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The question has been asked of me before

mad dog

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I've often been asked by people on this board "what would it take for you to admit that there's something truly wheels off about the program?" There seems to be this idea that I'm some kind of pollyanna who thinks DD can do no wrong and that the program is really ok.

First off, I have never thought DD can do no wrong. Most of the time, I was just trying to balance out all the negativity with a little sprinkling of positivity, because no situation is quite as dire as it is initially made out to be. I was just as aware as anyone else how lacking the gametime coaching seemed to be, but why pile on a topic when twenty other people have just said the same thing.

But as for the latter, let me state clearly for everyone to read: the wheels are off.

When a guy like me, who has put more hours into physically observing the team during a season than anyone outside the program, looks down at his cell phone college football ticker and says, "oh, North Texas had a game tonight," something is wrong.

When that guy looks at the score, sees another 14-6 style of loss, and just shrugs his shoulders because that is what he has come to expect, something is wrong.

When a homer like me can't find a single thing to say when a guy in my office says, "Isn't North Texas really really bad," something is wrong.

When truly class individuals like Johnny Quinn, Jamario Thomas, and Zach Muzzy can't begin to show how talented they are because nothing else in the system works: that their talents have been largely squandered says to me that something is wrong.

When I have, sitting in front of me as I type this, a 2004 championship ring that was discarded by a player who said that he "hated" his team, something is wrong.

When former players loathe their coach, something is wrong.

When current players loathe their coach, something is wrong.

When future players choose division II schools, or riding the bench at "better" schools, rather than play here, something is wrong.

When former students would rather watch TCU than UNT, something is wrong.

When current students don't know who their football team is playing that weekend, something is wrong.

When future students students ask me if North Texas even has a football team, something is wrong.

And when a guy like me, who has dug to the bottom of the f*#$ing trash can to find something good to say about his team, can't find one f*#$ing thing good to say... gentlemen, there is something seriously, seriously wrong.

I won't bail on my team, though after nights like this it'd be much easier to hide behind burnt orange, or maroon, or crimson and cream (and I fear a lot of people actually have). I have nothing but respect for many of the players, who I have watched personally spill their blood for the program. I can say nothing bad about Coach Dickey the person, who has gone out of his way to be kind to me. Personally, I even say that Ramon Flanigan has been very gracious with his time and was always available to answer my questions.

The question in the title line was "When would it ever be 'enough' for you?"

The answer: I saw it tonight.

Enough is enough.

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Hey, at least you held out hope longer than most would have. That has to stand for something, right? I mean, the common fan would have simply stated "Wheels Off" on the simple fact that we haven't scored an offensive TD in the 1st quarter since the Clinton administration yet we get 9 plays inside the troy 10 yard line and still remain determined to run it in on 7 of them and end up settling for field goals?

As it stands now and looks to remain as such, at season's end NT should finish the previous 8 seasons as the 114th average total offense in the nation.


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We need some new blood in here to coach this team. Sure DD brought us 4 SunBelt championships, but that was against the sorriest bunch of schools the NCAA has to offer up. Winning the SunBelt is like getting to eat the tastiest turd sandwich on the table. I mean sure it's the tastiest one, but it IS still a piece of dookie between two pieces of bread. DD has no fire, no passion, and no will to change his philosophy or gameplan. He has built his house on one lucky recruiting class and coasted the rest of the way. It's time to put the old Buick into the junkyard and put some money down on a new car.

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We need some new blood in here to coach this team. Sure DD brought us 4 SunBelt championships, but that was against the sorriest bunch of schools the NCAA has to offer up. Winning the SunBelt is like getting to eat the tastiest turd sandwich on the table. I mean sure it's the tastiest one, but it IS still a piece of dookie between two pieces of bread. DD has no fire, no passion, and no will to change his philosophy or gameplan. He has built his house on one lucky recruiting class and coasted the rest of the way. It's time to put the old Buick into the junkyard and put some money down on a new car.

I agree and have stated many times that DD's success can be almost entirely contributed to the "Booger Years" or the one recruiting class you are referring to. However, I do not agree with the concept that 26 straight conference wins and 4 conference titles is something to downgrade. While I am sure you don't mean it that way, I think comments like those above do a great disservice to one of the toughest group of players ever at NT. Although it may be faint praise, the teams of 2002 and 2003 have been almong the best in NT history. Imo of the years I have been following NT football, only the teams of the Joe Greene era and Fry's teams have been better.

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I agree and have stated many times that DD's success can be almost entirely contributed to the "Booger Years" or the one recruiting class you are referring to.  However, I do not agree with the concept that 26 straight conference wins and 4 conference titles is something to downgrade.  While I am sure you don't mean it that way, I think comments like those above do a great disservice to one of the toughest group of players ever at NT.  Although it may be faint praise, the teams of 2002 and 2003 have been almong the best in NT history.   Imo of the years I have been following NT football, only the teams of the Joe Greene era and Fry's teams have been better.

Some of Corky Nelson's teams would have been better.........."better coached" anyway.

I wouldn't say that our 26 straight conference wins was the "tastiest turd sandwich on the table", but I have referred to those days as being "King of the dipshits".

Edited by SilverEagle
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I'm sure this was a difficult post for you to write, but it's all true. Are you, Harry and Evan even going to put yoyr time into a podcast this week. The coaching staff and the Offensive Line didn't make an appearance, why should y'all be forced to relive that crappy game again.

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It's going to take one certain person to get tired of it too for any change to happen.  Perhaps you should interview him...RV.

Personally, I would love to interview the real people involved in DD still being here. I would love to have Bobby Ray and Jim McEnvale (sp?) in a room at the same time and ask them what in the hell they were (or are) thinking?

I might also ask them what color the sky is in their world. dry.gif

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My son and I were listening to the game while running some errands and I was trying to come up with the right word/words that describes the state of our football program. This is what I came up with that is repeatable.

pathetic, pitiful, embarrasing, pathetic, sad, unbelievable, sickening, pathetic and pathetic.

Rick, we all know you read the board. For the love of God, DO IT!!! And get someone in here who knows what they're doing! mad.gif

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S.E. I would not get down on Mattress Mac (Jim McI___) because, at least, he has INVESTED BIG TIME into the program. What other ex-player has donated $1,000,000 into athletic improvements??

I would imagine that the BOR and AD could give you better answers.

For all we know this situation with Coach Dickey may already be under review. Naturally, the BOR and the AD will not say anything until its time.....until then it is all speculation.

However, in the case of the University of North Carolina coach, the university fathers let him know to make other arrangements after the end of the FB season. This in the case too of a couple of other OC's who have been doing a poor job this year.

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And the price for that was to keep DD. The cost in bad publicity is probably much more than 1 mil.

We sold out to a DD backer, and got a program that only masquerades as 1A when it could not finish in the middle of the pack in the Southland!!! RV needs to be more worried about coaches than facilities. DD has the most $$$, best facilities, most supportive BOR, and best student/fan base of any coach ever at UNT----and what has he done with all this but bitch and moan. No more excuses-- pony up the $$ to be 1A or get to Division III with FB and spend some $$$ on BB to be somebody. This FB program is a total embarrassment to fans, students, faculty, and even the old nester townfolk of Denton --either cook or get the hell out of the kitchen. mad.gif

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Personally, I would love to interview the real people involved in DD still being here. I would love to have Bobby Ray and Jim McEnvale (sp?) in a room at the same time and ask them what in the hell they were (or are)  thinking?

I might also ask them what color the sky is in their world. dry.gif

The answer really shouldn't surprise you. They support Dickey because they know if he were to retire or be fired he'd have a lot more time on the golf course, and he'd be taking a lot more of their money.

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When I have, sitting in front of me as I type this, a 2004 championship ring that was discarded by a player who said that he "hated" his team, something is wrong.

When former players loathe their coach, something is wrong.

When current players loathe their coach, something is wrong.

For the love of all things holy, someone send this to the chancellor, the president, RV,....shit...the whole galdarn administration....anyone who has ever purchased season tickets, donated time and money....this is a nut-kick and stomach punch all rolled into one....right at the time that I really couldn't take it.


Oh....and for those who want to do a t-shirt or paper bag campaign at the last couple of home games, you have your slogan---"ENOUGH"


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