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Symptom vs Problem

Eagle Man

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Money is not now nor has it ever been the problem. Too many people have allowed themselves to be misled, coerced, deceived and brainwashed into believing that our problems center around the lack of money.

The lack of money is a symptom. It is not the problem. You will never eliminate a problem by attacking the symptom!

The problem is the lack of a solid, bonafide commitment to build a top ranked athletic program.

Without that commitment your goals will be wrong. Your plans will be misdirected and ulimately lead to failure. Incompetence will prevail. Enthusiasm will be lacking. Confidence will be nonexistent and donors will run as fast as they can in the opposite direction!

Money is not the problem.

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You're right Eagle Man, Money is not the problem. The LACK OF MONEY is the problem!!!

You mean the lack of fans with Money? Or is it the lack of Money that fans would pay for merchandise of a winning team!

Are you saying if we beat say a top 20 team that we would have more money. Or we would have more fans if we had more money!

more wins = more fans = more tailgaters laugh.gif

Do we really want more tailgates? That is more money I have to put in for beer and less that will go to the Dickey buyout fund!

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Money is not now nor has it ever been the problem. Too many people have allowed themselves to be misled, coerced, deceived and brainwashed into believing that our problems center around the lack of money.

The lack of money is a symptom. It is not the problem. You will never eliminate a problem by attacking the symptom!

The problem is the lack of a solid, bonafide commitment to build a top ranked athletic program.

Without that commitment your goals will be wrong.  Your plans will be misdirected and ulimately lead to failure. Incompetence will prevail. Enthusiasm will be lacking. Confidence will be nonexistent and donors will run as fast as they can in the opposite direction!

Money is not the problem.


You are so right. If the administration decides that having a high profile athletic program is a priority, then it WILL happen. If it's on the backburner somewhere, then it won't happen. Simple as that.

Unfortunately, I have not seen evidence that this administration recognizes that the outside world's window to any public university is its athletic programs.

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Money is not now nor has it ever been the problem. Too many people have allowed themselves to be misled, coerced, deceived and brainwashed into believing that our problems center around the lack of money.

The lack of money is a symptom. It is not the problem. You will never eliminate a problem by attacking the symptom!

The problem is the lack of a solid, bonafide commitment to build a top ranked athletic program.

Without that commitment your goals will be wrong.  Your plans will be misdirected and ulimately lead to failure. Incompetence will prevail. Enthusiasm will be lacking. Confidence will be nonexistent and donors will run as fast as they can in the opposite direction!

Money is not the problem.

well said and I agree.

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If Dr. Bataille stands up and makes the following speech and follows through with actions, money will not be a problem.

"Students, Alumni, faculty, staff, friends and fans of North Texas...this University has, for far too long, been relegated to the shadows when it comes to our athletic programs. I am, today, committing to you that the administration of this University, along with the Board of Regents, is fully committed to bringing this fine institution into national prominence in the area of our athletic programs. No more hollow promises, no more "some day we hope to...". Today, we do it. We will build a new football stadium, we will seek a better conference affiliation, we will have a baseball team, we will compete at a national level in all our sports. My staff and I, along with the Board, are fully committed to making this a reality. A new day is dawning at North Texas and we hope you'll join us for the ride."

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