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Men Win 74-70


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No! Young hit those 2 plus 2 more at the line just before that and had back to back defensive rebounds that sealed the game. Young was awesome in the last minute.

I am pretty sure he went 1/2 on the set before that. But our point is a good one. WKU tried to ice him before his last set of free throws by calling a time out. But it appeared to back fire b/c Rich returned to the line appearing MORE relaxed and confident and nailed both shots. Rich really pulled it out for us during a time that we really needed him. That was a fun game, but my heart can't take too many of those.

A personal funny moment lat night: I strained or tore a calf muscle last week. When KD made this clutch 2 point shot, I was out of my seat standing on the stairs and jumped up in celebration.... bad idea, my calf gave out and I almost fell down the stairs... I was holding my calf agonizing in pain. but quickly forgot about it and returned to cheering the Mean Green on.

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A personal funny moment lat night: I strained or tore a calf muscle last week. When KD made this clutch 2 point shot, I was out of my seat standing on the stairs and jumped up in celebration.... bad idea, my calf gave out and I almost fell down the stairs... I was holding my calf agonizing in pain. but quickly forgot about it and returned to cheering the Mean Green on.

Hope your calf muscle isn't torn, those can take years to get over. If it's a Strain, some ice, heat & rest can make that better. Hope everything works out for you, but it's great you didn't let an injury keep you down.

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When this team loses a 20 point lead and it's down to 11 it's not the time for the "OVERRATED" chant to come out again.

The overated chant was aimed at their possible NBA prospect - Courtney Lee. I think that comes with the territory of being as talented as he is. It had nothing to do with WKU. The times it was done was usually when he was shooting free throws.

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The emotional highs and lows of basketball that change in a single moment is one of the reasons I love the game, but man, I'm not sure I could have lived through giving up that huge lead. It's good to beat the class of the conference and it sounds like the crowd really came through, but geez, why in the world can JJ not coach with a lead??? From my understanding of what happened, we "slowed it down" which for JJ doesn't mean just run through the offense until you find a high percentage shot, and let WKU get back in the game. Then the players really came through and decided they were going to win the game. That, keith, is why no one has given up on the team like you have accused many of us multiple times. When you have kids out there that play their hearts out for their school and the fans and win despite poor coaching, you can't give up on the team.

Maybe this game is the turning point many of us have been looking for. If the huge lead hadn't been blown, then I might be more certain. But like I have said, if you can't play with a lead and shoot FTs, you aren't going anywhere.

Keep it up fellas, we need that first round game at home.

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The overated chant was aimed at their possible NBA prospect - Courtney Lee. I think that comes with the territory of being as talented as he is. It had nothing to do with WKU. The times it was done was usually when he was shooting free throws.

I think the Overrated chant just pissed off Lee.. the crowd shoulda stuck to "baby-arms"!

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I agree that the game was slowed up, but I'm not really sure that was JJ doing. You lose your big man down low, take away the high-low game, then the foul calls on the defensive end begin to add up (stopping the clock virtually every time down the court), and the game begins to naturally "slow up." Other than trying to press everything down the court on every change, I'm not sure what JJ should have done last night. Not to mention, their full court press slowed us up a bit.

The one area I did think was a mistake was allowing Sturns to play the point late in the game. He's a good change of pace player off the bench, but man he worries me with the ball especially late in the game. He's so full throttle all the time that he can get careless with the ball and had a potentially huge turnover late in the game on an ill-advised pass.

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The emotional highs and lows of basketball that change in a single moment is one of the reasons I love the game, but man, I'm not sure I could have lived through giving up that huge lead. It's good to beat the class of the conference and it sounds like the crowd really came through, but geez, why in the world can JJ not coach with a lead??? From my understanding of what happened, we "slowed it down" which for JJ doesn't mean just run through the offense until you find a high percentage shot, and let WKU get back in the game. Then the players really came through and decided they were going to win the game. That, keith, is why no one has given up on the team like you have accused many of us multiple times. When you have kids out there that play their hearts out for their school and the fans and win despite poor coaching, you can't give up on the team.

Maybe this game is the turning point many of us have been looking for. If the huge lead hadn't been blown, then I might be more certain. But like I have said, if you can't play with a lead and shoot FTs, you aren't going anywhere.

Keep it up fellas, we need that first round game at home.

Ebone, I agree with you that we have done a poor job of protecting the lead the past two games. We seem to go into offensive hibernation mode. It cost us the USA game, which we mostly dominated the entire game, and nearly last night's game. With the exception of free throws, for the most part JJ has done a good job of fixing or at least reducing previous problems (especially our defense, allowing a high percentage 3's, etc). I hope that the coaches will seriously review the teams' performance against WKU and USA and make the appropriate adjustments for future games. If they don't, it could come back to bite us in the arse.

On a side note, JJ seemed to manage his time outs better last night, and they seemed to be strategically called for at critical moments.. hopefully this area of the game is improving.

Edited by chrisfisher
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NT missed 12 free throws in the second half last night and several at criticial moments. It also seemed as if WKU knew we were going to struggle at the line. They also seemed confident at the line themselves. What I noticed was that WKU would spread out and clear the floor then have one player drive to the bucket and draw the foul. A couple of times this resulted in the 3 point play. On the other end we went cold from the outside and couldn't hit both FT's when we got our chance. So my question is, it was obvious they were trying to shorten our possession and slow the game down with the press and driving to draw the fouls, so why didn't we go to a zone and at least prevent them from having the easy drive and the foul stopping the clock?

Also, it's odd to me to see an NT team struggle so bad against a press? A good team like ASU will be licking their chops with us the next time we see them because we can't slice through a full press. I attended NT in the 80's and couldn't help but think how silly Deon Hunter would have made them look last night. We need another short speed baller that can hit the 3.


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NT missed 12 free throws in the second half last night and several at criticial moments. It also seemed as if WKU knew we were going to struggle at the line. They also seemed confident at the line themselves. What I noticed was that WKU would spread out and clear the floor then have one player drive to the bucket and draw the foul. A couple of times this resulted in the 3 point play. On the other end we went cold from the outside and couldn't hit both FT's when we got our chance. So my question is, it was obvious they were trying to shorten our possession and slow the game down with the press and driving to draw the fouls, so why didn't we go to a zone and at least prevent them from having the easy drive and the foul stopping the clock?

Also, it's odd to me to see an NT team struggle so bad against a press? A good team like ASU will be licking their chops with us the next time we see them because we can't slice through a full press. I attended NT in the 80's and couldn't help but think how silly Deon Hunter would have made them look last night. We need another short speed baller that can hit the 3.


These are both good points and I hope that we can rectify those problems as we enter the conference tourney.

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NT missed 12 free throws in the second half last night and several at criticial moments. It also seemed as if WKU knew we were going to struggle at the line. They also seemed confident at the line themselves. What I noticed was that WKU would spread out and clear the floor then have one player drive to the bucket and draw the foul. A couple of times this resulted in the 3 point play. On the other end we went cold from the outside and couldn't hit both FT's when we got our chance. So my question is, it was obvious they were trying to shorten our possession and slow the game down with the press and driving to draw the fouls, so why didn't we go to a zone and at least prevent them from having the easy drive and the foul stopping the clock?

Beacause JJ doesn't understand the process of coaching. It is teaching you players how to handle situations.

Also, it's odd to me to see an NT team struggle so bad against a press? A good team like ASU will be licking their chops with us the next time we see them because we can't slice through a full press. I attended NT in the 80's and couldn't help but think how silly Deon Hunter would have made them look last night. We need another short speed baller that can hit the 3.

The Best way to beat a press is with the pass. We need an intelligent ball handler, who can dribble. But he needs to be able to pass to break the press.

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I just want to say that it was not JJ fault that UNT stopped scoring late in the second half.

When the best pressing team in the belt brings it like they did it is very hard to even keep control of the ball. What JJ does need to work on is court awarness. Everytime a player dribbled the ball his head was down and when someone's man went to trap everybody just kept runnung away.

Free-throws and Press break needs some more practice.

Also that stand up chant was at the perfect time. i was ready to pass out after they got back into it only down by one.

Great win Great Atmosphere!

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NT missed 12 free throws in the second half last night and several at criticial moments. It also seemed as if WKU knew we were going to struggle at the line. They also seemed confident at the line themselves. What I noticed was that WKU would spread out and clear the floor then have one player drive to the bucket and draw the foul. A couple of times this resulted in the 3 point play. On the other end we went cold from the outside and couldn't hit both FT's when we got our chance. So my question is, it was obvious they were trying to shorten our possession and slow the game down with the press and driving to draw the fouls, so why didn't we go to a zone and at least prevent them from having the easy drive and the foul stopping the clock?

Also, it's odd to me to see an NT team struggle so bad against a press? A good team like ASU will be licking their chops with us the next time we see them because we can't slice through a full press. I attended NT in the 80's and couldn't help but think how silly Deon Hunter would have made them look last night. We need another short speed baller that can hit the 3.


I believe that in Basketball if you are within 5 points with 5 minutes left the best coached team wins. AND obviously we won. But how does any college team struggle as much as we did against the press last night. It is my opinion (and only an opinion) that the press is used to try to frustrate a team or to surprise the team and force them to waste a timeout (which we did). But we actually turned the ball over. I dont get it. Coach has to work on that TODAY. The press is what put WKU back in the game. Someone posted that the best way to beat the press is by passing the ball. TRUE, but you have to turn and get the ball up court at some point.

It was a fun game I actually took 5 adults with me. I am the only one who went to another school (out of state). But 3 of the other 4 all graduated from UNT and this was their first sporting event. What a great one to start with I think that they will be back for USA.

STUDENTS: Those who where there were awesome but we needed at least 200 more. And again why are the students sooo far away from the visiting team?


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I agree with most of the assesments. Great game but losing that lead was unacceptable. When we began milking the clock it looked as though the team were told to just hold it and jack up a shot right before the buzzer. We needed to keep hammering it inside once we were under 15 seconds and play the inside out approach.

Kudos to the Pit Crew! They were great!

The attendance numbers were good but not the right type of fans. I know we can't be too picky and are lucky to have the turnout but we need STUDENTS at the game! I love that the youth basketball teams get to come to the game but they along with most of the other non-students just aren't into the game that much. I know I am beating a dead horse here but if we could ever get 200-500 more students to come to the game and act like the pit crew, this place would be the toughest place to play in the Belt. STUDENTS make the college, athletic, atmoshere electric, not the alumni and locals.

Good win.....need to keep the momentum going.

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The attendance numbers were good but not the right type of fans. I know we can't be too picky and are lucky to have the turnout but we need STUDENTS at the game! I love that the youth basketball teams get to come to the game but they along with most of the other non-students just aren't into the game that much. I know I am beating a dead horse here but if we could ever get 200-500 more students to come to the game and act like the pit crew, this place would be the toughest place to play in the Belt. STUDENTS make the college, athletic, atmoshere electric, not the alumni and locals.


I've been saying this for several years now on this board. I just don't understand why so many students sit in their dorms or apartments or go out and about early on a saturday night and not want to go support their team first? I'm trying to remember, but was the student to non student ratio that low when we were there? It seems like that was just the place to be before going out on the town, the party before the party so to speak? Remember the crowds of kids who didn't even go down to the seats who would stand up around the walkway on the east side? You always had to walk through them to go to the concessions and we had a losing season going into conference play 2 our of those 3 successful seasons. I'm curious to know whether if the students are being targeted at all with the marketing efforts. There should have been a lot more students there last night than that. Strange!

P.S. One example of a non student: The countless parents of the little league teams/and or casual Dentonites who shows enough interest to attend these games in their Burnt Orange T shirts and sweatshirts and caps?


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I'm sure Zeke and I both resent that alumni part. :lol: We definitely do our part to help out the pit crew.

Emmitt......I hear you (no pun intended) :) . You and Zeke and several others are the exception to the rule. I still yell a lot as well but I am sure you understand my point.

When I was a student I was hoarse after every basketball and football game.

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I've been saying this for several years now on this board. I just don't understand why so many students sit in their dorms or apartments or go out and about early on a saturday night and not want to go support their team first? I'm trying to remember, but was the student to non student ratio that low when we were there? It seems like that was just the place to be before going out on the town, the party before the party so to speak? Remember the crowds of kids who didn't even go down to the seats who would stand up around the walkway on the east side? You always had to walk through them to go to the concessions and we had a losing season going into conference play 2 our of those 3 successful seasons. I'm curious to know whether if the students are being targeted at all with the marketing efforts. There should have been a lot more students there last night than that. Strange!

P.S. One example of a non student: The countless parents of the little league teams/and or casual Dentonites who shows enough interest to attend these games in their Burnt Orange T shirts and sweatshirts and caps?



It is quite perplexing. Yes there were more students at the games in the late 80's and early 90's but we still had some of the same problems.

Where are all the students that attend the football games? Are they really football only fans? I understand this is Texas but watching hoops at the Super Pit should be THE place to be from November through February as a student.

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Emmitt......I hear you (no pun intended) :) . You and Zeke and several others are the exception to the rule. I still yell a lot as well but I am sure you understand my point.

When I was a student I was hoarse after every basketball and football game.

I think I am getting too old for the amount of energy I put into a game. I pretty much had to lay motionless in the car on the way home. It takes me a bit to recuperate. :o

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I think I am getting too old for the amount of energy I put into a game. I pretty much had to lay motionless in the car on the way home. It takes me a bit to recuperate. :o

Being a crazy fan is for the YOUNG! That's why we need more students at the games.

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I want to point out the big time performance by Ben Bell this game. He seems to be on the hot seat lately. Here is his stats from this game:

2 point: 4-5 (80%) 3 Point: 1-1 (100%) Free Throws: 0-0 Total Points: 9 Rebounds: 4 Steals: 2 Turn Overs: 0

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The overrated chant was aimed at their possible NBA prospect - Courtney Lee. I think that comes with the territory of being as talented as he is. It had nothing to do with WKU. The times it was done was usually when he was shooting free throws.

too bad nobody in the rest of the super pit knew that. sounded bush-league. I can almost guarantee you the coach used that as a motivating tool. And no, it wasn't just done while he was shooting free throws.

Let me also say, its great to have the pit crew at the games. it really helps with the atmosphere of the game and i hope we can continue to expand it.

The napoleon with a whistle (ref) needs to cool it. he completely changed the tempo/momentum of the second half blowing this whistle every 14 seconds. It became difficult to get into the game.

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too bad nobody in the rest of the super pit knew that. sounded bush-league. I can almost guarantee you the coach used that as a motivating tool. And no, it wasn't just done while he was shooting free throws.

Let me also say, its great to have the pit crew at the games. it really helps with the atmosphere of the game and i hope we can continue to expand it.

The napoleon with a whistle (ref) needs to cool it. he completely changed the tempo/momentum of the second half blowing this whistle every 14 seconds. It became difficult to get into the game.

Somehow the WKU fans were able to crack that code.

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too bad nobody in the rest of the super pit knew that. sounded bush-league. I can almost guarantee you the coach used that as a motivating tool.

Has anyone considered that the over rated chant facilitated Courtney Lee to foul out from him trying to hard and to "shut us up?" I bet the coach did use it as a motivation tool; unfortuantely for them, it didn't work. They lost the game.

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