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ALERT! Athlon Sideline Spirit Contest


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At this time yesterday, the lead was about 25,000. This morning the lead is 18,189.

This thing may swing on either UNT's Greeks getting involved, or the UT Greeks being unable to sustain their pace.

If any UNT Greeks are listening, we don't need 150 people voting at once. All that is needed is three computers with high-speed connections, with voters rotating on the computers. Three computers going all the time would easily match or exceed the Vols' pace of sixty votes every five minutes.

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Momentum shift!

At 8:15 this morning, the lead had shrunk to just over 18,000.

But five hours later, the lead has grown to over 19,000. Five minutes of voting showed Ms. Manners receiving 43 votes and Caris pulling in...89!

Well done, Green! Keep up the pressure!


Edited by Smitty
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It appears to me that Tenn. just pretty much stopped.  The votes coming from them are at a snails crawl compared to what they were doing before.

Put the lead to 40K.

No, what UTK does is they wait until most everybody's asleep past 1:00 in the morning and that's when they mount their votes. I must've put in 300 votes for your girl this morning along with a few of your others here that were online at the same time. It was pissing me off because my computer froze like three or four times.

Anyways, I'm glad the Sun Belt Conference is well represented in this contest. I do feel bad for the girl from Florida International. I wished this contest could've come down to your girl and theirs, but then it'd be really hard to choose who to vote for if were an outsider who's just supporting the league.

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The lead just climbed back over 22,000! The Vols spent two days chopping 10,000 votes off the lead, and we've retaken 4,000 of those votes.

But on the Vol Nation website, the Vols are talking about about making another run at us this weekend. They're not finished, yet.

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Where is the link to that?

Here's a link to the thread about the Athlon contest on VolNation.com:

VolNation: Vote for U.T. Cheerleader

Some posts suggest they're losing hope, some are still defiant. This weekend may tell what they have left. I give them credit for cutting into the lead the way they did after that gut-punch of having so many votes wiped away. Caris's lead is back up to 24,000 now, so that's a huge mountain to climb.

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The Vols are pissed and down. However, like the class that they are, Smitty and Stebo have tried to post over there to explain to them throughout that entire process of Athlon taken away everyone's multi-hit votes that no one here has attempted to discredit them in anyway and reminded that non of it was their fault but Athlon's fault. Regardless of the good nature by the MGN posters over there we still get these replies:

...North Texas definitely needs something to cheer about. Their football team isn't doing anything to earn cheers......

......This is getting old now. Everyone should just let North Texas win it. What's the point of voting all of those times? Even if you did catch back up, North Texas would just pick up the phone, call Athlon and cry until some more votes were taken away. Seems like a lost cause. If they're willing to go to that extent for a silly cheerleading contest, they're obviously desperate and probably need it more. Let the poor people have it.

Vote all night long Mean Green!


Edited by FirefightnRick
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Here's a link to the thread about the Athlon contest on VolNation.com:

VolNation: Vote for U.T. Cheerleader

Some posts suggest they're losing hope, some are still defiant. This weekend may tell what they have left. I give them credit for cutting into the lead the way they did after that gut-punch of having so many votes wiped away. Caris's lead is back up to 24,000 now, so that's a huge mountain to climb.

That is very interesting reading right there. By the way, I was unaware that Western Kentucky defeated Tennessee in the Capital One Mascot challenge to make it to the Finals!

Who says the Sun Belt can't compete? Usually, those bigger schools are at each others throats, but we non-Power $ix schools have to stick together.

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UTK fans need to vote in the same manner that most of us do. We type in the code, press vote, let the screen reload, click on Caris' name, wait for the screen to load with a new code, and then repeat the process. That's about the only fair way I know to do it.

By the way, those codes you type in to vote ARE NOT CASE SENSITIVE! That means all those capital letters can be typed out as lower case letters and it's read the same. It beats holding the shift key or worrying about whether or not the Caps Lock is on. That's a waste of valuable seconds.

Edited by BlueRaiderPride
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Let's try and push it back up above 25k before midnight.


Made it! 25,000 at 11:51.

I'm stunned. I don't know if they've quit or what, but the Vols have posted a very few votes in the last fifteen minutes. It's time to finish them, to spend the weekend building an insurmountable lead and win this thing for Caris and the Mean Green Nation. Keep pushing, folks.

I understand your frustration, Vols. I really do. And, no, we don't win as much as you do. We don't have the national titles or the big-time bowl games or the national reputation.

But we're winning this fair and square, and you're going to have to fight like hell to beat us.

Edited by Smitty
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