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Any chance MM "bribed" the DRC to print this ????

There may be a real scandal here. Also in the paper I saw a something with hamburger on it telling me that they "are loving it". I haven't seen much postitive publicity about this company before. I don't want to point fingers, but is it possible that Ronald McDonald has bribed the DRC?


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What a pile of BS!    So DD was a great guy,  a wonderful human being etc etc.  I've always liked the guy one on one, but a time was needed for a change.  But what has that got to do with anything?    This is business and the only thing that matters is results.  You would think that MacIngval would understand business is business. 

Nobody was asking DD to win national championships,  just field a competitive team!.    Dickey has had 9 seasons.  He only had winning seasons in 3 of those.

I wonder if Jim MacIngval would keep a furniture salesman on the payroll if he missed his quota 6 out of the past 9 years?  But what if he was a great guy?  What if he didnt have the resources as some other salesmen?  What if he said, "I have the toughest situation in America at Gallery Furniture.  I know,  I work there."      ...  Sorry Jim,  Business is bussiness.  If Dickey had the same kind of record selling furniture over the past 9 years as he did coaching football..you'd have canned his ass years ago.

Damn! blink.gif


There may be a real scandal here.  Also in the paper I saw a something with hamburger on it telling me that they "are loving it".  I haven't seen much postitive publicity about this company before.  I don't want to point fingers, but is it possible that Ronald McDonald has bribed the DRC?


Ronald McDonald is really Michael Jackson ph34r.gif


Mean Green?

To: Gretchen M Bataille, President, University of North Texas

      John Robert "Bobby" Ray, Chairman of the Board of Regents, UNT

      Lee Jackson, UNT System

      Rick Villarreal, Athletic Director, UNT

  This letter is to inform you of my grave disappointment in your decision to fire Coach Dickey at a time when the team needs him most.  Coach Dickey was the man who brought UNT to the New Orleans Bowl for 4 consecutive years, a feat which is nearly unparalleled in college football.  The concept that a coach takes his team to four consecutive bowl games and is fired two years later after the tragic loss of our beloved quarterback, Andrew Smith, which simply crippled the team, is beyond comprehension.  Matt Simon, the head coach before Coach Dickey, did not have nearly the accomplishments that Coach Dickey has carried out, and future coaches will be hard pressed to equal Coach Dickey's accomplishments.

See Frank Solich; fired in 2003 after a 5-6 Season. That year was the first time in many, many years the Huskers had a losing season. The Board of Regents said Nebraska should be competing for National Titles every single year. While Nebraska isn't North Texas, coaches have been fired with much more success then Dickey after just one losing season, where Dickey had 2 recently with a grand total of 6 career wise.

Coach Dickey's leadership during this horrendous time period, that is, after losing Andrew Smith, was absolutely superb.  He arranged Andrew's funeral in coordination with the Smith family and made sure to get all of Andrew's teammates to the funeral - not because it would increase his public image or stature, which motivates some in the athletic department, but instead because he cared about Andrew, Andrew's family, and his players and because he knew it was the right thing to do.  The impact of the loss of Mr. Smith to the team is beyond measurement.  The fact that coach Dickey could pull the team back together at all after such a loss should be applauded, not ignored.

Coach Dickey has been a tireless supporter of the Univeristy of North Texas, not only of his players and staff members, but of the athletic department in general, and also the citizens of Denton.  Coach Dickey worked endlessly to show his love for the community of Denton, to raise awareness and support for the football team and to bring much needed economic assistance to the football team, which the athletic department has failed to do.  My son, James McIngvale, a UNT student, has also seen Coach Dickey at every UNT event he's attended, championing the colors of Green and White!

Too many quotes slamming fans, the university, his "situation" as head coach to mention. To claim he was a "tireless supporter" seems a little much.

Additionally, the decision to inform Coach Dickey of the school's decision only weeks after his untimely heart attack, which was unquestionably influenced by the immense stress he was under to bring the team to a winning season, is beyond callous and beyond heartless.  UNT will not find a better coach for the price they were paying, period.

In this regard, it's important to note that Coach Dickey had every intention of staying at UNT for the entire length of his professional career.  The same cannot be said of other athletic department members, who openly court other schools so they can move up to a "better job" away from UNT!  The problem with UNT football is systemic and the football program is forced to play teams such as UT/OU/A&M for big pay days and expected to compete with these college football juggernauts.  The football budgets at UT/OU/A&M are virtually unlimited...wheras at UNT the head coach makes considerably less than many UT/OU/A&M assistant coaches.  Many assistant coaches at UNT left during Coach Dickey's term no because they wanted to, but because other universities recognized their talent and offered them a pay raise of $20,000 which UNT could not/would not match.  The administration and athletic director at UNT are asking the football coaches to stop a frenzied, charging full speed bull elephant with a BB gun - try as you may - it can't be done.

We looked pitiful this year against teams like Tulsa and Akron, teams we should be on the same level as. Instead, we looked like we liked we didn't belong. These teams are far from "paydays" and more like a barometer to see where North Texas is as a program. This year's schedule is many a fans' dream of a schedule, loaded with teams fans' want to see us play every year (and beat). Dickey claimed this year's schedule was "brutal", perhaps to try to legitimize the losses we experienced this season.
Finally, I believe you're aware that I had given a million dollars to North Texas which I was proud to do.  Let me inform you now that the only reason I did this was because I believed in Coach Dickey and knew how far he could take the program.  I am hereby requesting that you change the sign you recently dedicated to me from the James F. McIngvale Football Practice Facility to the Darrell Dickey Football Practice Facility.  If you neglect to honor my request, I am hereby requesting that you re-route the $1,000,000 I gave the athletic program to the One O'Clock Lab Band.  I doubt the director there will be fired if he/she has a bad semester.  I was taught at UNT many years ago that Dr. Deming said, "Blame the System, not the People."  Perhaps the President, Board of Regent members, and Athletic Director who fired Coach Dickey should read Dr. Deming's epic work, Out of the Crisis.
Fine with me, it's your money, but this is where the blackmail ends. Try not to pay his way into the North Texas HOF, please? The 4 conference championship trophies and 2002 New Orleans Bowl trophy will work just fine.
I teach my children that you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear - Darrell often did - four bowl games on a pauper's, not a prince's budget.  He should be recognized as such and should have been given a fair chance to turn around the team he loves so much.


Jim McIngvale

P.S.  Albert Einstein's definition of Insanity:  Keep on doing what you've always done and expect different results.  If the football budge isn't raised considerably - the results will never get better.

Your Einstein quote was often used in comparison to the offense.

For Dickey, wherever he might land, and for our new head coach, I'd like to recommend The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels by Michael Watkins.



Please read the above statement slowly.

So are political ads, which is basically what this amounts to.


Well he's doing an even better job now as he lost us our biggest donor ever at NT.

I hate to burst your bubble, but Mr. McIngvale is not the biggest donor ever at NT nor is he the biggest donor to the athletic department.

Coach Dickey was here for 9 years and McIngvale made a $1,000,000 donation. This donation was very generous and we thank him very much. However, over the 9 years of Coach Dickey's tenure that is only $111,111 per year. With the benefit of a new Coach and exciting game plan then the Mean Green Club would just need to increase it's membership by only 111 new members at the $1,000 level, then the loss of Mr. McIngvale's support will be negligible, or better yet maybe Mr. McIngvale will be as excited about the new Coach and game plan that he will continue his support on a more consistant basis.


""""In this regard, it's important to note that Coach Dickey had every intention of staying at UNT for the entire length of his professional career. The same cannot be said of other athletic department members, who openly court other schools so they can move up to a "better job" away from UNT!""""""


That is soooo true of the people pulling the strings....I think we all know who he is talking about in this regard...RV

The same AD who tried numerous times to bail out of NT at any other opportunity that has risen up since he's been here. NMSU and ULL to name a few places where he applied for the same job he has here at NT, then have him squirm his way onto the board to deny he did this, after he got turned down by both both organizations

It's pretty easy to see why he was turned down as he failed miserably at his first duty of business here at NT:::::  FUNDRAISING....

Well he's doing an even better job now as he lost us our biggest donor ever at NT.

Good Lord Man,

What would you do if some clown bought control of your department for a measly 1,000,000 dollars.

RV could have left at any time but thank God he stayed and wrestled control back of our University's athletic program from an idiot who thinks he can buy people with his money!

RV is a hero and don't any of you every forget that. He is taking a lot of hits from the media and others for helping you and me and our school. He didn't have to do that. We can thank Dr. Bataille as well.

Dickey was wrong for UNT period! He never should have been hired and at the very least should have been fired after the 5-6 season.


MM is right.....

change the name of the practice facility to the DDPF!

how many of you who post have donated $1,000,000 to the FB program?

as much complaining that is on this board about the lack of funding at this university .... is it totally unreasonable to turn down this donation??

no matter what everyone feels about DD and his tenure at UNT everyone who wishes MM to redirect this donation needs a frontal labotomy.

again, MM is correct in the horendous OOC games that UNT has to play for money games to try to balance the athletic budget.

remember....UNT is in the SBC not the WAC.....not the CUSA.....not the MAC.....not the MWC.....not in the BCS conferences. UNT is in the "WORST" D-1A conference in America behind, usually, two D-1AA conferences.

Could UNT have done better with another coach? maybe yes....maybe no.....we will never know.

Will UNT do better with a new coach??? maybe yes.....maybe no....only time will tell.

I will have to admit that I have enjoyed what the Green Team has done in the last two games and because of what they have done gives me hope for the future of the program.

For UNT to advance athletically UNT needs donations, period. UNT does not have the donors like UT, OU, Okie State, Ohio State ect...ect....ect....ect.

If ANY of you trash MM on his giving then YOU are the ones who want to keep UNT down in the "DARK AGES" of BIG TIME college fundraising. You know in your heart I am right.

finally........it is time to get out your checkbooks and "match," en mass, what MM has graciously done for UNT. If you do not then YOU have no room to talk about how other alums designate their own hard earned dollars to this university.


MM is right.....

change the name of the practice facility to the DDPF!

how many of you who post have donated $1,000,000 to the FB program?

as much complaining that is on this board about the lack of funding at this university .... is it totally unreasonable to turn down this donation??

no matter what everyone feels about DD and his tenure at UNT everyone who wishes MM to redirect this donation needs a frontal labotomy.

again, MM is correct in the horendous OOC games that UNT has to play for  money games to try to balance the athletic budget.

remember....UNT is in the SBC not the WAC.....not the CUSA.....not the MAC.....not the MWC.....not in the BCS conferences.  UNT is in the "WORST" D-1A conference in America behind, usually, two D-1AA conferences.

Could UNT have done better with another coach?  maybe yes....maybe no.....we will never know.

Will UNT do better with a new coach???  maybe yes.....maybe no....only time will tell.

I will have to admit that I have enjoyed what the Green Team has done in the last two games and because of what they have done gives me hope for the future of the program.

For UNT to advance athletically UNT needs donations, period.  UNT does not have the donors like UT, OU, Okie State, Ohio State ect...ect....ect....ect.

If ANY of you trash MM on his giving then YOU are the ones who want to keep UNT down in the "DARK AGES" of BIG TIME college fundraising.  You know in your heart I am right.

finally........it is time to get out your checkbooks and "match," en mass, what MM has graciously done for UNT.  If you do not then YOU have no room to talk about how other alums designate their own hard earned dollars to this university.

Maybe I am not reading very well, but I don't see people on here complaining about alumni giving money. If MM wants to give money and label it where it should go, fine. I think what people are questioning is some of his reasoning in this letter. I don't think you need to question whether a new coach can do any better than this team - we are dead last in many, many statistics and that means you can only go up.

Eulesseagle - what about Tulsa, SMU, and La Tech do you consider "horrendous?"


Tulsa, SMU and LaTech are mid majors not BIG money games like Texas, OU, Arkansas, and other BCS schools who beat the crap out of us.

Were these games winable......Tulsa, no......SMU, yes......LaTech, yes if we kept the Green Team in the 4th Quarter.


Tulsa, SMU and LaTech are mid majors not BIG money games like Texas, OU, Arkansas, and other BCS schools who beat the crap out of us.

Were these games winable......Tulsa, no......SMU, yes......LaTech, yes if we kept the Green Team in the 4th Quarter.

Sorry, but 9 years into a coaching tenure after 4 conf titles, Tulsa should not only be a winable game this year, but we shouldn't get beat 54 - 2 at home even in a rebuilding year. Our standards and expectations have been and in many cases are way too low.


MM is right.....

change the name of the practice facility to the DDPF!

how many of you who post have donated $1,000,000 to the FB program?

as much complaining that is on this board about the lack of funding at this university .... is it totally unreasonable to turn down this donation??

no matter what everyone feels about DD and his tenure at UNT everyone who wishes MM to redirect this donation needs a frontal labotomy.

again, MM is correct in the horendous OOC games that UNT has to play for  money games to try to balance the athletic budget.

remember....UNT is in the SBC not the WAC.....not the CUSA.....not the MAC.....not the MWC.....not in the BCS conferences.  UNT is in the "WORST" D-1A conference in America behind, usually, two D-1AA conferences.

Could UNT have done better with another coach?  maybe yes....maybe no.....we will never know.

Will UNT do better with a new coach???  maybe yes.....maybe no....only time will tell.

I will have to admit that I have enjoyed what the Green Team has done in the last two games and because of what they have done gives me hope for the future of the program.

For UNT to advance athletically UNT needs donations, period.  UNT does not have the donors like UT, OU, Okie State, Ohio State ect...ect....ect....ect.

If ANY of you trash MM on his giving then YOU are the ones who want to keep UNT down in the "DARK AGES" of BIG TIME college fundraising.  You know in your heart I am right.

finally........it is time to get out your checkbooks and "match," en mass, what MM has graciously done for UNT.  If you do not then YOU have no room to talk about how other alums designate their own hard earned dollars to this university.

Who was the person that donated 2,000,000 for the new tennis center?

Compare him, his actions and his demands to Mattress Man. Thats all. He no longer controls you or me or our school!


again, MM is correct in the horendous OOC games that UNT has to play for  money games to try to balance the athletic budget.

i know, right.... powerhouses like Air Force, TCU, Baylor, Houston, Kansas, UNLV, Nevada, South Florida, Troy (State), Arizona, FAU, Memphis, Tulsa, Louisiana Tech, Akron...

between those juggernauts and the yearly SBC schedule, it's no wonder he can't compile a winning record.

he can change the name to whatever he wants as long as he's paid for it. that's how it goes. but it doesn't change the fact that he's full of crap.

and quite frankly, i've given a much higher percentage of my worth to UNT than MM will ever come close to. and i hope that none of the people who criticized those threatening to withdraw their financial support throughout the year are hypocritical enough to support MM's decision now. at least the true fans of this program were basing their decision on the product that was being put forth. MM is sitting there saying that the football program needs more financial support and at the same time threatening to withdraw his own.

yes, he's welcome to his opinion, but so am i, and in MY opinion, MM is a hypocritical blowhard who i wish will continue to donate to the program.

Posted (edited)

Tulsa, SMU and LaTech are mid majors not BIG money games like Texas, OU, Arkansas, and other BCS schools who beat the crap out of us.

Were these games winable......Tulsa, no......SMU, yes......LaTech, yes if we kept the Green Team in the 4th Quarter.

Why would any game against any other Mid-Major program be considered unwinnable???

Last time I checked North Texas is in Division 1A. Same division as Tulsa.


As for the donation, are we so desperate and small time that the entire athletic department was "held hostage" by one donor? I find that hard to believe and think if this were true, DD would probably still be here. Fortunately for us, he's done. Mattress Mac can go cry on his loveseat with DD.

I would have no issues with naming the practice field after the Dickster.


Edited by Got5onIt
Guest Aquila_Viridis

I do agree with Mac on one thing. We've got to spend more on coaches to be competitive. If NT takes this in the right direction, I for one am willing to further increase contributions, but many more will have to do the same, and somehow NT is going to have to connect with many others who aren't contributing.


I do agree with Mac on one thing. We've got to spend more on coaches to be competitive. If NT takes this in the right direction, I for one am willing to further increase contributions, but many more will have to do the same, and somehow NT is going to have to connect with many others who aren't contributing.

I just did the simple math. There are about 2500 registered users on this board. That’s an extra $400 each. Just once - Mr Mattress only gave his million once!

Anyone for a GoMeanGreenDotCom one time only donation? Let’s beat Mac at his own game!

And Mean Green Athletics is the winner!

Guest GrayEagleOne

I believe that Jim McIngvale has, or will, make the $1,000,000 donation and is therefor entitled to name the practice field after whomever he wants. I have no problem with that. It's the way that he went about it that tends to rankle me.

One of the low blows was that he accused us of being cheapskates; failing to fund our athletic programs. What he may not realize is that UNT was the highest roller in the conference during the four years that North Texas went to the New Orleans Bowl. Darrell Dickey was also the highest paid coach in the conference. That has now been exceeded by FAU's Schnellenberger, but the Owls were not conference members during our bowl years.


I do agree with Mac on one thing. We've got to spend more on coaches to be competitive. If NT takes this in the right direction, I for one am willing to further increase contributions, but many more will have to do the same, and somehow NT is going to have to connect with many others who aren't contributing.

That's a great point Aquila - any good coaching candidate worth his salt will make damn sure that the assistants will be paid well or he won't be interested in this job. Also, all of us are going to have to up the ante as best we can. That is why this hire is so important, the new coach will be a lighting rod around the program and will counted on to help "close the deal" on future donations from the alumni, fans and corporations.

Guest Aquila_Viridis

I just did the simple math. There are about 2500 registered users on this board. That’s an extra $400 each. Just once - Mr Mattress only gave his million once!

Anyone for a GoMeanGreenDotCom one time only donation? Let’s beat Mac at his own game!

And Mean Green Athletics is the winner!

My additional contribution in support of the right kind of coach would be more than that, but I sure like the idea. I thought about giving more just to show support for the decision already made, but I thought, well let's see where they take it.

Posted (edited)

I am sure that the NT administration would have had no problem complying with your request before being lambasted in the media. Now who knows? If you really were concerned about DD being honored than you obviously would have pursued it in another way. A poorly composed vindictive tirade in the paper is not going to sway many opinions.

I am now editing the post because I now understand the McIngvale genius. I was totally wrong. Because of the article, the administration may be more than glad to get the McIngvale name off the practice field and rename it for DD.

Edited by GrandGreen
Guest Aquila_Viridis

Who do you give to? MGC or what?

I plan to send some designated for athletics (but not specifically through MGC since I did that already this year but I guess that would work especially if it got you in a higher classification) and an equal amount general, with a letter explaining the reason for the additional contribution. I have taken to matching any of my athletic gifts with an unrestricted gift.

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