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Rick Villarreal- Open Letter

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Dear Mr. Villarreal,

My name is -- ------, also known as UNT_Playmaker on www.gomeangreen.com. I am currently a graduate student at the University of North and an avid Mean Green supporter.

Let me start off by saying that I have nothing but respect and praise for your accomplishments and accolades to not only our Athletic Dept but also for the North Texas community as a whole. I believe that I speak for everyone when I say, that the state of our Mean Green Nation has been in much better hands since your arrival at our Alma Mater.

The reason I am contacting you is based on some speculations and news reports that have to do with our proposed stadium at Mean Green Village. I among with many others on Gomeangreen.com have debated on many different topics from conference realignment to new sports being added to the athletic program, but no other topic intrigues me and my fellow board members as that of when we might start to turn dirt on a new stadium for our up and coming football program.

I, like many countless others believe that the key to reaching our full potential is building a new football stadium to host more well known opponents and allow ourselves to have a better position for any future conference realignments that may occur. You were well aware of this when you first came to UNT and proposed a student fee to pay for a new football complex, this unfortunately was voted down by a narrow margin by students who were unaware at the time, of what we were willing to accomplish.

What we are asking for today is for a much needed update as to where we are in terms of the new proposed stadium in Mean Green Village, and if indeed there was a big announcement that was to be made this spring in relation to the stadium project. I personally would like to add that I would like to see your initial idea of revisiting the idea of proposing a new student fee that would help allow us to fund this much needed project. I would be more than willing to help in any way to provide support for any effort that might come along to help make this a reality.

As you very well know the potential and gains from investing in the future of our athletic program can be endless as we are fortunate to be located in a large market that provides many benefits that we are all aware of. We are all proud to say that we have made great strides throughout the years in many areas in both athletics and academics here at the University of North Texas, but our true potential is yet to be achieved. A new state of the art football stadium is our bridge to showcase what we are willing to achieve to others and at the same time what we want to accomplish for ourselves.

This letter has also been posted on www.gomeangreen.com. You may contact me at this email address or at my home phone (---) -------. Thanks

-- -------

Edited by UNT_playmaker
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This is the actual letter sent to the AD, I told him that I posted the letter on gomeangreen.com so that we can get a response for the entire board.

Stebo- I am also going to find some time to give a call to the Athletic Dept as well. I think we will get a response from the email that was sent. I was actually working on sending a letter before your posts. You actually just motivated me to get it done.

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Since when are students permitted to vote on fees? If this is the key to stadium funding, we're doomed.

"Excuse me, UNT Student. Would you be willing to pay an extra $40 a year to fund a stadium that won't be finished during your academic career? No?! Really? Why not?"

The decision should be made by the Board. They have no problem charging me tuition for 15 hours when I only take 12. They have no problem charging me $120 for a book I can get on Amazon for $25. They have no problem charging me the highest parking rates of any student, yet limiting my parking options to the hours of 5:00pm to 6:00am. ("Premium" parking, my ass) They have no problem charging me computer lab fees when I have never touched a UNT computer.

Not that I think I shouldn't pay these fees... they are all for the betterment of the school. Why should a stadium fee be any different?

And how about a bond? Can't the school issue a bond to raise funds?

Edited by UNTflyer
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Since when are students permitted to vote on fees? If this is the key to stadium funding, we're doomed.

"Excuse me, UNT Student. Would you be willing to pay an extra $40 a year to fund a stadium that won't be finished during your academic career? No?! Really? Why not?"

The decision should be made by the Board. They have no problem charging me tuition for 15 hours when I only take 12. They have no problem charging me $120 for a book I can get on Amazon for $25. They have no problem charging me the highest parking rates of any student, yet limiting my parking options to the hours of 5:00pm to 6:00am. ("Premium" parking, my ass) They have no problem charging me computer lab fees when I have never touched a UNT computer.

Not that I think I shouldn't pay these fees... they are all for the betterment of the school. Why should a stadium fee be any different?

And how about a bond? Can't the school issue a bond to raise funds?

I have brought up these same points along with two others, inclusion of academic facilities in the new stadium to get state funding (UT has announced the housing of their Kineseology Dept. in the North end zone renovations at DKR as we speak) and the sale of seat options to bond holders just as was done to build Texas Stadium ( there will be outstanding bonds on that facility long after it ceases to exist). It doesn't all have to be done by the mega bucks donor riding to our rescue on his white horse. There is a capital campaign underway which won't be announced publicly until it's halfway funded. It includes $60 million for a new stadium, but it is viewed as a five year minimum under the very best of predictions. If we institute this four step program today, we could begin construction knowing that the capital campaign would retire the bonds and that the student fee, although unpopular at first, would soon come to be accepted just as any other fee ( the FL schools with similar enrollments are certainly not bashful to access athletic fees and look at how quickly they rise to the top ala USF, UCF, and soon to be FIU & FAU).

I have suggested this to all who will listen in Development, the athletic advisory board, the EXES, Mean Green Club, and the A D himself. All will tell you it could work, but it does involve some risk and stepping on some student and faculty toes. It would take "guts" to take this first step, but it would prove we are serious, and I feel it would get the ball rolling on fundraising for the capital campaign which would seal the deal to completion. Sadly IMHO at 60 I feel there is at best a 10% chance of seeing this built in my lifetime if we continue down the present path of "panhandling" donor prospects with no " Boone Pickens" in sight.

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I'm intrigued by the idea of "seat bonds." What would be a realistic number and for how long ? As I recall, when Texas Stadium was build, there was a lottery held to retire certain seat bonds early. Is the lottery still going on ? Would our fans really put up the kind of money needed to make this project work ?

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Ok, NOW I apologize. That is all that I wanted you to do. I see passionate fans like yourself that will be the next generation for North Texas... but they just seem to want to bitch and moan about it. I am glad that you not only wrote Rick but that you have volunteered to help in any way that they need you. I would follow it up wth a call. Keep in mind that RV is probably on vacation rght now because it is that time of year that he can take a vacation. He might not be, but if you don't get an immediate response, then please give RV the benefit of the doubt before claiming that he is ignoring you. I think that after you speak with him - or when he answers your letter - that you will see what I am talking about. I also think that you are a man for making good on your word and taking the initiative to ask the AD these questions. I apologize for anything negative that I posted in anger - I was just frustrated... and like you, I am passionate about NT and the staff that serves us so well.


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I just tried to email a suggestion for the stadium on the Meangreensports.com sight and it said it could not send my coment/suggestion, so I thought I'd just post it on here in case Rick V reads.

I went to the Comerica Bank Business Forum a few weeks back down at the Adams Mark Hotel in downtown. This year the key note speaker was the CEO of Comerica. They recently announced that they were moving their corporate headquarters from Detroit to Dallas. During the Q&A session, someone asked him if he'd look at buying the naming rights to a stadium around here like they did in Detroit for the Detroit Tigers. He said that they didn't have any current plans to, but that they were always looking for opportunities for both professional and collegiate involvement. I'd hope that someone from NT would have called them by now to mention that we've got a great naming opportunity just up the road, and that it would make a huge "splash" to get the Comerica name out in front of everyone as they settle their new HQ in Dallas.

I should send this to RV too I suppose, but this afternoon I'm feeling lazy....maybe tomorrow.

Edited by Mad Hatter
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I just tried to email a suggestion for the stadium on the Meangreensports.com sight and it said it could not send my coment/suggestion, so I thought I'd just post it on here in case Rick V reads.

I went to the Comerica Bank Business Forum a few weeks back down at the Adams Mark Hotel in downtown. This year the key note speaker was the CEO of Comerica. They recently announced that they were moving their corporate headquarters from Detroit to Dallas. During the Q&A session, someone asked him if he'd look at buying the naming rights to a stadium around here like they did in Detroit for the Detroit Tigers. He said that they didn't have any current plans to, but that they were always looking for opportunities for both professional and collegiate involvement. I'd hope that someone from NT would have called them by now to mention that we've got a great naming opportunity just up the road, and that it would make a huge "splash" to get the Comerica name out in front of everyone as they settle their new HQ in Dallas.

I should send this to RV too I suppose, but this afternoon I'm feeling lazy....maybe tomorrow.

Please do send the Comerica info to RV. I'd bet he's at the AC tonight for the Golf Tourney fish fry there. The great Hayden Fry is to attend also this weekend, either the fish fry tonight or the tourney.

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Thanks Rick for the Info, I don't expect a quick response since most people are on vacation around this time with school out. I did follow up with a call I believe it was his secretary voicemail at the athletic dept that went straight to voice mail.

I will be sure to post any response that he sends to my email and will be too bothered if he doesnt reply. I just hope that he if does reply that he replies his response onto the board. As you can see in the letter, I spoke not only for myself but for everyone on the board, so I think a response on the board would be most appropriate.

I just can't wait to see dirt starting to be turned on this project. We'll see in the near future.


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Ok, NOW I apologize. That is all that I wanted you to do. I see passionate fans like yourself that will be the next generation for North Texas... but they just seem to want to bitch and moan about it. I am glad that you not only wrote Rick but that you have volunteered to help in any way that they need you. I would follow it up wth a call. Keep in mind that RV is probably on vacation rght now because it is that time of year that he can take a vacation. He might not be, but if you don't get an immediate response, then please give RV the benefit of the doubt before claiming that he is ignoring you. I think that after you speak with him - or when he answers your letter - that you will see what I am talking about. I also think that you are a man for making good on your word and taking the initiative to ask the AD these questions. I apologize for anything negative that I posted in anger - I was just frustrated... and like you, I am passionate about NT and the staff that serves us so well.



I was quite taken aback by your response toward my post in regards to the stadium issue. In all actuality I was going to email RV a letter asking about the progress of the stadium plans, with your response, I wanted to send it out ASAP with the intention that it sounded like it came from the entire board and not a disgruntled fan. I kind of kept quite until some rumblings came back on the board about the issue, so I was frustrated about being kept in the dark, since nobody knew or heard anything.

Since I am from Denton I have seen the effects of what a poor AD can have on an athletic program. Craig Helwig and some other admin's put our program back more than anyone can imagine. It was like he just came to work to get his paycheck and not think about what was in the MEAN GREEN's best interest. This was the same guy who forced Trilli to place his son Tyler (went to DHS with him and he didn't possess the talent to play D-1 ball) on the BB squad when he was a freshman at UNT, not thinking about the best interest of the team but only his own. His performance as our AD was evident of this since the beginning of his tenure.

I can tell you we have a winner with RV, he has proven that. I have said in the past that he has been the best AD this program as ever seen and his visions are exactly what I want to see at NORTH TEXAS.

I just want to make sure that we follow through on what we say we will accomplish. I can't bear the thought of losing any supporters, players, or even coaches because what was said wasn't achieved.

Edited by UNT_playmaker
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I think if facilities and achievements do not get finished it will be due to the alumni and students not giving enough in support, I am probably one of the worst offenders at the moment on not being able to support my alma mater. There hundreds of extremely loyal supporters on this board alone, but with many recent hires (Football, Tennis, President) the future looks bright and many are starting to get reconnected to their university. TD will bring wins and more National Attention than anyother previous coach in UNT history (sorry no disrespect to Fry and other coaches). JJ has a very good recruiting class coming in off the NCAA Berth.

Good job Playmaker taking the initiative and voice to RV,

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