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Change of Pace

El Paso Eagle

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Grew up in New Orleans. In 10th grade, I had a couple of friends that were interested in coming up here for the music school. I had no idea that UNT was even a good music school at the time. A buddy of mine said his parents were driving him up here to audition and he wanted to know if I would go to "keep him company" on the trip.

I got here, stayed in west hall, decided that night that I wanted to try out as well so prepared a piece. I got accepted to the music department and he didn't. HA!! I tease him about that till this day in good fun. So, I ended up coming here and he went to LSU.

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Father was an aggie - and postgraduate work at Tech.

Mother went to SHSU, etc. Masters in counseling at TWU.

I sampled many colleges: laugh.gif

- 1 year at Blinn JC

- 1 year at SHSU

- 4 years at NT

For a grand total of 6 years. rolleyes.gif Whatever - things turned out just fine. I was very fickle with major and changed it twice. I couldn't have picked a better university for me - I had a blast and will never forget the times I had there. I feel a great connection and I wish the best for the university in all endeavors.

Both my parents are big mean green fans and they attend a couple games a year w/me and my family. My mom is a bigger sports fan than even me. First thing out of her mouth on my last visit to Melissa is "so I heard they finally fired UNT's coach?" She then goes on to say it was about time - she couldn't stand to sit through the boring run all day offense (she grit her teeth and sat through it anyway - otherwise no visitation rights for the grandkids laugh.gif ) and that we needed to hire an offensive minded coach. I laughed and laughed.

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I did research on Denton and with the 3:1 female vs male student population - sealed the deal for me

Little did I know how skewed that ratio was until I saw the TWU ladies - LOL (No Pun intended)

My other reasons:

I Liked the name (I have always associated "North" with class)

I liked the colors

Close to DTown

Did not like the A&M culture (Left, Right, Left)

TT - too damn far and too many trucks

SWT/UT - I would still be a sophmore - too many distractions

SFA - waste of a drive

As you can tell, I really put a lot of thought into the revelent things...

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How did I get to UNT...

Well, let's see. I joined the Navy for 6 years after high school, then got into first level tech support in Wisconsin. After two years there I was recruited by Microsoft and moved to Irving, TX.

After getting my MCSE there, and a few more Help Desk jobs, I got my first LAN Admin job for a travel survey company. 9/11 happened and I was laid off two days later. Four months of unemployment and interviewers asking "Do you have a degree???"

I then decided to finally get my degree. Dallas County Community for 2 years and then I applied and was accepted to UTA, UT-Austin, UT-Dallas, UNT, and SMU.

And here I am, three semesters to graduation! biggrin.gif

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i grew up in a family of aggies and had all intentions of going there. i am from a small town and decided that i wanted to get out of that atmosphere for a while and live in dallas (also wanted to avoid the freshmen classes at ATM). i had a good friend from high school that went to UNT and I decided to give it a try and then transfer after two years. i came here and never left. got involved in my fraternity and the first trip to the New Orleans Bowl (in my opinion) started to change the dynamic of the university. although everyone in my family tried to talk me into it, i could not leave. i was addicted, graduated in '04 and love my university as much any of my family members love theirs.

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Well, lets see....I was born in Fayetteville, AR while my dad was getting his Ph.D. We moved here for him to teach at UNT. When I graduated from Denton High, the out of state tuition was too high for me to justify going back to Arkansas when it was free for me to go to UNT. UNT has a strong Gerontology department, so I went here. Grew up going to all of the home football and basketball games and found a job here in the Metroplex.

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My parents went to NT. Mom wrote for The Daily, Pop was a 4 year letterman in cross country and track. Hell, Mom went into labor with my older brother at a NT basketball game. I grew up in Denton sort of following NT thru the years, though there were other schools I loved more as a kid. Did go to my share of sporting events, mostly basketball games.

My last year or so of HS, I applied all over the place, and even got a follow up letter from Florida State(back when I was interested in meteorology and found out they were 1 of the 2 best programs in the nation, the other being Penn State). Also applied to Duke for their writing program - though my SAT's weren't in the 1350+ range where they wanted them. I decided I'd goto to NT for a year or two and see what I really wanted to major in(it was between Film/Meteorology/English) before moving out of state.

Film was another love of mine, so soon after starting at NT I realized how great the department was. Seriously, the undergrad program is pretty top notch. Also joined Talons and really, really fell in love with NT, in addition to making incredible friends.

And though I moved to LA to pursue the film dream, a part of me will always belong in Denton.

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I honestly have no idea.

I was originally going to Texas Tech (which was also random), had a dorm assigned and everything, then decided I had little interest in being in Lubbock. To tell you the truth, I dont think I really had much of clue coming straight out of highschool. Growing up in Houston, I knew I wanted to go away from home so U of H was never an option (though I will probably now end up getting my MBA there, in a strange twist of fate).

A good friend of mine who was going to Belmont in Nashville told me about NT. Having some interest in music, it sounded alright. Went up and visited, decided in August I would go there- which is how I ended up in beautiful West Hall (though never did a thing related to music).

Like UNTSIG, my fraternity and the guys I met really kept me there. I wasnt all that impressed with NT when I first arrived. Seemed like everyone was from the DFW area and had kind of defaulted there. In fact, I had even seriously considered transferring. I ended up meeting some great people, got involved in several organizations, fell in love with Denton, started going to athletic events, and the rest is history.

Glad I stayed.The vision of Dr Pohl and RV is probably the biggest reason I am passionate about North Texas. I have always been a fan of the underdog, and I see huge potential in North Texas- I believe in it.

I just wish the campus and the atmosphere on campus was as it is now back in 1999!

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I woke up in a pool of green vomit on Fry street after partying at Ricks and Muthers.  Found an apartment near the bars and 10 years later graduated somehow.  Now if you will excuse me, I have to get back to teaching History to the youth of America.

This is one of the best posts I have ever seen. Maybe I am easily amused, but this is a crack-up! And, BTW, I'm sure RETSO is a great history teacher!

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Grew up in Irving, was a bit of a momma's boy and wasn't ready to leave home, so the choices were UTA and NTSU. Chose NT because of a perceived better reputation and I liked the flying worm. Commuted from Irving until a work buddy talked me into transferring to UTA to join his fraternity (Sig Ep). Spent 2 semesters at UTA before transferring back to NT to finish my accounting degree.

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So, since I love my University I guess I know how you feel about UTA tongue.gif  tongue.gif

Yes (I love UT Arlington), but, El Paso, am I missing something here with your double tongue-smile?

BTW, I didn't mean me specifically in my original post. I never looked at UNT. (But, I did talk a buddy out of it. Sorry. It wasn't really anything against UNT as much as it was pro-UTA. I didn't know I was so persuasive to him - as a deciding factor - until years later when he told me.) I mean that I run across in my readings people who say that they looked at XYZ school (which is sometimes UNT), and they chose UT Arlington. For instance, this appeared in The Shorthorn (with regard to UNT) about a month ago. Always nice to hear these things from the home-team perspective, but they are no big deal, though. Every school has these "testimonials."

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