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The best version of the National Anthem


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I consider myself something of a student of versions of the National Anthem. I tend to be very traditional and I think jazzing it up (or down) is disreapectful. The National Anthem is about our flag and country, not about the singer or musician.

The Green Brigade version of the National Anthem is the best I've heard. I love the way other patriotic songs are touched on as the Color Guard marches the U.S. flag onto the field. I've heard the Fighting Texas Aggie Band play it, and they can't compare to the NT Band. Good job.

But last night, while the Mean Green was trying it's best to get cranked up to win in overtime, the NT Band played the fight song to an "om pa pa" rythmn. Or played it with muted horns. Not for volumn control, but for style. We needed the Fight Song ! Played like a FIGHT song should be played.

Can you imagine "Texas Fight" or "Boomer Sooner" or "The Aggie War Hymn" played to a "om pa pa" beat ? Never.

And as much as I like the old Bruce Channell tune, "Hey Baby" played and sung by the NT Band, don't play it when we're losing. It's a great song and to me it says, "We're winning, and oh yeah, I've got this pretty girl with me at the game. But I've got her at a game we're winning.

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I too love and respect thr National Anthem and have none for those who disrespect it. The night of the Middle Tennessee game I was in the Mean Green Club Deck. While the anthem was played one if the female servers for the drinks continued a dialogue with another female. I did express my displeasure with her.

I did not make it back there this week but I intend to for the La Tech game and I do hope they are employing an American. If not I will remind her of our discussion unless her respect has changed. Does anyone know who employs them - the school, Ben E Keith or whom?

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I love the "swing" version of the fight song. Both OK state and Arkansas use it to spice up otherwise boring or mundane fight songs..

National Anthem is great....but where's Texas, our Texas? The half-hearted Deep in the heart of texas was good, but UNT needs to push a bit more of a "Texas" identity, as we are the only Texas school in the SBC.

More unique songs are always a plus. Fly Like an Eagle is good...but I think we need something recognizable.

All in all, the Green Brigade's always good. Even when the team sucks.

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Can you imagine "Texas Fight" or "Boomer Sooner" or "The Aggie War Hymn" played to a "om pa pa" beat ?  Never.

Actually most of the songs UT plays are variations of Texas Fight and the Eyes of Texas.... or a combintation of the two.

I like the drunken fight song... maybe it'll get a few more tailgaters into the stadium if they think the beerman is conducting the band (sorry Nick, but your not the original Beerman).

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I think that the Green Brigade should be commended. The "drunken" version of the fight song is great. It is a variation but you can tell it is still the fight song. And there is more of an array of songs. A couple new songs made an apperance last night: Land of a 1000 Dances and Deep in the Heart of Texas.

And Mr. Williams, if you are reading this....BRING BACK THE SONG MARS AFTER A GREAT DEFENSIVE PLAY!!!!!!!!!! That was done a few of years ago (2002 to be exact because it was my second to last season in the Green Brigade).

All in all, the Green Brigade represented well last night and helped keep the student side rocking! Thanks guys for all you do!

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The performance at halftime was EXCELLENT. Whoever this band director is is doing the best job I've ever seen with the band since I've been watching games. They don't just stand around and play anymore. They actually march around in interesting patterns and play clearly and loudly. Major Kudos. biggrin.gif

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Guest GrayEagleOne

I'm in total agreement with you on the Star Spangled Banner. I might even have a few qualms about changing Glory to the Green. But, I don't know, I'm prone to give some leeway when it comes to jazzing up other pieces.

I dearly love the old march music but I realize that it is mostly a product of several generations back. So, if someone could come up with an arrangement or even a fanfare that would get the attention of modern folk I'd be all for it.

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Mr. Williams, the Green Brigade director, graduated with his bachelor's from UNT in '97. He taught in Plano at my 9th and 10th grade school (Clark HS) until he returned to UNT in fall of '02 to earn his master's which he earned a couple of years ago I believe. If I am not mistaken, he is working on his PhD. But yeah, he demands a lot of the band and in return the GB has improved tremendously since he took over the reigns of the GB in '03.

Keep up the good work Mr. Williams!!!!

The Green Brigade has been great.  FYI, the director is a UNT grad, or so they announce him as such!  I think that is cool.

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The band does a great job. I have no complaints, but while we are on the 'Texas theme', here are a couple of things that bother me. One, there is no Texas flag flying at our games and secondly, the Texas flag does not have to be dipped lower than the US flag by the flag corp. As a condition of Texas joining the union in 1845, the Texas flag is allowed to always fly at the same height as the US flag.

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  One, there is no Texas flag flying at our games and secondly, the Texas flag does not have to be dipped lower than the US flag by the flag corp.  As a condition of Texas joining the union in 1845, the Texas flag is allowed to always fly at the same height as the US flag.

All state flags can fly at the same height as the US flag. And the Texas flag can be dipped to the US flag.

Texas legislated that the Texas flag should be flown lower than the US Flag if on the same pole. It was mandated to be flown at the same height as the US Flag if on separate poles. The US Flag should always be on it's own right.

§ 3100.070. LIMITATIONS ON DISPLAY. (a) The state flag

should not:

(1) touch anything beneath it, including the ground or


(2) be dipped to any person or thing, except as a mark

of honor for the United States flag;

Added by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. 1420, § 7.001, eff. Sept. 1,


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I've been attacked before for saying this, but please please please stop playing Fly Like An Eagle 40 times a game. I get it, we are the eagles and all, but it has been worn out so much that I despise the song now.

Agree, Fly Like An Eagle needs to die a death similar to that of the albino squirl. although, being disembowled by a bird of prey may be a bit harsh, Let's just not play it SO much.

Edited by Baby Arm!
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Simply amazing!

George Dunham dislikes the NT Battle Flag for a reason I've dismissed long ago.

His sack of $hit radio partner dislikes his own school's (NT) secondary moniker, the MEAN GREEN because it supposedly is a rip off and is living in the past, and hanging onto the one good player that ever came from this school then follows that up with "How sad is that?".

The Band director Dr. Winslow did his very very very best back in the 80's to eliminate Boomer the Cannon and the Mean Green Spirit Machine Model A because of some deranged personal agenda he was on, stating to all who would listen(media, administration, AD administration) that both were dangerous and a direct threat to safety of the Green Brigade.

One of our posters here, who is a radio host on late night ESPN radio, can't remember his post name here, disliked the throwing of tortilla's as did a few others, mostly those who I would gamble didn't have kids and of course have no clue to it's origin. The kids absolutely loved it of course and looked forward to it. The track team, who I'm sure also knew nothing of the traditional respect it showed in memory to one of our finest football teams in history, finally bitched enough about it that after an 18 year run this tradition is forcefully taken away. Hey Mean Green of the '88 season, your efforts in Lubbock meant nothing to us? It sickens me that this makes some happy, some who never even attended Mean Green football games in the first place?

We change names for the 7th time in '87.

We change logo's in the 60's, the 70's and 80's and then two more times during the early 90's.

The university puts together a spirit committee in '95? headed by a guy who works in some capacity for the university, a capacity that no matter who I ask and how many times I ask it, no one seems to know exactly what he does. But for whatever else he did do, he very much disliked the NT Battle Flag and did his best to force the AD dept to eliminate it from the games in '01. The university decides that this same committee knew best about our traditions and allows it to change our hand sign. Then to top it off the university agrees to take said committee's suggestioin to not only change our logo for the 3rd time in 5 years but to also change our colors as well. Which after a 6 year failure on the store shelves, forces the unviersity to spend part of that $200,000 to eliminate it once and for all 9 years later with another change, the 5th time in 12 years.

Some small, loser group of individuals on campus who I imagine cares very little about anyone but themeselves much less for those who attended NT before them, tries to degrade every memory and accomplishment ever reached by the Mean Green by going out and attempting to add another official mascot with one of the most stupid, weakest symbols one could imagine. Mostly, in my oppinion done so to simply spite the rest of us.

And of course there are the people who will spend weeks during summer adding to an annual list of songs they wished the band would play that people knew and recognized yet don't like the one damn song that our band does play, and has played for over 19 years that is as unique and recognized as the university itself.

My 5 year old F5 hears the original Steve Miller Band's "Fly Like an Eagle" on the radio in the truck and immediately has to tell me, "Daddy, he's singing about the MEAN GREEN!", or "That's the Mean Green Song, That's the Mean Green Song!".

I'll never forget the first time the basketball band lit up the Hunstman Center in Salt Lake City on Utah's campus during our only trip to the Big Dance. The UNC Tar Heel band of boredom had just finshed it's usual straight jacket typical basketball noise when our band started out in that kickass, cool rythm that all Mean Green faithful have come to recognize over the years. Many in attendance, most waiting for the next game between Wyoming and Hank Gather's team Loyola Maramount, all gave our band props for their unique sound.

I'll never forget when the band struck up the same song all during the '88 win over tU, or over Cincy in the N.O. Bowl game in '02. I've never been more proud and always will be when I hear, "Fly Like an Eagle".

Those are the times that traditions are built upon, which is what college is ALL ABOUT. Which is also why I'll never understand why there are always a small minority of people who want to constantly crap on OUR traditions, OUR TRADITIONS of all schools? Then for whatever reason many of the same people turn around and bitch that "This school has no traditions", or wonder why it is that outsiders call us a "commuter school".

Shaking head


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Simply amazing!

George Dunham dislikes the NT Battle Flag for a reason I've dismissed long ago.

His sack of $hit radio partner dislikes his own school's (NT) secondary moniker, the MEAN GREEN because it supposedly is a rip off and is living in the past, and hanging onto the one good player that ever came from this school then follows that up with "How sad is that?".

The Band director Dr. Winslow did his very very very best back in the 80's to eliminate Boomer the Cannon and the Mean Green Spirit Machine Model A, stating to all who would listen(media, administration, AD administration) that both were dangerous and a direct threat to safety of the Green Brigade.

One of our posters who is a radio host on late night ESPN radio, can't remember his post name disliked the throwing of tortilla's as did many others, mostly those who didn't have kids, who absolutely loved it.  The track team finally bitched enough about it that after an 18 year run this tradition went away.

We change names for the 7th time in '87.

We change logo's in the 60's, the 70's and 80's and then two more times during the early 90's.

The university puts together a spirit committee in '95? headed by a guy who works in some capacity that no one seems to ever remember that disliked the NT Battle Flag and did his best to force the AD dept to eliminate it from the games in '01.  That same committee he headed, who the university decided knew best about our traditions is allowed to also change our hand sign.  Then to top it off they agree to let the university to not only change our logo for the 3rd time in 5 years also changes our colors.  Which after a 6 year failure on the store shelves, forces the unviersity to spend part of that $200,000 to eliminate it once and for all 9 years later with another change, the 5th time in 12 years.

And of course there are the people who will spend weeks during the summer's. adding to an annual list of songs they wished the band would play that people knew and recognized yet don't like the one damn song that our band does play, and has played for over 19 years that is as unique and recognized as the university itself. 

My 5 year old F5 hears the original Steve Miller Band's "Fly Like an Eagle" on the radio in the truck and immediately has to tell me, "Daddy, he's singing about the MEAN GREEN!", or "That's the Mean Green Song, That's the Mean Green Song!".

I'll never forget the first time the basketball band lit up the Hunstman Center in Salt Lake City on Utah's campus during our only trip to the Big Dance.  The UNC Tar Heel  band of boredom had just finshed it's usual straight jacket typical basketball noise when our band started out in that kickass, cool rythem that all Mean Green faithful have come to recognize over the years.  Many in attendance, most waiting for the next game between Wyoming and Hank Gather's team Loyola Maramount, all gave our band props for their unique sound. 

I'll never forget when the band struck up the same song all during the '88 win over tU either or over Cincy in the N.O. Bowl game in '02.  Never been more proud.

Those are the times that traditions are built upon, which is what college is ALL ABOUT,  which is why I'll never understand why people want to constantly crap on OUR traditions, OUR TRADITIONS of all schools?  Then for whatever reason many of the same people turn around and bitch that "This school has no traditions", or wonder why it is that outsiders call us a "commuter school".

Thank you!

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I'm no music expert...but the first time I remember hearing the "swing" version of the fight song was at a conference title and bowl game clinching win in either 2002 or 2003. It made me think of the type of music that is played in New Orleans, and the "jazzed" up version of the fight song made sense.

Also, I agree with Rick..."Fly Like an Eagle" does get played over and over, but at least it's a consistent tradition.

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Also, I agree with Rick..."Fly Like an Eagle" does get played over and over, but at least it's a consistent tradition.

So is booing the playcalling, but I still look forward to a day when no one has to do it.....

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And I'm sure there are OU fans that hate "Boomer Sooner" and UT fans that hate "The Eyes of Texas" and Tennessee fans that hate "Rocky Top" and ......

"Boomer Sooner" is OU's fight song.

"The Eyes of Texas" is UT's alma mater.

"Rocky Top" is the official state song of Tennessee and unofficial fight song of UTenn.

"Fly Like an Eagle" is...?

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"Boomer Sooner" is OU's fight song.

"The Eyes of Texas" is UT's alma mater.

"Rocky Top" is the official state song of Tennessee and unofficial fight song of UTenn.

"Fly Like an Eagle" is...?

DUH - unofficial fight song of UNT. You set yourself up there buddy. biggrin.gif Because I'm assuming UTenn has their own official fight song as well?

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DUH - unofficial fight song of UNT. You set yourself up there buddy.  biggrin.gif Because I'm assuming UTenn has their own official fight song as well?

No, I was hoping someone would say it is the unofficial fight song of UNT. Because if it this then that is sad.

Feed the babies

Who don't have enough to eat

Shoe the children

With no shoes on their feet

House the people

Livin' in the street

Oh, oh, there's a solution

ARE YOU PUMPED?!?!??!?! YEEHAW!!! Wow, nevermind what I said! Fly Like an Eagle is an awesome unofficial fight song!! laugh.gif

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