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Negative Recruiting Press


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What does the Real Lonnie Finch have to say about this?

I will take the enormity of positive press regarding THIS coach, over the sliver of negative publicity.

I am finding it increasingly difficult to temper my enthusiasm over Coach Dodge, and what he has brought to the program at this early stage. I don't know how much difference there is in coaches (certainly more than one testicle hair), but I know this one is more enthusiastic and passionate, and I know he is a better salesperson than the one before him. I know I will enjoy what this coach puts on the field more than the last one. I know that guys are visiting North Texas, and surprised by what we have to offer (or is it the way it is being sold?).

These last few months have provided me with hope that we are going in a direction that we have never gone, or even aspired to go.

If Coach Dodge erred in his dealings with the Abilene kid, then he has proven he is not Jesus Christ. Glad he got it out of the way early because perfection is way too much to ask of anyone.


Great post, Scott.

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It's a one-sided article. A real reporter would have contacted TD for his input. I don't know who is right or wrong in this. I do know I posted several times on this board to those with insight into the recruiting process if Insall was still committed, and those threads never received a reply to the question. Screw the insiders at GMG.com!

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It's a one-sided article. A real reporter would have contacted TD for his input. I don't know who is right or wrong in this. I do know I posted several times on this board to those with insight into the recruiting process if Insall was still committed, and those threads never received a reply to the question. Screw the insiders at GMG.com!

One of your inquires made me send the email to the newspaper and coach. I can't make them give up information. I'm sorry you feel this way.

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Let's not disparage the Abilene reporter for having an agenda when we don't know that. However, he absolutely should have contacted or attempted to contact Coach Dodge or RV. If he was unable to contact them, that should have been put in the story. If an editor cut that bit out to get a story to fit, then shame on that editor. That's an important item that needed to be stated.

Should the young man have taken steps to protect himself? Yes. It sounds like he did since he has a scholarship elsewhere.

Should Coach Dodge have contacted the young man? In my opinion, yes. Someone, if not Coach Dodge then an assistant (the offensive line coach makes sense), should have contacted him just out of courtesy.

Should UNT have honored the scholarship? In my opinion, not necessarily. Scholarships are pulled all the time, as are committments.

Should Coach Dickey have contacted the young man? In my opinion, yes. Just common courtesy.

Edited by Smitty
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99% of the assistants coaches in the nation have one year contracts and they are always allowed to finish the contracts out......................

One year contracts are different than 4 - 5 year contracts. If he would have been transferring from a JUCO witn 1 or 2 years rof eligibility, then I can see automatically absorbing his previous committment. However, when you dont know how many of those scholarchips you will need, it just doesnt make any sense to blindly say, yea come on board.

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The University committed to this young man thru DD. the committment should be honored. If not then we know what we have to deal with the new staff and AD.

The University does not commit to anyone, I do not see Dr. Bataille out recruiting, I do not see Lee Jackson pushing an academic scholarship to these players. No Dickey committed to these players and Dickey's commitment to the school is why we are where we are currently starting from scratch trying to gain back lost support.

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Coach Dickey's exit contract states that he could not talk to any players or recurits from UNT about going another school

There are obvious ways around that stipulation and if DD recruited him DD should honor it. If Dodge had honored it or any of the other DD offers who do you take off of our recruiting board? The answer is none...Do we expect Dodge to honor all of DD's players on scholarship now? No...The smuNT era is over, keep Abilene boring!

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