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Everyone playing Chicken Little on this board after losing to Akron doesn't know college football. Akron won the MAC last year, beat NC State this year, and played respectable against Penn State. Even though hardly anyone in Texas knows who they are, Akron is a good football team.

Actually, I'm surprised that we have a win this year. I expected us to be 0-4 going into conference play. Texas is a no-brainer, Tulsa won Conference USA last year, and SMU is much improved, having beat TCU last year. Our win over SMU was a big deal to me.

I'm excited about conference play. This team is much better than last year, and winning the Sun Belt and going to a bowl game IS something to be proud of.

That's just who we are right now. We're not TCU, we're not Texas....we are North Texas. And everyone who doesn't understand that should re-evaluate their expectations.

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Everyone playing Chicken Little on this board after losing to Akron doesn't know college football.  Akron won the MAC last year, beat NC State this year, and played respectable against Penn State. Even though hardly anyone in Texas knows who they are, Akron is a good football team.

Actually, I'm surprised that we have a win this year.  I expected us to be 0-4 going into conference play.  Texas is a no-brainer, Tulsa won Conference USA last year, and SMU is much improved, having beat TCU last year. Our win over SMU was a big deal to me.

I'm excited about conference play.  This team is much better than last year, and winning the Sun Belt and going to a bowl game IS something to be proud of.

That's just who we are right now.  We're not TCU, we're not Texas....we are North Texas.  And everyone who doesn't understand that should re-evaluate their expectations.

No I think you have the mediocrity expectations down correctly for all of us. Lets just settle for winning the Sun Belt b/c that is what DD does best. Screw the rest of games becaue UNT does not need national respect, because we are UNT and prefer to remain hidden from the world even though we are the 4th largest University in Texas. Yeah great expectation there. guess you love DD's stealth recruiting and poor gameplanning also.

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If we win the league this year we can't really fire Coach Dickey. That would be five conference titles in 6 years. So if you want DD gone root against NT the remainder of the year.

I am hoping we win conference. Just don't offer a contract extension. If we don't win the SBC then maybe it is time to change - maybe not. Conference titles and bowl games mean more than OOC games. You know I've met people out here that actually say "Hey didn't you play in a Bowl game?" I doubt folks wearing Troy stuff out here get ppl telling them nice loss to Florida State.

That said I would like OOC wins, and it's getting beyond frustrating. Until the end of the season I'm not willing to say Dickey should be gone or that he should stay.

Edited by CMJ
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No I think you have the mediocrity expectations down correctly for all of us. Lets just settle for winning the Sun Belt b/c that is what DD does best. Screw the rest of games becaue UNT does not need national respect, because we are UNT and prefer to remain hidden from the world even though we are the 4th largest University in Texas. Yeah great expectation there. guess you love DD's stealth recruiting and poor gameplanning also.

I don't think that is what he is saying at all. Will I settle for winning the Suck Belt this year? Yes.

It is kind of hard to go back in time. I would have loved for us to beat Akron last night, but beating a conference champion bowl team in their home opening game is a tall order.

Although winning the Belt is not comparable to winning the Big XII or even the MAC I will be proud of my school and the accomplishment.

If it were so easy to win the belt, then why didn't that crappy team we had last year win it?

I think just about everybody on this board would love to see DD & RF go. It makes me sick that anytime somebody on this board shows a little enthusiasm for the team, they are labeled as a DD boot licker.

Get over it. It is what it is.

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I don't think that is what he is saying at all. Will I settle for winning the Suck Belt this year? Yes.

It is kind of hard to go back in time. I would have loved for us to beat Akron last night, but beating a conference champion bowl team in their home opening game is a tall order.

Although winning the Belt is not comparable to winning the Big XII or even the MAC I will be proud of my school and the accomplishment.

If it were so easy to win the belt, then why didn't that crappy team we had last year win it?

I think just about everybody on this board would love to see DD & RF go. It makes me sick that anytime somebody on this board shows a little enthusiasm for the team, they are labeled as a DD boot licker.

Get over it. It is what it is.

I'm with ya. I've done my load of criticism...no doubt. In a previous post I demanded that DD show us a more dynamic offense, and if we were lose, to go down in a bare knuckles fight. I think our boys gave that to us last night. They fought their asses off despite going down twenty points or more right off the bat. It was our special teams that let us down last night, and gave us no chance to win. Nevertheless, I am so proud of our boys. They never quit. In fact, DD & Co played to win... going on 4th downs, on-side kicks, mixing up the play calling, letting Woody move around... It was different game then the Tulsa loss. Oddly enough, I think our team learned so much from the Akron loss that they will have a great game at MTSU. My Dad's flying up to watch the game with me.. I can't wait.

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Oddly enough I think we could actually run the Belt again this year? SMU destroyed Arkansas State last night. An ASU team that I thought had turned the corner in talent. Looks as if the talent hasn't gone that much further than ours after all, although we do have to play them in their house this year.

Akron has a very good defense. They only lost to Penn State at Happy Valley by 18 points. They beat NC State, and the WolfPack beat #20 Boston College last night. I was thinking, "How in hell did Akron lose to Central Michigan?", but then realized CM came very close to also beating BC in their opener. CM was only down by 10 at halftime against Michigan finally losing 41-17, so they are very salty as well. Central Michigan and Akron could easily end up in the top 25 at seasons end.

Our special teams let us down early, but they made up for it with the onside kick. NT's defense gave up some drives early, but more than made up for it by giving us back the ball the whole second half. If we convert on our opportunities in the second half we win this game.

We finally put up some offense against a good opponent, and actually had more first downs.

It's conference time, which has always been MEAN GREEN TIME!


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Everyone playing Chicken Little on this board after losing to Akron doesn't know college football.  Akron won the MAC last year, beat NC State this year, and played respectable against Penn State. Even though hardly anyone in Texas knows who they are, Akron is a good football team.

Actually, I'm surprised that we have a win this year.  I expected us to be 0-4 going into conference play.  Texas is a no-brainer, Tulsa won Conference USA last year, and SMU is much improved, having beat TCU last year. Our win over SMU was a big deal to me.

I'm excited about conference play.  This team is much better than last year, and winning the Sun Belt and going to a bowl game IS something to be proud of.

That's just who we are right now.  We're not TCU, we're not Texas....we are North Texas.  And everyone who doesn't understand that should re-evaluate their expectations.

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Everyone playing Chicken Little on this board after losing to Akron doesn't know college football.  Akron won the MAC last year, beat NC State this year, and played respectable against Penn State. Even though hardly anyone in Texas knows who they are, Akron is a good football team.

Actually, I'm surprised that we have a win this year.  I expected us to be 0-4 going into conference play.  Texas is a no-brainer, Tulsa won Conference USA last year, and SMU is much improved, having beat TCU last year. Our win over SMU was a big deal to me.

I'm excited about conference play.  This team is much better than last year, and winning the Sun Belt and going to a bowl game IS something to be proud of.

That's just who we are right now.  We're not TCU, we're not Texas....we are North Texas.  And everyone who doesn't understand that should re-evaluate their expectations.

---I accdentally posted... since I did I will add this. I don't accept defeat easily. I never accept that I can't do better when I am not satisfied with things that as they are. Neither should we. We are a major university.... and we are in Texas... a state with an huge amount of football talent out there. We should be able to do better than we are doing.

---Winning at the college level is mostly about 3 things... 1. recruiting, 2 motivating, and 3. coaching. We can do better and should not accept things as they are, especially when we know we CAN DO BETTER.

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Everyone playing Chicken Little on this board after losing to Akron doesn't know college football.  Akron won the MAC last year, beat NC State this year, and played respectable against Penn State. Even though hardly anyone in Texas knows who they are, Akron is a good football team.

Actually, I'm surprised that we have a win this year.  I expected us to be 0-4 going into conference play.  Texas is a no-brainer, Tulsa won Conference USA last year, and SMU is much improved, having beat TCU last year. Our win over SMU was a big deal to me.

I'm excited about conference play.  This team is much better than last year, and winning the Sun Belt and going to a bowl game IS something to be proud of.

That's just who we are right now.  We're not TCU, we're not Texas....we are North Texas.  And everyone who doesn't understand that should re-evaluate their expectations.

I tend to agree with you. After a 2-9 season a team doesn't usually turn around and go 9-2 or 10-2. Our win against SMU is respectable at this point.

And all of you fools that will label me a mediocrity lover for saying such need to take a huge step back and become realists.

While I don't like going 5-6 or 6-5 and being middle of the pack, it is the best we can hope for after a season like last year. Winning the Sun Belt is something to be proud of, I agree. And... while it would be nice to see more OOC wins, I just don't think that after a 2-9 season, it is very realistic to think that we should have had any business beating teams like Tulsa and Akron who both turned in pretty nice seasons last year. This doesn't mean I expect less from our team. I expect improvement. So far I haven't seen much, but the SMU goes a long way to putting us on the right path to return to where we once were 2-3 years ago

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I pretty much said it all last year, right before the half-time at the ULL game.

Considering that special teams play is one of the very basics of every game plan, and considering that we are now in the fourth game of the season (not the first week of fall practice when it should have been ironed out), AND getting victimized big time, over a basic issue........I stand by my original statement from last year.

8+ years of our school's football life that we'll never get back........ dry.gif

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Are you happy where you are at or do you want to keep going? To each their own but for me, you either see DD turning a corner and taking this team to another level or you don't. I don't. I haven't. He might be a good coach in the Sun Belt and although I realize that the argument posted was that we need to accept where we are at and who we are, I simply don't agree. Where else in life do you apply that philosophy? It's absolutely ridiculous. We are who we are? Don't expect us to get better and don't expect us to get worse, just stay where we are at. It's where we have been at for the last 5 years. Again, I respect DD for what he has done with the program. In the last few years, this team has brought a lot of pride back to North Texas BUT we can't live in the past forever. At some point, we have to take that next step. Look, maybe it is my attitude about it but I won't understand complacency, never have or never will. I am through talking about DD though and I willl NEVER go against North Texas. CMJ is right. If DD is going to be gone at the end of the season, then we have to lose a lot of conference games. I hope we win the next 8 in a row....

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I tend to agree with you.  After a 2-9 season a team doesn't usually turn around and go 9-2 or 10-2.  Our win against SMU is respectable at this point. 

And all of you fools that will label me a mediocrity lover for saying such need to take a huge step back and become realists.

While I don't like going 5-6 or 6-5 and being middle of the pack, it is the best we can hope for after a season like last year.  Winning the Sun Belt is something to be proud of, I agree.  And... while it would be nice to see more OOC wins, I just don't think that after a 2-9 season, it is very realistic to think that we should have had any business beating teams like Tulsa and Akron who both turned in pretty nice seasons last year.  This doesn't mean I expect less from our team. I expect improvement.  So far I haven't seen much, but the SMU goes a long way to putting us on the right path to return to where we once were 2-3 years ago

unusual yes but look at O'Leary at UCF, 0-11 to 9-3 in one year

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The direction we're headed is awesome. Better facilities, increased attendence, increased donations. Our SBC success has let us transition our schedule from body bag games to regional rivalaries. Don't get be wrong, last year completely sucked when the wheels feel off. But were back and better in a much improved conference.

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Akron won the MAC last year, beat NC State this year, and played respectable against Penn State.

Actually, I'm surprised that we have a win this year.  I expected us to be 0-4 going into conference play.  Texas is a no-brainer, Tulsa won Conference USA last year, and SMU is much improved, having beat TCU last year. Our win over SMU was a big deal to me.

I understand what you're saying but I think we could of won these games if DD wasnt coaching them. It's not that we weren't outplayed in the tulsa game, it was 6 passing attempts. Hell, I think we had about the same yardage as Akron did, we just played horrible on special teams.

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No I think you have the mediocrity expectations down correctly for all of us. Lets just settle for winning the Sun Belt b/c that is what DD does best. Screw the rest of games becaue UNT does not need national respect, because we are UNT and prefer to remain hidden from the world even though we are the 4th largest University in Texas. Yeah great expectation there. guess you love DD's stealth recruiting and poor gameplanning also.

That's because it's the truth to this point...we have to take what we have...realistic expectations are proper here and winning the Sun Belt and getting to New Orleans would be great.

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I don't know if you saw the SMU game...

Yeah, I did. It was great. But sadly, that will be enough to keep some people satisfied for the whole season.

Did you see or listen to the Tulsa or Akron games? How about the Tulsa or La Tech games last year?

Making strides, baby!

Edited by e-bone ver2.awesome
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I think scottie from the other board said it best...

"Akron had a punt blocked on their own 5-yard line, missed two extra points, missed a field goal, shanked a punt onto their own 20, allowed an onside kicked to be recovered at midfield and didn't score a point in the second half....and they beat UNT by 20 freaking points.

Dickey is indeed...the Sun Belt coach of the year."

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Yeah, I did. It was great. But sadly, that will be enough to keep some people satisfied for the whole season.

Did you see or listen to the Tulsa or Akron games? How about the Tulsa or La Tech games last year?

Making strides, baby!

Yea, actually I did.

Did you see the record of last season's team? 2-9. Not only did we not win an OOC game last year, we lost to every single "horrible" conference team. I would say so far, that is a huge improvement over last year. 4-5 years from now I hope we don't measure ourselves like this, but for this year it is a pretty realistic and logical measuring stick, and that's not being optimistic or drinking koolaid.

How can you possibly expect to win OOC games when we can't even win Conf. games? How in the world can you explain expecting to have as many wins in 4 games against OOC opponents as we did all of last year?

Do you realize how crazy your line of logic is?

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I tend to agree with you.  After a 2-9 season a team doesn't usually turn around and go 9-2 or 10-2.  Our win against SMU is respectable at this point. 

And all of you fools that will label me a mediocrity lover for saying such need to take a huge step back and become realists.

While I don't like going 5-6 or 6-5 and being middle of the pack, it is the best we can hope for after a season like last year.  Winning the Sun Belt is something to be proud of, I agree.  And... while it would be nice to see more OOC wins, I just don't think that after a 2-9 season, it is very realistic to think that we should have had any business beating teams like Tulsa and Akron who both turned in pretty nice seasons last year.  This doesn't mean I expect less from our team. I expect improvement.  So far I haven't seen much, but the SMU goes a long way to putting us on the right path to return to where we once were 2-3 years ago

By your logic I guess NT did the imposibble and went from undefeated conference champ to last place in one year. Logic should work both ways.

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Yea, actually I did.

Did you see the record of last season's team?  2-9.  Not only did we not win an OOC game last year, we lost to every single "horrible" conference team.  I would say so far, that is a huge improvement over last year.  4-5 years from now I hope we don't measure ourselves like this, but for this year it is a pretty realistic and logical measuring stick, and that's not being optimistic or drinking koolaid.

How can you possibly expect to win OOC games when we can't even win Conf. games?  How in the world can you explain expecting to have as many wins in 4 games against OOC opponents as we did all of last year?

Do you realize how crazy your line of logic is?

I'm not going to waste any more time replying to you. Your standards are pathetic, and I'm going to leave it at that.

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