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To Non-BCS Visitors: Get Over It! Your School Is


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Thank you fellow NT Ex of ours George Dunham for telling your fellow KTCK 1310 Ticket'sters just minutes ago to "get off the Todd Dodge will get a few wins and boogy out of Denton and off into the wild blue yonder." Who can predict the future, TD may or he may not, but he will leave something behind very nice would be my guess when he does leave UNT whether thats 4, 6, 8 or 12 years from now. Yet its as George "Jub-Jub" Dunham said on The Ticket minutes ago when he said the Todd Dodge family sure does enjoy living in this part of Texas.

So...............to the rest of you non-BCS'ers who would persevere all this "Todd Dodge here today/Todd Dodge gone tomorrow" tommyrot as much as anyone please do hear me out; hellsbells (forget just me) here the entire gol' darned Mean Green Nation out on this:

Your school's head football coach if offered a job where he has an opportunity to win a national championship will boogy out of your alma mater's outpost and football program just as quickly as anyone elses. ohmy.gif That's just the way the cow eats the cabbage among those in the non-BCS, so quit thinking UNT is the "only" school this could ever happen to; although, many of our elect believe the completion of a NCAA D1-A college football stadium at the best location in the entire Lone Star State (outside Austin) and all this at our Mean Green Village will further reduce the chances for such things to happen in Denton, Texas, America. rolleyes.gif

So once again, fellow non-BCS'ers who have been visiting and posting on GoMeanGreen.com in record numbers the last 24-48 hours and those of you who may even be reading this post, FWIW, this is mean't for you:

We know we have one helluva' damn good hire with Todd Dodge as HFC at the University of North Texas, so get over it, get a grip on yourselves and lets us enjoy all this without all the jealous little snippets coming from a hardy handful of you. Wouldn't you want that from us if you had just hired the best HS football coach in your own state that even Bill Parcell's version of America's Team wanted to hire? rolleyes.gif

Thanks in advance.... smile.gif

Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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I agree with my friend PlummMeanGreen and might I add this:

It's not just non-BCS schools which can be stepping stones. Think about these schools:

Alabama: lost Franchione to A & M

LSU: lost Nick Saban to the Dolphins

Florida: lost Spurrier to the Redskins

There are rumors that Pete Carroll, may leave USC to take the Arizona Cardinals' job (and be reunited with Matty Leinhart).

So, we all are in the same boat. If a better offer comes along, any college can lose a coach.

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I agree with my friend PlummMeanGreen and might I add this:

It's not just non-BCS schools which can be stepping stones. Think about these schools:

Alabama: lost Franchione to A & M

LSU: lost Nick Saban to the Dolphins

Florida: lost Spurrier to the Redskins

There are rumors that Pete Carroll, may leave USC to take the Arizona Cardinals' job (and be reunited with Matty Leinhart).

So, we all are in the same boat. If a better offer comes along, any college can lose a coach.

So true, and I might add that to me, this is the overall plan. To gain a coach that takes us to the next level to the point in which he's a wanted commodity. SilverEagle was the first that I recall that brought up the fact back in '04 that something was wrong when no big program came calling to Denton? That was a sure sign things were wrong here.

My additions to SUMG's list:

Boise State lost Houston Nutt to Arkansas in '97. In '2000 they then lost Dirk Koetter to Oklahoma State, who then lost him 24 hours later(you read that right) to Arizona State. Then in '2005 Boise State lost Dan Hawkins to Colorado.


Marshall lost Jim Donnan to Georgia in 1995.

And from the "REAL PRESSURE TO WIN" category, Georgia fired Donnan after two back to back 8 win seasons in 2000 in which he compiled a 40-19 record.

Now where's the "toughest place to coach at, you know, you work there every day"?


Edited by FirefightnRick
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I'm ashamed to admit that I read every gol' darn line of PGM's posts.  biggrin.gif

Come now, please don't be ashamed. smile.gif

I think my own being "ashamed days" are now over because having to feel ashamed can be a real, uh, shame? blink.giftongue.gif

FWIW, BS, whoops, I need to go ahead and spell out your moniker, Black Scholes (sorry 'bout that) rolleyes.gif; anyway, I have been attending "Posting Big Colored Letters On Message Boards Anonymous" and am taking an active part in their 13 step program. Wish me well, because if this doesn't work (see there, I still have my moments of weakness), anyway, if the 13 step program doesn't seem to be working for me, well...............its off to the Betty Dodge Center for ol' PMG! (To quote Lousiana'a favorite daughter and songstress: "Whoops! I did it again)!" rolleyes.gif

Now excuse me while I finish watching Mexia's favorite daughter in the movie Skyscraper (one of the worst I've ever seen, but exceptions can be made as far as watching this "boob" of a movie). rolleyes.gif Oh heck! Now I am really ashamed! huh.gif

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