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I was thinking a muff Dive!

Her 1st play will be to hire Pokey Chapman , I hear she is looking for a job... why not Vice President :D


I like how political threads always get closed yet derogatory comments about a senator are allowed to remain open....

That being said I don't like Hillary, so I don't want to give the impression I'm taking up for her.


---The ones that get shut down say bad things about the current group in power and disagreement over the invasion of Iraq....not the other way around. I am no Hillary fan either but at least least no one died as the result of that bad disgusting decision by Clinton....unlike Iraq. [ which is now longer than the fighting of WWII ] and has deteriorated into a war of religious Islamic crazies trying to gain control...... are we really better off now.????


---The ones that get shut down say bad things about the current group in power and disagreement over the invasion of Iraq....not the other way around. I am no Hillary fan either but at least least no one died as the result of that bad disgusting decision by Clinton....unlike Iraq. [ which is now longer than the fighting of WWII ] and has deteriorated into a war of religious Islamic crazies trying to gain control...... are we really better off now.????

Are you kidding?

Did you ever read about White Water or China Gate? And 2nd you may want to read She Voted for it. Do you have a solution or are you like the rest and are just picking on it with 20/20 hind sight? Did you happen to notice that Iraq seems to draw out most the of the Muslim Radicals, instead of them finding ways to bring there battle back to our soil?

Posted (edited)

Are you kidding?

Did you ever read about White Water or China Gate? And 2nd you may want to read She Voted for it. Do you have a solution or are you like the rest and are just picking on it with 20/20 hind sight? Did you happen to notice that Iraq seems to draw out most the of the Muslim Radicals, instead of them finding ways to bring there battle back to our soil?

----White Water was a development of 244 acres in the Arkansas wilderness ... [way overdone investigation] and after spending $60,000,000 in investigation fees ( or $230,000 per acre ) Starr could not find enough evidence to prosecute any of the Clintons for anything but did get one guy McDougal for some illegal acts. Either Starr was a very incompetent investigator or there wasn't much if anything there.

---None of the 9-11 people had ever lived in Iraq [ 16 of the 19 were from Saudi Arabia ] No terrorist acts against the USA or Europe have ever come from Iraq. Saddam was a very bad guy but most those he killed were Islamic crazies trying to overthrow him. ... as they had done in Iran. He was no supporter or friend of Al-queda... Yes they are there NOW causing us problems but not there before our invasion... Saddam just did them in because he also feared their influence. Saddam was a thug, not a Islamic crazy... We should have spend more efforts after Ben-Laden instead... he is OUR bad guy... and still out there.

---Fight them here..???... We heard that same comment about the Commies before and during Viet Nam. After we pulled out in 1975... I don't remember them coming here.

--She voted for it---YES-- most of Congress thought that the "White House was been honest with them and had ABSOLUTE PROOF of that WMD existed and that we we in danger." .. It turns out about all they had was the word of ONE Iraqi person that had left Iraq. No one has the answer for the mess we are in now... the problem is the the mess should have never occured to begin with. It seems likely now that Iraq may become what Iran is... a Crazy Islamic republic that hates us and we will be even worse off.


---The ones that get shut down say bad things about the current group in power and disagreement over the invasion of Iraq....not the other way around. I am no Hillary fan either but at least least no one died as the result of that bad disgusting decision by Clinton....unlike Iraq. [ which is now longer than the fighting of WWII ] and has deteriorated into a war of religious Islamic crazies trying to gain control...... are we really better off now.????

I'm glad to hear that you are not a Hillary fan because the thought of Hillary in the White House is truly scary. Regarding the war in Iraq, I do not know many people who would say we are better off now because of it. But the fact is, we are there, now the question is, what are we going to do about it?

One good thing that could have come out of our attack on Iraq is to let others know that we mean business. That could have helped quiet down Iran, North Korea, et al. Unfortunately, by the consistent undermining of the media and left wing of Congress, we have portrayed ourselves to the world as a paper tiger. Hillary in office would certainly reinforce that image, as would most Democrats.

Posted (edited)

I'm glad to hear that you are not a Hillary fan because the thought of Hillary in the White House is truly scary. Regarding the war in Iraq, I do not know many people who would say we are better off now because of it. But the fact is, we are there, now the question is, what are we going to do about it?

One good thing that could have come out of our attack on Iraq is to let others know that we mean business. That could have helped quiet down Iran, North Korea, et al. Unfortunately, by the consistent undermining of the media and left wing of Congress, we have portrayed ourselves to the world as a paper tiger. Hillary in office would certainly reinforce that image, as would most Democrats.

---Which Democrats??... the ones the SOME GOPers claim exist [the socialist, pinko, gun-banning, pagan groups ] or the real Demos. that care about education, and government programs that serve the people schools, colleges, parks , hospitals, veterans etc. and people in general? Of courses the GOP also claim to be all about tax cuts for all (wealthy seem to get more), which hurts education and other programs but after all they also claim to be more religious, moral, honest (Delay?) and patriotic. [look around and see if that is really true]. Unfortunately many believe this propaganda just as they trusted the statements that Iraq was about to attack us.

--- Actually about everyone mentioned now is fairly scary.. hope things clear up more... I trusted McCain but now he seems to be caving into the Falwell types just to get votes... it worked for the last one who never received 52% or more. Without Falwell, Robertson's and TV evangelists support, Bush would have never won. [ and we might not be in Iraq either without their mouthing off constantly about Islam, we know Halliburton (Cheney's company) and oil interests were not an issue either ]

---It was not necessary to invade Iraq... do what Reagan did with Kadafy of Libya... bomb the hell out of him personally ... he lived over it but he behaved then. Besides Iraq was just a Moslem country but not some crazy Islamic republic like Iran. We are much worse off. Afganistan demonstated we meant business....

Posted (edited)

- Wow those poor gullible democratic party members getting completely whitewashed by the evil GOP, man I did not realize that Iraq was all a conspiracy for the benefit of Halliburton.

-Kind of simplified Whitewater didn't you, the Foster suicide or the Susan McDougal pardon. Not to mention James & Susan McDougal and Jim Guy Tucker were found guilty and went to jail, later judge David Hale was also found guilty. Old Hillary Clinton could not find her documents for two years and they fought feverishly to derail the investigation. Plus Bill was the first President in history to pardon for his own good.

-these aren't commies they are radical Muslims that have no direct government influence, with the commies we had the cold war to help balance the equation. All of the soldiers I have talked to that served in Iraq in this conflict said that most of the attacks are from foreign insurgents from Syria and Saudi. US soldiers are constantly fighting, killing and capturing foreign insurgents and Al-Qaeda members. Several of the soldiers I have spoken with have mentioned that they never see the good they are doing in the US press. That the US press seems to be fixated on US and civilian body counts. But if you do some searches on line you will see there is plenty good being done and reported by foreign reporters. Al-Qaeda By the way the other 3 terrorists involved in 911 were from the United Arab Emirates. My point is these terrorists are now focusing on Iraq and not the Continental US. Most of the these terrorists don't care about Iraq they are, in their minds, taking the attack to the West. Vietnam a war that John F. Kennedy got the US involved in that stared out as a French problem and a civil war. By mid-1962, the number of U.S. military advisers rose from 700 to 12,000. Then it went nuts but it was a localized thing. These modern terrorists are not localized they go where they can to fight what they consider the infidel. Iraq appears to be magnet for terrorists lets keep them there.

-as for great propaganda the Democratic party is by far the the champion, one of my favorites was the form emails sent out by the democratic party prior to the the 2004 election and it was viewable complete with links back to the Democratic website how Bush was responsible for the collapse of the economy as a way to turn votes in the Democratic party's favor. A friend's Mom is very active in the Democratic party here in Dallas and was emailing all of us this garbage. Funny how they can skip the facts like the dot.com bubble burst in the fall of 1999 and most of the telecom companies choked with it. The stock market plummeted all that fall and bottomed out by the summer of 2000. People in most any telecom or IT industry were getting hammered, and the economy looked dismal. Big problem was Bush did not take office until January 2001. Well what do facts matter anyway, I am not real sure the Democratic Party knows what facts are no wonder they were so easily fooled by the evil GOP.

-As for Bush I am not a huge fan, but Gore or Kerry I would take Bush any day over those jerk-offs.

-Reagan did plenty right, I wish he was the man in the White House now.

Edited by KingDL1


But he wasn't worth 3000 American lives and all the money it has cost to remove him..... meanwhile Ben Laden, the real enemy, has gotten away.


Interesting enough an incompetent Clinton administration had several opportunities to get Osama bin Laden and screwed them all up trying to survive the scandal of Bill getting his knob polished by an intern.





Posted (edited)

-Reagan did plenty right, I wish he was the man in the White House now.

---I can't disagree with that one, or even Papa Bush, and in fact any President since the depression including Nixon. At least Tricky Dicky did some good things especially in international relations with China and others. ... I just want an honest guy who can make good decisions ... decisions based on facts and not someones wishes and to increase friends wealth.

McDougal (wife ) was imprisoned for refusing to testify to what THEY wanted to hear... even if it wasn't the truth.. she had testified several times and refused to say what they wanted to hear so they locked her up for COMTEMPT not a Watergate (make that White Water) crime ..... that was really awful... They spent $60,000,000 for nothing.. Starr must have been incompetent if that is all he could find for that much money spent investigating. ( $200,000+ per acre) That doesn't very sound conservative to me. . Who knows why Foster did what he did.. at the time it was mentioned how many in others in various administrations had done similar (suicide) just not greatly publicized.

You mentioned the economy and the reason which is pretty much correct.. I didn't. The market did drop briefly to 7500 from 10,800 after the 2000 election but it had been about 3000 when Bush Sr. left office and was back to 10,300 today which is still less than in the Fall of 2000.. slightly.

Repeating --Iraq was not a radical Muslim country and no terrorist acts against us came from there.. (name any if you can) .. Iran, Syria, Libya and some others even the Sudan could be considered as ones...and we left them alone. After this is over expect Iraq to be as full of Islamic crazies as the others have. Meanwhile Ben Laden who DID have a connection to 9-11 is still loose and dangerous... We went after the wrong guy, the one easiest to find who had no 9-11 connection. How does that make sense????

--The point I was making was the GOP version of Democrats and the truth just is not the same... Neither is the comment that all GOP members are honest, moral, Christian, caring, rich people. --which some want to believe [ lots of scandals have shot that to pieces, Delay, Gingrich, Haggert, Foley, etc. ] Both groups have their problems but one sure isn't what is trying to convince people it is. Their agenda is tax cuts and more tax cuts and to hell with education and public services....which often drive up local taxes ..... has you homeowner's taxes dropped lately... mine is getting ridiculous due to cuts by the state which once funded 60% of schools and now is less than 30%. (facts not just politics) Until recently the US gov. was trying to close lots of veterans hospitals including the only one in West Texas (Big Spring)... They have backed off just recently or since the last election. Now it is really hitting the fan as the results of decreased hospital funding. [you would think funding would increase with a war going on but it has been the reverse]

Posted (edited)

Interesting enough an incompetent Clinton administration had several opportunities to get Osama bin Laden and screwed them all up trying to survive the scandal of Bill getting his knob polished by an intern.





The first is by Reagan's Secretary of Defense (not a journalist or objective person).. the next two are not objective journalist and obscure sourses and might as well been written by some Bush buddy and even quote biased sourses from Fox Network.. Might as well read the Daily North Texas on how great SMU is.... about as objective... they are absolutely propoganda papers not journalist efforts.... just read the front pages and what the articles say.....

---The last is pretty reliable and a credible source.... Harper's...It basically shooting the two films apart as propoganda (as is the first three articles here, not news sources) and not Clinton that much. He did try once to kill Ben Laden but had to cross Pakistan with rockets to do it.... after missing... their government was livid at us shooting Rockets across their airspace into Afganistan and the Congress did not support any more efforts either. He might have done more but 9-11 had not occurred yet and it was still unclear just as dangerous Ben Laden was (the big problem) ..... just as it was unclear about the WMD in Iraq.... but we acted on that one and have regretted it every since. (check the polls even GOP supporters and politicians are not very supportive any more) Invading the Sudan made a whole lot more sense than Iraq.... they are killing Christians there and Al-Q. has a big presence and was even a small possiblity Ben Laden or supporters were holed up there.

No one defends Clinton's moral conduct... but that bad decision did not get anyone killed and Gingrich was doing the same with his 29 yr. old secretary at the same time which ended his second marriage (don't feel bad for wife #2, she did the same to wife #1 of Newt's). Great morality there as well by GOP leadership. Number 2 under Gringrich, Livingston resigned (same problem) and Hyde who led the attack in the Senate had several affairs when he was younger (40's) but was not at the time (what was he, 70 then?) ... Both parties had equal slimeballs in that area. ----Beginning to sound like the phrase: "Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house'".

Posted (edited)

McDougal (wife) - this was all innocent fraud? do you really believe that? Not sure why you are listing the acreage of the development, the scandal was about the misuse of money and fraud by Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan and the involvement of the Clinton's and the misuse of power Bill used as Governor, the development was just what tied them together. Don't you think it looks awfully bad that Bill pardoned someone who could potentially testify against him and his wife Hillary while you are insinuating a Halliburton conspiracy. Do you think Bill would take advantage of women by using his office of Governor and then the White House after scores of women came forward with claims of sexual harassment and misconduct not to mention how many women did not want any publicity. Then boom when he got busted beyond a shadow of a doubt he admitted he lied under oath because he was not sure that was sex. And should we believe him about anything? Starr just could not get enough evidence in the whitewater case, and there was plenty of evidence of tampering and lost records. If you really buy this story we are going to have to be happy disagreeing, because for me to buy it I will have to start believing Santa Claus, Nessy and Bigfoot at the same time. Not to say I don't wish there was a Santa.

The crash of the stock market was marked at the beginning of 2000. Crash Crash Crash Crash How the Democratic party figures that is Bush's fault I have yet to figure out. I am not implying that this crash was Bill's fault either, I am more of the belief that the stock market cycles. But that the crash started before he got there, not as the Democratic party had stated.

I not sure why anyone would ride Iraq into the ground, both parties voted for it and at the time most of the nation was hot for blood and Iraq was the best place to hit from a world opinion point of view, I agree that Syria and Saudi had it coming but that would not have flown. I don't buy that the poor Democratic party members were fooled by the White house but it makes a convenient excuse politically. Skipping the fact that we are killing terrorists in Iraq now on a daily basis is kind of criminal in itself. The reference to WWII is a little out of place this is not the same scale, or type of conflict. Just a stat though we lost 291,557 American souls in less then four years in WWII. From that stand point we are doing very well in Iraq. Vietnam we were involved with for over 11 years and 8 years of serious fighting with around 60,000 American souls lost. Now to paint gloom and doom about the Iraqis standing on their own two feet, well that remains to be seen, I feel there is an exit strategy but it must be in a way to keep the country stable. Maybe it means keeping a few foothold bases in Iraq to keep an eye on the Middle East in general, I don't claim to know all the answers on this one.

Anyway best of luck to you, we have differing ways of seeing things. I used to be a middle of the road guy and still feel like one, seems like the world shifted left on me. In the 80s I voted both ways depending on the candidate, Phil Gramm I voted for as a Democrat and as a Republican. I met Dick Army at UNT and he impressed the hell out of me. I still feel when I look at things I look for the truth regardless of party, I just feel that in recent years the Democratic Party distorts the truth way more.

Edited by KingDL1
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