'd be more than happy to write up a proposal...send it to one of you guys with Athletic Department connnections to get RV to back it and sign off on it...then I'll start trying to work some of my connections within OL.

We all have good ideas for improving the athletic atmosphere on our campus...lets do more than type about it...its going to take more than the 50 of us on here all the time to improve what we bitch about constantly...time to go to work.

Hey, CbL, I "HAVE" read your book "Humility & How I Attained It!" :o:P (You know I'm just kiddin', of course). :P

Many of us on www.GMG.com like your style & pro-activity, though, and are glad you are posting on this board now. You do have some very important & strategic influence that could help UNT athletics, but only if they'd make the contact with you to do some creative brain-storming. One strike against you know is that you post on GMG.com--you know, a board of NT Exes most of whom think we can do better than Bottom 25? Most of us would like a Top 25 ranked Mean Green football team when we go to our next bowl. Probably a better way to get the respect of college football fans across the USA and (probably more important for us) college football fans in the Lone Star State where we comp

Posted (edited)

All of my ideas are excellent... ;)

I was a freshman orientation leader...and athletics is no where near the focus that it should be. The 3 days of orientation are absolutly packed with things the youngins need...but the only real info they get about UNT athletics comes in the form of a five to ten minute speech from RV...and as much as I love what he's done here...his speeches leave a lot to be desired in terms of really firing up the incoming with school spirit. A couple of us took it upon ourselves to make athletics a focus within our individual groups, but that only reaches 150-200 kids each for the whole summer.

The OL staff is very receptive to changes / improvements to their program each year...and I still know most of the people in the office. It would be too late for this summer...but if we as a forum can come up with some ideas, programs, motivators ect that would improve athletic attendance (this is opening a whole new can of worms)...I'd be more than happy to write up a proposal...send it to one of you guys with Athletic Department connnections to get RV to back it and sign off on it...then I'll start trying to work some of my connections within OL.

We all have good ideas for improving the athletic atmosphere on our campus...lets do more than type about it...its going to take more than the 50 of us on here all the time to improve what we bitch about constantly...time to go to work.

Hey, CbL, I "HAVE" read your book "Humility & How I Attained It!" :o:P (You know I'm just kiddin', of course). :)

Many of us on www.GMG.com like your style & pro-activity, though, and are glad you are posting on this board now. You do have some very important & strategic influence that could help UNT athletics, but only if they'd make the contact with you to do some creative brain-storming. One possible strike against your influence now is that you post on GMG.com--an unpopular forum to many non-UNT graduated employees at our alma mater. www.GoMeanGreen..............you know, a board of NT Exes/Mean Green fans most of whom now think we can do better than Bottom 25? Most of us would like a Top 25 ranked Mean Green football team when we go to our next bowl game (whatever bowl that would be). Probably a better way to get the respect of college football fans across the USA and (and more importantly for us in the Mean Green Nation) college football fans in the Lone Star State where we compete for most of our recruits.

Keep your fire a-goin', Censored by Laurie, and don't let anyone throw cold water on it as to discourage you, either.

Edited by PlummMeanGreen

Hey, CbL, I "HAVE" read your book "Humility & How I Attained It!" :o:P (You know I'm just kiddin', of course). :)

Many of us on www.GMG.com like your style & pro-activity, though, and are glad you are posting on this board now. You do have some very important & strategic influence that could help UNT athletics, but only if they'd make the contact with you to do some creative brain-storming. One possible strike against your influence now is that you post on GMG.com--an unpopular forum to many non-UNT graduated employees at our alma mater. www.GoMeanGreen..............you know, a board of NT Exes/Mean Green fans most of whom now think we can do better than Bottom 25? Most of us would like a Top 25 ranked Mean Green football team when we go to our next bowl game (whatever bowl that would be). Probably a better way to get the respect of college football fans across the USA and (and more importantly for us in the Mean Green Nation) college football fans in the Lone Star State where we compete for most of our recruits.

Keep your fire a-goin', Censored by Laurie, and don't let anyone throw cold water on it as to discourage you, either.

I haven't read this board in months... I come back to read about recruiting and this is the first thread I see... the same damn discussion by the same damn people... ha

Its silly...

The ONLY way you are going to get people to quit drinking beer and come inside is by totally changing the way the student body views the game. And you can't set out to do that... you just have to do everything else well and wait for it to happen.

Giving away free beer is the only thing I can think of... and of course that can't be done..... so just let it die and work on something you CAN have an effect on.



Just move the stadium perimeter to outside the parking lots. Scan student IDs and tickets as people walk or drive into the parking areas. Then you don't care if they enter the stadium or not...they have attended! :P


I am against any drawings or gifts to entice the student population. These gimmicks have never worked. They may increase attendance for a game but I have never seen any long term positive effect. Those students that are true fans will attend most games. The casual student will go when it is perceived as a "big" game. IMO a fan that has to be brided to attend an event is not worth the effort.

I wonder if student attendance would be improved if students were given actual football tickets at enrollment. These would have to be presented along with a valid i. d. for admittance. The tickets would be something more tangible and therefore perceived as having value as well as serving as a reminder of games to be played.

Guest GrayEagleOne

I'm not sure that I would try to get them inside. There could be a warning at 30 adn 15 minutes before kickoff but if they don't want to come in then let them miss out.

I have a feeling that the excitement in the coming seasons is going to surpass eating bratwurst and drinking beer, something that can do anytime. Besides, they will have hours to do that before the game starts.

All of this could change when the new stadium is built. There'll likely be a new tailgating area, definitely a new players' march location and a larger pavilion area. I would be hesitant to try to change a temporary situation.

I'm also against drawings unless it becomes absolutely necessary. I am against pre-distributed tickets because of the number that will get lost, stolen or mutilitated.



I have actually thought of gettting on top one of those coach's tower set-ups with my Peavy sound system 45 minutes before kick-off & just start reading all my posts of the last umpteen years non-stop. Might that get em' in 40 minutes before kick-off? :o:huh::P

Last season one of the guys in our tailgate area took it upon himself to countdown to kickoff. Starting about 2 hours before the game he would ring his cowbell until everyone in the area was quiet. He would then shout "It's 2 hours until kickoff" and everybody would cheer. He did this counting down every 30 minutes. I'm surprised, but it did work. When he announced 30 minutes until kickoff you could see all the tailgaters start putting their supplies away and getting ready to head to the stadium.

I have never lost time when it comes to kick-off because I look forward to it so much. It just made me wonder if people just sit out there and drink and lose the time. Then after they realize tey missed kick-off they don't get in a hurry because they know they are already late.

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