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Hey, I saw a bit of Coach Hedlund's soccer camp...no, I do not have a daughter attending, I am just a "soccer guy"...had a son that played all the way through college...great game! Anyway, UNT is doing great things with great people. If you haven't been keeping up with the soccer program...you should be. It's winning and winning! The team is a real threat to go to the NCAA's every year! I remember when "G" took the job at Texas A&M several years and several NCAA tournament appearance ago.....He told me that Texas A&M has made a committment to win in women's soccer...well, looks to me like UNT has made a similar committment...we have an excellent coach, a nice soccer facility and a team of quality players...both on and off the field. You can see the results of building a good program by watching the girls at Coach Hedlund's camp. Anyway, this program and team has earned respect...and it has earned the right to have support from UNT fans...come out this next season and watch the team play...it's fun...and, cahnces are VERY good that you will watch a UNT victory!

NOW IF RV WOULD ONLY RE-START THE MEN'S SOCCER PROGRAM! Come on RV...would cost a heck of a lot less than baseball...and, it's a much more exciting sport to watch! Baseball...let's see about 5 min. of activity in a 3 hour span...yep, that's my idea of an exciting spectator sport! Hey, don't get me wrong...I loved baseball when I played baseball....played it for many years... GREAT sport to PLAY...but, BORING TO WATCH...it puts me to sleep! Soccer, on the other hand...is non-stop...not many fat guys play soccer! Check out some of the bodies wearing those major league baseball uniforms these days....UGH...and, why do the managers still wear uniforms????

Go get 'em John Hedlund. Great job...keep it up! Well done ladies...keep it up!


I too played baseball through college & never paid attention to soccer until my daughter played, including 4 years at UNT. I would also vote for a men's soccer program over baseball. Games take half as log and there's twice as much action. Plus the facility already exists.


I too played baseball through college & never paid attention to soccer until my daughter played, including 4 years at UNT. I would also vote for a men's soccer program over baseball. Games take half as log and there's twice as much action. Plus the facility already exists.

What other D1 schools in Texas or the Southwest have men's soccer?


What other D1 schools in Texas or the Southwest have men's soccer?

SMU is the only one. The savings on the uniforms would not come close to covering the travel cost or the cost of funding a women's sport to make sure NT stayed in compliance with Title IX.


Not so fast there sport...the cost of travel for a baseball squad IN TEXAS would be more than for soccer out of state given the number of players, equipment and the number of games played. Plus Tulsa and New Mexico have Men's D-1 squads and they are not THAT far away...go east a bit and you find plenty. Let's see, the soccer team would play about 10 (maybe) away games a year...baseball...20-30...let's add all that up before you count the change. If UNT started men's soccer, I would think some other schools like Baylor, Rice, TCU, etc. might bring it back...even UTA and UT-San Antonio, UT-El Paso, etc. can be on the radar screen.....And, let's see...add a men's baseball field and all the annual cost of upkeep. I think, if memory serves me well, that we already have a nice soccer complex that we could better utilize...Hmmmmmmmm...let's keep adding the $$$$$ vs. baseball...it isn't all in the travel budget, sport. :rolleyes: But, you don't have to worry....baseball is on the way...Men's soccer is only a dream at this point...and, remind me...what women's sport are we adding so Men's baseball can get started...that's a real question...I really don't know how we can do men's baseball and still handle Title IX...are we using up any "space" we have under Title IX with baseball??????? If you know...let me know...


How many scholarships does Men's Soccer take up? I believe Baseball is either 9 or 11 total for the whole team. Heck I think we should bring back Men's Tennis with a great new facility, possible coaches galore, lots of great players in DFW area and it only takes 4.5 schollies to run.


  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I'll never forget one of our men's most memorable games against nationally ranked Air Force back in the 80's. After a thrilling overtime period the score was 0-0! Best sleep during a sporting event I ever got, and most of the 20 or so folks in the stands were, excited about it? I suppose because we did well against a great team, I don't know but it was a real snoozer let me tell ya.

College soccer better than College baseball? That's a tough sell IMO? As I have posted many times before, nothing wrong with soccer, not at all. But God bless those of you who have found a way to get into it.


Edited by FirefightnRick
  • Upvote 1

I'll never forget one of our men's most memorable games against nationally ranked Air Force back in the 80's. After a thrilling overtime period the score was 0-0! Best sleep during a sporting event I ever got, and most of the 20 or so folks in the stands were, excited about it? I suppose because we did well against a great team, I don't know but it was a real snoozer let me tell ya.

College soccer better than College baseball? That's a tough sell IMO? As I have posted many times before, nothing wrong with soccer, not at all. But God bless those of you who have found a way to get into it.




Yep...like those exciting 0-0 football games and 1-0 baseball games after about 3-3 1/2 hours....that's the long sleep. You just had a little nap at the soccer game Firefighter Rick! :lol:

One of the "challenges" American sports fans have is that they believe it is all in the scoring....yes, I know...that's why we KEEP score....I say that's why they make a touchdown worth 6 points in football, so they can FOOL the American sports fan into thinking it's a high scoring offensive minded game. Yes, perhaps American sports fans are that easy to fool, who knows. Anyway, pick your "poison" as they say...I, for one, have never EVER been to a more exciting sports spectacle than Soccer's World Cup. And, yes, for me a 0-0 soccer match can, indeed, be a very exciting offensive AND defensive battle. Like I say...pick your support.

BUT, whatever it is...if the MEAN GREEN ARE PLAYING IT...support it! Let's get the stands filled for Coach Dodge and his Mean Green!


Yep...like those exciting 0-0 football games and 1-0 baseball games after about 3-3 1/2 hours....that's the long sleep. You just had a little nap at the soccer game Firefighter Rick! :lol:

One of the "challenges" American sports fans have is that they believe it is all in the scoring....yes, I know...that's why we KEEP score....I say that's why they make a touchdown worth 6 points in football, so they can FOOL the American sports fan into thinking it's a high scoring offensive minded game. Yes, perhaps American sports fans are that easy to fool, who knows. Anyway, pick your "poison" as they say...I, for one, have never EVER been to a more exciting sports spectacle than Soccer's World Cup. And, yes, for me a 0-0 soccer match can, indeed, be a very exciting offensive AND defensive battle. Like I say...pick your support.

BUT, whatever it is...if the MEAN GREEN ARE PLAYING IT...support it! Let's get the stands filled for Coach Dodge and his Mean Green!

Both sports are full of big plays, fans that appreciate defense/offense. I think the big difference is pace. The nature of American football is that there is time between plays to actually discuss what's going on in the play, what strategies are being implemented, and let the couch coaches speculate what's going to happen next. It's a sense of suspense which is somewhat lacking in soccer. Soccer is just one continuous game, with the rare stoppage due to a penalty kick or yellow/red card.

I think it is a matter of preference. I liken soccer to Nascar really: you can sit there and argue about the intricacies of the game and tell yourself that it makes it more exciting, but the casual fan just sees it as a ball being kicked around, or a few cars racing around the same track 400 times. For the record, I'm a huge fan of the World Cup, but it seems to be - as a whole - a matter of pride for your team/country/player? Rather than the actual strategy. I've been to soccer games and Texas Motor Speedway events, both of which the fans actually leave and get drunk for the majority of the game, or until the last 10 laps. Their only regrets occur when there's a freakin' goal or wreck and they miss it.

American football captivates the crowd: creates suspense every 35 seconds. There's a reason the concessions are packed in between halves: because people aren't getting up during game play. I'll give you that soccer fans will save some things for the half time, but it's just not the same.


Wow...to equate soccer and NASCAR is quite a stretch...although I do think you make some valid comparisons...just don't buy the "creates a sense of suspense" thing with all the "time outs" and time between plays in football. Just makes for a long wait between any type of action...snooze time. Suspense...not so sure about that...I see lots of suspense in a man getting behind the defense and attacking the goal one on one with the goalkeeper. Soccer is a thinking man's game and a players game. Once the whistle blows...it's up to the players to win or lose...a coach isn't sending in every play and the plays aren't so scripted...set plays, yes, but even set plays are decided in most part by the players on the field. And, you don't get to rest all the time like you do in football with unlimited substitutions...you play for the full time...only 3 subs allowed in a 90 min. game....no time outs, no rest at the end of each period, etc.

Anyway, greenminer, you make a valid point...it is definitely a matter of preference. We "soccer folks" will never win over the majority of football and baseball fans in the US...don't want too. The American sports fan is just not geared to take the time to learn "the beautiful game". I was right there with you when I saw my first soccer games...bored to tears...BECAUSE I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND IT. Like quite of few of us Americans, I learned it through my kids...and LEARNED is the operative word here....I'd watch the World Cup Final now in lieu of the Super Bowl if they were played at the same time...I am SOOOOOOOOO glad they are not...I love football too..."can't take that away from em". Hey, that could be a song lyric! :lol:

Anyway...if the mean green play it...I support it...bring it on...see you in the stands!

Posted (edited)

Not to even take scoring into account, I think much of the difference in the sports is the specializations and difficulty.

Soccer is easy. My kids have been playing it since they could walk. It takes very little knowledge, minimal skill(feet mostly) or equipment and a facility to play it. Every third world nation visited by a photographer has been viewed with kids in bare feet running around some bare earthen opening kicking a round ball.

Ever try to teach a child to dribble a basketball, to catch a baseball, to hit a pitched baseball, to lead a runner with a throw, making a tackle with both arms while getting your head across and keeping your legs driving backwards? The physical movements required for a beginner in each sport are night and day.

Every soccer player on the field looks the same, they do the same thing in passing the ball to each other with their feet and shoot the ball, again with their feet. One dude in net gets to put his hands on the ball. Soccer has defensemen, forwards and midfielders and a goalie but they all look the same and for the most part, do the same thing.

Baseball and Football have specializations and different equipment for different parts of the game. In football every position is a different sized guy. In baseball, maybe not so much on the different sizes, but there is definately special positions who do physically different things, and then the change occurs for everyone to go in and bat which throws in a whole new form of strategy(of the game) that requires a completely different physical task to accomplish.

As for action, unless you have the ball or are moving into position to get the ball, soccer players are doing just as much standing as a guy in center field is doing in between pitches. And that doesn't even include the standing around the goalie does when the ball stays at the other end of the field.


Edited by FirefightnRick
  • Upvote 1

Sorry FFR...you have NO CLUE what skills it takes to play soccer at any level above "kid soccer". I seem to recall lots of kids playing T-Ball and YMCA basketball too. Even been to Japan and witnessed the "wee ones" playing baseball, I have. How about Africa and the basketball that's played there...I have. Kids play sports all over the world and they don't start with any soccer, baseball, basketball, football, etc. style skills... they have to build baseball, football, basketball skills...your "homer" is showing. Kids "throw a basketball" and "throw a baseball" out there and start playing too....I seem to recall baseball being pretty popular in lots of third world Latin countries, and basketball is pretty big in third world African nation too.

"Soccer is easy" to quote FFR. How many games have you actually played...no, kicking it around in the backyard with your kids does not count. Would love to see you out there trying to keep up if it is as easy as you say...yes, soccer players seem to the "uneducated fan" to look alike...they are all in shape...unlike baseball and football.

"every player on the field does the same thing"...another FFR quote that is so far off base that it's funny. That's like saying all basketball players and baseball players do the same thing...basketball players all dribble, pass and shoot, right...gee, I guess they all do the same thing...and baseball...seems they all run, catch and throw and bat (I don't count the AL pitchers who are sissys and don't bat), so I guess they all do the same thing, right?

Sometimes one should not talk about those things they don't know.

So, no problem...pick the sport you like and enjoy! That's why there are different sports....I'll never change anyone's mind about the "beautiful game", and no one will get me to believe that baseball is anything but boring to watch...like watching paint dry....so, pick your game, buy your tickets and have a great time.

Like I say...don't care what it is...If the Mean Green play it...I support it! GO MEAN GREEN

Posted (edited)

I never said anything about soccer above kids level being easy. Your reading comprehension needs repair.


The physical movements required for a beginner in each sport are night and day.

I knew that if I didn't include how impressive it was to see Pele' and his Cosmos play against the Tornados(Dallas) back in the 70's or one of Beckam's rocket shots from the next county blow into the back of the net that you would typically knee-jerk my remarks into criticising me? I was simply giving a reason as to why I think people don't take an interest in soccer here in the states.

What are my soccer skills? Not many. I've played intramural and indoor men's league soccer...once, each. Walked right in without any knowledge of the game prior to college and did just fine keeping up with everkyone else..kicking, passing and shooting the ball with my feet and legs. And why shouldn't I have done just fine, it's soccer? I can draw, paint, crochet, macromet and even latch-hook you a mural if need be. None of my work hangs in the Louvre but it doesn't mean I don't know anything about it.

Since you've seen kids play baseball I take that as a "NO", that you have never tried to teach it, or football or basketball.

Look, you can romanticise soccer all you want. but until you start seeing Texas Stadium full of 46,000(See Carrol vs Trinity, '06 Football Season) fans to see a quarter final game in the UIL Soccer playoffs then it's always going to take a back seat to the other sports.


Channel 8 sports' Joe Trehan just reported on the F.C. Dallas vs Houston game score tonight on it's 10 o'clock news, and I qoute..."...and this may just be why soccer has never caught on here in the states. You pay all that money, take the wife and kids to the game and........NOTHING HAPPENS!!!!! tonights game in Frisco ends in a 0-0 tie".


Edited by FirefightnRick

Not trying to kill the messenger FFR. Just get tired of people knocking things they know nothing about. Yes, I have coached kids basketball, soccer and baseball. I managed a select soccer team for eight years and was club president for three years. My kids basketball team lost one game in two years...that's due to good recruiting, not so much the great coaching...hope Dodge takes a hint! Ha! By the way, I still referee yoth soccer...have referred ages U-6 through Men's leagues and high school...did a college scrimmage at UNT once when they still had Men's soccer.

I had a feeling you would jump on the 0-0 tie at Frisco this weekend. Did you see they game? I doubt it....it was quite exciting, and those who did pay to see it (TV for me) got evey cent of their money's worth. Once again, the American sports fan, and the media too, I guess, equate a "good game" to a high scoring game. Joe Trehan IS NOT a soccer guy.....Channel 8 is NOT soccer-friendly...Dale Hansen "kicks it" around each and every chance he gets...if you viewed a different cahnnel you would have gotten a much better perspective of the game and a much fairer review. But, such is Channel 8...all of us "soccer friendly" folks know not to expect a fair shake from Cahnnel 8 sports. I'm not kiiling the messenger, just "telling it like it is"...there is bias in sports reporting too...and their are agendas...Channel 8 has one regarding soccer...no problem, I still watch channel 8 sports from time to time. It's just good to know what you are going to get when it comes to soccer.

I have ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM with folks who don't care for soccer. It's the constant lack of understanding of the game from folks who don't like it that gets to me. The idea that you have to have a 14-7 score (that, but the way is 2-1) in football, or 56-54 in Arena football, or those exciting 2-1 baseball games...I give you Sunday's Rangers 2-1 win over the Red Sox...absolutely NO scoring after the sixth inning...ALL runs coming in the middle three innings with 1 run in each inning....and folks say a 2-1 soccer game is low scoring and boring...gee time of the Rangers game...3 hrs. 24 min....for all that 2-1 scoring...NOW FFR...THAT'S BORING! And, I played baseball through high school, summer leagues and some adult ball after college....I love to play baseball...it bores me to tears to watch. But, I don't make a career out of bad mouthing the sport...except on GoMEANGREEN.COM...Ha!

So, stick to what you like...no problem what so ever...hey, there are folks out there who love NASCAR...can you turn left? My wife thinks golf is boring...can you believe that??????

NEVER will see 46,000 at a high school soccer game....but, how many HS football games draw 46,000? Been to a DHS game lately? By the way...you won't find the band, cheerleaders, etc. at the soccer games either....wonder how many band and cheer squad parents and relatives were at the 46,000 game? Let's play up the soccer playoffs, bring the bands, cheerleaders, have multiple pep rallies, cahrter buses, put flags up around town and paint the windows of local businesses, get air time on all the networks, get page after page written in the newspapers, and then let's see how many fans you get in the seats...same could be said about HS baseball too...the fan base seems even less at most of the HS baseball games I have attended in the last few years...if your aren't the girlfriend of a player or a parent, grandparent...not many others in attendance....been there...seen it.

So, let's hope we see 46,000 at UNT's first home football game this year!!!!!! Can fouts hold 46,000? I can't recall that I know the exact capacity....I've been there with over 30,000 in attendance, but wonder...will it hold 46,000?

UNT doen's have men's soccer, as you know...it has a VERY GOOD women's team. Have you seen any of the games? You might want to give it a shot next season....anyway, this is just fun as no minds will change in this debate......let's just put on our green and fill the stands this year!

PS...have you fired off the mean green rocket as yet? I've built many of those things, but never thought to do the MEAN GREEN thing....looks great...10 - 9- 8 ...... FIRE! Let's have an update.


Sorry about all the typos in my last post...I am typing cahllenged today for some reason.... :lol:


Hey, I fully understand what your saying. I just was giving a perspective as to why it's just not as popular here? I'm probably wrong as you have pointed out, I'm not nearly as knowledgable on it. It's still new in the HS's here in Texas so maybe someday we'll see 46,000? I'll relegate to saying, "never say never" on that.

By the way, my story about the Air Force game, it was my idea to try and help spruce up some excitement by taking Boomer to that game. Everyone at the A.D.'s office said it was uncommon. And of course we had the great "drex" from GMG.com here as our assistant of marketing and excitement and he was all for it so we did it. It was fun(it's always fun for me with Boomer) to simply get Boomer out to a different event other than football. I just wished we had had the opportunity to let him rip during that game. If I were in charge of Boomer today, he'd be at every home soccer game for the girls, as well as the softball games too. But that's just me.

And yes, we shot the rocket and lost it unfortunately but we will do another one that bigger and less likely to lose. It was hard to tell in that picture, but that sucker was really small, about a half inch in diameter and about 14 inches long, but with a motor that can launch twice the size rocket. So it went out of site and as far as we know it could still be going right now?



I'm with you there Daddy...bring on that new stadium BEFORE we worry about adding any new sports...men's or women's...baseball or men's soccer!

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