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How come NT cant upset big name teams


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Watching the replay of #15 Clemson and Wake forest game and Clemson won but Wake Forest gave them a good run...

They are always a good number of teams that upset their foes on any given day in college football. Why isnt NT ever one of them....I know everyone will say it is this or that but still cant we pull an upset once a year like everyone else...0

Also why are their less people on the board

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Talent and Coaching

Although we may have some very talented young men we don't have enough.  Lack of talent is attributed to the coaching staff,  poor recruiting leads to lack of depth

Yes, and it's kinda hard to recruit when you keep telling the world you face "difficult circumstances" at UNT.

Edited by Eagle Man
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Yes, and it's kinda hard to recruit when you keep telling the world you face "difficult circumstances" at UNT.

On that note,

In the Sun Belt teleconference last week, when refering to whether he felt their backs were to the wall coming into Saturday's game against FIU, DD made the comment that "here at NT" they start the season with their backs against the wall... Just more B!*$%ing about the difficult circumstances...

If you have a HC that consistantly talks down about the program and its fans, it is no wonder why we have poor recruiting and low fan attendance.

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didnt we beat up on Tt a few times in recent memory? didnt we hang half a hundred on Baylor?? didnt we take down an SMU team that was favored this year??? I am not saying that I wouldnt like to be like TCU and beat Big 12 teams on a regular basis but, we upset teams as regularly as anyone else. If we did it all the time people couldnt call them upsets.

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Talent and Coaching

Although we may have some very talented young men we don't have enough.  Lack of talent is attributed to the coaching staff,  poor recruiting leads to lack of depth

Baby Arm! Is this the real YOU? blink.gif

If so, you're many of our's new Mean Green friend! smile.gif

BUILD IT.........HIRE RICK NEUHEISEL (or someone of similar scope & notoriety..........AND THEY WILL COME IN DROVES! ohmy.gif

Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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we upset teams as regularly as anyone else.

The last time we beat TTech was almost 10 years ago.

We hung "half a hundred" on a Baylor team that was lower than low, and I wouldn't consider that an upset.

Yes, we beat SMUt, but at the time, I would consider the teams pretty evenly matched.

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The last time we beat TTech was almost 10 years ago.

We hung "half a hundred" on a Baylor team that was lower than low, and I wouldn't consider that an upset.

Yes, we beat SMUt, but at the time, I would consider the teams pretty evenly matched.

the last time we played tech with any regularity was also almost 10 years ago.

the spread on that game was 5 1/2. I think 50ish was a pretty big surprise.

of course you thought they were pretty even. you are an NT fan. the world on the whole did not think that.

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We're not building it right yet. You look at downtrodden programs that worked their way up. They didn't do it by constantly sceduling teams that would pound the crap out of them. They take a game with a Division I-AA, a home and home with a reasonably well matched team, and maybe one with a lower tier power conference team.

It worked for Kansas State. It's working for Tulsa as their program is resurrected. For some reason our athletic director seems content to let us get pummeled for money. Getting pummeled doesn't inspire prospects to consider your school. Winning does. Plus, winning repetitively starts to build a better mindset in teams as a whole. Getting crushed doesn't.

Our home and home series we just finished with Tulsa was a step in the right direction, even though we lost both games. If I were AD, our first game of the year, every year, would be a home game against a I-AA team from Texas, Lousiana, Alabama, Tennessee, Missouri, or Florida. Those states have I-A teams that are in our conference - except Missouri, but Missouri's close enough to us to provide an opponent.

Next, I'd do what we did this year, playing teams at the level of Tulsa and Akron. There are many teams out there like that. Never, would I start out the year on the road getting crushed on the road by Oklahoma, Texas, LSU, etc. It just doesn't make sense from a winning mindset standpoint.

If you just want to make money, go independent, schedule eight games a year on the road against big time BCS teams. They're always looking for games. That's not what brings in recruits or fans, though.

I think we're almost there. Get a I-AA for the opening home game and quit scheduling the giants - until we get better, ala K-State - and we'll get there sooner rather than later.

Edited by The Fake Lonnie Finch
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Kenny, you know that this game with Texas was signed on by Craig Helwig. This is the last time that we have to play Texas. I repeat, this game was signed by Craig Helwig. Tell me how playing Tulsa, Akron, and LA tech is getting teams that will pummell you for big money. And by the way, how are we going to pay your salary if you guys keep putting this product on the field and we can't put butts at Fouts field? You guys think that money grows on trees?

Your athletic director put together a schedule for you this year that was reasonable. If we would have prepared properly we could have beaten the champion of CUSA, MAC, and another bowl team.

I suggest you quit bagging on your boss.

Edited by flyonthewall
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You know what, fly, I'm not sure what your problem is with me. I'm not Kenny Evans. I'd be happy to meet you somewhere public to show you that I'm not Kenny Evans. You could also have one of the computer gurus check my I.P. and they could tell you where I am.

Whatever you chose to do, get a life as well. My life is busy enough and good enough that I don't post or read here everyday. And, it's certainly full enough that I don't have some stalker mentality about other people on an internet message board.

Seek help. I mean, really, from professionals.

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You know what, fly, I'm not sure what your problem is with me.  I'm not Kenny Evans.  I'd be happy to meet you somewhere public to show you that I'm not Kenny Evans.  You could also have one of the computer gurus check my I.P. and they could tell you where I am.

Whatever you chose to do, get a life as well.  My life is busy enough and good enough that I don't post or read here everyday.  And, it's certainly full enough that I don't have some stalker mentality about other people on an internet message board.

Seek help.  I mean, really, from professionals.

Our athletic director that you bag on told me that he thought "The Fake Lonnie Finch" was Kenny Evans.

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didnt we beat up on Tt a few times in recent memory? didnt we hang half a hundred on Baylor?? didnt we take down an SMU team that was favored this year??? I am not saying that I wouldnt like to be like TCU and beat Big 12 teams on a regular basis but, we upset teams as regularly as anyone else. If we did it all the time people couldnt call them upsets.

I pray we never get lucky enough to upset Texas on a fluke. That upset would seem to satisfy many of our fans for at least the next 50 years...regardless of if we ever win another OOC game.

I think most of us want to get to the point where beating a poor Baylor or SMU team wouldn't be considered an upset. Personally, I feel it's a little embarrassing to be considered the best team in a conference (obviously I'm not talking about this season) but still be considered an underdog against a cellar dweller from any other conference.

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Our athletic director that you bag on told me that he thought "The Fake Lonnie Finch" was Kenny Evans.

Oh, Rick Villareal himself thinks that I'm Kenny Evans? And, so, he's told you to stalk my posts? Or, you just stalk my posts for some other unsound psychological reason?

Well, if you are Rick's little monkey/errand boy, I would be happy to meet both of you anywhere you want, shake your hand and show you my driver's license, whatever, to prove to you that I'm not Kenny Evans.

Ridiculous. Making a suggest on an internet message board in response to a thread is hardly tantamount to "bagging on" anyone. Seriously, have you considered that not everyone walking the planet has to agree with you about UNT football? Ever heard the saying 'reasonable minds can disagree'? It honestly doesn't seem like you have.

Also, I hope for the sake of our athletic department that Rick Villareal doesn't waste his time worrying about internet message boards. For that matter, I hope that someone in his position doesn't have lackeys out patrolling the message boards. That'd make him look real small-time and paranoid.

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We're not building it right yet.  You look at downtrodden programs that worked their way up.  They didn't do it by constantly sceduling teams that would pound the crap out of them.  They take a game with a Division I-AA, a home and home with a reasonably well matched team, and maybe one with a lower tier power conference team. 

It worked for Kansas State.  It's working for Tulsa as their program is resurrected.  For some reason our athletic director seems content to let us get pummeled for money.  Getting pummeled doesn't inspire prospects to consider your school.  Winning does.  Plus, winning repetitively starts to build a better mindset in teams as a whole.  Getting crushed doesn't.

Our home and home series we just finished with Tulsa was a step in the right direction, even though we lost both games.  If I were AD, our first game of the year, every year, would be a home game against a I-AA team from Texas, Lousiana, Alabama, Tennessee, Missouri,  or Florida.  Those states have I-A teams that are in our conference - except Missouri, but Missouri's close enough to us to provide an opponent.

Next, I'd do what we did this year, playing teams at the level of Tulsa and Akron.  There are many teams out there like that.  Never, would I start out the year on the road getting crushed on the road by Oklahoma, Texas, LSU, etc.  It just doesn't make sense from a winning mindset standpoint

If you just want to make money, go independent, schedule eight games a year on the road against big time BCS teams.  They're always looking for games.  That's not what brings in recruits or fans, though. 

I think we're almost there.  Get a I-AA for the opening home game and quit scheduling the giants - until we get better, ala K-State - and we'll get there sooner rather than later.

I dont know, this all seems to make way too much sense. Im gonna have to ask you to stop. No more logic! More irrational emotions!

This was also the process/plan TAMU employed for their basketball team- that and having a good coach- and it has worked well- I guess- if you are into winning.

Edited by Eagle1855
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Our athletic director that you bag on told me that he thought "The Fake Lonnie Finch" was Kenny Evans.

What's going to be accomplished by having a guy who's very close to Rick and loves to flaunt it and another guy who may or may not be someone fight it out here?

I'll tell you what - me, being entertained.

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Our athletic director that you bag on told me that he thought "The Fake Lonnie Finch" was Kenny Evans.

Wonderful. If flyonethewall is who he claims to be and works in the Athletic office, then I’m worried that RV is spending his time worrying if posters are really coaches in disguise!

Also I’m concerned that someone working in the athletic office is so disappointed the team managed to win on Saturday. Your blind hatred for DD has convinced you the team needs to lose for you to win. Something is very wrong if the people who should be promoting NT are trashing any part of it.

There is no doubt DD needs to be evaluated at the end of season. Unless a miracle happens in rest of the games, he needs to be gone.

Athletic department employees who seem to find hours a day to post insults to our coaches, who disparage fans who are pleased at a win and who seem to go out of their way to express their loathing for the institution for which they work need to be gone as well.

That behavior makes me question my $1000 a year far more than DD’s horrible offense.

Edited by VideoEagle
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I think we're almost there.  Get a I-AA for the opening home game and quit scheduling the giants - until we get better, ala K-State - and we'll get there sooner rather than later.

If I could cuss on this board, right now I think I would! sad.gif

The Fake Whoever You Are what the hell you mean we're almost there?!?! blink.gif Surely you are jesting with that statement, right? sad.gif

Has UNT (who is seemedly now in the midst of being the NCAA's first to pioneer a 10 year plan for success; anyway, what has all the shit and shinola of DD Ball (who was hired by basically a one or two man KSU-oriented self appointed committee to give those good (insert sumblimeal "naive') folks of Denton what they've been missing out on for years rolleyes.gif AND this KSU Konnection who did not consult or ask anyone connected with those they would have liked to support what they were fixin' put in our directin with their purple shrouded bloodless coaches hiring coup on us, ie, the entire Mean Green Nation--those on or off campus) rolleyes.gif .

Nevertheless, forget the Top 10 schools on our schedule (which BTW was happening on NT football schedules well B4 Darrell Dickey came to town) but what you are actually saying is: Give DD even more time as to where his leadership and coaching will allow us to beat such schools as Air Force, Memphis, Southern Miss, Tulsa, La Tech, Akron, etc, etc, etc,? Fellow NT Exes, how do you do you like this continued reaming we are all getting in the lower quadrant of an NCAA D1-A co-existance; that is, do you prefer with or without Vaseline? blink.gif

UNT leadership hasn't had a definite plan for success at the D1-A level for almost a quarter of a century now. At UNT, we have not had the luxury of having leaders like many of our former Missouri Valley Conference-mates obviously had and possbily that the very reason that here in my 55'th year that we are still suckin' hind teat as a football program?

And such a football program that has lulled many of you into thinking we are not good or worthy enough to even talk to or hire coaches just like UTEP and Idaho did recently to help them get out of their own college football quagmire of a freakin' cesspool?


QUESTION: Does anyone think the Idaho Vandals will have a much better opportunity to upscale their football fortunes with Dennis Erickson or the kind of coaching hires we've had at UNT most of the last 25 years?


You know, I remember when I was 25 (really I do) and thinking: "Man, my alma mater's football program by the time I'm in my 50's or more is going to be one helluva' program that most Texas D1-A schools will come to envy." unsure.gif

Well...............any of you notice any other Texas D1-A schools (and well beyond the Lone Star State) using UNT as their college football model of late? Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen, either, because it ain't going to happen.

Who you hire to advance your football program is not rocket science, folks. But we've had too many egos in the past on our campus that makes many of us feel today that we could go yet another year with DD Ball and even another 25 years of just enough that make some of you just wanting to keep drinking more green Koolaide and still some of your thinking you are a getting one helluva' a top shelf margarita. huh.gif

Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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I'm still in a fog as to why anyone would think I'm Kenny Evans. I'm simply a UNT alum who occassionally posts on gomeangreen.com. It's not my life, dude.

I'll add this to what VideoEagle said...if the athletic department is so worried about the personal opinions of the coaching staff that it has people troll message boards unaffiliated with the University, then there are problems within the program far beyond what we can see - problems with the coaches and problems with the athletic department itself.

fly, if you and Rick are so dadgum sure I'm Kenny Evans, put your money where your mouth is. If I'm Kenny Evans, I'll give you each $1,000 cash. If I'm not Kenny Evans, you guys each give me $1,000 cash or credit toward tickets to future UNT sporting events. My $2,000 versus yours and Rick's. How's that sound? I like it. The odds for me are really good with this bet.

Honestly, I'm out of here. My last posts were in June. Maybe I'll post again January. Sheesh.

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Watching the replay of #15 Clemson and Wake forest game and Clemson won but Wake Forest gave them a good run...

They are always a good number of teams that upset their foes on any given day in college football. Why isnt NT ever one of them....I know everyone will say it is this or that but still cant we pull an upset once a year like everyone else...0

Also why are their less people on the board

I believe a lot of that has to do with the mindset and philosophy of the coaching staff going into these games. This trickles down to the attitude of the team and play on the field. The coaching staff routinely regards these games, in public, as non-winnable and that we are simply honored to be in the same stadium with the 18-22+ year olds of the opposing team.

We play extremely conservative, hoping upon hope to somehow keep it close into the 4th quarter where, if we are extremely lucky and the football gods finally smile upon us, some freak play (turnover, funky bounce or whatever) happens and a win miraculously falls in our lap. Certainly we cannot earn a win outright. There will be none of that going on.

I don't think I've ever heard DD say something like, "we're going to go out there and take it to 'em for 60 minutes and do everything we can to win this game. We are mentally and physically prepared." I wouldn't even mind the occasional, "all the pressure is on them. We have nothing to lose and they have everything to lose so we are going throw everything short of the kitchen sink at them."

Instead it's the usual, "well, we're a young team and we're still learning...thing are just so darn hard at North Texas. We just thank <insert team here> for giving us the opportunity to play a ball game with them...it's an honor. Hopefully, we won't embarrass ourselves too much.....yada yada yada....."

You hear your coach say that crap over and over and over again and it will affect you.


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Baby Arm!  Is this the real YOU? blink.gif

If so, you're many of our's new Mean Green friend! smile.gif

BUILD IT.........HIRE RICK NEUHEISEL (or someone of similar scope & notoriety..........AND THEY WILL COME IN DROVES! ohmy.gif

But who??---- The NCAA investigators????

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