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Channel 5 report on the Mean Green..


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I think the ESPN scroller yesterday said Evens. Can't say about channel 5.

Channel 5 is not that reliable. I am waiting for them to say I will coach the team this week.


My headset would be connected to you Rick..."So what do you want to run on this play Rick? Let's take a shot at the endzone. Deep ball to Johnny on the fly."

And not to worry NT03. You can be my Diet Dr. Pepper Boy. tongue.gif

Edited by gksmith
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Well for starters, when you only get 15000 to a home game, do you really think there are a ton of people that want to see stories about us?

We all should listen to 103.3 and Mike Taylor. He is a UNT grad and gives us props all the time. George Dunham on the tickets gives us plenty of props, and even though Grego still calls us NTSU, he at least talks about us.

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Well its just about normal here - we gripe because certain stations don't cover us, yet we excuse the ones that do because they spend too much time on other things we don't think are as important.

Well flip over to Dale Hanson. I really can't stand the guy myself, but he always does at least 1-2 stories a year on UNT and just mentioned at the end of his sports tonight, that he will be at North Texas all day tomorrow.

If they aren't covering it as much as you want, and they are all NT guys, send them some emails and ask them why they don't cover us. I for one can see why they cover SMU a lot more.....they have a far bigger and better past success for one. Remember, the news in general covers what people want to see and hear.

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Well its just about normal here - we gripe because certain stations don't cover us, yet we excuse the ones that do because they spend too much time on other things we don't think are as important.

Well flip over to Dale Hanson.  I really can't stand the guy myself, but he always does at least 1-2 stories a year on UNT and just mentioned at the end of his sports tonight, that he will be at North Texas all day tomorrow. 

If they aren't covering it as much as you want, and they are all NT guys, send them some emails and ask them why they don't cover us.  I for one can see why they cover SMU a lot more.....they have a far bigger and better past success for one.  Remember, the news in general covers what people want to see and hear.

No, The news in general covers what people that work there would want to see and hear if they were at home watching. And that includes the teams they care about...

Personally though, just what does the Tasty Greek know about television anyway?

Edited by MeanMag
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No, The news in general covers what people that work there would want to see and hear if they were at home watching.

Really - if that's the case then why is the weather geared towards what they think we want to hear about? What does everyone want to hear about the weather? That it is going to rain right, well as of now, I have none of the 70% chance of rain they said we were going to get. They give us what we want to hear.

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Really - if that's the case then why is the weather geared towards what they think we want to hear about?  What does everyone want to hear about the weather?  That it is going to rain right, well as of now, I have none of the 70% chance of rain they said we were going to get.  They give us what we want to hear.

I'm not quite sure I understand your post.

But, the point of mine is that TV program is not solely based on what viewers want to see/hear. It is not devoid of bias or personal opinion.

They don't give me what I want to hear, and a lot of times it is because they think it is what the majority wants to see/hear, based on their own perceptions/opinions, however misguided they may be.

TV producers and decision makers are a funny breed. A lot of times they just throw crap out there and see what sticks by watching those great people meters that tell them how much they can charge for commercial airtime.

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I haven't lived around there in a couple of years, but Newy used to talk about NT more than the rest by far. He would routinely bring us up on the Goodfellas, and mentioned us on the news more than Hanson or Laufenberg. I don't think he has a radio show anymore though (correct me if I am wrong). Of course, winning your conference vs. going 2-9 may have an impact on media attention as well.

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For those of you bashing nbc channel 5, you can't beat journalism like this:


They admitted the F up, What are they supposed to do? Fall on a sword, take an overdose of pills, shoot the graphic's guy on live TV. I think Channel 5 sucks, but they flubbed through an admission of a mistake. That's what you're supposed to do minus the flub.

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