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Happy Independence Day!

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"It is...July 4th... the commemoration of the moment we Americans decided that rather than live under a King who made up the laws, or erased them, or ignored them—or commuted the sentences of those rightly convicted under them—we would force our independence, and regain our sacred freedoms."


God bless this country...God save it as well.

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If I could stand, I would give Keith Oberman, who I normally don't agree with, a standing ovation.

Thank You Jaydub for posting this video clip. Happy Independence Day.

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I didn't bother watching it when I saw who it was--Olbermann seriously needs to get a clue.

He sucked at sportscasting... and he sucks as a political commentator. But, it does take a little bit of guts on Olbermann's part to profess how John Wayne was patriotic for standing by his president and in the same sentence confess that you don't have the nutsack to do the same.

Bravo, eunuch!


Edited by UNTflyer
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You're welcome, BT.

Didn't watch it strictly because you saw who it was and didn't take a moment to listen? Spoken like a true "blind allegiance" conservative. What if O'Reilly said the same thing? Would you have listened then?

I don't care what party you belong to...what went down with the Libby commutation is a load of crap and you know it.

Edited by JayDub
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What happened to Scooter Libby was a travesty of justice. Some day, it may be YOU who is prosecuted for simply testifying that you don't remember. Why is it when Martha Stewart did it, most everyone was on her side?

Plus, Olbermann shows his ignorance with this line: "...it ended yesterday when Mr. Bush commuted the prison sentence of one of his own staffers."

Libby was a Cheney staffer, not that FACTS matter for squishy little manboys like Olbermann.

The whole Valerie Plame episode was a media created scandal. Plame was never a "covert agent", so there was no law broken.

Move along. This stupid little scandal is now officially dead.

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Didn't watch it strictly because you saw who it was and didn't take a moment to listen? Spoken like a true "blind allegiance" conservative. What if O'Reilly said the same thing? Would you have listened then?

I don't care what party you belong to...what went down with the Libby commutation is a load of crap and you know it.

"Blind allegiance"? To whom? Not a huge O'Reilly fan either, but I like him a whole lot better than Olbermann. There is only so much time I will spend on the Internet each day, so I rarely watch ANY video on the Internet. So why would I watch this anti-American moron? I have heard enough of Keith Olbermann to know that he largely provides misinformation and worthless whiny liberal rants.

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Libby was a Cheney staffer, not that FACTS matter for squishy little manboys like Olbermann.

Still a staffer of the administration...and let's face it...Cheney runs the show.

Speaking of facts not mattering...how about your goldenboy O'Reilly and his accusing World War II soldiers of the massacre 86 German SS soldiers at Malmedy in Belgium, when in reality, it was the other way around...the Americans were the ones massacred by the Germans that day. Not only did O'Reilly call it "fact" two nights in a row, but Fox News doctored the transcripts when O'Reilly was called out for his lack of research. No apology has ever been issued.

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Speaking of facts not mattering...how about your goldenboy O'Reilly and his accusing World War II soldiers of the massacre 86 German SS soldiers.....

I don't spend my evenings watching political pundits spout off what they think, I think for myself and instead spend my evenings reading a book or doing lawn work or spending time with my better half.

And I spend this Fourth of July thinking about the attempted terrorist attacks in the UK, and chuckle in amusement at how inept these guys have become. Our stock market barely blipped. This great country survived 9/11 and sent al-Qaeda running for the Pakistan mountains. Now they fight a war blind, incapable of inflicting damage anywhere close to what they did on September 11th.

We're stronger than Islamic fundamentalism, and I'm proud at how well our nation has coped. Hell, when we can obsess over Paris Hilton in the middle of a war while our enemies eat bugs in caves and blow up their few remaining soldiers.

God Bless our troops who are fighting for the Independence of those who cannot fight for themselves.

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I don't spend my evenings watching political pundits spout off what they think

Nor do I. I just get a few Podcasts in the mornings...news, weather, and stuff from the night before...fire them up on the laptop as I get ready for work in the morning. It's better than any morning news show.

I get the Olbermann podcast because usually it's kinda funny but, this morning's podcast was this commentary...and I felt so damn strongly about the message in it I felt the need to post the video version of it. This stirred me more than anything has in a while.

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