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Change of Pace

El Paso Eagle

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I was planning on going to another University and decided to come along with a friend who was going to take a look at UTA. First we went by UTA, and with all due respect it was not even something I would consider. We decided to drive over to Denton and take a look. Within a few minutes we both liked the atmosphere and worked our way over to the College of Business. Even though the counselors were all booked we were told if we could wait a little while they would work us in. We sat down and read the course outlines for the areas we were interested and it lined up perfectly. After that there was no doubt NT was for me. biggrin.gif

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All through high school, I'd basically prepped myself for a military academy or institute. So, right around the latter half of my senior year of high school, I was being looked at and talking to folks at Virginia M.I., Marion M.I., and even USAFA. I also did well enough that other Texas schools wanted me to go to them.

Then I decided I wanted to go to a school with a great art program. Now I'm here and 3 hours from graduation.

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I originally planned on going to La Tech to major in computer science, but after going on a prospective freshman tour and saw how bad the dorms were, I decided to look elsewhere. A friend of mine who lived in the DFW area told me he was going to check out UNT in a couple of weeks, so I ended up taking a few days off from school to check it out, and ended up loving it. So here I am!

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Out of Junior College, I'd been accepted to tU's J School. Was ready to go in January, then I heard the NT, tU score from the '88 game. Saw the highlights on the news Saturday night. On Monday, I apllied at NT, got in, moved to Denton. Have never left the North Texas area. Live in Lancaster now.

Athletic's is truly the window of the University.

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My family on my father's side is from Texas. Mostly living in Dallas, and my family has a ranch out in Boyd. My father was born in Dallas, but spent most of his career (22 years, I believe) in the military. He is now a Methodist pastor in Sanger, and him and my mother live in Krum. I was actually born in Manhattan...Kansas, where my father was attending vet school at KSU. My dad was stationed in NC and DC while I was growing up....but he moved back to TX my senior year in HS (in Maryland). Anyway, got in some trouble my freshmen year (sound familiar???) at a private school in PA (followed my girlfriend rolleyes.gif ), and then transfered to NT as "my only option" from my parents. It was ok...GREAT school, GREAT education, and lots of great memories. I live in Raleigh, NC now but will be bringing my kids down to see their grandparents Thanksgiving week. We are planning on going to the FAU game, and possibly the Tulsa (BB) game. Actually, I will be watching the mens BB team tomorrow against UNC-Charlotte...will have to let everyone know how it goes.

OK, sorry. That was probably my longest post, but the topic intrigued me. Thanks!

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My dad is an Aggie, and I grew up loving TAMU. When I started looking at colleges, TAMU wouldn't ever give me a straight answer on a program. So I kept looking at schools and everywhere I turned, NT was there with answers. They were friendly, prompt, and precise, and they had the exact program I was looking for (neurobiology). I also had deferrment offers from Bryn Mawr and Brown University.

I decided to go to NT for a semester, and then transfer in December. I got to campus and loved every minute of it - 3 years later I had my undergrad and I'll have my Master's in December.

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A long, long time ago I graduated from high school in Dallas and went with some high school buddies to OU. I was there one year, pledged and was initiated into a fraternity.

Then events out of my control started to happen. My younger brother got in trouble and my folks sent him down to the Baptist academy in Waco. Because of the out-of-state expense I had to transfer to a Texas school.

I settled for NTSC at the time but I enjoyed it so much I never regretted the transfer. I had three great years there and graduated in midterm. My folks and my girl friend came up from Dallas and we celebrated! I never missed OU and I learned from some excellent instructors.

My only regret was that my girl friend went to SMU! Oh well!

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I was on the newspaper staff in HS and my sponsor graduated from NT. We attended a HS Journalism convention at NT and attended another at UT. At UT a professor spoke to a group of us interested in majoring in RTVF. He mentioned that class was all theory until you were a senior and that's when you got hands on experience with equipment (TV cameras, radio eauipment, editing, directing, etc.) They had too many students to allow any real experience before then. I also didn't like the campus, thought it was too big with too many students. I loved NT and was using equipment from practically the first day I set foot in class. Graduated four years later ('74) with a RTVF major, Journalism minor. Also, I met my future husband in front of Willis Library while he was in Denton visiting a mutual friend. NT was the best decision I ever made!


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I was offered a band scholarship at Lamar but chose NT for its music program (All district, state french horn player) , fewer mosketoes (sp) accounting program , state school for cost, Air Force ROTC..I would have had an non flying AF ship and career but for my eyesight ...and to be in the FW area.

Sure glad I did because I met my wife when teaching an accounting lab at NT. Graduated from HS May 1954 and NT with a BBA in accounting Summer 1957 while losing a semester in summer school with pnemonia (sp?)

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I started at Texas Tech for a semester and had money and grade problems.

My dad teaches at NTSU (at the time it was NTSU). I lived at home, worked part time (solved money problems) and found direction in my academics (solved grade problems).

My dad being facilty doesn't get a lot of benifits for his kids, but one thing he did was he was able to pull cards for classes I needed before registration (the old "punch card" registration computers of the early 1980s). When I needed 4 semesters of Latin with 3 left before graduation, my dad got me a "special assignment" class with the head of Latin to catch me up.

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My entire family went to Texas. I applied, but could only get in provisionally. I had a ton of friends going to NT, so I decided to check it out. The RTVF dept was just what I was looking for. I thought I might transfer to Texas after a year or two, but after the '88 football game (my sophomore year) I was sold on NT. That was a big turnaround from my freshman year, which just sucked on every level. Choosing NT was one of the most important and best decisions I've ever made. I've been MEAN and GREEN ever since.

BTW my niece is dealing with the exact same scenario. She's not top 10% of her class, but aced her SAT's. She toured the NT campus with her Dad, my brother, and it wowed even him. He used to joke that his kids could go to any college they wanted but he'd only pay for it if the school was in Austin and the colors were orange and white.

GO MEAN GREEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I was born the son of a poor sharecropper. Oh wait that's George Jefferson. Anyway, my brother went to UTA and my whole life I had done pretty much everything he had except dating hot chicks and having big muscles and being cool and all that. Well I wanted to finally do something different and I wanted to go to a school that had a football team. I chose Denton in 1994 after 2 years in JUCO and have bled Green ever since.

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I got really high 1 night and woke at this place called Denton,Tx at the Waffle House off I-35 sum 3 days later. I didn't have any place to go or anything to do so I decided to enroll at this building where I heard a lot of other kids my age got high at. After the powder & fog cleared sum 7 years later they gave me a piece of paper saying I have finally given enough $$$ to the university and I can go away now laugh.gif

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When both of your parents went here and have you walking the campus while still in the womb, your blood starts to turn green. Couple that with both of my mom's parents going here, plus 25+ relatives from her side of the family attending NT, and you get the feeling that you should keep the tradition going. After struggling through my first major, I found relative happiness with the nation's first (and best, IMO) EADP program. Can't wait to walk in May!

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After graduating high school I had no idea what to do with my life so I enrolled at Harvard on the Highway (TCJC back then... I think it's called TCCC now or so I’ve been told). Anywho, I was struggling there because I just didn't care and again I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. One day while working at the DFW Hilton one of the people I worked with was around 50 and I was talking to him about whatever and suddenly I had a revelation. Something inside my head said "Do you really want to be doing this shiznit until your 50?" So I got my grades up and transferred to good ole NT. Going to this school was the best decision I've ever made because I met my wife here. I graduated in 2000 from the business program and now I'm half way done with my MBA from another school. After that I think I'm going to get my PHD, which I have no freaking idea what I will ever use it for.

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---Went to my local college, Howard Payne, for two years. There I took about 40 hours of credit from NTSU grads... One that I had several times I consider the best prof. I ever had, another was extremely good. The fact that he went to NTSU and a HP buddy transfered to NTSU brought me here. I never regreted it. I consider UNT much better than TTU which I attended one year as a grad student. UNT gave me straight answers (unlike TTU dept. and administration especially) and UNT had profs that were interested in teaching and not just publishing or working on some project. --can't answer for every dept but that was my experience--- Have a couple of NT degrees.

---I was fortunate to have great roommates, friends, and suitemates as well, a wide variety and interesting people. Great experience..

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Guest Aquila_Viridis

Partied my way out of Mizzou (but astutely dropped at the last minute so no impact on GPA). After a brief hiatus in Florida, came to NT to visit friends from high school. Decided to stay a while and had the intention to transfer to UT. Later decided no need to transfer to UT after all. (By the way, I hope you all enjoyed the Kansas State game last night.)

Though I came in a roundabout fashion, ironically NT was the first school from which I received a brochure in high school.

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