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Emmitt, I think you miss the point of what Hillary was talking about in her quote. The écoles maternelles program in France is a government program in which almost 100% of French preschool-age children take part.

If it is such a disinterested audience, why do you Hillary people (who universally make a statement distancing yourselves from her before vehemently defending her) keep bringing it up?

The issue is honesty and about good decisions.. not parties or personalities.... [ We have had enough of the false statements, WMD? ] State things as they really are and what is really really known, and don't make generalizations or just call names to belittle people... any party, anybody... This is why we are in the mess we are in....

As previously stated--- sometimes bad guys have good ideas and and sometimes good guys have bad ideas. Keep an open mind.

Yours truly,

Not A. Hillary People --- (not really even a liberal nor a radical conservative, and quit running up the national debt)

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The issue is honesty and about good decisions.. not parties or personalities.... [ We have had enough of the false statements, WMD? ] State things as they really are and what is really really known, and don't make generalizations or just call names to belittle people... any party, anybody... This is why we are in the mess we are in....

As previously stated--- sometimes bad guys have good ideas and and sometimes good guys have bad ideas. Keep an open mind.

Yours truly,

Not A. Hillary People --- (not really even a liberal nor a radical conservative, and quit running up the national debt)

Please specify a false statement I have made, and I will repent in sackcloth and ashes. Oops, Biblical reference--I apologize.

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Emmitt, I think you miss the point of what Hillary was talking about in her quote. The écoles maternelles program in France is a government program in which almost 100% of French preschool-age children take part.

If it is such a disinterested audience, why do you Hillary people (who universally make a statement distancing yourselves from her before vehemently defending her) keep bringing it up?

How could anyone Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Independent, ad nauseum have any problem with more education from better trained teachers for ALL children? How, as a society, do we lose (or even loose) with a better educated populace?

Aren't schools, in general, government programs that we must attend starting around the age of 6 anyway? So if the former is big government isn't also the latter? (And for the record the U.S. Federal government has never been larger, spent more money, nor had more programs than it has under the last 8 years of republican rule - so to say that Dems are pro-big governement and republicans aren't just isn't true. They both like spending their (our) money perhaps on different programs but they both like spending as much as they can.) And if that isn't enough for you flag waving jingoist who hoist certain parties above your head as shining examples of God fearing, anti-Big Government boys clubs don't forget about a little thing called The Patriot Act - Big Government & Big Brother rolled in to one big hard to swallow pill.

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Please specify a false statement I have made, and I will repent in sackcloth and ashes. Oops, Biblical reference--I apologize.

---Don't like being called a "Hillary people" which was implied (I am far from it...namecalling??) ... I have a lot of ashes if you need any.. it has been a cold winter in West Texas....out of sackcloth however.... LOL..... and no just because I am not a Bush-lover (my hometown guy) doesn't mean I am a pagan, or non Christian, or even non-patriotic, or that I don't support the troops.... which some seem to imply is true if you disagree with them.. I even attended a (gasp) Baptist college my freshman year. ..Are we locked yet????

---Recent revelations sure make the Patriot Act look "Big Brotherish". It had good intentions but there are always people that will abuse whatever is available, and they did. That is why various provisions of the Constitution exist.. to prevent these actions by those who will do them.

--Adman above has is right.... government has never been larger than NOW... and as for big spenders... none of the years since 2000 have we had a balanced budget (even without Iraq expenses) and the previous six years were balanced and had small surpluses.... So much for what some claim is true and what the real facts are..

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Emmitt, I think you miss the point of what Hillary was talking about in her quote. The écoles maternelles program in France is a government program in which almost 100% of French preschool-age children take part.

If it is such a disinterested audience, why do you Hillary people (who universally make a statement distancing yourselves from her before vehemently defending her) keep bringing it up?

So, if I point out the logical fallacies in your attacks on Hillary Clinton I am therefore a "Hillary person?" Jesus Christ (whoops) that's a hell (whoops again) of a logic leap! Next thing you know I'll be accused of being a JJ lover just because I say that Johnny Jones' coaching did not lead to every single loss we suffered this season...oh crap, too late for that one too.

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So, if I point out the logical fallacies in your attacks on Hillary Clinton I am therefore a "Hillary person?" Jesus Christ (whoops) that's a hell (whoops again) of a logic leap! Next thing you know I'll be accused of being a JJ lover just because I say that Johnny Jones' coaching did not lead to every single loss we suffered this season...oh crap, too late for that one too.

Please point out a logical fallacy in my argument.

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...and here was poor, poor, PerryG, just happily sharing a nice little fluff piece on Coach Dodge on the NT sports board.......

:lol: If only I had known! I had just noticed that the football board had been slow and stumbled across this article while at the library.


What effect will this philosophy that Todd Dodge supports whole-heartedly have on the current and future players, coaches, and staff members of the beloved North Texas Mean Green?

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What effect will this philosophy that Todd Dodge supports whole-heartedly have on the current and future players, coaches, and staff members of the beloved North Texas Mean Green?

Apparently, more government programs.

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Great article! I somehow doubt that his use of "it takes a village" meant that he believes the government should usurp the role of the home.

Good Grief... THIS...

It never stated that government was to replace (USURP) parents.... just that Government (Schools, perhaps some healthcare) have a part in raising kids. Not what you seem to think the book was about... READ IT...

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Please point out a logical fallacy in my argument.

In short order...

I. Hillary Clinton wishes to replace the family with big government

A. Random quote about a government program for preschoolers (ignoring that all programs for children in a tax driven democracy are "government programs"

B. Random passages from scripture (their relevance or basis in the present argument be damned)

C. You defended Hillary Clinton...you are therefore a Clinton person (or at the least a closet Democrat because you chose to "distance yourself from them")

If this were an outline turned in by any American high schooler...even in a "non big government high school"...they would receive an F. Why? The subpoints don't logically, imperically, or even by slight correllation prove the original point.

Look, like I said, I'm no "fanboy" of Hillary's. I may even vote Republican next presidential election. I just have a hard time swallowing or even stomaching tangential arguments set forth by anyone, or any party, where they set forth a fallacious stance for their opposition in order to lob weak arguments at it.

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