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Happy Holidays


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You gotta admit some of what is considered PC these days is completely absurd. PC has gone too far.

Only in America would we allow one person who worships Habib--baballoo-a-rashna :blink: keep 250 million American Christians from being able to put Christ in

_ _ _ _ _ _M A S ! .................Nevertheless.............................


PLUS............I have for a very, very long time had a BOOK (like many of you also have had in your own possessions) that tells me exactly how all this Middle East business is going to end! :blink: In fact, it has been right on target as to what has happened there in the past and what is happening there now.:) But I can't say the name of that book because it offends so many folks in our own country. Also, the moral lifestyle this BOOK promotes is offensive to many, especially out there in Hollywood who would all have us live their kind of lifestyles their movies promote too many times.

Sorry, Harry....I'll get back on topic now of which I defer to in my signature statement below: :D

Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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Geez people. :blink:

Christmas isn't even really a religious holiday. It's about as secular as they come these days, and has been for a looong time.

So Merry Christmas everyone!

Come on now Courtland, it was hardly secular yesterday for those millions of us who celebrated the "Reason for the Season" in thousands of churches across the USA yesterday in all those churches of their choice yesterday. :)

Hmmm? Churches of their choice was one of the parts of the Constitution I think our founding fathers really had in mind with the part concerning Freedom of Religion, but in my heart of hearts, I don't think they had the Koran in mind for future U.S. citizens to use as their book to swear into public office with, either. :)

:ph34r: Yes, I know, the American Civil Liberties Union :ph34r: would be busting a brain vein reading this kind of stuff, but its probably going to have to take a mushroom cloud from a dirty (nuclear) bomb hanging over each of their own respective U.S home cities before they understand the full seriousness of this as to what we're talking about here?

FWIW, I also think even Nancy Pelosi (sp?) would probably need such a cloud over her own city, too, before she gets her own big clue about all this, too. Those who call us infidels mean business, folks, and this is nothing new to you who call yourselves college educated and topical as to whats going on around us. Only those who would have been living in a cave the last several decades would not understand the seriousness of of the intentions of some of the different sects from the Middle East, and surely it won't take some in the USA losing any of their own children at the hands of those who want all of us dead for all this to become real?

PEACE ON EARTH! GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN! (is not what those saber-waving camel jockeys have in mind with anything or anybody associated with the USA). But he who lives by the sword dies by the sword, too, right?

Sorry, but all of this is just a subject none of us can avoid unless we want another 9-11 on our front doorsteps once again (and we all know how that affected each and everyone of us). We should never forget the feelings that day's events gave each of us as long as we live, either.:( Just my .02


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Plum hate to tell you but a high percentage of folks who celebrate Christmas, including yours truly aren't Christian or RELIGIOUS OF ANY SORT. That doesn't mean it's not a special holiday to us.

Actually many of the main Christmas traditions were taken from pagan religions if you would really like to know(the Winter Solstice celebrations were gift giving times, celebrated by having trees in homes, etc). Many new Christians kept many of these old traditions when they converted.

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Several years ago a mathimatician calculated the probability of just HALF of all the prophicies in the Old Testiment coming true.

That number was One to the Eighty Seventh power. Let me explain how big that number is:

One to the "third" power is....... 1,000.

One the the "twelth" power is....1.000,000,000,000.

This does not take into account the other half of the prophicies in the Old Testiment and the prophicies in the New Testiment.

So far "ALL" of the prophicies in the Old and New Testiment have come true.

For those who want to throw in Nostidamis (sp) he has Zero % accuracy. Granted, he has come close a few times like others like him.

CMJ, what PMG, FFR and others like us wish for you is a "Road to Damascus" experience.

Merry Christmas.

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When did I ask to be drawn into a religious discussion or debate? I could shoot down many of your ideas(in my eyes), and you could subsequently shoot down many of mine(in yours). Having some theological pissing match wasn't my intention at all. Go back and read what I said.

Saying many of our country's citizens are not religious and that Christmas is in many ways a secular holiday in our country and many others(for crying out loud, I know some JEWISH folks out here that celebrate it) is by no means attacking Christianity.

Edited by CMJ
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