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Yep. Imagine how 'uncool' this is:

"Hullabaloo, Caneck, Caneck

Hullabaloo, Caneck, Caneck

All hail to dear old Texas A&M...



Rough, Tough, real stuff Texas A&M"

aTm or not--that's a classic. Only way it gets to be classic--and tradition--is picking it up and running with it. Not bitching about how 'dorky' it is. ;)

Actually, it's

Hullabaloo, caneck caneck

Hullabaloo, caneck caneck

Goodbye to Texas University...




Rough, Tough, real stuff Texas A&M

and then my favorite...

Saw 'varsity's ho-orns off.... :D

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You mean the stupid one that says "and thats good for another mean green first down" followed by the rediculous eagle cry?? Is that the one. Are we that bad that we have to celebrate and create a chant when we get a first down??? I hope this is the first thing to go in the new season.

Originally, it went "1... 2...3... FIRST DOWN" followed by the ref's first down hand signal. Maybe it's not the most glamorous cheer, but using the TAMU example from earlier, neither is "Farmers Fight! Farmers Fight! Farmers Fight! Fight! Fight!"

The point is, just about every college cheer is really dorky. What makes it special is 30k+ people doing it in unison. If FIRST DOWN! gets everyone excited at the game, and everyone is involved, I'm perfectly fine with using it as long as it lasts.

I think the idea of a FIGHT! at the end of the fifth time through the North - Texas chant is an excellent idea. I also think that the university should take steps toward practicing cheers. Not like a Midnight Yell Practice necessarily, but I think that at the Party at Clark Park events before the games, they should spend some time teaching cheers and getting everyone to practice unison chants. Maybe they already do that, I haven't been able to make one yet...

Posted (edited)

Actually, it's

Hullabaloo, caneck caneck

Hullabaloo, caneck caneck

Goodbye to Texas University...

The other verse is the beginning of the song, which they never sing. They sing the 2nd verse twice instead.

Hullabaloo, Caneck! Caneck!

Hullabaloo, Caneck! Caneck!

First Verse

All hail to dear old Texas A&M,

Rally around Maroon and White,

Good luck to the dear old Texas Aggies,

They are the boys who show the fight.

That good old Aggie spirit thrills us.

And makes us yell and yell and yell; --

So let's fight for dear old Texas A&M,

We're goin' to beat you all to --



Rough! Tough!

Real stuff! Texas A&M!

Second Verse

Good-bye to Texas University.

So long to the Orange and White.

Good luck to the dear old Texas Aggies,

They are the boys who show

the real old fight.

The eyes of Texas are upon you.

That is the song they sing so well,

So, good-bye to Texas University,

We're goin' to beat you all to --



Rough! Tough!

Real stuff! Texas A&M!

Saw Varsity's Horns Off!

Saw Varsity's Horns Off!

Saw Varsity's Horns Off!


Varsity's Horns are Sawed Off!

Varsity's Horns are Sawed Off!

Varsity's Horns are Sawed Off!


Edited by CMJ

I also think that the university should take steps toward practicing cheers. Not like a Midnight Yell Practice necessarily, but I think that at the Party at Clark Park events before the games, they should spend some time teaching cheers and getting everyone to practice unison chants. Maybe they already do that, I haven't been able to make one yet...

Finally someone has a great idea. I would be all for this.


Finally someone has a great idea. I would be all for this.

If people did this at a more organized event, maybe even have part of the Green Brigade there (pep band) THEN people wouldnt feel like our existing current chants are "stupid" or "dorky" as someone else put it. The right atmosphere will get everyone involved, no matter what the cheer is.


if we could get back to throwing tortillas when we score, start having yell practices the night before the game, keep the homecoming bonfire going strong, continue chanting North and Texas back and forth between the crowd, fire off the cannon when we score, and designate a street somewhere near the stadium the official tailgate area calling it "The Avenue", we would have as much tradition as all the other schools in the state combined... If you're feeling really crazy, we could even put together an annual "hex" rally for MTSU. That's sure to be a fan-favorite. :thumbsup:


if we could get back to throwing tortillas when we score, start having yell practices the night before the game, keep the homecoming bonfire going strong, continue chanting North and Texas back and forth between the crowd, fire off the cannon when we score, and designate a street somewhere near the stadium the official tailgate area calling it "The Avenue", we would have as much tradition as all the other schools in the state combined... If you're feeling really crazy, we could even put together an annual "hex" rally for MTSU. That's sure to be a fan-favorite. :thumbsup:

LOL! A little chippy, 1855? :lol:


If people did this at a more organized event, maybe even have part of the Green Brigade there (pep band) THEN people wouldnt feel like our existing current chants are "stupid" or "dorky" as someone else put it. The right atmosphere will get everyone involved, no matter what the cheer is.

Amen! Lets do it. Why not start a competition to have people create chants and enter them, then have an open vote from everyone to take the top 4 or 5 cheers. The chants could be for certain situations like: 3rd and long, going for it on 4th down, forcing a 3&out. I personally really like the ATM chant, its great, unique and funny, and insulting all in the same thing. Its sad that most our students/alumni don't even know the school song or know how to move their arms during it.

I will say this...I think it's a great time to be at UNT. If we can get some of these things in place and can get everyone on board with making all these improvements, we can make UNT history and creating tradition. BUT we cant just post this stuff on this forum, somehow we must put our ideas into practice. Who could we contact regarding this stuff? We can choose to make improvements or just be complacent and wait for other people until nothing gets done and 3 yrs later it gets brought up again.


My guess is that most who think that a certain tradition is stupid or foolish or copied more than likely has never taken part in any tradition in the first place.

Iseem to recall the common theory at North Texas about the crisp $100?


Not familiar with the Theory, fill me in Rick


I seriously doubt UT and NT are the only schools that chant back and forth in the stands, so I dont consider that to be something we "lifted" from them (like the Tech and tortilla thing which is a blatant rip off), nor do I consider Boomer a copycat move. I like those things just fine... I'd just like to do something at games besides the fight song over and over and over, which is why I think this is a good thread.

My guess is that most who think that a certain tradition is stupid or foolish or copied more than likely has never taken part in any tradition in the first place.

Actually, you'd be wrong there as well. I think plenty of things are stupid but I participate in them anyways because it's my school. I'd venture to say many Aggies think some of their sayings are stupid as hell (like the chant listed in this thread) but it's a lot of fun when the whole stadium gets involved in it (I guess...aggieland is a weird place)


Amen! Lets do it. Why not start a competition to have people create chants and enter them, then have an open vote from everyone to take the top 4 or 5 cheers. The chants could be for certain situations like: 3rd and long, going for it on 4th down, forcing a 3&out. I personally really like the ATM chant, its great, unique and funny, and insulting all in the same thing. Its sad that most our students/alumni don't even know the school song or know how to move their arms during it.

I will say this...I think it's a great time to be at UNT. If we can get some of these things in place and can get everyone on board with making all these improvements, we can make UNT history and creating tradition. BUT we cant just post this stuff on this forum, somehow we must put our ideas into practice. Who could we contact regarding this stuff? We can choose to make improvements or just be complacent and wait for other people until nothing gets done and 3 yrs later it gets brought up again.

I'd suggest you coincide it with Freshmen Orientation or the VERY beginning of the semester when student are newly moving into the dorm, dont know alot of people, wanting to mix and meet others. Start emailing organizations now so everyone is involved. I'd also suggest you do it on a Thursday evening. Friday evenings on campus are dead from the majority of Dallas/Ft. Worth kids that head home for the weekend. Also, if it was in the evening, you'll get a few GMGer's there too. They just need to make eveyone get on board with this. If the band is there, so should the cheerleaders, dance team. Not just one or the other. Hell it might be a reach, but if you follow through with is, email RV and TD and see if they'd stop by to make an appearance. Those guys are ALL OVER boosting this program now, especially with the student body.

UNT Traditions Office

University Union 216

PO Box 305069

Denton, Texas 76203-5069

(940) 565-3807

Green Brigade Marching Band

Director: Nick Williams

email: nwilliams@music.unt.edu



And a million other organizations involved with UNT



I seriously doubt UT and NT are the only schools that chant back and forth in the stands, so I dont consider that to be something we "lifted" from them (like the Tech and tortilla thing which is a blatant rip off), nor do I consider Boomer a copycat move. I like those things just fine... I'd just like to do something at games besides the fight song over and over and over, which is why I think this is a good thread.

Actually, you'd be wrong there as well. I think plenty of things are stupid but I participate in them anyways because it's my school. I'd venture to say many Aggies think some of their sayings are stupid as hell (like the chant listed in this thread) but it's a lot of fun when the whole stadium gets involved in it (I guess...aggieland is a weird place)

You and a few here on this board are vastly in the minority on the tortilla thing, but I'm not sure why it's brought up anymore. The whiners got their way and RV did away with it over a year ago so it's..............PAST HISTORY, even though your wrong in differentiating it from any of the other tradtions. A&M and Texas, and Tarleton State for that matter, have used a cannon at their events much longer than those Copy Catters at North Texas have. You like Boomer so it's fine with you but your friends from tU and A&M can throw that back in your face just as easily as your friends from Tech may have about the torts.

And know that, as Boomer23 has already mentioned, getting this university a chant that has a beginning and an end, and then getting it to the masses by way of practicing it at the pep rallys has been addressed to those who make the final decisions including RV, Dr. Battaile, Paul Batchelder and everyone that sits on the North Texas Traditions committee, and all agreed something needs to change. And as much as I hate to point this out, especially for those who think this board is simply here for the sole purpose of sharing oppinions and saying hi to one another, the chant problem and how to fix it was brought about to those in charge from GoMeanGreen.com.



I'd suggest you coincide it with Freshmen Orientation or the VERY beginning of the semester when student are newly moving into the dorm, dont know alot of people, wanting to mix and meet others. Start emailing organizations now so everyone is involved. I'd also suggest you do it on a Thursday evening. Friday evenings on campus are dead from the majority of Dallas/Ft. Worth kids that head home for the weekend. Also, if it was in the evening, you'll get a few GMGer's there too. They just need to make eveyone get on board with this. If the band is there, so should the cheerleaders, dance team. Not just one or the other. Hell it might be a reach, but if you follow through with is, email RV and TD and see if they'd stop by to make an appearance. Those guys are ALL OVER boosting this program now, especially with the student body.

UNT Traditions Office

University Union 216

PO Box 305069

Denton, Texas 76203-5069

(940) 565-3807

Green Brigade Marching Band

Director: Nick Williams

email: nwilliams@music.unt.edu



And a million other organizations involved with UNT


Trud. Thats great...Thanks a lot. I will see what I can do, unfortunately it's going to take more than just my efforts, and hopefully everyone else would be on board, but I will keep you posted.

Have you all ever seen University of Wisconsin?? They play the House of Pain "Jump" song and the freaking fans go crazy. The WHOLE stadium JUMPS up and down. I dont recommend we do this at Fouts because it would fall apart, but doing something like it. Using the loud speaker more with more music.


I seriously doubt UT and NT are the only schools that chant back and forth in the stands, so I dont consider that to be something we "lifted" from them (like the Tech and tortilla thing which is a blatant rip off), nor do I consider Boomer a copycat move. I like those things just fine... I'd just like to do something at games besides the fight song over and over and over, which is why I think this is a good thread.

Actually, you'd be wrong there as well. I think plenty of things are stupid but I participate in them anyways because it's my school. I'd venture to say many Aggies think some of their sayings are stupid as hell (like the chant listed in this thread) but it's a lot of fun when the whole stadium gets involved in it (I guess...aggieland is a weird place)

This is the point Im rying ot convey, and actually I think FFR is too. Yeah, it's stupid, it's dorky. But its OURS, and it's old as hell. My grandfather is old, stupid and dorky, but I love the guy, and I'm not throwing him out. A produce that doesnt sell doent necessarily mean it's a bad product. It very well could be that the sale campaign is poor.


I'd suggest you coincide it with Freshmen Orientation or the VERY beginning of the semester when student are newly moving into the dorm, dont know alot of people, wanting to mix and meet others. Start emailing organizations now so everyone is involved. I'd also suggest you do it on a Thursday evening. Friday evenings on campus are dead from the majority of Dallas/Ft. Worth kids that head home for the weekend. Also, if it was in the evening, you'll get a few GMGer's there too. They just need to make eveyone get on board with this. If the band is there, so should the cheerleaders, dance team. Not just one or the other. Hell it might be a reach, but if you follow through with is, email RV and TD and see if they'd stop by to make an appearance. Those guys are ALL OVER boosting this program now, especially with the student body.

UNT Traditions Office

University Union 216

PO Box 305069

Denton, Texas 76203-5069

(940) 565-3807

Green Brigade Marching Band

Director: Nick Williams

email: nwilliams@music.unt.edu



And a million other organizations involved with UNT


I believe every one of those groups above had representation on the Traditions Committee. And yes, the suggestion about Freshman O was well discussed during my time before the committee as well as during others.



Trud. Thats great...Thanks a lot. I will see what I can do, unfortunately it's going to take more than just my efforts, and hopefully everyone else would be on board, but I will keep you posted.

Have you all ever seen University of Wisconsin?? They play the House of Pain "Jump" song and the freaking fans go crazy. The WHOLE stadium JUMPS up and down. I dont recommend we do this at Fouts because it would fall apart, but doing something like it. Using the loud speaker more with more music.

yeah i have seen it. if jumping up and down would demolish Fouts, then I say we all meet there this weekend and start jumping.

I have limited time, but if you need help with anything, I'll chip in some time.

Good luck.


I believe every one of those groups above had representation on the Traditions Committee. And yes, the suggestion about Freshman O was well discussed during my time before the committee as well as during others.


Thanks Rick...so should we just throw our hands up in the air and give up? If thats the case then I wouldn't have gone to any football games the past 2 seasons. Im glad that initatives were taken, but unfortunately no products were produced. So we have to continue to take initatives until something happens.


You and a few here on this board are vastly in the minority on the tortilla thing, but I'm not sure why it's brought up anymore. The whiners got their way and RV did away with it over a year ago so it's..............PAST HISTORY, even though your wrong in differentiating it from any of the other tradtions.

Actually, from where I sit, you and your crew on GMG.com are the ones that are in the minority. I can point you to hundreds of people that have attended or are currently attending UNT that think the tortilla thing is a big Tech rip off, but whatever. How the people on this board that love it cant seem to understand that is still beyond me, but it wont do any good to argue about it. Plus, we 'whiners' already won! I only brought it up because someone said the UT/NT chants were the same, and I dont view that as "ripping UT off". I assume you feel the same way. Lot's of schools chant back and forth at the stadium.

A&M and Texas, and Tarleton State for that matter, have used a cannon at their events much longer than those Copy Catters at North Texas have. You like Boomer so it's fine with you but your friends from tU and A&M can throw that back in your face just as easily as your friends from Tech may have about the torts.
I went to NT. I assure you that if I was easily offended or upset by what people at other schools think, I would have just gone to those schools and thus avoided it all together. I've always enjoyed going against the flow, which is why I didn't go to Texas or Texas Tech. Im not one of the people who went to NT because everything else fell through, I assure you.

I like boomer, I think its fun. In fact, I never really even associated it with UT. It's been around for a while, it is a part of NT. That is a good thing!

And know that, as Boomer23 has already mentioned, getting this university a chant that has a beginning and an end, and then getting it to the masses by way of practicing it at the pep rallys has been addressed to those who make the final decisions including RV, Dr. Battaile, Paul Batchelder and everyone that sits on the North Texas Traditions committee, and all agreed something needs to change. And as much as I hate to point this out, especially for those who think this board is simply here for the sole purpose of sharing oppinions and saying hi to one another, the chant problem and how to fix it was brought about to those in charge from GoMeanGreen.com.

As I already stated, I think its great the university is pro actively looking to address this and implement something new. It's much-needed. We need our own things so that we can avoid being "copy catters". Its much more fun to participate in something that is exclusively yours to own, that you can be proud of!


if we could get back to throwing tortillas when we score, start having yell practices the night before the game, keep the homecoming bonfire going strong, continue chanting North and Texas back and forth between the crowd, fire off the cannon when we score, and designate a street somewhere near the stadium the official tailgate area calling it "The Avenue", we would have as much tradition as all the other schools in the state combined... If you're feeling really crazy, we could even put together an annual "hex" rally for MTSU. That's sure to be a fan-favorite. :thumbsup:

So let's see:

1)Firing off the cannon is stolen from whom? Texas? Texas Tech? Army? Shall I continue? And while we're at it can we accuse every one of them except for the school who did it first of being a copy cat? Oh, and let's forget that ours is the ONLY functional civil war replica cannon in the state.

2)Should we stop building the bonfire? Nevermind that ours is the largest hand-built bonfire in the state because we don't use cranes and instead have a group of dedicated people stay out at that site for a week. Nah, let's scrap this too because a few panty wastes think it looks like we're copying.

3)Let's never chant North and Texas back and forth between the sides of the stadium because Texas does something similiar. I wonder, though, does Penn State make fun of Texas since they chant "We are" and then "Penn State?" I mean, if Penn State had the brilliant and obviously untouchable idea of a call and response cheer (see every rock or rap concert in history) then North Texas doing something similiar clearly makes us "dorky."

Can we please, pretty please, get some students in here with enough school pride (not to mention growing a pair) to say "I don't give a rats ass what your school does I'm gonna have some spirit about mine"?


Can we please, pretty please, get some students in here with enough school pride (not to mention growing a pair) to say "I don't give a rats ass what your school does I'm gonna have some spirit about mine"?

just a joke dude... thanks for breaking it down line by line, though. someday I hope to have as big a pair for NT as you... until then, I'll just keep traveling to games, donating money, etc... I suppose I should get back to work so that I can continue to do that.

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