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UNT QB's Wilson, Meager, Or Phillips


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Who should start and how soon (if at all) should we pull the starter if things don't go well on scoring?

I have been going back and forth between Woody and Meager as to who should get the start against ArkState. I think Phillips is too immobile for our poor offensive line play. We need somebody back there that can move. Both Meager and Woody can run, though I think Woody gets the edge in this department. Yesterday, I leaned towards Meager starting, and today woke up thinking Woody should get the start and get pulled if he starts throwing interceptions or looks inconsistent. With many reservations, I pick Woody at this point. My prediction: DD will have Meager start.

Edited by chrisfisher
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Put in Tune.

If not start Meager, he won the game last week.

I don't know anything about Tune, but I certainly wouldn't put in a QB that hasn't taken a snap. IMHO, our "offense" is already out of sync enough without a new, freshman QB. I'd choose Meager over Tune, at least for right now.

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I'm still hanging on to the small thread of hope Wilson showed during the SMU win. After that game, most of this board agreed that we had found our QB for the next 3 years.

When has Meager, in 12 games last year, performed to th point where most fans felt good about the QB position. i will answer that -->NEVER.

I can't say much about Phillips as he hasn't played enough to pass any judgement.

I won't even think about Tune.

In short, I still say you stick with Wilson. If he comes out laying a fat goose egg, pull him.


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I'm still hanging on to the small thread of hope Wilson showed during the SMU win. After that game, most of this board agreed that we had found our QB for the next 3 years.

When has Meager, in 12 games last year, performed to th point where most fans felt good about the QB position.  i will answer that -->NEVER.

I can't say much about Phillips as he hasn't played enough to pass any judgement.

I won't even think about Tune.

In short, I still say you stick with Wilson. If he comes out laying a fat goose egg, pull him.


I can't help but wonder how much Meager's poor play was b/c of coaching... look at how Wilson's performance has degraded over time, though admittedly, he has made some very poor throwing decisions all on his own too.

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To be perfectly honest it doesn't matter who we have at QB until we get an O-Line. None of them will be able to get in sync unless we can give them a pocket to throw out of instead of them having to make plays on the run all game. FIUs undoing was not blitzing enough. If I was a D coordinator going up against us this year I would bring the blitz all game like the MUTS did.

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To be perfectly honest it doesn't matter who we have at QB until we get an O-Line.  None of them will be able to get in sync unless we can give them a pocket to throw out of instead of them having to make plays on the run all game.  FIUs undoing was not blitzing enough.  If I was a D coordinator going up against us this year I would bring the blitz all game like the MUTS did.

But we have to start someone. Who would you put in?

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It depends.

If the coaches let Woody improvise. I say throw in Woody. If they try to make him play the "system", put in Meager.

Woody is a do what it takes, just make it happen quarterback. Phillips is a system quarterback with Meager being a system quarterback with sparks of spontaneity.

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I honestly wish that DM had been healthy and able to play more this year, because I feel like last year he really took his lumps as a RS FRESHMAN.

I think that it's difficult for Woody to feel totally comfortable back there, because really, he's basically a RS FRESHMAN in this offense this year.

Weak line play last year and this year has really hampered the development and confidence of all three QB's this year, IMO.

I say start DM this week.

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To hell with it.... put Quinn at QB and run the option.

Tune needs to keep his redshirt. We don't really know how he compares w/ the rest of these guys, but one thing is clear - the OL is not protecting well. If he does turn out to be a great QB, no point in wasting a year of his eligibility getting sacked and desperately trying to go .500 in conference.

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To hell with it.... put Quinn at QB and run the option.

Tune needs to keep his redshirt.  We don't really know how he compares w/ the rest of these guys, but one thing is clear - the OL is not protecting well.  If he does turn out to be a great QB, no point in wasting a year of his eligibility getting sacked and desperately trying to go .500 in conference.

I agree. We do not need to waste a red shirt QB on this season. Let's wait until next year with a fresh start as well as 1 season under Tune's belt before we bring him in. Meager was already put through the ringer by starting before he was ready. Let's not repeat the mistakes of our past.

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I thought about it all week. Let's start Wilson, though I could easily accept the argument that Meager earned it. I think we start Wilson and if he doesn't look razor sharp, we yank him and put in Meager. We are half way through the season. There is no reason as to why Wilson shouldn't come out gun's blazing, while at the same time not making stupid decisions (like throwing interceptions). I am not a big fan of having QB's look over their shoulder the whole game thinking one mistake will kill them. But we cannot afford to have 3 interceptions against ASU, or any other team for that matter. I VOTE WOODY WILSON for starter.

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