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Spurrier takes his secondary coach to task


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I think it would be great if Dickey called OLine coach up before the press and asked him WHAT'S UP? Why can't we block anybody? Why does the OLine, which has a great player (Lineberry) such so bad?

I'd like to see DD ask Flanigan, Why the offense is so INEPT? Why do we run a draw on 3rd and 15?

I know that Dickey has the final say on the plays, but it would be fun to see RF and the OL coach squirm.

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--It was extremely unprofessional..... no boss should PUBLICLY chew out his employees, football, or anywhere. Spurier should have been chewed out publicly himself by the AD or school President for his actions if he thinks that is that is the way to go.

---Guess Snyder should have done that to him in Washington in front of the fans because he really stunk up the Redskins.

---Yep-- if the call upstairs doesn't make sense then the Head coach should make the call on the sidelines..... many do at times.

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The late great Gordon Wood (who knew a thing or two about winning football games) always said that after a win a good coach should give all the credit to his players. After a loss, the coach should take all the blame and accept all the responsibility.

It may not be true, there may be players or assistants that made mistakes or had a bad game, but a good coach doesn't pass the buck. The head coach should blame it on poor coaching on his part and stand up and accept all the responsibility/blame.

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