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Bottom line, let's not burn any bridges with him.

Now, let's go find an new coach.

Agreed. Let's not get caught up in a "pi__in match" with MM. We get a new coach that starts to win and it is amazing how old wounds heal. Everybody happy then (including Momma)! You know what they say about Momma being happy (or unhappy)?!

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Agreed.  Let's not get caught up in a "pi__in match" with MM.  We get a new coach that starts to win and it is amazing how old wounds heal.  Everybody happy then (including Momma)!  You know what they say about Momma being happy (or unhappy)?!

What if Momma's pregnant?



I honestly feel that had coach Dickey understood this himself he would  still be our coach.  Which leads to the discussion of not understanding.  It's my belief that a few people here truly don't understand how very disgruntled DD has been since '98 and especially '01.  I could write a small novel with example after example of it.  DD has left the university with no other choice.  The decision was the right one to make despite the one-sided picture the DFW media has chosen to paint.  If MM want's the practice field named after him, so be it.  That is a win-win situation for all involved. 

One question remains:  Who's the next coach and how long till we get back to New Orleans in December?



Your pretty knowledgable about things were not familiar with but can you explain without disclosing any personal information how is it that DD has been so disgrunted since 1998. He had three season over 500.

Guest Aquila_Viridis

I didn't choose the right words for the question. Who would I want to give money to in support of the football program?

You can go to www.unt.edu/development. There is a 'give now' link to a form, and one area of it allows you to designate for athletics, etc. There is also a comment area and they do read it. Otherwise there will be contact information at the development office site. If nothing else you can call the development office (800-868-1153) and they will be glad to direct you.

If you want to give through MGC then you can call Mandy at 940-369-7034.


Really?  ohmy.gif  The dollar is no longer legal tender?  Good thing I keep my mass fortune in krugerrands.

Now, I have to get something off my chest.  I can't help but think a big part of the Anti Matress Mac feeling is due to envy.

Many people don't like the fact he can use money to buy influence.  Well, this is the real word, money does buy influence.  Is it fair or morally right?  Who can say, but that is how the real world works.

Want as much influence? Go make so much money that you can give a million dollars.  As far as I know, he didn't inherit that money, he earned it.  It looks like he got a little big head because of it, but thats also the way the world tends to work.

At the end of the day, if we are lucky, those fields will be named after Dickey, and RV will be talking MM into opening up that checkbook again.

Im not envious of the money, Im pissed about his "Im taking my toys and going home" attitude because his DSB Dickey got fired. I personally don't care if we name the practice fields after DD. What more is a practice field than a place where you find out what DOESN'T work. Fits DD to a D. If Mattress Mary is going to keep giving us donations for renaming the practice fields, make him sign a contract, then rename them. If not, Ef him and renaming the practice fields.


I thought just somehow mentioning Andrew Smith's death in the letter was a bit out of line/desperate ????

Agree / Disagree ?

Everytime I re-read through that letter, I laugh more and realize just how many straws he is trying to grab out. It is almost as if he heard about the firing, then sat down and wrote it out, and without re-reading it, sent it to the DRC. What a waste. I bet if he went back and re-read it, he would be embarrassed.

I wonder what the record is for the most posts on one topic. This thing has over 100....is this one thread, or two combined?


I wonder what the record is for the most posts on one topic.  This thing has over 100....is this one thread, or two combined?

laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif I was going to ask the same question , but wanted to save it for later to add another reply to this never ending story. laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


you guys have bitched moaned and growned over the last "ump-teen" years about the lack of financial support from boosters.

now when a booster, and in this case it is MM, donates $1,000,000 and wants to name the PF after DD it raises such a "hell storm" of dissent amongst all of you it is like you want to keep UNT in the DARK AGES of fundraising.

1. to me it is like some of you have characterized donors in the same breath as what some of you characterized DD on the "whoa is me" pendalum.

2. i am personally elated that an alum who has made himself financially sucessful wants to donate to UNT. Everyone on this board ought to feel the same elation that MM's donation may snowball into greater efforts by other alums and/or other "big money" donors.

3. MM was not blessed with money when he first started out in the furniture business in Houston. This guy originally sold funiture out of a tent along the freeway and his business grew to what it is today. How many of you would have the "guts" to do the same thing??? Ya'll are a bunch of whinners and have no idea what the "big picture" really is for this university.

4. am i glad to see a change at the HC position......??? yes. But this does not mean that i want to see just about everone trash MM and his "SUPPORT" for UNT athletics.

5. like i said before.....everone match what MM did for UNT if you support UNT, and you will see a much better program.

6. if you want to continue to bitch like a bunch of little old ladies at a tea party then ya'll ought to get together and continue this "pitty party."

Posted (edited)

you guys have bitched moaned and growned over the last "ump-teen" years about the lack of financial support from boosters.

now when a booster, and in this case it is MM, donates $1,000,000 and wants to name the PF after DD it raises such a "hell storm" of dissent amongst all of you it is like you want to keep UNT in the DARK AGES of fundraising.

way to miss the point. i haven't heard anyone bitch about his request for a name change. i have heard people bitch because MM is basically a whiny punk threatening to withdraw support because his friend, who had a sub-.500 record at UNT, was fired, and then tried to act like his interests were really in the success of the program itself. yeah, i'm glad for his money, but he can keep his bs between his ears.

MM was not blessed with money when he first started out in the furniture business in Houston.  This guy originally sold funiture out of a tent along the freeway and his business grew to what it is today.  How many of you would have the "guts" to do the same thing???  Ya'll are a bunch of whinners and have no idea what the "big picture" really is for this university.

you make an awful lot of assumptions about the people on this board. you know what they say about that. the "big picture" is exactly what the university is about and MM is not. for the BIG picture, getting rid of Dickey and potentially losing the most-talked-about $1 million in any school's history is in the best interests of the programs long-term. if we kept Dickey and his losing ways, it's that many more years of hardship for not making a committment to winning. we've probably, over the course of his tenure here, easily lost a million potential dollars in donors. the reason people are complaining is NOT that MM donated money and makes a perfectly reasonable request to have the practice field named after a losing coach. they're complaining because MM acts like a spoiled brat and talks out of both sides of his mouth.

like i said before.....everone match what MM did for UNT if you support UNT, and you will see a much better program.

And like I said before, I've given a much higher percentage of my net worth to UNT than MM will ever dream of. Maybe I should threaten to withdraw support if they don't hire my buddies. But then I'd look like an ass.

Edited by Monkeypox

I thought just somehow mentioning Andrew Smith's death in the letter was a bit out of line/desperate ????

Agree / Disagree ?

Desperate. Andrew Smith would have played his senior season last year with Patrick Cobbs. That would have had no effect on this season. He cannot use this as an "out". He had an extra season to groom his golden boy Meager and they still couldn't get the offense going. He cannot use Andrew not being here as the reason he lost his job.


monkeypox.......lol.......listen to yourself.

you prove my point.....

1. in your first response to me you contradict yourself, in the same sentence by stating that you do not trash talk then turn right around in the same breath and belate MM.

2. you do the same in your second sentence. boy oh boy.

3. i am glad that you and the rest of us financially support unt financially.

4. i am really frustrated at the group of you telling MM to shove his donation and call him various vile names that are NOT represenative of the majority.

5. ok.....it is time for ya'll to get out your old lady tea cups and get back to your self adalation and how great everyone is for donating 1% of your income and now you can get back to your pity party.

6. like bufford jullup said in the BB post.....if you really want to get some real benefit out of this press, "control....alt.....delete."

Posted (edited)

you guys have bitched moaned and growned over the last "ump-teen" years about the lack of financial support from boosters.

now when a booster, and in this case it is MM, donates $1,000,000 and wants to name the PF after DD it raises such a "hell storm" of dissent amongst all of you it is like you want to keep UNT in the DARK AGES of fundraising.

1.  to me it is like some of you have characterized donors in the same breath as what some of you characterized DD on the "whoa is me" pendalum. 

2.  i am personally elated that an alum who has made himself financially sucessful wants to donate to UNT.  Everyone on this board ought to feel the same elation that MM's donation may snowball into greater efforts by other alums and/or other "big money" donors.

3.  MM was not blessed with money when he first started out in the furniture business in Houston.  This guy originally sold funiture out of a tent along the freeway and his business grew to what it is today.  How many of you would have the "guts" to do the same thing???  Ya'll are a bunch of whinners and have no idea what the "big picture" really is for this university.

4.  am i glad to see a change at the HC position......??? yes.  But this does not mean that i want to see just about everone trash MM and his "SUPPORT"  for UNT athletics.

5.  like i said before.....everone match what MM did for UNT if you support UNT, and you will see a much better program. 

6.   if you want to continue to bitch like a bunch of little old ladies at a tea party then ya'll ought to get together and continue this "pitty party."

ee, I think we all admire Jim McIngvale's rags to riches Horatio Algier-type story with his Houston furniture successes.

Yet...this is all about Mattress Mac (and I'll bring in a word I use many, many months ago while many on this board were praising DD's disguised successes over a bunch of SBC schools few of whom were ever over .500 during most of the SBC's illustrious football history--all 6 years of it: anyway, when MM stated many, many months ago while making hints about his "ONLY" supporting UNT as long as DD was our head football coach and a word I suggested quite awhile back might becomg a reality for our school before it would become the "theme word" for recent happenings concerning MM and that word was: HOSTAGE wink.gif

I don't know the reason DD has been allowed to coach his last 3 games because once you are no longer a part of a football program's future, then don't you sorta' need to very quickly become part of its past? sad.gifSo go ahead and name the field after DD even if he had a 42W**64(?) L career at UNT; because thats about par for the course for our school of the last 25 years as it is anyway. We are becoming even more the laughing-stock when it comes to athletics with all this with DD and MM being the icing on the cake ph34r.gif

I'm sorry, but beating the dregs of NCAA 1-A with that exciting kind of football some named "Dickey Ball" about the time of that infamous TCU vs NT "Throw The Ball" football game at Amon Carter Stadium still kept 15,000 empty seats at Fouts most every Game Day in Denton and that even during 4 bowl years. HOUSTON! WE HAVE A PROBLEM?

There were positives with the national televised games, but don't we all know by now how any SBC football champion has yet to impress any viable sports media outlet outside all the SBC media outlets?

ESPN play by play and color commentators had to make the SBC football champion look like the next Notre Dame to draw some semblance of ratings (which as the 1'st bowl game played in the bowl season seemed to do and that the reason more than who was actually playing in that first bowl game of the year--come on, folks, take off the green-tinted glasses at some point and face some stark reality as to why in 9 years of DD Ball we are still sucking wind toward the bottom of NCAA D1-A.

Why don't a hardy handful of you want to join the "we want to steer this thing toward Top 25" rather than your continuous supporting of what DD Ball hath wrought to us all and all that toward the bottom of NCAA D1-A? My TCU friend may have been correct with his assessment with some posters on this board (of which he has been reading during all this controversy) when he told me: "You have some posters who don't know their shit from their oatmeal when it comes to knowing what it takes to head toward the NCAA's elite and the kind of personnel who can steer UNT toward to that upper echelon (like his Horned Frogs have tasted in recent years).

BUT THE VERY THING THAT MAKES ME THINK MATTRESS MAC MAY BE A BIT TOUCHED (as we say out here in the country for people who might be a just a tad mentally impaired) IS FOR THIS REASON:

Why would Jim McIngvale having played for a coach at UNT who is in the College Football Hall of Fame choose not to give his million($) in the name of that infamous Mean Green legacy of a coach he played for while some of his teammates (albeit not being in a wussy of a football conference that had a bowl tie-in back then) made some hay by beating teams Darrell Dickey could only dream of staying on the field with and would tell his shrinking post-game radio audience that were such games UNT had to play to pay some bills?

Rick V: Take Your Time But Hurry & Get Our Man Who Will Take Us Forward & Upward (and make us forget the subterranean aspects of NCAA D1-A football forever)! rolleyes.gif

And to all:

Have A Nice Day! smile.gif

Edited by PlummMeanGreen

I honestly feel that had coach Dickey understood this himself he would  still be our coach.  Which leads to the discussion of not understanding.  It's my belief that a few people here truly don't understand how very disgruntled DD has been since '98 and especially '01.

To me, Dickey's bad attitude was one of the two factors supporting his firing. His poor-me act wasn't motivational to the outside community and was at times openly hostile to it. I also question how far he really got by telling the players "no one respects you" season after season.

The other factor was our inability to be competitive against mid-major (and worse) OOC foes. We're going to lose some of those games, but UNT was often run off the field in them. We have to expect better.

As for Mattress Mac, his passion for the program should be respected, however misguided we think he is about Dickey. I hope he comes around to the notion that UNT needed to make a change, though I'm guessing this is the last we'll hear of him. The university should honor his requested name change.


To me, Dickey's bad attitude was one of the two factors supporting his firing. His poor-me act wasn't motivational to the outside community and was at times openly hostile to it. I also question how far he really got by telling the players "no one respects you" season after season.

The other factor was our inability to be competitive against mid-major (and worse) OOC foes. We're going to lose some of those games, but UNT was often run off the field in them. We have to expect better.

As for Mattress Mac, his passion for the program should be respected, however misguided we think he is about Dickey. I hope he comes around to the notion that UNT needed to make a change, though I'm guessing this is the last we'll hear of him. The university should honor his requested name change.

Mattress Mac's passion was for Dickey not the program.


Mattress Mac's passion was for Dickey not the program.

You hit the nail on the head. I spoke with a friend this morning, who is somewhat close to the Dickey family, and they both said this morning that MM and the Dickey family, specifically Darrell's dad, are good family friends and have been for years. That being said, this couple this morning basically said they will not support the athletic department anymore because they think the firing is unjustified and was done the wrong way. Obviously, that discussion is a different one, but what I have noticed is that if you were friends with DD, then you want him to stay no matter what.

Guest JohnDenver

MM's adorning Dickey with planning Andrew Smiths funeral (WITH Drew's family) was a bit out of line.. I bet Dickey didn't make casket choices. I bet he didn't call the family and friends to let them know (so the family wouldn't have to do it). I bet he didn't arrange the church, the sermon, the preacher.. Did he host all the family at his house?

He did what he was supposed to do. His friend arranged for the travel of the whole team. He held his team together and they went to the NO Bowl.

He didn't plan the funeral. That seemed out of line. Given credit for the wrong thing..

A funeral is a lot more than just getting 85 young men to the church in time.

Posted (edited)

monkeypox.......lol.......listen to yourself.

you prove my point.....

1.  in your first response to me you contradict yourself, in the same sentence by stating that you do not trash talk then turn right around in the same breath and belate MM.

2.  you do the same in your second sentence.  boy oh boy.

3.  i am glad that you and the rest of us financially support unt financially.

4.  i am really frustrated at the group of you telling MM to shove his donation and call him various vile names that are NOT represenative of the majority.

5.  ok.....it is time for ya'll to get out your old lady tea cups and get back to your self adalation and how great everyone is for donating 1% of your income and now you can get back to your pity party.

6.  like bufford jullup said in the BB post.....if you really want to get some real benefit out of this press, "control....alt.....delete."

again, you have a problem with reading comprehension. i said we're not trash talking him for giving us money or wanting to name the practice field (to which you had falsely attributed our ire)after a losing head coach. we're trashing him because he's a whiny jerk who supports his buddy more than the football program. reading comprehension.

Edited by Monkeypox

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